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WAIUTA TURN TABLES ON RuNANGA. BRILLIANT GAME AT Till; REC. (By f 1 Touchline.”) Lust Saturday was an ideal day for the League code from every staud--1 oint, the 1. b< ing beautifully ’’ line, and a large crowd made lire Hocrcalion Ground -heir rendezvous, where ■ the League gam-es set down were all * close ami interesting. .three games D were played in ihe afternoon. Run--1 anga fourth grade boys snatched a ’ very narrow win over Blackball by 1 eight points to seven. Thu Northern Uiub, however, turned the tables on 1 Hie Kucanga in the third grade game, ami after a tine open and fast game, ran out winn-ers by one point. Good football was shown by these boys, and it won’t be hmg before some of them will be in the Senior grade. Dodds and While, of the Blackball team, and Uonnoliy and Cosgrove of the Runanga i-cam, were especially worthy of mention. } The star performance of the noon, which, no doubl, drew the large I crowd, was Hie memri.g for the tim’d time of the Runanga and Waiuta se/i--oj> and, whilst there have been many ' i good games under the League hire i. 1 | think this match eclipsed all i rcvlt-ms '■m s. jhe game. \.as one ser'es (■!.’ passing bunts, which at limes were really beautiful to see, Waiula backs especially giving one of their best dispmys, and fully U]iii'>iding the popular oj.miimi: ui’ what they could do on a I line day. Tim three tries gamed by j ■ ...m w t .<* the re-buil of fine back play, mid one especially in whicn Wid' scon d the ball must have chang;-.i hands no less than eight Ernes, l:?e player m-entiuned finally sec-ring well in ..' -.n- i;.c p. ;-i;. Uiitoiish al> > scored a very fine try, afh-r besiing Hie Dpposiliun from halt' way, am! touching down m-himl the " Ik-.? 13 points ‘ sr-eed by ihe Blues wore all register-’ •.•d in ti.e first Imif, ended al j 13 to nil, and ii rooked a foreejme con-’ (-iusiox for Waiuta. jLu 1. ■.-? am I who had been psi’ily by the • > . e.pi..--;'. •<■ I’. a<‘L lUg L;O Vuim.'ll Is. of lhi‘H’l opponents regaim d some it' im?:;’ cash I in the second half, wilii Ui-?. resuii that I ami a clinking uxii;lniii-n of Tout-I bail was wii ness. Tone itier till?} Erxcman, i'uiiivd. Hum.e-.’ uno Uus'wuuld set things moving. Faulty hami- I ling (in the par’, of A( -i l-.-rson cn Hi-.’ * wi ig lost a couple of vas,- l ns. Anyhow, the Diack and Wai.(•'.-. h'lmmci- ' jed aw’.’iv l;H the Waiuta lemn were . ; Ifvling the ciferts or thu fir.-; i>i!L| Purnell eventually made a fine run, ami ; scored ali.iig.'Kie tm 1 p> ami lie . ■ landed tb.c goal a!.-u, and the cr-wd | qucntly, by good Combin .*.l pi ty, Iml I i \ aia... > ( too on. or i Ivuiiauga ro pier, e, nml in-cy l.mi io go > down to a btiicr icam on tie? <• .y. J | winch bc’.h i.- ar<-. to De cc;: u- I I ’■'.l7.i. h. the. Wuima team, Amts | again played a sc>ur.d gaim , and . n- ; : doubt a line full back. U. AD EiW i-. was the ciitsoinding back (••■ the • grjiim!, his dispfiy being ■eaily jr.-crit- ’< with beautif;iiiy nippy p;. ; s -i H ! 5 would be a. Hl for some uf tn.? - Her _ •s !.i the cud.? to i.; Le n lesson I off him in that respect. <'u’.!>;.-si ai second Jive-eight was also in giami ■ i-.-r,.., and h:.i died well. 11-: has pmw : and a lib e r ide step, ami I: now; n »w ‘ • . use i-imv at half 's e-.-i.y lim best half in the coup.'ii m .o’ i.-w. ' a p uy-cr, and pe.--sc. siug a cool i (j.;.head. In the forwards, Williams • giiin stood out, ami his try was ■in ..;,i(.,’i m . nn ii> t ’.(» i i.'i s k O' im tin'

n pass. I>acis (who by the way repiv>< nie-; the We-1. Co-’Ri..,i>y reps at Do ;!u- in last w-.:t is a lim* forward and a l.ig :u-q:.i •’ ■ ion to the Blues. Wilcox, among the oihcrs, was ihe m-mt ii.\>mi.• <n' aml ‘' Kus.y ' ’ was ILc most delighted i....n uf ihe tciini after then* tin- win. The IL.manga team played well, but let (Jutbmh slip thio-ugh him. ( -is' is j y upiniwii, the pick Ol the backs, an I is improving ew-ry itia'ch. lie should go very near to rep honours on his game on Eaiurday. Purnell was the next prominent, but rot , as usual, although his try was I a gu ~,1 'efl'Ji t. Hunter j layeal fair, but : lias de, eb-'je.l a bad habit cd’ short) Llckii,'.' lie. Ir'caian, behind the) scrum, was milling i: some good work in the latter stages of the game. He is e\j .J. ally in g 1 • d form, as li • played ) a soccer game prior to the match. Ot I the Ruuauga forivai’iis, Barber and Far- j sonage were the pick, whilst Griffiths i la ]>romoted : : so showed out. .1. McTaggart did not play anywhere near bis imtial lortu. He was continually- caught with the I all in lii-s possession. This not ns it should be, i slioidd remember that lie has

supports in the team. W. JleTaggarl and Auderson were going Imrd. :ili! 1 have seen belter flout them. The result of Saturday’s game has ■ made Hie •• ■mi H i’. ma even more int. resting, as ilia f wing table shows: c;il |, pA mm, dw ’a lost points Rujiiing:i . . • •• b Wniutn I ■’ Blackball .. ’■ 3 1 1 Kohinoor . . G 1 - •’ THE WEEK-END GAMES. The ”’amcs set down for to-day and i i.. I’.o’.v are Nelson Cre.'k gnd Rival junii r -; at Ike Rec. at 2.30 p.m. to'day: Kohinoor seniors and Blackball mi Sunday at 3 p.m. Both the e games ■ ..... .. crowds, esp.. ei: Uy the HivaD-N' , lrior. Uveck match, as both teams arc at the top of the grade. pi,e Creek leant having been strengUicm d -what l>y the inclusion of hit ...air mill S. O'Brien, are rather eonlident they can beat the town team, wli'di lomi'fis to lie seen. WELLINGTON TO VISIT COAST. •I’ll ■ decision of the Wellington League to send a team to the Coast is good news to I.eag'tie followers. L behoves the s- l ctors here to In w !i ' Coast team selected '.mrly, so that Hwy can put in a lot of solid training. Thor:' can be no doubt a fine team can be got together, nnd should they have a few visitors, they should more than hold "ames in company prior to mooting th' their own. It is also pleasing to know tlm’ the local Centre has made npplieatioi for a fame against Hie Kangiir" l " from Australia, who will be visiting Now Zealand later inutile season. Al' League followers will remember tlm effort made by our worthy president or the last occasion the Australians came

to this country, when everything possible was done to try and get them here, but fate was-njyiiust us, and the mutch had to be abandoned. Let us hope that that: effort v.ill be realised in the coming tour, and tho West Coast public may yi I st-c the redoubti able Harold Iluid'cr in action, and the i other brilliant. Aussie exponents of ihe I brilliant League game. j That Rnßpahoc bids Pair to become •' a favourite resort of a Sunday was ’ evid'eiiced by the large crowd, who journeyed out there, lust Sunday. The day being beautifully line, they were rewarded, not only by some choice selections of music by tho Runanga Band, but by a good game of football between Nelson Creek and Runauga Juniors. ‘‘Aline Host” of the llapahoe Hot-el has made big improvements to this ground, and its surroundings, and it is to be hoped that next season will see even bigger crowds availing them1 selves uf the outing. ' Hughie Trouland has not yet recovtered from the accident to his knee, ; and will not be able to again don tho jersey this seasen. This is bad luck for the Kohinoor team, as Hughie hade fair Ito make a lino forward in the game. He'll come again. Another of the. Green and Bl:-m<; j , G. White, has sufierod injury to hm leg, _am.l is laid aside for a while, but is ; progressing well j A prominent League- follower, and lone tim-e forward ,in Jim Burley, of Reefton was a spectator at lust Sat-

urdry’s match bciwicii L’uua:q;a and Waiuta. Tin- genial Jin; w;.'> very pleaded at the success of his old club. LEAGUE TODIC. I The League gam sdm nig last w fend wert‘ an round and proved popular cutmys. were loud in their p;a:se of the spc-.--will-tie. Tlie Waiuia t ■:■■■! were seen to nd ; muchi:>«’»y, Imndt’d ■ : >a:’n‘. w: n a I ti>'!l io witii-ss. '1 io Rii'innyn team,! although I’.ef.Ucd. were rerniv in admit TIIFU T' "/ /■<'J ’ V ()'Brien are a grw.L a-THm-e to tin’ j Nclsim i'i-.-;-k and slumh! be seen j 1 n adv aid age to 'lay. Great is Hie >i>--rti arion o’ the Junior | k;v ' ! An w: |. \ rnitor nt ■ ! rri: ■ g m ■ • Enthusiasm of p' ? v. one travels I’7 • •(■’< • r 1u ph-.y lit “?•' nr lHir> for | (’U5t on tie.’ th: o .(”'■•'• r :; r>w ‘ Lows great promise, aiul <i“;igL*vd the crowd / or S.'iiurday. W.-itH Dutb.nsh. M--D'wee and Co. i ' 'L :: . \" r I T 1 R in,-I ga imm . ad.ii reatiy to ) T'invers wo ;hl do well to remember i '[Li be in I'ir Cun final:’, of the sen or • or iuiror co-npe’ tion, Hu- teams with > -j (-b..'in<-e find that thev hnvp Io train i herd, otherwise they will not be in ■ ihe ph-ture at the finish. Tl.p - i ‘c their | iimre t<> follow. Last Saturday ’y frame 't th? Rerr<*a- | ion. was vo.ed tn be the l “< 1 oxli’bi- | ion seen for years in loca’. football. I

Tim Rniinnga junior t.-nm to y’ny Blackball on K,imlay at Blackball ar." 1.. f.dh.w llariismi, Scott. J.. U ,)r, > Muuva.sler, IshcrwouJ, 11-.-.-r.? > O’Giady, Ruchfurd, O’Neill, Ualdweii, AL.lore, TaHc-u tyre, Uoiiaoiia and lu.dier. SOCCER FOOTBALL. Rec. between Grcv mouth on Llaekbal! was p’aycd befon- a mixed cro’Ad of League ami So.-.’r enthusiasts. A number of Hie supporters of the League (•O<L? showed their lack of sportsmanship during ga:-:? L calling nnd counting Sttiue of .iitftc people seem to think that no other kind of g.-ime Ent their v.\:. ; r‘.cu'ar couv ' Humid be a lowwl. Mu>t oi { ’.ivymouth Soccer players arc ies.dvins uf ; I lie town and if it romvs I i preferehc.', ' (•eitamiy Lave a prior cmim to \!.-,.tui.>. j :n add.tioJi, :i‘ .v.-i-t i.uh’ a do.-wu of ' 1.. jdayeis vng.igml pU-;? i.? ,_m- r? i gii-.aily, aiid nothing tumid pu»ib j. jiis i tify ti’.e ig io'.:ii;l. uttiiuic .'. it pit-i by •o be Rugby, Liable er ><.■•. ■:. :.n! ;; sport can watch cither cuoe • ;■ i itself was a rcallv good ovkiie.tion u,‘ ■ football. Grcymoulh fie’.ied a full’ team, inelmiing five reps. f.,r the first : time this •season, and fnliy e iieiue.; ) cieven. The pu.y for the lirH quarter of an hour made Grey look Hie better j .Jiaky during this period. Drum tiiis, point Blackball grad’.m'iy look a grp’ of the game, and prov.Hig superior fore and afl, secured a con\Hieing victory. I Eor Greymouth, Benn ’lt in goal, lr d ’ i lot of work ami made several fine . ■ a'.es. Laving no poss ble chaiwc with ' ' ... hv fool hall. McNi’-o! was the b d ;f the half backs. • nd pLiv* «1 a very lice game. Bold Sharp and Hemlerscn .’■'ere off colour red >c-emi--.t uname to .title down prop'-Ty. Forward Howi .' was tlm pick -ami d spmy.’d .<” U‘ very lice touches. (.Tumptoii and Freeman also worked hard and kept Hie oppos ng calf'b-cks ou the move. ('rankshaw o.layed a dashing game until he got jiirt. Murphy is improving wHi every rame, anti occasionally vol over nme -’litres. For D-hickball. Fr cl'letoa. in goal, had very Dttle to <;o. -Ad Ire i-est of Hie team p'nyo-l well, ’'■ark 1 , Balderstone -ml Denman particularly ;o. Hall is also entitled to special mention; he played well on to Howie and Crompton and mado no mistake

v.l, .„ 1 Ki IK bids fair 11. j eii.p Lite, a tine IKf back. 01:l .'j - ■ '.. . . : on, aEoo v. (nevmmilL. Gn-vmouth, and Bla. k L.-ii! v. Ibuuwga, at Blackball. The’ i-.d nnmc-'l in vh-w of the posi Hons o p mich club, will probably be a very L Ci’ on?. •‘ 1 brox ” appeals to should L.‘ played, and may the best ♦ earn win. Probably before long rep. <.?.m.:-- with Canterbury and Buller will be arranged. In choosing tho Westland team player.; whose club form has [■ , e i. rood sll( lid b.'- gIVCI the preference. “Dbrox” here ap mis a list who have played well ’ Lout F'o semon:—Bennett, Par . ■ ’ ' ’ io Tv’or. Brume \ Bald erst one, Bond, AleN wol J., McNieol T., Howie, F. Clarke, Gray (Runanga), Patterson, Winstanly, Hampson, Kerr and Quibell,

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Grey River Argus, 22 July 1922, Page 3

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THE LEAGUE GAME. Grey River Argus, 22 July 1922, Page 3

THE LEAGUE GAME. Grey River Argus, 22 July 1922, Page 3