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THE EELFAST POGROMS. Sl’l-il I.VL POLICE BI.AMIiD. I — LONDON. May 17. ’i'll,. Sinn Fein Executive at Belfast pm-.-ud :i j» i <»!i ini behalf id' the |.t isuctited terrorised minority of this city culling on the Dail Eireann forthwith to establish a stable Government mt-o.s of acquiring peace in Beli'as* is the establishment of piuict 1 in th<‘ ic>i of Ireland; also expressing the opinion that until the sj»ecial police paid by the British Government, are di.'-bunded or disarmed, there will not be pence, and condemning and deploring :he rule of the gun, for which the rule of tiie people should be sulislituted. PEACE POURPARLERS FAIL. 9 LONDOX. May 17. I- was officially aiinounced in ihe Duil Lueanii that the peace negotiaI ions had broken down. BRITISH FORCES IN ULSTER. BRLi: lIAXD IN . SING TH BAT. LONDON, May 17. Sir Willianl Dakison in the House of Commons, asked whether British troops had been idl'i/red to I'kster Government, and wlu'ther they were to repel organised raids by the Republican Army, also whether adequate forc-es were available in event of any massed attack ou the l ister lordi'r. Mr < ’hamberlain said the British troops in Lister had not been offered ’ > Sir James ('raig for any purpose, but the troops stationed in Lister were available' if civil ]>o\vers requested their aid. The British Govirnment hud no jeason to believe the available forces were not. adequate. ANOTHER BELFAST POGROM. .’ RMoi id-.D CAR MOWS MOB. Received May Is at 5.5 jj.m.) LONDON, May 17. Belfast last night was the' scene of ’ h.any sanguinary encounters between I' inn r - ii gunmen ami (Town. Eorces. i Many casualties in tiu« Southern area I ichided one woman killed another wounded. I ncendiai ism was freely indulged in. Tim Northern area was next involved, large military detachments i;.< v ing in a i moni ed cars and engaging I s< me mobs. Then' was icrrible fighting, i II continued until Ihe .1(1 o’clock C’uH lew. The casmtLies are believed to be I grave. | j BRITISH MONEY FOR ULSTER. LONDON, May 17. Sir H. Grei'nwood in Committee ot ike House of ('ominous, submitted a vote for 175(1.(10'1 sterling, representing Imif of a grant Io be made Io assist the I'lstor Government to meet conipen- I sation avv a rds under a .Malicious In- i KEEPING ULSTER AFLOAT. BRITISH TAX PAYERS' NEW HP R DEN. LONDON, May 17. Discussing Sip H. Greenwood’s proposal lo grant £7SD,O(H» to I'lster. Mr t .iosci'h Devlin (Irish .Xa’ionaiis' member fur West Belfast) in the House ol iomil (love;- ent ot' Ireland was undertaking to pay for any damage done \ >i : i;i I-’ iiiei:'. in Southern Ireland, whilst Britain was paying for the dan.age '’mil was done in Ireland by th-.- Black and 'lans. The Imperial Government however, was now coming lo the I Isle) Government's help. ’I hat was the British taxpayers' allair. bill v hat provision was being made tor the Roman Catholic sufferers in I Ist-.r? I }.; ■>■ uni', had leceived the most mengiu' compensation under the (’ounty ('curt awards. A commission, he said, slo'Uul be established in I’lsL-r lo deal v ith such cases. (‘aplain Craig said that there was ar obligation on the part of the iaii. ;ml Government to assist - Ihe Lister < ic\< i nmeiit. so as to remove a hcav v burden from this young (iovernment jiet functioning. ('oniiiiu cder Kenworthy opposed the vole, as being ‘lie beginning of a vast sv. tom.of subsidies to I Iril-er. < <•!;-ma tider Ktu.v.o tii v mo\cd Hie re-du.-t ion of ibe vote by' £500,t)00. ( lonel Ward said the disorders in ( i-tcr were due to the Biitish policy. The iioiliturn Government was taking an adequate share of liabilitv in under inking to pay one third of the damages. Sir Godfrey Collins pointed out during Hie r lt ria'u! year. G5.225,00(i wimld |h" paid tu sufferers in Ireland. The British exchequer, hi? said, would have i (t im.l £?, for every £1 found by th-e Ulster Government. Sir IL (I r('cii vva.od said this gjait' was to relieve local Lister ratepayers .>• a burden which meant bankruptcy to the l ister local authorities. I lie c;.-t of making | eace in liadatid. hesaid, would be £l(>.'>(hm>(H>. assuming there be no untoward development. < .•i.,ma mler Kenworthy’s motion was negatived without diversion. IRISH NEGOTIATIONS. AXTI TREATY PARTY S VITITI'DE i R'-'-i'ivi-'l 'M:iv IS nt s 15 p.m.) LONDON. May 17. A l.i'-ak'liiwn lias i.i-l-urrc'l in Hie peiua- neg'itiaTunis, due I" th" aniltreaiyites insisting on Innin tai ni n g the pi -. nt sti-e- e-'S "t ilu-ir representation in the Dail Eiieann, and llieir refusal -Ji,- !■:■<'-'i'le.-i y Party’s offer t‘> repeiiia.ion "ii 'ii'- basis ol six to four. DE VALERA CONCILIATORY. OFFER'' ■:•< > < tl-I’.RATTON. LONDON. May IS. Mr |i,. Valera, speaking in the Dail ■ ■ i. ■ , aft.- 'l'-- I i' :ilidov/ti i n the I' |’i r. 11 n. 'ifier lli" I ueaki lo veil ot i a,a ■ ■>■in a i 11 ee. said: —‘ ‘ e Iealise th:.l a inaj.irily of the Dail F.iW lann iieeepted 1 lie tri-a'y. If wo had tin- power v, e would reverse that niajoritv. Wlml we desire to know is: Does the Tn-.•rnini’nt desire our eo-op eration I tai:? the responsibility of offering it.

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Grey River Argus, 19 May 1922, Page 6

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IRISH FREE STATE. Grey River Argus, 19 May 1922, Page 6

IRISH FREE STATE. Grey River Argus, 19 May 1922, Page 6