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Competition Games MARIST AND BLACKBALL WIN. The West Coast Rugby League s competitions were continued , estei day in tin favourable weather, a strong southerly wind making conditions unpleasant for players and spectators alike. The ground at Winghani Park was in good order, but at. Blackball, where the other senior game took place, there was more rain, aud the ground was heavy. Considering the day there were good at tendances at all games. In the final games of the first round of the senior championship, Ma l ist and Blackball were successful, and Blackball have succeeded in getting through the round without a defeat. With one exception the lower grade games all provided close contests. RESULTS AT A GLANCE. Senior: Marist lit. Runanga 10. Blackball 17. Pirates |O. Junior: Runanga 13, Marist B 8. Brunner 6. Ngahere 5. Marist A 20. pirates nil. Fourth Grade: Marist 16. Runanga Pirates s. Brunner 5. 1 MARIST I. (16) v. RUNANGA I. (10) Marist seniors opened brilliantly in their game against Runanga at Wingham Park, but after they had run up sixteen points in quick time. Runanga found their measure and whilst Marist failed to increase their tally in the second spell Runanga got within six points of them, and were pressing in the latter stages. The weather conditions were against good football, the wind, which was of gale force, making passing and accurate kicking exceedingly difficult. 'Phus Marist were hampered in not being able to plav an open game. Although not so prominent in the second spell. J. Roberts was undoubtedly the outstanding back on the ground, as the Marist centre.' Mathews, O’Connor and O’Brien were also prominent in the Marist rearguard, The best Runanga buck, on both attack and defence, was the haltback, R. Morris. Be was given i gruelling by the heavy Marist forwards. but stood it all. Patterson. Crowe and Broome were the best ol the remainder of a weakened Runanga back line. SG-ott. Behan and Williams were the most prominent Marist forwards, while AV. Glynn, .Jack l illentire ami Medlin kept Marist hu<y. The teams were as follows:— Runanga: Crowe. Johnston. Broome. Kejinedv. Patterson. Henderson. Al orris. Glynn (2), Tallentire (2). Brown and Medlin. Marist: Mathews. Wal-h. Robert:?. Gilbert. Costello. O’Brien. O’Connor, Scott. Behan. Williams. Seguin, Anderson and Anisy. Runanga won the toss and elected to face the wind for the first spell. O’Connor kicked off for Marist an I plav settled down in midfield. but not for long. Gilbert received and ’after drawing his man .-ent on nicely to Roberts, who dodged the Runanga full-back ami ran in for a fine try. Roberts also- added the extras. —Marist 5; Runanga nil. O’Brien, Costelle and Roberts figured prominently in a nice Marist movement, but Roberts was tackled in possession on the halfwav lino. Costello again sent on to Roberts, who ran in. hut was ruled to be over the dead ball line. Marist were awarded a free kick and got right up under the posts. Kennedy, however, relieved for Runanga by taking a mark o n the line. Runanga worked down into Marist territory, where Mathews received, cut the Runanga defence in half with a tricky run and sent his hacks away for O’Brien to score in the corner. Roberts failed with a difficult kick.— Marist 8; Runanga nil. Runanga took a turn on attack, but a free kick relieved Marist. Anderson caught Crowe in possession, but Patterson extricated Runanga from a difficult position. After repelling a Marist attack. Runanga worked, their way into Marist territory, and were awarded a free kick for not playing the ball correc'ly. on the 25 line. .Tack kick was stopped short by the wind. Crowe, bustled by Anisy following up quickly, slipped in possession. and Scott picked up to run in unopposed. Roberts failed to convert. —Marist 11: Runanga nil. Runanga Tiacks broke away, hut the movement failed when Henderson lost possession. The Mar ist hacks all handled in a prottv movement, but Crowe tackled Roberts in possession. Soon after Roberts broke away from half-way. in a beautiful solo effort and scored under the posts. He converted his own try.— Marist 16; Runanga nil. With sixteen points up against them. Runanga did not relax their efforts and in fact their game improved from this stage. From a scrum 15 yards from the Marist line Medlin picked up and raced in to open Runanga’s account. Jack Tailentire converted with a great kick.—Marist 16; Runanga 5. Half time was called soon after. Runanga forwards were a t it from the start of the second spell. Glynn Brothers and Jim Tallentire being prominent. Morris kicked through, and Mathews cleared his line in the nick of time. Patterson dribbled well up field, but found himself unsupported, and Roberts cleared. Tallentire and Morric worked well together to gain a lot of ground, but the .latter was well tackled in possession. Runanga were doing the best at this stage, and piny was confined to Marist territory. Runanga were awarded a free kick for Scott noi playing the ball correctly, but Jack Tallentire’s kick from thirty yards out was unsuccessful. Anderson was prominent in a Marist breakaway, but he was well grassed by Broome after passing I several defenders. O’Connor and

O’Brien found a hole in Ihr Runanga defence, but a promising movement broke down when Costello failed to lake a pass that was none 100 good. Marist kept at it, and Behan was nearly over. Runanga being coihpelled to force. Jack Tallentire sent his forwards away and they reached the Runanga line but were penalised. Walsh kicked out on the full and Marist hooked over their line from the resulting scrum but Morris came round quickly ami beat them io the force down t° score a nice try. 'railentire was successful with a difficult kick. Marist 16; Runanga HI. A free kick brought Marist to the Runanga line, but they were sent back. Finding themselves within striking distance Rnnaiiga wore pressing at this stage. Marist backs made an effort to get through. but again Roberts was tackled in possession by Broome. Costello. O'Brien and Behan gained 20 vards, and Walsh was sent away, to be tackled inches from the line. Brown and Medlin worked well up into Marist territory, but Anisy wont down in front of them and cleared. Anderson gained possession when Kennedy failed to take, but Broome secured and cleared to half way. Full time found Marist on attack, and the score: Marist 16; Runanga 10. Mr Stan Smith was referee. BLACKBALL I. (17) v. PIRATES I. (10). In bad weather, with heavy rain from whistle io whistle, a good attendance <d' spectators were treated to a last and oft times exciting game at Blackball yesterday, when the home team defeated Pirates by 1< points to 1(1. Both teams made every effort to handle the greasy ball. It is to the credit of Pirates that, although some ten minutes before halttime, one of their best forwards, O’Connor, was compelled to retire through) an injury to his shoulder, and the game was finished with onh twelve players. Ihe issue being in I doubt right up till the conclusion • the game. The teams were: — Blackball: W. Ritchie, John Anderson, R. Neilson. J. Clark, J. Dod.L (captain), .I. Ware, W. Kells. L. ( lark. I-'. Osborne, 11. Ritchie. Jus. An derson, 11. Smith and J. Gillnmn. Pirates: W. Hopkins. -I. Wooster. G. Farmer, J. Devonport, L. Marty’, (captain). W. Coombs. C. Preston. C. (J'Connor, J. Fisher,. P. Tobin, W. Bourke, H. Dowling and 11. Hunt. Pirates won Ihe toss and Blackball kicked <»IT to lake play within a few vards of Pirates’ line, where, for sum. 1 minutes, they were dangerously close to scoring. Martyn fra list erred plav to ’half way with a good line kick. From midfield O’Connor, Wooster. Fisher and Preston, in a good passing bout, took the leather within im-lies of the goal line, where, alter some exciting play in which both sides were tackling hard, Ritchie was compelled to force. Cron i the resulting five yards scrum. Devonport passed to Fisher. who dived over between the posts. Martyn converted. — Pirates Blackball nil. Play centred in mid field, where Smith secured to pass to Dodds. Ware and J. Clark, but John Anderson failed to lake his when a few yards from the line. From a dribbling rush Hopkins picked the ball from the toes of the forwards and sent Devonport away to the Blackball 25. where Preston. Coombs. Devonport and Fisher were prominent in jji passing bout. Dodds intercepted, and in a twinkling had taken play to Pirate territory. From a loose scrim mage Pirates wen* penalised an-1 Dodds kicked a good goal. — Pirates Blackball 2. From a scrum in midfield Kells sent his backs away in a thrilling movement, but a knock-on spoilt a certain try. Jas. Andersm. dribbled the ball through the Pirate forwards. :m<| John Anderson finished the movement with a good try. Dodds failed with the kick.—Pirates 5; Blackball 5. Play was taken from end to end of the field with surprising suddenness in passing bouts l’.v Ritchie, Dodds, Clark, Ware and Neilson for Blackball, and Martyn. Hopkins Wooster, Devonport, Bourke and Preston for Pirates. ,C. O’Connor was injured when making a desperate dive for the line, and was forced to retire. Smith, who was always prominent in the forward rushes. took play to .Pirate territory, where Osborne scored from the ruck. Dodds’ kick failed. —Blackball 8; Pirates 5. Half-time was called with the scores unchanged. Soon after the start of the second spell a good passing bout by WoosterDevonport, Hopkins and Martyn was topped off by Fisher with a try. Martyn converted.—Pirates 10; Blackball 8. Blackball forwards, led by Gil’--man and Smith, soon had Pirates defending hard, when Hopkins, who was playing fine football, repeatedly got his side out of difficulties. From a forward tussle near Pirates’ line, R. Clarke scored. John Anderson’s kick failed.—Blackball 11; Pirates 10. A fast passing bout by Hunt, Fisher, Tobin and Preston took play well into the Blackball 25. Ritchie sent Dodds. Neilson and Anderson away for a line movement, but Hopkins and Farmer again held the, Pirate line intact. Fast following up rewarded Smith with a try when Bourke failed to take a high kick near Pirates’ line. Jas. Anderson failed to convert. — Blackball 14; Pirates 10. An infringement by a Blackball forward gave Martyn an attempt at goal, but the kick wont wide. The Blackball backs and forwards. combining well, soon had play centred near Pirates’ line, where .T, Anderson bullocked his way over to score a good try. Jas. Anderson failed to convert. —Blackball 17; Pirates 10. During the concluding stages Devonport made three solo efforts, was forced out at the corner on two occasions and narrowly missed a try between the posts when Ritchie was compelled to kick over the dead line.

For the winners, Dodds, John Anderson, Osborne (backs). Smith. Gillman and Ritchie (forwards) wore prominent, whilst Hopkins, Preston. Martyn. Devonport (backs). Fisher. Hunt and Bourke (forwards) wore the pick of the losing thirteen. Mr J. Neilson was referee.

MARIST 11. A (20) v. PIRATE 11. (0). Marist A juniors showed great, form in their match with Pirate juniors, whom (hey defeated by 20 points to nil, at Wingham Park. The backs threw the ball about well, considering Hie heavy wind, whilst Pirates adopted the wrong tactics of trying to kick against the wind. The Pirate forwards were good, but the honours o! the game were with the Marist backs. The game was played at i fast pace, particularly in the fijrst spell, and Marist lasted better than their opponents. Pirates occasionally (fid well, but their’s were individual efforts, whilst Marist worked more us a team. Affleck opened Marist’s account. and Greaney eon verted. P. Pollock, on Marist’s right wing, played a good game, but over-eagerness on his part lost two certain tries, he being in front when passes came from the inside ba«-ks. Half-time came with the scores: Marist A 5; Pirates nil. Soon after the resumption Casey executed a beautiful cut-in, and with all the Pirate backs on the wrong foot, handed to Anisy. to score under the posts. Anisy also converted. Marist kept up the attack and Greaney essayed a drop-kick, but the ball hit the upright and bounced back into play. From a dribbling rusn by the Marist forwards. Pollock picked up well and raced in for a try. Casey’s kick was successful. Marist again

increased their total when Behan ent through the Pirates’ defence and handed on to Casey, for one of the best tries of the match. Sweetman added the extras, making the final score; Marist A 20; Pirates nil. The outstanding players for Marist were Casey. Affleck,- Beban and Sweetman, whilst Jones. Warwick. M. Kennedy. Stewart and Do Freni us worked well tor Pirates. Mr R. Armstrong was referee. RUNANGA II (13) —MARIST II (S) Tl:i> was a very fast g:-me. :< m<»r detailed report of which will appear later. O'(!oiinell scored Ruiianga • first trv. which Sp»*akiuuit converted and lhe 'atler then kicked a penali' Lord made an opening I"; M'.u'el to score for Alarist . Alund' dived over just before hall time, ano Runanga. changed, ovot. with a le:u of 1(1 to 3. Lord shot over to scok for Marist from a serum, and Krddi< rou verted. Runanga inter got a I r.\ th'iiough Speakman. l.v<u plav >“.• \f i- (■ t*u rrie re I creed . MARIST IV (16) RUNANGA IV (D). Marii-t fourths {opened lu'iilliu n. i in ih ir m.itch nt Wingham Park ag i : ; Kuiinngu, bur they could n • e.ii .he pace 'a hich I hey sei am| in the second spelt, Kunangi with the wind, hud them worrit d Soon alter tin- commencement. l?os« opened Marist's account and K? 1 •imverted. R. Taylor, who w;i s ilu outstanding back on the held, v> a nex. to score for Marist, under th post s. Kielv’s kick was imsiicct ssl nI 11l\‘ lin'l hitting the bar and bounting hack infield. Rose scored hi set-md I'.v. but failed to conxe 1 ! Just before half time, Hickson op"u ed Rnnaiiga’s score with a nice ir' n the corner. The kick failed. I'h; half time wa.s Marist ll—Ri Runanga. with the wind at thehacks pressed from the >l o ’t of lib second spell and were rewurdeu when Hickson again got over from scramble in the corner. The ki<-’ was agttin unsuccessful. Runaiig:' kept at it. am] this time Hatch was tiewarded with a try. whic.h was n-e improved on. The final score of the game canie when Taylor ran iron half ‘way to score unde!- the f’sts. k’van converted, making the tin:: Lnl’v Afariist 16 —Runanga *). The best Marist players were Tay lor, 'l'. Brown and Kiely, whils' Hn'c'i Vnwin and Hickson did wMI for Runanga. Mr I. Scot I was referee. SCHOOLBOYS’ COMPETITION. In the Schoolboys’ competition uu Saturday, Maoist fifth graders de 1 eaii'd the Lome team al Blackba! I.y J. 1 , to 6. In the sixth grade game at Blackba I. the home team were siicc.essfu. in defeating Marist by 9 to 6. Th.e other sixth grade game, a; Cobden, resulted in Runanga beating Cobden by 18 points to nil. REFEREES’ ASSOCIATION. A meeting of the Rug’by Leagie Referevs' Association was held ‘-m Saturday, the following members he- • lig present; Messrs Neilson ((’hair man), Hunter. Tallentire. Griffin, Scott, Mason, Allen, S. Smith, Tay lor. Hall. Medlin, Smith. Ramsay, Ryan, and O'Neill. After the. routine business, had been dealt with, an animated discus sion on rules was held, to the mutua. benefit of all, and players arc aske<’' (•'-■noeially remember that playing lhe ball rule will be strictly enforc ed in the future. The rule in ques tion reads: "When grounded will b<> hall, the player must immedim ly play the ball.’-’ ENGLISH FINAL LONDON. May 5. Tn the Rugby League final, played at Wembley, Hunslet defeated WidnTs by 11 to 5. THE UPS AND DOWNS. LONDON. May 5. The LeagU'o football has ended Grimsby with 59 Points and Preston with 52 are promoted to the first division. Millwall and Lincoln City are relegaited to the third division, and are replaced by Barnsley and Norwich Citv.

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Grey River Argus, 7 May 1934, Page 6

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LEAGUE FOOTBALL Grey River Argus, 7 May 1934, Page 6

LEAGUE FOOTBALL Grey River Argus, 7 May 1934, Page 6