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Age counts for quality in Scotch whisky.—.MacArthur’s Yellow Label Special Quality Very Old Scotch Whisky is procurable at all good hot<4s in the Dominion. Established in Glasgow in 1877 Mac Arthurs arc now exporting limited quantities to New Zealand wholesale representatives. MacAr t h u r s is perhaps a little d'-arer on account of its great age, but the matured quality is there. —Advt. Whitebait in small quantities have made their appearance in the Aparima River. The Westpurt cicatrical scheme is expected to be supplying light Cor next winter. Tenders for the power house are being called, and the work is to be push'd ahead. The Railway Department advertise in this issue particulars of train arrangements and holidav excursion fares to Christchurch in connection with the Grand National Races. For the four weeks ending July 19th, (lose on two and a half million feet of timber was exported from the port of Grey mouth, the actual figures being 2.423,443 feet. Lawn’s offer great value in Boys’ Suits—Grey Worst cd $ from 45/- to 60/-. Navy Blue serges 49/- to 65/-. These worsteds will outlast the ordinary tweed suits and will retain their shape throughout solid wear. —Advt. I’rodud i”n is, in a few weeks, Io be resumed by jlm Grey mouth Brewery, Omoto Road. Mr B. C. Waulicr, who for nine months past has been brewer at Hokitika fur J. Mandi and Company is. taking over the Grey Brewery,. A London cable states out of sixty thousand entries from the Empire at National Baby Week competition, Alary Patricia M ilson. aged two A’- ars, and viglq months, of Melbourne, was adjudged the Empire’s bonniest baby. A fair crowd witnessed the ladies’ hockey match, jdayed on the Yictoria J’ark yesterday altcriiuun, between the Ruiianga and Bluketown teams. Runangu were the winners by one goal to nil. The scorer "as Alisa E\ AlalpTherc were 18,880 tons of coal exported front the port of Grcyjnouth during the four weeks ending July 19, the mines contributing as follows: — State mines, 11,805 tons; Blackball, 3683 tons; I’aparua, 1147 tons; Reefton. 193 tuns; Co-operative mines, 2052 tons. f J he by-clection to fill two seats on the Westport Borough Couiicil takes place on Friday, and the selected Labour caididatc is Mr Frank O’Gornian. No doubt, the workers of Westport, recognising that the Labour movement seeks representation on local bodies as well as in Parliament, will unite io put Labour’s candidate at the top of the poll tu-morrow. The Leyland Motor Coy recently passed the 300th mark with the sale of their Trucks. Recent sales being a Leyland Fire Engine to the Dunedin lire Board and a six-ton Dump truck to the Timaru Borough Council. Two trucks have just been landed for Alessi’s Searle and' Dansbury for use in South Westland. Dispatch Foundry Co. Ltd., local agents.—Advt.

The population of the United States increased 1,943,000 during 1923. According to estimate's announced by the national bureau of economic research. On January 1, 1922, the total population was £12,826,000. In the latter halt of 1923, a net increase of 1,162,000 was recorded. This was the greatest growth for a six months’ period in the nation’s history. The unusual increase is attributed to the heavy excess of immigration over emigration and the lowest death rate that ever prevailed during a similar period. A stranger, who was remanded for a week lo undergo medical treatment, appeared before Air W. Aleldrum, S. Al., yesterday morning, to answer a charge of drunkenness. •'Senior-ser-geant P. J. AfcCarthy said that when arrested, the man was in the ‘horrors.’ In reply to the Alagistratc. defendant said he- had been working in the mill at Bell Hill on contracting jobs. As he did not know whether he could find work immediately* he asked that he be given a month to meet the fine. A fine of £1 16/- for medical expenses, and 5/- for being drunk, was imposed, defendant being allowed, a month in which to meet his obligation. *

Feed for stock in South Canterbury is now shorter I ban it. lias previously been at any period of the winter. The conference of dairy factory proprietors held at Tiniaru on Wednesday lasi, decided that suppliers of cream be paid on a grading basis. The Opotiki “Herald” stales that some outlying cattle-raisers,' owing to the unsatisfactory conditions appertaining to the market, intend to go In for sheep. It is proposed to increase the. capital of the Oamaru Woollen Factory Company, Ltd., to £200,000, by the creation of an additional capital of £150,000. A well-known Manawatu pig breeder w ho has just been spending a few days in Wellington, states that in the last year, he doubled his stock of pigs, with the resplt that the satisfactory prices for pork during the year have given him a handsome return. His operations in future will be on a still larger scale.

During the six months ended .lune *>Oth, Napier holds the record <*f having the highest death rat'* in the Dominion, it being 9.G7 per 1000 mean population. The lowest- death rale is jf Hamilton (i.sli. whilst the average for the Dominion is 8.03. In infant mortality Nap’cr’s record (7.18 per 100) is next to that of Nelson (9.1») and Gisborne (9.15). in Dunedin the infant mortality is I.GO. whilst the ax - crage for the. Dominion is 4.11. WATCH THE INDIANS GO BY.— Advt. “ School inspectors did nut behave like intelligible human beings in the old days,’’ said Professor John Adams, during the course of a lecture the other' afternoon (says the Auckland Star). ‘‘They were such fearful people that lhe women teachers would faint when they entered the rooms. In one case, an inspector always wore gloves in case he would have to shake hands with the teachers. That man afterwards committed suicide. ’’ Two residents of the Eskdaic district, who were out shooting a few j days ago, near Tangoio, while traversing a land slide caused by the recent floods, noticed a skeleton in what was once a flax mat. The remains ('says the Napier Telegraph) appeared to be those of a Maori xxho had evidently lixed to a ripe old age, judging *oy the worn down appearance of the molars in, the skull. Soiih* of the<oi North boxers at Haw era found diflicully in making their weights for the centre championships l.dal-s the times) and uio <»• them, after a diet of dry toast and “ponv’’ xvaters, declared to the manager as he entered the ring: “I'm that hungry, that if I knock this blighter. I'll eat him.’’ He won on points, ami this, it is presumed, is the reason why he did not attempt to carry out his threat. Close observers id' the psychology of Greymouth ladies Lave noticed a remark able change of expression in their faces, since William Garth, hairdresser and tobacconist, announced that he was opening a special Indies’ hairdressing parlour. The change is from discontent ment to complete satisfaction and no wonder for this enterprising hairdresser is filling a lung felt want. The parlour is titled with a variety of stock which only a lady can under, stand and appreciate whilst the appoint meats for the treatment of the hair are most modern. An Invercargill mercer who had been puzzled to account for the nun-arrival of a case containing handkerchiefs and piece goods has received a letter from the agent explaining the mystery. The letter stated that the case arrived bv a recent steamer, completely ami thoroughly pillaged. It should have contained, among' other things, eight} - five dozen handkerchiefs. There was not a handkerchief or an article ot any kind left iu it. It is not often that the pillaging is carried to such a stage.

The capital expenditure on the Christchurch tramways for 22 years has been £1.101,501). On an -average. 25,000.000 people travel year!,' the citv named, last yearls total In ing 25.15-5.021. Last year :5.-L57.0:i0 ear miles were covered. Repairs to trie tramway tracks east £15.000 a year. ‘■Our virtues have been relerred to ofien.’ - said Mr A. Dome, manager of the Chinese Association team at a eivie reception at Mastertoll, “but while we do not drink and smoke but little you must forgive us tor ha' one little vice, if you can call it smh —we dearly love a game of Alah Jhong the Chinese national game.’’ Good news for gramophone owners. On and after this date practically all Gramophone Records will be doublesided and --old at almost the s.ime v»t as the previous single-sided ‘His Master's A’oiec” ’ clcbri > For instance: “Ave Marin” (Percy Kahn) and Elegio” (Massenet) sung bv Ihirico Caiusu, violin obligatos »y ALischa Elman are on the same recoid ami the price is only fifteen shillings (LSS). The price for these two items scparatrlv was twenty-seven shillings (275). This is a sample of the wonder - ful value which we. as accredited agents of the Gramophone Company, arc now offering you. Our system for handling records is the most complete in existence. It enables us to supply your requirements in the .shortest possible space of time. Please call and investigate. The Bristol Piano Co. Ltd. Tainui Street. Greymouth, Agents for * 4 His Master’s Voice’’ Gramophones and Mctronola Gramophones. —Advt.

3 here are al pi vseiit 9003 p< rs ;ns in the euipiov «d the Post ami rLdegi'apli DvpaUnieiit ol New Zealand Il will lx* (ill Aral’s on Al'giiz- I since Oamaru was proclaimed a port of entry In <3e t -,n..r Browia*, Hi'- raijiialJ |. r Hie past '.’x Ululltlis in limaiii f'italhd 7.22 iii. being aboUL Jill below th ( . average. It- t.N estimated that their are well over 3O.(mh> Im-yeh s in use n Christchuleh anti >uhurh- and 5U r\d r shops. It report. J thal a. large gang uf men will l>< ; .Jmri|\ gneii t inpkymtiit on the Puller Goig.- Railway. A. Jim <ij L'|(H>u i.-> ’I? ,-,iglit as a r»-> suit of a stork drive m c<»nneeth»n with the Wanganui A ami I*. Association. The deaUh duti.-s ;«»|lc tc i ’’ New Zealand last year amounted to £1 153655. companxl with. £1.779.177 n tii? previous year. During the first (hive months o, r present year, German good-. \aH •<, it £47.(MX. inn** been imi>.?rb*d uj N Zeeland. The new ma.iiinrry r«*<-cnlly erected at the Me-iport ga<\\o:k-< aa> put into ..peratioH \<sti*nla\ and ■> i’«‘pured to be working very satistaU.a ily. The disclosure from Imres of the immense quantities of coal on th*’ Dt»6son field ]>rovcs the tli«*«»ri. s advanced bv geologists :tl years ago. Prospectuses obtainable from all shareholders. Act promptly. — Advt 3. The value of the Dominion products in l'.'"l was nearly £l3,WO.*_mo, tu u- arJv £32,000.000 in 1911. and £67,000.000 odd in the year ending March 31, 1922. Tlu* value of the output of these industries per £IOO < xp. n.led n wages was £541 in 1901 and £SSO in 1922. A somewhat unusual cloud effect, treminiscent of th.* Biblical story, was witnessed from Napier’s Marine Parade rarlv one morning (states the Napier Telegraph). As daylight increased a small cloud, the exact shape of a human hand was übscrwd just above the horizon. Th.* forefinger ot the hand pointing directly towards Napier, and the shape of an arm. :i< tar the elbow, was trareabic behind tin- hard. The Achilles Cycle af £l2 10/- equipped with Dunlop Tyres. Brooks Saddle. Eaili (’oa>t< r. Reynolds chain. L the best .investment for real hard work and solid satisfaction at F. U. Wade and Co. —Advt. A Wanganui business man • u».i jminiug mi tb<- la*-i that an <nvir'’as l bt.-unu-i h:»l l-nb.-.l n. < -tl.vib I. ’ and llurt an-jllicr llu '• ,li; " tin- fait thal Wanqaa'ti housei were able to get divert idiiplueiits W Wanganui was going •«> nmke tremendous ditleieixv. as i' meant on ge.'. . • . al inerehandise n saving <>' at ic a>t ion compared with ti'e preM "Js method of shipping to Wellington. r». ; then transhipping. M, effort is b<iug ma-le to secure, a ./it to the toaM of J- "illiam.aa V Nellie Bmn.ley puny. .i i ...n i.l-ivin" t*» large houses and have been, pm.' - • * p. .r Mv Heart, in the centres in - • . • ..[i,,,. aU(I Warmer.’’ amt other b. i r- liitv and Denniston, tv - ■ i (( r( . ( .„ mnic ,id.d ls unden.tim.l - whiU ;1S Ml .g :inv tMWn ,hip 51 " , ' t h,'.' : c,''i-t nillt sm l. a repertoire as ° • should prom this .< entertainmentan excellent change ot

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Grey River Argus, 31 July 1924, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Grey River Argus, 31 July 1924, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Grey River Argus, 31 July 1924, Page 4