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NO ELECTION ! Mr Parfitt Returned as Mayor TWO NEW MEMBERS. CRH. NEXT AXI) I»EK<fl”: L For tbe soeon.l time Mr W. H. I'orlift has been returned um-p) for the Mayoralty of Creyiuouth --- a worthy compliment 1o the fir>i. <•!! /<"■ of the town. There will be no (‘lection for t he Bor orugh Council as the requisite number of candidates —nine —have been nominated for seats cn that led". Two of the fid Councillor.; —Messrs Bat.y and Armstrong —have retired on account of business reasons, and their sears have L“.n filled by Mr James Begg Kent — a member of the Kaiata and Oinoto liatepaycrs’ Association — and Mr Ger aid Perotti. All the other members of the old council have been re,-elected unopposed. The following constitutes the new Council of the Borough of Greymouth: — Doogan, Hugh Francis Grecnslade, John Webber Harker, John Ralph K'-ut. James R-’gg Kitchingham, Frederick Arthur McGinley, James O’Brien, James Perotti, Gerald Williams, Riclia"d Jones. NEW HOSPITAL BOARD. Th o dy f >:• r senis to ne contested on tin' Ho.’piial and Charitable \id Board, ami. as in t !"* vase of tb.e Borough Council, tie' 1 —|U’. r.«! number has come forth. T:w.- i- a change in the personnel of ike Board, however. Mr .Limes Lumber’or. Ji spin ci ng Mr lv. H. Richmond, who Ins retired. r ’he four members elect' 1 1 unopposed were: Ashton, Edwin Brislanc, James I.a mbert on. J antes I’nrfitl, William Henry THE POWER BOARD. The Grey Power Bu il d is ‘ h<> only local bodv that is affor<ling an election. six candidates '-oming forth for the throe (Hvyniout h heats ->n that body. These are:— Bignell, Henry John Doogan, Hugh Francis Grecnslade. John Webber O’Brien, Jnme ; Perotti. Gerald Torment, David The election will lake ii’ac' 1 on Wednesday next. CAUSE FOR SATISFACTION. The new Borough Council has given I Uiuch cause for satisfaction. judging by the opinion expressed y c-1 erday afternoon Io an ‘‘Argus'* r< poi H-r. Oi;e man, who holds a prommeui posit.on cn another* 'local body, stated ■that the ratepayers were particularly fortunate in securing the services ot su* li a live bodv of men. While deplorisg the loss to the borough of such a live and conscientious man as ex-Council-lor Baty, he thought it was a matter of A tha| fhs. jPcrotfi and Kent should see fit to place their services at the disposal of the people. That they had been returned unopposed was a matter for still further congratulation. Other people. including His Worship the Mayor, expressed their gratification of the outr-omc. The new Hospital Board al e o come in for/ eulogistic ’remarks. Of course it was generally foreseen fliat the Power Board scats would be hotly contested, and such has turned out to be the case. The election next Wedncsdav should cause a considerable amount of interest in the town and dis trict. THE NOMINATORS. Mr W. 11. Parfitt was nomiimfed for the Mayoralty by Messrs J. Dl.ynch. R. H. Richmond, W. R. Kettle and r r. E. Contes. The following names in pa rent bases show clearly who nominated the respective camiidates for the three local bodies: — Borough Council: —Cr. Perotti (Messrs W. ’G. Kilgonr and M B. Smith'. Cr. Williams (Messrs W. T. Kyle and A. Jx’aylor) Cr. O’Brien (Messrs J. Goodall and C. Fraser and Miss M. P. And-r--sou). Cr. Grecnslade (Messrs G. L. 1“r kins. J. Deere and l.\im AVilliams). Cr. Harker (Mr R. U. Richmond and 1)r. J . W. M cßreurty ;. Cr. McGinley (Messrs W. H. P’ - fit! and 3'. E. Coates). Cr Txitchmgbam (Messrs I . I<. Coates and W. R. Kelt lei Ur Doolin IMessrs E. M-Ho-n.ll and 3’. E. Coates). Cr Kent (Messrs C MeKsy :nrl O. Mr-Lean'). Power Board- Mr G. Berutti (M'-s srs .1. Tennenl and E. I'. I'eter.-E Mr II .1. Bignell 4 Messrs .1. M>1\ night and M . Keating). Mr J. O'Brien (Messrs 3 Goodall and C. Fr:rs<’r Hid Mi s M- ’’ \iob <- son ). M r .1 . W . Gr-00-lnd- 1 " ■' Leno. .T. O’Brien end .1. Deere . r IT. F. Dwm'.i ('Messrs T; -I■ ■’’ • • i a' T. Coates).

and K. H. Richmond). Hospital Board.—Mr J. Lamberton (Messrs A. E. Kilgour, H. IL Alisou and el. H. Williams). J Brislanc (Messrs p. C. lleaphy, G. K Perkins and J. Teauent). E. Ashton (same as previous nominee). W. H. Parfitt (Messrs T. L. Coates ami W. M. Garth) BRPNNER. The following nominations have l-cen v; v ,,r_-P’. Boustride (sitting Mayn! atf’ IL Williams. (’oum-lHors (6) — AV. Chctwynd, W. • <•. Gilbert, R. .1. Nichol, J. Pomu-r, Fry (sitting members). J. Smcafoi'. John Ford. John William Th'uupion. T. Harper. p. pp.-... Thomas Wm. Morgan (new candi Grey Pev - r B-M , W. Lcit-di. S. Fry. Air F Williams, who has been nominated for the Mayoralty for the Borough of Brunner, will address the electors of Dobson to-morrow (Thursday) evening, Stillwater on Friday, and Tay lorville on Tuesday. iu'nan(;a. Mr. W. S. Clark was elected unopposed to the Mawoialty of Brunner. Mr. Henry Duggan was elected unopposed to the Grey Power Board, and Mr. F. Williams was returned without opposition to' tbe Hospital Board. 'I he following Councillors were elected. — Messrs E. K. Tasker, 11. Duggan S. Baddcley, Pv. MuTaggart, S. W. Morris and E. McAlavcy. ROSS. Mr Samuel Evans was re elected un opposed as Mayor <d IL'-s. Al HOKITIKA Uicic arc no coiilc.-ls al Hokitika lor municipal ollacs. those elected, uht»pposedl\ being as follow :— Mayor. — Mr. G. A. Perry (unopposed for c'ght term). Council. — Messrs G. Heinz, 1) J. Evans, H. M. Coulson, Janus King. \\ . Jellern , A. It. Elcock, 1' . Orr. H. T. Parrv, (i. H. Blank. Westland Hospital Boaid Mc--rs J J. Breez, and G. II Blank. Hokiiika Harbour p.oa rd.--Messrs (I. A. Wood. W• Zeigler and W. E. Richards. Tim retiring members ol tlu- ( oiiiu il who have not olferud themselves for re-election are Messrs W. D. Mackay, R. F. Perham. G. A. Wood, and -I. Lloyd. Messrs iJeouk, orr PaHrv and Blank being the new members. Mr. Lloyd has also tadred from the liferhour Board. Mr. Richards filling 11m vacancy. Al WESTPORT. \\ I'.S i’P( ;RT, April 22. Um Mayor, Mr. J. Menzies, was reel* cied unopposed. For the Boroufh, Me-sis I'air. Greenland. Roilie, Shaw, Hunley, Fox. Weekes, Jenkins ami Sutherland wei'e elected unopposed. For the Hospital Board. Messrs Greenland, CMdwell. Fox. Rev. A Miller and Mr.- Patterson were nominated for three scats. BLENHEIM BLENHEIM. April T2. Malcolm McKenzie, Deputy Mayor, was elected unopposed f.-r the Mayoralty. Ther<‘ arc fifteen candidates for nine seats on the ('oiincil, four candidates for two scats on the Power 80-ird £ml five candidates fur three seals on the Hospital Board.

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Grey River Argus, 23 April 1925, Page 3

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BOROUGH COUNCIL Grey River Argus, 23 April 1925, Page 3

BOROUGH COUNCIL Grey River Argus, 23 April 1925, Page 3