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I a NFEIIEN A conference between officers of tne .Post and Telegraph Department (Mr • T. Aliau and the Chief Itostm.'isti'i- (.dr .1. Mulvey); and Ihe mumbur.s ci’ Borough k ui.u-ii, vias held in the Cour?uii Ulmmbers, Gruynioutn, at J 1) am. yesterday. The -Mayor (Mr J. ;• Lyn-h) presided, and thuvC were ai ; present Ci’s. \V. 11.. jhufiit, .bl. Me.;; luud, J. Grean-y, T. B. E;Jy. K. JWilliams ami J. OTbiun. The -Mayor, afu.-r announcing Hi 1 purpose o.i' Die meeting, said tiuu. (hu-y ' recognised that they could not expect to get the new system <>f ii-k >ny without a little prciimTnary ( fort, but it 'was thought by st me members of tire Borough Council ilmt the posts uouid have been c-'ected elsewhere. Air Allan said he unders:-i.d th;K Hie coiiiei'cncc was as a d •>”. from tii- Council. They had ; met a deputation from Hie n. : and the deputation declared (ii-Hi.-uk s ' satisfied with what was agreed mi. Toe work that had been agrcc-l on b; i;. Council ropr-csentat ives now < <>: i.m'-’- j the subject of discussion. icey wi.-.i ed to avoid friction, an<l wi re ]••< m-:i i to moot the whole Council. Cr. Baty said the po.-ds from Hi. Hospital to the Kuciealien Ho; i w-’.’ 1 the prim7p<il cause ol compiam:. Cr Grcancy said that tiie posts the parts of Alexander l<rr::<. e uh ■ he had complained about were ci. : on the narrow footpath. i:- p-s ill Chapel street were not so; i.-fac; Along v.iia being eicct-d vfi H.u i’.-- ‘ path, one uf them had a large ‘‘war; on it, and the inside of Hwhich made the passage st! 1! mu :a 4 v'- r ' Cr. Grcaney here read a import of the i m-qiec t ion ol Hi-'-m ties by tin 1 Borough .“ igi • eur and Allan. The report siatul Hint <-\c;y thing was satisfactory, and llie’-e r. . - . no cause for c mplaint. -i- h's Grcam y) held lhai, if every; •’•!: .■; order, why did the 1-st ami 'i'> ’■ graph Department sliift, the g-st ; <■-! : plained <>i and cut off itiu f ‘v.::r .\-- t-j the posts from 1:. ? li - ; ..; ; ; • fuistralian Jloifil, lie, as a < ou’-'-il-.:'. • considered the footpath th-y v. f re placed on to be one uf Hu- m • : . • portnnt in Greymouth. Ou Em uj.-po-siie side of the street, there wa- .?■! unformed fouipiith by which I’m Could have been crucl-d. One m' ;i ■ ]'oles was ( reeled on whal v.o;:id i ■■ inc —lire o.i. the .iootpnth. im-t<;id >. ! being placed further out on Hu* i-..-.'. Mr -Yi'mn said tl-y never [ poles on. the roadway. They wuuid L ' liable for e.idents if isev «;. L Air Gr-uney sauted tlmt often a iy I could be L ading u ecaiple <>f cl.lids.hi. by hand and seen pushing a ; i .mm;lalor on Hu* Viol path, ami siruggimg to get between tfm posts Cr. Williams said tlmt '..lea I Chairman of Elie Works C-mi:;ii H-e •.• had interviewed Hie foreman of ilm 1 eleprnm.m -works, fie removed full ('•>• ! operation. He had to admit t;-n.l when Im talk< d wilh the Engine-'!’ about the (Lrection of the posis uhur; the Hospital street, he did mfi <; .:i ■ understand the pobition. Air Allan said Ihat Hie pegs e. put in and hie line defined ai the t’:irectum c f Cr. Williams and th-;.' .Imrougfi Engineer. Cr. ’Williams said Hint perhaps it wa ' negligence on his part that he did mb '! ; ■ ,' -I. "Li. 11 H<' _ sr! i: i:, :. Hie fact remained (hut llm posis \\ in awkward positions. Cr. I’arfitt mentioned that ihere w."? some (rouble over tlm posts cr<u.- •' ■ ■ in Wuilc Street. Cr. Skoglund said some intimation • *1 have been given of the D- v.-.- • meat’s intention to place the pm : where they were. “ Do you mean iimt Ike Cuum-’ 1 ' pormi-m.boi should have bein' •< i.<-d asked Air Allan. *• Ye ' ’’ .-’aid Cr Skoglum.L “Lt has never Ik . ti d>.ne l:i :!;<■ i lory of New Zenlai.d’’ h id Mr Allan. ' “Who lakes the risk—the Department or the Borough (’oum-il I (Jr. Skogliiud. Air Adan: “The D- pa.-’i< a! i:il: snmll Hmks! ” (1 .auglilerh Air Allan said Hru! ! i < r: vi m. •<'/ tlm work of (he Department !t •- ways t'lie pravti o to study ! v:tl eond; Ho’:.:, but technical pui::!; and the r <|Uircmer.ts of tin.' law uf Hie cmoitry ' had liliuiys (o bo considered. Ruf-it- j ing to the complaints of the | lo’’s, Air Allan stated that Hie ]m-’- ' hud been eret-tod on the north si-m ; (.'lmpel Slreet to k:vve Hie s<-u'!h side I free fur the power linos in Huil .-i’.- i '. ! T-ie path ’where Hie ])o!e.; weru j ?m i > was md (hi' regulation width, imt 1h:. ; ! was not the Depart men’.’.s fault. The ' ' I poles -.verr all in hue, uud Hie vn rk. 1 v. in :i visited by Cr. Wiljiams and lh ' Borough Engineer was stated by t'm-m < to be quite satisfactory, and Limy L : j it remain. He mentioned Io Hmai. i however, tlmt if given 'jtermission j” ■ would cut the kerbing so that it vnml-l < b? pos.-i'dic to move the pole mat two : or three inches. That v. a : ** - n. his own suggestion, not at Hu' furtlmr i request of the Works Committee. jn : Hie part of Alexander Street complained of, Hmy occupied the fool |i:ij ii pr<-- I viously occupied them for a number ! of years. It might not be known io ! the CoiincilJnrs and the Bcvmigh Em gini'cr that the Railway Department j intended to close flint part of the ■ street, and ■where there was a likelihood of such a change, Departmental officers hint to take thin into consideration. The regulations required that

t l.ey should occupy only one side ol the street. Hr. said that the ’w-rk (•( h:.\c b- 10 » .<■ Si m. the stre-ut leading 1o t’io Hosjainl quite easily by crossing the railway line to the unl’u-rmcd struct. “I. :im glad uf any hi:gge:-1 ion. ” said Mr Allan. J!.' had taken i'.w uevOpip-m-ent of Greymouih into c■liuidi-iu’.iom and -where the must ?;;b:-..-ribers were' or likely to lie Ha* L>ep; r! i iest gem-ra’dy placed its lines to suit this d.'vel'.ip-im-’it. If ili'-.f went Hie oilier ; they vu.mi.l have to cr- s high i.'mficm lines at the danger id.' eordaut wit-: tue G ivym- ui h-Ciiri-U-nureu me'niliv ciruuir trunk l’:iu, v.b’ch avgul-I l>.?v :i higii 1’ vfs be. :i e.' specially to cairy the Cixi’istuh.iiis'a trunk lice to Kumars, Hmm/e io ancm sou aad on 1 a yb • i.-t chu? ‘-m The Mayor said H at 1 rief’y the o’-’ jection of Hie Council v\as to the li'.iv.i of the pmes. r.nd It would p. Hie Cminui! ami the pimple it thm could be shilio-l without inconveiiicncc to fa 6 Depart me i t. “Do you mean, ai our expui. .?.’’ asked Mr AJian. “ Yes —duciib'dly! ■’■’ rcpl'ot: th<* Mayor. “I will have Io pmat out these ami tors to my head emee,” said .Mr Allan. The Ali'.yor said that if the matter went to Hi-' b. . i uiiii-e, the would have to jd.rce i:s views also b foge the head :T:i'm Cr. Ba.y a-me i 'r Ali ri if Cm I!-.’-:’ ough Engineer h-’d ever c".efi rr'di v. uny final arrangemu! ■ ns to Hip p’ai-iny uf Hu? poles. ■ -Mr Allan said that he had :: riivc ] ;a no c■?( fi-lcn villi thv Eor.mgh Ea ,'?(■ '■ further ihan Hie oro Imt .?•■’< ■; tbChairman of the "Works Cmmmi;f e. : Borough Engin -er and himself, ami Hr urr:iugui..u:it Imd Leu.-! mutually upon. .it av as i:< t ;;o •. ;•-m< > f ; I D.rlmeat 1 ) ecu fcr vm h Hie mimii-’ pal authorities on ordimii-y <* : “I tub?.' it; i'mf i(- is nlvays your d.’s. rc to n;-'‘'i. Hu* a-. : -h.‘s of Hie p.-“ m !' ? s:;i<’ Air Lynch. .i an, C 1 m i iing. s - ’ !d t ’mil: L" Imd p-inmunii-;: i <■.! ids plans to 1i> i’' i-mdn- r as as ho a>-: cd in Hie towu.. if ’ •? wore to fall with Hu' d> i i h i ' Hi.' Hou :il ■ would bo bteni.iv; im? ’rw of th< ■-(Hill : - y. 1’..1 . I.'. 1 t be complied. Avi ‘ li. \\ b• a ; .! ’■ ; Z.-al: am Ov. r.mar xvm.ild !>■' mid the tch-; honi'S wi.c'.l bito die. I: i. J : h -m- li. es uv ern b l UMi siilm of Hie i :’m> . mipower lines A'/ei 1 -' brought in ihu u»’le- : phone linos wuu.ld i.nve in be sb :■> H:e Oilier side imrmw — fa.r 1..’. • ilm- ivgulaHou iold him tlmt they wen* going to vlose gineer had told him that it was Ta intention of the Council to uimn footpaths in this sire?!. The RaiWay Department avc’.’o going to use : pov.-er wire oi MlOO volts in connect jowith their system 7’rom (T rb whur.-a to tho West Coast. It was awk war to'dodge thug’.? wires in the open i-.'un-try, mid Councillors eimfil rce tlm: was much harder to separate, th? Aviri ?• ■ i:: a town like Greynumtii. <2,090 vm’. .was a kigii tension curniir, amt it av.i-' >imiy-'rous that such a rurrcin shonm < <■..’o in contact with loioriimne wi]’> s. Gr. O'Br'om said Hm; th-' Ceaim : i u li-- :< m< . - I v r I the Council wanted. It r. is v.i:'. . I ■ l ('• f.b i* j buyto say if the removal Hu? jukes ■ eubh? or ml. .1 f Mr A J’.-in ■i ’ |i; i .mid not bo done no or.c in th'- ' Coummil could gainsay him. ih /ore Cue C.-un< !l c- uhl o’.v dcfinif-aiy ;b'i- • 'pt “ft •euble Hiey vm-i! I have 1o t .m ; •?' .v a vi• -ng eugin cr. ' Hr. Wi ii ims said (be p-:1s se-.-med i j jarred Em ner\es m A ibe | .■.•. pi.-. \\ ho had b< t'M : •--<!! 0m .I to a me. | •'Ha ght pa ,t ’.‘ <>i‘ ’mHiiug. iir wi * jfm t rdy ay.-m d up-m l-y < o W< ■ ! (.'•) ... 1 , (•. • ;n <| H.u ;;■ ■, •■. <r. ; <m*di (.!<■ unci Hurs as sir-cl as Ur. Slmg. I lu nd. ’ “That clear-; the air.’’ said rim Ma | Ur. SI: oglu ad ; J t bu.s Is'cn stated by I th'’ (.'haimmn of H.e W« rks CommiHe ' • t’ml. Hit.* C'?m;niH-.'-d did. not fuily un--1 ‘‘ *1 I:i •:• I the po-;! m m i ' j ike Mayor said ilmt Ur. Miliinmi; han I ’I Hie pusiilim <•!(:::;■!;•. Jb' ie!' I grieved over the strde of the rorii:-. .in I paHs of Hi.".,- town, l>nt it c;mi<i be nd l j’l- :• i with inc asslslum ■• mid < <.-opI (‘luHo’.i of Ilic J h.'p:.irt meat. As AVell a- - seeing- to Hie replacing of lhi‘ nspiialt. be suggested that Hie Department i siMJufil wjdo.u tlm* iuotpaHi. in High Hi/recT. It could be (.lone quite easily, and would overcome Hie difficulty which confronted the Council at present. Air Allan said itguin (hut he had taken full cognisance of local conditions, and like every enginecr In a;anted to have his work properly completed and to the satisfaction of the district, hm Department and himself. The Government was installing in Grcymouth a system Avhich Avouid preclude all ox'-or hearing. The Avork was being carried

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Grey River Argus, 12 October 1922, Page 6

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POSTS ON FOOTPATHS. Grey River Argus, 12 October 1922, Page 6

POSTS ON FOOTPATHS. Grey River Argus, 12 October 1922, Page 6