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RECORD NOMINATIONS. -Y HORSES. The nominations for the midsummer meeting- of the Greymouth Trotting Club constitute a-new record,- totalling four hundred, compared with 244 for last .midsummer- meetiiig. There are cue hundred and sixty horses representing all the best stables in the Dominion. .1. .Bryee has Nazimova, Kakute, Guide Rang!, Ratana, and Fancy Pointer, and J. J. Kennerley’s trio are Pi ter Bingen, Charles Dixie, and Great l-.jisoni; A. Tomkinson is coming with Credit Slip and His Pal, while A. Hendiicksen is bringing Cardinal Logan. F. Franks has Randolph nominated, also Binscarth and Duke Bingen. Il 1 rost is bringing Miss Dorothy. Kelburn, Florrie Huon and Kilbiringi; anil \\ onto and Guy Fawkes arc nominated by F. Owen. E. McDermott 's pair are Audo Spray and Mane Dillon; while J. 11. Wilson has entered Lincoln Huon, Wairua and Try Soon. Springtime and Bruce will carry E. J. Smith’s colours. Four horses have been entered by M. Edwards, viz., Logan Lad, Arran Chief, Bon Pang, and Peter Elect. The above are alp Canterbury horses, the majority of them new tn the Const, but they include a good many noted jierform<i s. The Nelson ifominocs are N. Gunn’s Fll.le de Ballin and Lady Ballin; L. F, Burkett's Maori Peter, Molly Audubon,’ Dorrie. Thorpe, Clive’ Bell, Marshal Neil, Black Cloud, and Audo Child; G. Day's, Rona Audubon. The Westport representatives will be:— IV. Behan's Smithfeild and Lo-rn-.tula Bay; T. L. Bennett’s Jean Vue Queen's General, David and Comfort. J M. Robertson’s Whoa; M. McLean’s Peter Boaz; J. Simpson’s Wineberry; J. Spillane’s Ocean Chimes; and F. Bierne’s Golden Locanda, Hokitika competitors will bo:— ,T Stainer’s Prince Mac; F. Lynch's Athos and Merry Logan; and L. Kirwan’s Miss Chancellor and Bush King. From Reefton are nominated:— S. Grigg’s Silverctta, G. Osborne’s Taipoiti, W. Pascoe’s General Thorpe. From Oamaru J. Henderson has entiled Edith Locanda and Princess Huon. The qualify generally is very classy, and much above the average, so that the prospects are for perhaps the most successful meeting the Club has ever held. The nominations are as follow:—■ FIRST DAY. Guinness Handicap (harness), 3.47 class, 14 miles. —Golden Bubbles, Hope Dillon, Spring Timo, Bonnie Audubon, Amaris, Naldera, Marion Junior, Ocean Whispers, Alpha Plus, Oriole, Dorrie Thorpe, Queen’s Ferry, Prince Mae, Native Queen, Inehbonnie, Auditor lays Joy, Peter Wilkins, Wineberry. Nazimova, Kanieri, Direct Tod, Miss Dorothy, Kilburn, Princess Dillon, Amy Audubon, Conara, Wenlow, Tainimer, Audubon Lad, Lady Peterson, Bold Bill, Ocean Chimes.

Express Handicap (unhoppled trotters) harness, 3.54 class, 14 miles.— Great Change, Nourmahal, Teter Eyre, Nelson Ata, Sea Queen, Prudent Child, Wild Ora, Rota Mac, Fille de Ballin, Maori Peter, Molly Audubon, Peter Felix, Elusive, Oval, Bridget Galindo, Blazer Wilson, Earl Derby, David, Whaa, Peter Boaz, Frontier,’ Kaknte, Credit Slip, Eruption, Beta Vivian, Miss Wilke j, May Audubon, Miss Chancellor, Jessie’s Dream, Hassan, Anywcod, Te Repn, Ben Logan, Miss De Valera, Taipoiti. Electric Handicap (harness) 2.28 ehass, 1 mile. —Audo Snray, Try So«'n. Kairiti, Naldera, Bush King, Audo Dil Inn, Lady Ballin, Clive Bell, Logan Spec, Legato, Velocity, Prince Mac, Logan Lad, Miss Terry’ Erin’s Child, Tnchbonnie, Auditor, Miss Denver, Future, Miss General, Stanley’s Elect, Guide Bangi, Miss Dorothy, Merry Logan, Tekarere, Dusky Boy, Tot Beta, Both Hall. Dominion Handicap (harness) 3.33 class, 14 miles.— Rapier, Wairua., Lincoln Iluon, Edith Locandn, Brucp, Admiral Pointer, Black Cloud, Prince Athol, Arran Chief, Vera’s Doll, Rona Audubon, Clamness, Nipper, Locanda Boy, Albert Logan, Tanhauser, General Thorpe, Ratana, Hispal, High .linke, Peter Bingen, Charles Dixie, Biddy | Logan, Lord Lytton, Whakuku, Golden j Sun, Shtin Princess, Binscartli. I Slimmer Handicap (harness) unhoppied trotters, 5.7 class, 2 miles.— Zel- ; i<a, Nelson Ata, Fille De Ballin, Audo Child, Peter Felix, Elusive, Oval, Mushroom, Blazer Wilson, Earl Derby, David, Comfort, Wild Bine, Frontier, Kakute, Credit Slip, Beta Vivian, Ala}’ Audubon, Taipoiti, Ben Logan, To Rcpa, Anywood, Nasson, Red Peter. Intermediate Handicap (harness) 4.55 class, 2 miles. — Alaric Dillon, Avenger, Haunui, Golden Locanda, Oriole, Lady Ballin, Alarshal Neil, Dusky Pointer, Ashley Dillon, Smithfield, L.gan King, Guide Rangi, Randolph, Florrie Huon, Athos, Bold Bill, Mabons Day, Lady Peterson, Ruth Hall, Petftf Elect, Silverctta. Grey Valley Handicap, 3.2 class (saddle), 1} miles.— A’larie Dillon, Try Soon, Eileen Chimes, Bush King, Audo Dillon, Golden Locanda, Clive Bell Dusky Pointer, Ashley Dillon, Bon Pang, Tracey Boy, Erin’s Child, Arran Led, Young Ivy, Nipper, Jean Vue, Queen’s General, Future, Osier Beauty. Fancy Pointer, Kilbiringi, Afabons Day, Great Form. Dash Handicap (harness) 2.22 class, 1 mile.— Wairua, Lincoln Huon, Princess Ann, Admiral Pointer. Prince Athol, Arran Chief, Vera’s Doll, Jean Vue, Young Ivy, Albert Logan, Tanhauser, General Thorpe, Glenaray, Ratana, Fancy Pointer, Grey Cloud, Great Epsom, Biddy Logan, Lord Lytton, Satin Princess, Norwood. SECOND DAY. Westland Handicap (harness) 3.4 G class, 14 miles.— Golden Bubbles, Springtime, Hope Dillon, Avenger, Bonnie -.Audubon, Naldera, Oriole, Lady Ballin, Ocean Whispers, Velocity, Miss Terry. Queen’s Ferry, Prince Mac, Native Queen, Erin’s Child, Tnchbonnie, Auditor, Peter Wilkins, Stanley’s Elect, i Wineberry, Nazimova, Kanieri, Aliss •' Dorothy, Kelbnrn, Princess Dillon, Amy ' Audubon, Conara, Lady Peterson, Won- ; low, Audubon Lad, Tot Beta, Bold Bill, i Ocean Chimes. 1 Railway Handicap (harness), 3.0 ( class, 1} miles. — Try Soon, Princess < Ann, Golden Locanda, Dusky Pointer, f Arran Chief, Bon Pang, Vera’s Doll, j Tracey Boy, Jean Vue, Smithfield, Os- ( ior Beauty, Logan King, Kinbiringi, j General Thorpe, Lord Lvtton, Haunui, j Whakuka, Great Form, Satin Princess, j Norwood, Marie Dillon.

Dunollie Handicap (harness) unhoppled trotters, 3.14 class, 1| miles.— Audo Spray, Great Change, Hall King, Nourmahal, Peter Eyre, Sea Queen, Prudent Child, Wild Oro, Fillo De BalIm, Maori Peter. Molly Audubon, Peter Felix, Elusive, Oval, Bridget Galindo, Blazer Wilson. Earl Derby, David, When, Peter Boaz Frontier, Kakute, Credit Slip, Eruption, Rota Vivian, | Miss Wilkes, Aliss Chancellor, Jessie’s ‘ Dream, Hassan, Anywood, Te Repa Ben Lngan, TaipoitQ A[ay Audubon,

G.T.C. Cup Handicap (harness), 4.46 class, 2 miles.—. Papier, Wairua, Edith Locanda, Admiral Pointer, Black Cloud, Cardinal Logan, Peter Elect, VeraS Doll, Bona Audubon, Calmness, Locan da Boy, Albert Logan, Glenaray, Batana, His Pal. Peter Bingen, Charles Dixie, Biddy Logan, Duke Bingen, Lore Lytton, Gohlen Sun, Guy Fawkes, Bins earth, Satin Princess. Victoria Park Handicap (harness' 3.40 class, 11 miles. — Try Soon, Eik’ei Chimes, JTaunui, Golden Locanda, Or iole, Lady Ballin, Marshall Neil, Dus ky Pointer* Ashley Dillon, Smithfield Future, Guide Bangi, Randolph, Florrh J! non, Athos, Merry Logan, Grea Form, Silverctta.

President’s Handicap (saddle) 2.23 class, 1 mile.— Marie Dillon* Bush King, Black Cloud, Prince Athol, Logan I Lad, Bon Pang, Tracey Boy, Arran Lad, Young Ivy* Nipper, Jean Vue, Osici Beauty, Glenaray, Fancy Pointer, (•’ley Cloud, Kibilingi, Ruth Hull. County Handicap (harness) nnhopI'led trotters) 5.5 class, 2 miles— Nrlxoii Ata, Fillo Do Pallia* Ando Child, T’eter Felix, Elusive,. Oval. Mushroom, Blazer WiDon, Earl Derby, Comfort, V- ildbino* Frontier, Kakute, Credit Slip, Beta Vivian, May Audubon, Taipoiti, Bon Logan, Bed Peter.

Paparoa Handicap (harness) 2.21 class, 1 mile.— Wairua, Lincoln Huon, Faith Locanda, Princess Ann Bruce. Admiral Pointer, Prince Athol, Chief, Veras Doll, Kona Audubon, Jean Vue, Albert Logan Tanhauser, General Thorpe, Glenaray. Katana, High Jinks, Groat Epsom, Biddy Logan, Lord Lytton* Satin Princess. AUCKLAND T.C. ACCEPTANCES AUCKLAND, December 11. The following are the acceptances for the Auckland Trotting Club’s summer meeting: — Introductory Handicap, In miles; 3.48 class.—Tui Bells, Florrio Koo, Sean Trubhais, Royal Nob, Fairlight, Royal Audubon, Nelson Boy scr., Eley 12, Anseline. Peter McDonald, Rota Huon 21. Huia. Girl 36, Jewel Wave, Bon Bon. Kolmar 48, Tiki. Rose Audo GO. Lord Roberts, Gold Sovereign 72, Grace Grattan 96. Natira 108, Direct Action 120. December Handicap, miles; 3.30 class.—Konini wood, Logan Rothschild. Rod Star, Machine Gun. Lora Minto. Lenglen, Gohlen Hope, Dr Dillon, Unci'* Port, Bawldy Locanda, Grey Peter, Bruce, Temple, Jewel Pointer, Joe Aspro scr., Stanmoor, La. Fayette, Tran■ 12. Prondo. Huon Grattan. Nelson McCormack, Kingsclerc 24, Master Councillor 36, Hypo 72. Auckland Trotting Cup, 2200 sovs.; 2 miles; 4.32 class. —Moneymaker, Giandore. Oakhampton, Dean Dillon, Oruara?igi, Nelson Derby, Taralo, Billy Sea scr., Goldman, Audacious 12, Blue Mountain King 24, First Carbine. Jack Potts 36. Prince Pointer 48, Acron GO, Minton Derby 72, Onyx 96, Great Bingen 120. Parnell Handicap (harness), 2 miles —Gold Sovereign, Golden Gate. Ngatira, Battery 8011, Bluewood, Don Douglas scr., Happy Rosa 24, Ricardo. Toll Chimes, The Squire 36, Silk Threa t GO, Wild Nut 96, Haricot 108. Great Northern Trotting Derby, of 1000 sovs.; 14 miles.—Avr, Charming Pronto, Nantwich, Una Dillon, William the Great. Grandstand Handicap, of 450 sovs.; 2 miles; 4 40 class. —Coal Light, Delavan Pill, Harold Junior, Rook Hinton scr., Dick Dillon, Scandal, Run Pore, Holly Bov, Kean John 12, Auto Machine. Reliance 24, Talent, Heather Girl 36, Lord Nepean 48. All Bell 60.

Rowe Handicap, of 1000 sovs.; 2 miles.—The Tartar. Roi Alto, Sunny Jim, Bettv Moko, Wimcra K>ng, Aerial Bingen. Poterwah scr., Woodless 12. Rose Bingen 3G, Wild Lad. Napland, Pvramus 48, Koan John. Peter Swift 60. Le Todd 72. Nikorn 108. St. Tleliers Handicap, nf -100 sovs.; 11 miles; 2.52 class.—Holly Boy, Mulwaree, Master Councillor, Mint Bov, Childe Audubon, Bruce scr., Wallroon, Woodvalo, Rua Pore, Nelson Tasker, Cute Lad, Rebel 12, Nelson Fame, Talent, William the First 24, Moneymaker, Florrio Bingen 48, Nita Bull 60, Boa Ohan 72, Minton Derby 96.

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Grey River Argus, 12 December 1925, Page 6

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GREY TROTS. Grey River Argus, 12 December 1925, Page 6

GREY TROTS. Grey River Argus, 12 December 1925, Page 6