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GOVERNORS MEET. Allocations Total £109,909. (Par PrcFis Assn.) WELLINGTON, July IL The annual meeting of the T. G. ALacarthy Trust was held this morning at Government House. The annual report showed that during the fourteen years that the Trust has been in existence, £109,097 has been allocated. In the first year (1913) the allocation was £2,530, whereas this year the total was £13,600, whirl; is a record, and an increase of £1,560. There were present: His Excellency the Governor-General ‘(Sir Charles Fergusson), the Prime Minister (the Right Hon. J. G. Coates), His Grace Archbishop Redwood, His Worship the Mayor (Mr (». A. Troup). The Public Trustee (Mr J. W. AlarDovald), Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the Board of Governors, was also present The Public Trustee, in his annual report, stated the past year's operations had been very successful and that tho not. income had been substantially increased. 1 In determining tho amount available in terms of the batt* Mr Alacarthy’s will for charitable and educational purposes,’ certain assets in tho estate are held o:i special trusts and the not income arising from these is not available for distribution each year to charitable ami educational institutions and is not included in the figures for tho year. Moreover, until th<‘ termination of certain life interests granted under tin 1 Will only onehalf of the income from the residuary •state is available for distribution for charitable and educational purposes. The incidence of land tux and rates is a heavy burden in this estate. Its holdings of freehold property are large and consequently there is a heavy deduction from the income by reason of the graduated land tax assessed thereon. Nevertheless by ensuring that tho maximum rentals are obtained from the properties, and by careful handling, very satisfactory results have been forthcoming, and it is pleasing that despite this burden of taxation, the •nconie of the estate has steadily increased. ith a view to enhancing and maintaining the earning power of the estate a considerable sum had been exoended in repairing and renovating properties. In one case a scheme of rebuilding had been put in hand. Negotiations were in train for the erection of further now premises. Certain buildings were being remodelled to keep pace with modern developments and meet the requirements of progressive areas. With the facilities which his office affords the estates under administration by him, the Public Trustee had been able 1o arrange continued and increased assistance to the Macarthy estate during the year, thus making this progressive programme possible. 3he Public 3'.'uslee had completed negotiations which, placed on a satisfactory basis two mortgages arranged by the testator during his lifetime, which had been the subject of concern during previous years. ' A very marked increase in the sales of Red Top Ale and Brown Stout had resulted during the year. The improvements had been effected to the Brewery premises and the result of the year’s trading was a satisfactory one. As the result of the insertion of newspaper advertisements inviting applications for grants 23 new applications had been received, the total number for the year being 120. On the motion of His Excellency the Governor-General, seconded by the Rt. Hon. the Prime Minister, a resolution of appreciation of the work of the Advisory Committee was passed. His Excellency also proposed a motion which was seconded by the Rt. Hon. the Prime Minister, expressing appreciation of the manner in which the estate was being managed and developed by the Public Trustee and of the excellent manner in which tho handling of the applications for grants had been carried out. The following table shows the sum allocated each year to date: — 1913 £2,530 1914 £7,325 7915 £7,070 1916 £6,880 1917 £5,790 1918 £5,112 1919 £6,545 1920 £6,785 1921 . . . . . . . . £6,860 1922 .. .. . . £9,015 1923 £9,350 1924 £10,125 1925 £12,040 1926 £13,600 £109,027

THE YEAR’S GRANTS. 3’he Public Trustee reported that the Advisory Committee had held its annual meeting and had recommended distribution of the sum of £13,600. This was the largest amount that had been recommended for distribution in any year since the inception of the Trust. The Advisory Committee’s recommendations were adopted by theBoard of Governors. The grants were as follow. (Last year’s donations are shown in parentheses, ami where no comment appears re last year’s grant, uo application was received. “N.A.” signifies “new application.”):— Ail Saints’ Children’s Home, Palmerston North £2OO (£150). Alexandra Home fur Young Women £3OO (£250). Anglican Beys’ Home Society £350 (£200). Boy Scouts’ Association, Wellington, £l5O (£150). Boy Scouts’ Association, Wanganui £5O (N.A.) Boys’ Institute and S. A. Rhodes’ Home for Boys, £750 (£750). Boys’ Orphanage, Nai Nai, £5OO (£400). Brigidinc Convent, Carterton, £5O (£5O). Brigldine Convent, Foxton, £5O (£5O). British Sailors’ Society, £3OO (£250). British Rod Cross Society, Wellington, £lOO (£100). Citizens’ Pay Nursery, Wellington,

£3OO (£250). Community Club, £lOO (£100). Convent of Mercy, Green Street, £2o (£25). Convent of Mercy, Marton, £4O. Convent of Mercy, Palmerston North (See No. 81 also), £75 (£75). Convent School, Lcyin, £25. Convent School, I‘etone, £75 (£75). Creche, Buckle Street, £125 (£125). Discharge'! Prisoners’ Aid Society, £.150 . (£100). District Nursing Guild of St. John, Wellington, £lOO (£100). Featherston County Central School Library £25 (£25). Feilding District Nurse Association, £75 (£5O). Free Kindergarten, Wellington, £4OO (£300). Girl Guides’ Association, Wellington, £5O (£5O). Home for Destitute and Orphan Boys, Island Bay, £2OO (£150). Home for Destitute and Motherless Children, Wellington, £2OO (£150). Home of (’unipassion, £5OO (£400). Home for Incurables, £4OO (£300). Karitane Hospital Fund, £250 (Nil). Ladies’ Christian Association, Wellington, £5O (£5O). Lewisham Hospital, Wellington, Nil (N.A.) Levin Memorial Home, Wellington, £2OO (£200). Mari.-1 Brothers’ Primary School, Tasman Street. £5O (£5O). Mari st Brothers’ Primary School, Hawkestone Street, £5O (£5O). Maternity Home, Kensington Street, £2HO (£150). Mothers’ Helpers, Wellington, £l5O (£150). National Council of Y.AI.C. Associations of N.Z., Nil (N.A.) Navy League, Wellington, £5O (£5O). New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, £2OO (£200). New Zealand Native Bird Protection Society, Nil (N.A.) Northland Convent Primary School. £5O (£5O). Paulina Rescue Home for Young AVonum, Wellington, £250 (£200). Plunket Society, Carterton, £5O (£5O). Plunket Society, Featherston, £25 (N.A.) Plunket Society, Feilding, £5O (£5O). Plunket Society, Greytown, £25 (£25). Plunket Society, Levin, £25 (N.A.) Plunket Society, Lower .Hutt, £5O (£5O). Plunket Society, Marton, £25 (N.A.) Plunket Society, Masterton, £5O (N.A.) Plunket Society, Otago, £5O (N.A.) Plunket Society, Pahiatua, £5O (£5O). Plunket Society, Palmerston North, £lOO (£100). Plunket Society, Petone, £lOO (£75). Plunket Society, Rongutea, Nil (N.A.) Plunket Society, Upper Hutt, £25 (£25). Plunket Society, AVaimarino, Nil (Nil). Plunket Society, Wellington, £5OO (£500). Presbyterian Boys’ Orphanage, Berhampore, £3OO (£200). Presbyterian Girls’ Home, Island Bay, £3OO (£200). Maori Girls’ School, Turakina, £l5O (£100). Maori Mission Committee, Turakina, Nil (Nil) . Residential Nursery, Wellington, £350 (£350). Royal Life Saving Society, Palmerston North, Nil (N.A.)

Royal Life Saving Society, Welling ton, £5O (£5O). Sacred Heart Primary School, Guilford Terrace, £5O (£5O). Sacred Heart Native School, Banana, Nil (Nil). St. Anne’s School, Newton, £25 (Nil). St. Anthony’s Catholic School, Pahi i tua, £25 (£25). St. Anthony’s Primary School, Seaton n, £5O (£5O). St. Barnabas’ Babies’ Home. Society, £165 (£100). St. Catherine’s Convent, Kilbirnie, £5O (£5O). St. John Ambulance Association, Wanganui, £25 (£5O). St. John Ambulance Association, Wellington, £5O (£100). St. John Anibul:an|i' Nursing Guild, Palmerston North., £25 (£5O). St. Joseph’s Convent, Jerusalem, £5O (£4O). St. Joseph’s Native School, Jerusalem. Nil. Si. Joseph’s School, Ohakune, £25 St. Joseph’s Orphanage, Upper Hutt, £6OO (£500). St. .Joseph’s Free Secondary School and Hostel, Palmerston North (s? 16) (N.A.) Sb. Joseph’s Convent Girls’ School, Buckle Street, £5O (£5O). St. Madeline Sophie Barat Convent School, Island Bay, £5O (£5O). St. Margaret’s Parish School, Taihap n , £25 (£25). St. Mark’s Church School, Wellington, £75 (£75). St. Mary’s Convent, Hill Street, £5O £(50). St. Mary’s Guild, Karori, £350 (£250). St. Mtirv’s School, Carterton, £25 (£25). St. Mary’s School, Foxton, £25 (£25). St. Patrick’s Primary School, Kilbirnie, £5O (£5O). St. Patrick’s Parochial Church, Palmerston North, £75 (£75). St. Peter’s Church Day School, Gonville, Nil (Nil). St. Peter’s Mission, -Wellington, £6OO (£500). St. Stephen’s Parochial Day Schoo]

Marton, Nil (Nil). St. Vincent de Paul Society, Welling ton, £l5O (£150). Salvation Army 1J ven tide Home foi Aged Ladies, £75 (N.A.) Salvation Army Men’s Industrial Hoipc, Miramar, £250 (£150). Salvation Army Orphanage for Orphan Boys, Masterton, £5O (N.A.) Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Palmerston North, £25 (N.A.) Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Wanganui, £25 (£25). Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Wellington, £lOO (£100). Society for Protection of Women and Children, £lOO (£200). Society for Relief of the Aged Needy £250 (£250). Wairarapa South County Central Schools’ Library, £25. Wanganui Swankers’ Club, £75 (£5O). Wellington Advisory Committee to tho Civilian Blind, £5O (£5O). Wellington Camera Club, Nil (N.A.) Wellington Competitions Society, Nil. Wellington Convalescent Home, £l5O (£200). Wellington Hospital Radio Fund Nil. (N.A.) Women’s Division, New Zealand Farm-

ers’ Union Nil. (N.A.) Workers’ Educational Association Eeilding, £2O (N.A.). Workers’ Educational Association. Palmerston North, £25 (N.A.). Workers’ Educational Association Wellington, £5O (£5O). Workers’ Educational Association, Wanganui, £25 (N.A.). Victoria University College Social Service Club, £5O (£5O). Voting -Men’s Christian Association Palmerston North, Nil (N.A.). Young Mon’s Christian Association. Wellington, £lOO (£100). Young Women’s Christian Association, Wellington, £lOO (£100). South African War Veterans’ Association, Nil (N.A.). Total amount recommended, £1.3,600. THE ORIGIN OF THE TRUST. The Trust arises under the will, dated ,19th May, 1906, of the late 3'homas George AlcCarthy, of Wellington, brewer, who owned tho City and Phoenix Brewery, now conducted by the Public Trustee as part of the assets of the estate. Tho deceased lived in Wellington for many years, and died on the 19th August, 1912. The will appoints the Public 3'rustoe of tke Dominion the sole executor and trustee. After payment of certain annuities, one-half of tho anual income from the residuary estate is paid to a lifetenant in terms of the will. 3'ho remaining moiety of the annual income of the residuary estate is distributable each year between charitable and educational institutions or purposes in the Provincial District of Wellington at the discretion of a special Board of Trustees mentioned in the will. On the death, of the life-tenant the whole of the capital and income of Hie estate, subject to any annuities still payable, becomes available for the said charitable trusts. The final balance of the estate for duty purposes was £389,689 17s Bd. Legacies amounting to £16,000 were paid under the will and estate, and succession duly amounted to £63.101 16s 8 1. The will directs tl’.at the Board of Trustees shall be:—His Excellency the Governor-Genera], tho Prime Minister, tho Al ay or of Wellington, rind the Roman Catholic Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Wellington. Up to August, 1921, the Advisory Committee consisted of Air C. P. Skerrett, K.C. (now Sir Charles Skerrett), Air E. P. Bunny, and the late. Hon. J. G. W. Aitken, ALL.C. The Board of Governors, on the 2nd August, 1921, after the death of the Hon. J. G. W. Aitken, resolved upon the recommendation of the Advisory (’ommittoe, which is now ns follows: — Lady Luke, C.8.E., Sir Charles Skerrett, Air A. R. Atkinson, Air E. P Bunny, Air G. A. Troup, and Air J. W. Alavdonald, the Public Trustee ((‘lairman). ASSETS OF THE WHOLE ESTATE Freehold Proper!ies—(a) Licensed Premises .... £40.435 (b) Shop projierties in Wellington City £72,298 (c) Other business and residential properties in Wellington City £91,380 (d) Properties situated outside Wellington City . . £15,321 Shares in Companies registered in New Zealand.... £143,617 Debentures £12,980 Alort gages on security of Freehold Property £33,210 £409,244 The sail! assets are unencumbered except to the Public Trust Office as security for amounts advanced by the Public Trustee in respect of financial assistance afforded to the estate. Under the terms of the will the whole rontiol and management of the estett is vested in tho Public Trustee, th: only duly of the Advisory Commit;-e 'and of the Board of Governors being to annually meet and sanction the giants inn-le to institutions out of that uortion of the income which is devotee io charitable and educational purposes.

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Grey River Argus, 12 July 1927, Page 6

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T. G. MACARTHY. Grey River Argus, 12 July 1927, Page 6

T. G. MACARTHY. Grey River Argus, 12 July 1927, Page 6