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LOur Own Correspondent.] HOKITIKA, May 27. Mr. W. Gilpin, of the Forestry Department, has received notice of transfer to Waihi where he will take charge of a plantation. Mr. Gilpin has been in charge of the appraising of the forest timber areas throughout this district. On Tuesday, Mr. Gilpin was met by the officers and members of Pacific Lodge and presented with a fountain pen and pencil. Cr. A. R. Elcock was appointed Deputy-Mayor at the meeting of the Borough Council last evening. Sunday night concerts and pictures formed the subject of two applications to the Council and both applications were granted on the voices, a proviso in the latter request being that the net picture proceeds should be devoted to a charity, the Plunket Society being nominated. For the concert, permission was given to charge stated sums for admission, as on previous occasions about 7b per cent, of those attending utilised the smallest silver coin, while many who were prepared to donate a larger coin

were crowded out. Hokitika will now have entertainments each evening of the week. The condition of some streets engaged the attention of

the Borough Council, some pointed remarks being made. The new Public Works Committee includes four new Councillors out of six, so that they should have an opportunity of advancing their opinions in a definite' manner. The committee are: Crs.

Heinz (chair), Parry, Caliari, Stopforth. Fox and Freitas. The making of a footpath on the west side of Sew ell Street, from Hampden Street to Park Street, along what is known as Cameron's Paddock, was advocated by Cr. Turner, who said the absence of a footpath causes pedestrians to use the road, making a traffic danger. The provision of drainage for Revell Street, between Weld and Hamilton Streets, was a work advanced as) urgent by one -Councillor, who stated a petition would shortly be presented! to the council on the matter. I

In connection with the giving of the alarm for the fire in Revell Street on Thursday morning, it is understood that the nightwatchman was on his usual round and when passing Wright’s shop heard a noise, and on investigation closer smelt smoke, and! at once raced to No. 1 station and gave the alarm with the electric ring er, before the flames had broken out. Visitors to Hotel Westland include: Mr. L. Burche (Nelson), Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell (Palmerston North), Mr. J. Goddard (Nelson), Mr. W. Peters (Nelson), Mr. H. Gumbley (Christchurch), Mr. A. J. Cameron (Christchurch).

Passengers this morning by Air Travel (N.Z.) Ltd., were:—Mr. JVJ. Montgomery, Greymouth to Jackson Bay and return; Mr. C. K. Low, Greymouth to Bruce Bay; Mr. A. Sutton, Hokitika to Greymouth, and from Greymouth to Wellington by Cook Strait Airways, Ltd.; Mr. McCay and Mr. Walsh, Jackson Bay to Hokitika. The quarterly meeting of the Westland Druids’ Lodge was held last evening, A.D. Bro. Innes presiding over a large attendance of members. Seven members were reported on the sick list. Sick pay amounting to £l2 Ils 4d was passed, also accounts amounting to £ll4 8s Od. Two new members were initiated. Five candidates were proposed. The half yearly installation of officers takes place on June 9th.

It was mentioned in the report of the Returning Officer last evening that 68’, per cent, of the electors on the Municipal roll exercised their votes at the recent elections. The new Council, at its first meeting, sat for 2’, hours, and many questions were raised. Cr. Fox, referring to the want of drainage in Upper Sewell Street, stated it was a disgrace

The Mayor stated he. knew of the necessity for action, ahd said that

plans for the work were in hand, and had only been awaiting the completion of the waterworks reticulation to be started.

At the first meeting of the new Borough Council, Mr. G. A. Perry (Mayor), Crs. G. Heinz, A. Elcock, H.

T. Parry, H. Michel, W. H. Stopforth,

J. L. Turner, J. Fox, C. Caliari and D. E. F. Freitas were present. The Mayor referred to the death of Mr. Eric L. Park, a former member of the Council, and moved that the' Council convey to Mrs. Park and the I members of the family the deep sym-j pathy of the Council in their bereavement, and that it place on record an I appreciation of his past services to the Council. The motion was carried! in silence, members standing. N.Z.Refrigerating Co., advising that the

following quantities of meat were delivered into Hokitika during the month of April, 1938, viz.: 15 sheep, 8 lamb«.—Received. The Public Li-

brary Committee, forwarding a resolution recommending Council to reduce the quorum of the Library Committee from six to four.—Agreed to. Westland County Council, advising that the cost incurred in cutting down trees to secure the safety of machines landing at the Aerodrome had been adjusted as follows:—■ Westland County, £45; Hokitika, £45; Aero Club £5 2s; total £95 2s, and asked the Council’s contribution bo made as early as possible.—Agreed to. From West Coast Cinemas, Ltd., applied for consent to plan of sub-division of Part Section 226, 272 and 274, town of Hokitika.—Approved. From West Coast Amusements, Ltd., application for permission to display films in the Princess Theatre on Sunday; nights, the proceeds to be in aid of charity. If permission were granted applicant would deduct ordinary film hire and hall rent from gross takings. —The request was granted, the Plunket Society being nominated as the first charity to benefit. Mr. B. Kempton, for Hokitika Harmonica Band, asked for permit for a concert in the Regent Theatre in aid of the Plunket Society and permission to charge as follows: Circle Is 6d, stalls, adults Is. children 6d.—Granted. Westland Rugby Sub-Union asked for use of Cass Square on Saturdays with authority to charge for admission The Union would admit all school children free of charge and meet all other sporting bodies using the i Square and asked that the Union h°j granted the exclusive use of the Square on June 6th. for the seven-a-| side tournament with authority to charge an admission fee, 2s.—Grant ed. A. E. Gillman advised he was building a house in Sewell Street between Park and Tudor Streets, and asked whether the Council was extending the pipe drains through that area.—The Works Committee is to give the matter prompt attention. Hokitika Fire Board advised that Council’s contribution for the year commencing Ist. April, 1938, is £283 10s. James Thompson applied for license for . a pie cart at the corner of Weld and Tancred Streets. —Request granted at £3 per year. The Automobile Association asked the Council to bring up to date by-laws to cope with the present road traffic—Consideration was deferred for three months. Thomas Barrowman, applied for 21 years’ lease of Municipal Reserve 542, Sale Street, with right-of-renewal.—Grantee}. A number of charges of motoring breaches were before Mr. R., Ferner. S.M., here to-day, when he dismissed a charge against Robert Band of failing to keep as close as was practicable to his left of the roadway when driving in a motor-car on the KanienHokitika highway on December 2 4 1937. Mr. M. B. James, appeared for the defendant, and Sergeant Gilligan conducted the prosecution, stating that at about 10.45 on Christmas Evo last, defendant was driving to Koka tahi. along the Hokitika-Kanieri Main Highway. He gave his speed at about

20 to 25 m.p.h. When near the town boundary he collided with a car driven by Robert Jones, both vehicles being somewhat badly damaged, but the occupants escaping injury. The casehad been several times adjourned, Jones being in hospital since shortly after the mishap. His illness was in no way due to the mishap. A | plan of the scene was produced, and ■ evidence was given by Robert Jones, | Constable Gilmour, Victor Fleming, | and the defendant, Robert Baird. The I Magistrate held there was nothing ml the evidence to warrant a conviction Alan Mervyn Overton, charged with | negligently driving a motor vehicle on the Hokitika-Kanieri Main Highway at Hokitika on April 15, was fined £3 with costs 10s and witness' | expenses £2 8s 6d. The Magistrate ] said he preferred the evidence of the police witnesses to that of the defendant and his witnesses. Mr. James appeared for the defendant and pleaded not guilty. Sergeant Gilligan said it was alleged defendant had driven in such a manner along the KanienHokitika Main Highway as to force a car off the road, the vehicle eventually capsized. Herbert Williams, accompanied by two other young men, was driving into Hokitika from Kanieri in a small Austin seven car on the evening in question. It was a fine night, and visibility was good I ! Williams was stated to have been] travelling at about 30 m.p.h. When just past Andrews’ slaughter yards m car was observed approaching on its| incorrect side. Williams stated the Sergeant concluded the approaching] driver would pull over to let him pass' ! but he continued straight on forcing Williams on to the grass. In attempting to bring the car back on I the road, Williams lost control, the vehicle skidding and overturning on the opposite side of the road. The three occupants of Williams’ car, in evidence, said it was a Gold Band Taxi which had put them off the road and inquiry revealed defendant had ] been the driver. The defence was a denial of the statements by Williams and his two companions, evidence being given by the defendant, and James Shannon, Maurice Bourke and Frederick Rigby. Three offenders found on premises of the Clydesdale Hotel, Ross, after hours, were each convicted and fined 5s and costs. For riding after dark without a light, Vincent Robert Stopforth was convicted and fined 10s and costs. On n sim-, ilar charge. Frank Stewart was fined i a similar amount with costs. Ronald Walter Scott was charged that, on April 15, 1938, at Ross, being a person other than the licensee of the Clydesdale Hotel, he supplied liquor to persons not entitled to be supplied. Mr. Elcock appeared for Scott and pleaded guilty. Defendant was fined £1 and costs. On a similar charge, Gilbert Loudon was fined the same amount with costs. Frederick James Poole, licensee of the Clydesdale Hotel, Ross, was charged with open ing the premises arftl exposing and selling liquor after hours. Mr. Flcock, for the defendant, pleaded guilty to the charge of selling. Counsel said he understood that the police would withdraw the other two charges, leave of the Court being granted Sergeant Gilligan to do so. Defendant was convicted and fined £2 and costs. The Hokitika Basketball Sub-As-sociation’s competition games commence to-morrow at All Saints’ Tennis Court, when the following teams will be competing—A Grade: St. Mary’s A v. Old Girls’ A (Mrs. Stevenson); School A v. Convent Secondary A (Miss Ruff); ‘Old Girls B v. St. Patrick’s (Miss Dale); Koiterangi v. Old Girls’ B (Miss Linklater). B Grade: School V v. Convent (Primary) (Miss Govan); Hopeful v. School D (Miss Laurence); School B] v. Conevnt Secondary B (Miss Mc-1 Gahey). The Public Works Committee of the Borough Council were requested last evening to inspect the town and draw' up a list of necessary works in orde-

of urgency. The Mayor stated the Council should now be able to carry on necessary works. It was considered advisable that further tar-seal-ing operations should be postponed, the foreman reporting that with wet weather the tar would not hold sat ■ isfactorily. The following committees were appointed—Finance: Whole Council, Cr. Elcock to be Chairman; Abattoirs: Crs. Fox (chair), Parry and Freitas; Reserves: Crs. Stopforth (chair), Heinz, Freitas and Turner; Water: Crs. Parry (chair), Michel, Fox and Turner; Rates and By-laws: Crs. Elcock (chair), Michel, Parry, Caliari and Stopforth; Library: Crs. Michel (chair), Caliari, Heinz, Turner, Mr. C. L. Harper and Dr. Corban; Cheques: The Mayor, Crs. Elcock, Michel, Stopforth, Turner and Freitas. It was resolved that a renewed application be made to the Valuation •Department for a new valuation of the Borough. The Returning Officer's report on the recent elections showed the cost for the Borough was £52 6s 3d, Harbour Board £l7 8s 9d, Grey Harbour Board £23 8s lOd; a total of £93 7s lOd. It was resolve 1 to obtain a survey of the line on Gibson Quay where the flood water came over the river bank, to ascertain the cost, and that the work be carried out as soon as possible. Various reports on the subject were given, that of a concrete wall being estimated to cost from £4OO to £6OO, while a gravel raising of the railway line was estimated to cost about £l5O. It was resolved to take action in the case of

| a ratepayer against whom judgment had been secured, through the Supreme Court, with a view to obtaining payment of rates totalling over 1 £7O. The Treasurer reported: ReI ceipts £234 17s, payments £378 17s 9d; credit balance, £391 Is 7d; water supply account credit 19s 2d and £320 13s 7d. Accounts amounting to £872 14s lid and £45 were passed for payment the Mayor not voting for the latte?' amount as he was an interested party. The manager of the abattoirs reported there were slaughtered during April 45 cows, 39 heifers, 61 bullocks, 284 sheep, 139 lambs, 9 pigs, 7 calves Condemned: 3 cows. Fees for the month, £B7 Ils 6d (last year £93 19s). At the Warden’s Court to-day, successful applications were:—Arahura Gold Dredging, Ltd., water race license, 130 chains, 2ft. by 3ft., .10 heads for mining purposes, Blks. II and 111, Kanieri S.D., 21 years; Walter Rogers, two ordinary prospecting licenses, 74' and 56 acres, Blks. XII and XVI, Waimea S.D.; Stafford Gold Dredging protection, for 12 months, over special dredging claim licenses, and extended dredging claim license; Robert Ford, two ordinary prospecting licenses, 109 acres each, Blks. IX and X, Hohonu S.D.; N.Z. Prospecting and Mining, Ltd., surrender absolutely ordinary prospecting licenses, Nos. 3397, 339 S and 3399. Applications adjourned were: —

James S. Langford, two ordinary prospecting licenses, 90 and 69 acres, Blk. I, Kanieri S.D.; Vivian Joseph Robinson, special dredging claim, 161 acres, Blks. XII and XI, Waimea S.D.; Francis Henry Heveldt, water race, 15 heads. S mile, 3ft. by 3ft., Scenic Reserve No. 1017, Blk. XVI, Okarito. The reservoir last month had an average depth of eight feet.

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Grey River Argus, 28 May 1938, Page 2

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HOKITIKA NOTES Grey River Argus, 28 May 1938, Page 2

HOKITIKA NOTES Grey River Argus, 28 May 1938, Page 2