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POPI LAR C ITIZEN FARE. \\ ELLED. API >R ECI ATI ON Fl <0 M ALL QUARTERS. .’Jr J. Mciiidoe, who for eight year; past has occupied the position o t ierk of the Court ait. Greymouth and who leaves on transfer to Dune dm ibi.s morning, was the recipien oL several presentations yesterday al lernoon. At four o’clock a large number o people assembled in the Municipa Council Chambers to extend to Mi Melndoe their foldings of good-will, and to present to him a tangible to k<‘ii of their esteem. 11 is AVorshi]) the Minor (Mr \\ ■ G Parfitt) presided. A large numbvi ol apologies for absence were received Th,, (‘hairman eulogised the work Mr Melmloe had done during hi.-. st:i\ in Greymoiitb. Nothing bad evei been too much trouble for him. oi for Mrs Mclndoe. 'l’lm speaker als< referred to the splendid work Mr Me Indoe had done for the Compel i I ion.Society. He congratulau’d .Mr M'. Judoe on his elevation to a similai capacity in Dunedin. Qn behall oi tin people of Greymoiith. His Woisbii' wished both Mr and Mrs McTndoc long life, health and prosperity, and trusted that his promotion to Dunedin would be but a stepping stone on the march of ’progress (applause). The Deputy Mayor (Ct J. \\ . Greenslaide) endorsed the remarks of 'the Mayor al the regret that was felt at Mr Mclndoe’s departure. Mr Mclndoe was a man who was always out (o lend a helping hand, aud- both he and Mrs Mclndoe had prove* tomselvos excellent citizens. \\ haft would be Dunedin’s gam would be 1 Greymouth’s loss, and all fell that the stay in Dunedin of Mr and Mrs Mclndoe would be a pleasant and prosperous one (applause;. Mr J. McLean felt that ah' regretted Mr Afelndoe’s departure. He would lie \ery much missed, but the (Mr McLean) fell, that all would like to congratulate Mr Mclndoe on his promotion, lie wished the departing citizens every prosperity in ‘their newhome. Mr H. F. Doogan (C'hairman of the Competitions Society) stated thm Mr and Mrs Mclndoe bad played a verv important part in the we’fnre of Greymoiith 'Phen- were- too few people locking after ih- voting folk as Mr and Mrs McTndoc had done, '[lie speaker illustrated his remarks by mentioning the excellent work Mr McTndoe haul (hue in inducing young people io enter ‘the Compel! tion*. 3he splendid work Mr and Mrs Mclndoe fiad done in the inter ests of music was also touched upoc bv the speaker. He assii' , “' 1 R Mr and Mrs Mclndoe that the departure from the- district was keenb felt. He wished t.hem and family ‘‘good health. On behalf of the IMlice Department of Greymouth. Inspector Eccles said he an honour to he called upon io sav something of Mr McTndoe. prior to his departure lor the •■Edinburgh of the South." Belli the speaker and the Police Force •»T Grevmouth had always received rhe Utmost courtesy from the departing guest. Mr Mclndoe was going on promotion to Dunedin, and lie tru/t--ed that h e would rise high and high or. (Applause.) There was no etfirial chair that Mr Mclndoe could not eccupv. TTe wished Air and Mrs ?Tcfndoe hcaTth. wealth, and prosperity . Mi M. Keating, while regretting Mr and Mrs Mclncloe’s departure. ( xpressed pleasure at Mr McTnd<> • promotion, and felt assured that, before long, he would be I nder Secretary for Justice - (laughiter and applause). Senior-iSergcant McCarthy said it would be a futile effort to paint me lily any more than the preym us speakers in eulogising Mr Mcfndoe's worth. The speaker referred to the courteous manner jn which Mr Mclndoe had always assisted him (Sergeant McCarthy). Mr McTndoe had alwavs combined the estimable qualities of a> gentleman with those of a public citizen. He referred to the good work Mr Mclndoe had done 'or the Competitions Society ,a<nd trusted tha.'L both Mr and Mrs Mclndoe would long he spared to continue the tpjood work, and wished them all good luck for the future (applauseL The Rev. J. F. Martin stated that after listening to the remarks of the various speakers, a question that had been in his mind for some time had been answered. The question was: ‘‘Are \ou wowsers any good? The answer was Aon arc. ’ (Laughter and applause). Mr L Nelson referred t£) Mr McIndo’e as a good citizen who was always desirous of doing his duty, and .wished them ad 1 future happiness (applause). Afr T. E. Coates said that Mr 51cTndoe was one of the men that Greymouth couTd ill afford to spare, and was an example tk) the growing generation and young men of to-dav. He greatly regretted his departure, but elt pleased that Mr MeTndoe’s ability had been such as to ensure him valuable promotion (applause). Other speakers also referred Mr Vfelndoe’s many good qualities, and he regret they felt at his departure. His Worship, on behalf iof the peo- { >l<? of Greymo|uth, tihen presented dr McTndoe with a handsome suit | ase. Mr H. F. Doogan, on behalf if the Competitions Socnc't.y, presnted him with an inscribed fountain en. On rising to respond. ATr McTncftoe 'a;s loudly applauded, those present ising and singing “For He’s a Jollv

vi..‘o(l rklluw." On behalf of Airs ..icindoc and himself, he thanked an for [he. kind remarks that had oven No one could blame t.hem :l they felt, extremely- proud of all that had been said. Whatever ne <u-. Nirs Mclndoe had done for the to-w n had been done with a good will, ind for the love of doing it. (Hear hear.) He had enjoyed every minute ol the time he had been a member ol the Coin pot it ions b|ocietv. T’ho spirit that was displayed in that inst’iution was an inspiration. With regard to his official duties he had always tried to be the same to all men, and do justice to the Department and to those with whom he had any dealings. Boll) lie and Mrs Meindoe had made some exctllent Iriends in (• re\ moiil h, and they felt their departure very keenly. A( (he ('lOiielusion of his reply. A*r JclnJoe was again londlv applaud rd. T’hf gad boring concluded with the singing of “Auld Lang Sync.’’ A (’OMBINED PRESEN TA 1 lON. Mr Mclndoe was also met by the members of the Greymouft.h .Magi's--11 ale’s Court staff the legal fraternity, and the police in the jur\ room of the Magistrate's Couit. M " W. Meldrum, S.M., who presided, said no 'one was more, deserving oi promotion (han was Mr Mclndoe. lie was leaving this district with the good wishes of everyone, but particularly of those with whom he had been associated. In presenting Mi Mclndoe with a wad of notes, .‘Jr Meldrum expressed his personal regret at losing such a valuable officer as was the recipient. On behalf of the ' T ' land Law Soeiet\\ Mr 11. W. KiT.ehingham

snol<e of the feelings of regret tnat the members of the Society fell M 'osing Mr Mclndoe. and wished \lr* Mclndoe, himself and family health and prosperity. Inspector Eccles and Senior-Ser-geant McCarthy (on behalf of tne polino). Air C. J Saunders (on behalf of the junior members of fi.he L:*w Society), Air R. T. Bush (representing the Press). Mr Collier (on behalf of the Court staff), also Spoke, and ’’dr Mclndoe suitably responded. Air AfcTndoc was also the recipient of a presentation last night from the members of the Civil Service. HAPPY CEREMONY AT ROSS. On Tuesday evening the boarders at Air 11. Carter's Coni mere ial Hotel, Russ, and also several friends assembled to show their appreciation of Mr AL. ,1. Blackiow, by making hi hi a present a tiun, on the eve ol his approcliing marriage, with Aliss Alay Aloore. Air S. Evans, Mayor of Ross, presided, and liter several songs had been sung be Messrs I). Roberts, \V. Wright, F. Eellows ;;»n<l I'. Houlihan, Air Evans presented the happy pair with a. beautiful carpet square, the gift, of their friends. In making the presentation, Air Evans >aid it gave him great pleasure to be there, and to make the presentation to ?Jr Blackiow. ami his future wife. He was sure they would never regret the stop they were taking. Looki’tig around the room, he came to tin l conclusion that 7;> per cent of the young fellows there were single’men . As an old marricj man he could assure them tlial they need not be afraid of getting married. When he was married he only had £2O in the world. His wife ami himself had reared a big family and the butcher and the baker were still calling. He would advise them to hurrv np and secure a partner for life. Mr Evans then called on Mr J. O Brien, AI.P., who also ('ongratulate-1 the happy couple o»n their approaching nuptials. The married state was the ideal state, and he could bear out the Mayor’s advice. Like a lot of other young people, he had been afraid to marry because he could not save money enough. But he found that ho was very much better off when lie got married. Tn fact the only good holiday he over had was some two years ago after ho was married. Tie found that then he could save enough to take a trip to Australia. Tie wished the young couple a very happy future, and hoped that any little troubles they may have would turn into comforts in their old age (laughter and applause). Mr Blackiow, on behalf of his future wife and himself, thanked the Afayor, and Air O’Brien for the ki»nd things they had said. The health of the happy pair was drunk with musical honours and after several ehoruses had be-ui sung, a pleasant evening was brought to a i-ldßi' bv the singing of “Aubl Lung 8v.n0.”

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Grey River Argus, 18 June 1925, Page 2

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MR J. McINDOE Grey River Argus, 18 June 1925, Page 2

MR J. McINDOE Grey River Argus, 18 June 1925, Page 2