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STOCKHOLM, December 3

The tension in Bedin has somewhat eased as a result of the decision to convoke the National Assembly. It hopes to produce a union of parties, and stability of administration^ . A meeting of non-coms, of the Army aiid Navy passed, a resolution declar-. ing that both services were determined to help the Government to combat Bolshevism. > EUNDENBURG'S PROMISES. LAND FOR SOLDIERS. (Ree. December 5, 9.80- p.m.) General Hindenburg has issued a proclamation to Van troops, appealing for patience a little longer. He announces that the preliminaries for a big sale of land settlement have been begun, and will be expedited. It pi-ovules' for building "hundreds of thousands of houses, on cheaply acquiretl land, Ayith public funds at low rates for farmers, and also garden suburbs for town workers, Including these in sedentary employments. SOLDIERS SUPPORT GOVERNMENT. AGAINST COUNTER REVOLUTIONARIES. (Ree. December 5. 8.40 p.m.) AMSTERDAM, December 4 A meeting of delegates of the German Field " Armies has resolved to support the Government against any counter ■■'revolutionary attempts. HOHENZOLLERN PRINCES. MAY. GO IF THEIR MONEY IS LEFT. ' ' , " (Router Telegrams) > V Ai\ CO U V vAt Ueconiber 5. The German Government lias consented to permit a number of the Hohonzollem princes to leave Germany provided that they leave their" ■foiti.hos behind. "■ ;. Prince "August Wilhem and his Avife are going to argentine s-ioitly. a I£AISER-TRUE." SOLDIERS HAUL RED FLAG DOWNy (Ree. December o, 9.5' p.m.) AMSTERDAjNI, December 4. I' The "Rhenish Westfacjische Zeitung'' reports that k Kaiser-true soldiers twice 'hauled, down a red Hag on ; the Stadthouse at Kxeuznacli, and j burned- it amidst- the cheers of a crowa Avhd applauded '~pro-\K.aiser speeches. In order to aA ? oid bloodshed, the Workers' a n d Soldiers' Council then resolved provisionally not again to hoist the" red flag. ANTI iMICITARTSM AT (R*v. . Beepin her 5. R. 40 p.m.) OOPENHAOEN.-.DeceTnbPV 4, TTip ■{Soviet at Liep^iff liavp rTrnVod thnt ■ army > K* i adou's'rt-rrs sb?lf V r3is- | snirpfl jind that Hinden burg sfiall "be i arresfetf. ' .

COMMUN]S?.r aAIM.NO OR'HIND. CLASS WAli. .MOVK.MEXT. the iiAc-ri-;. iviM-i^bcr \ Tin 1 sUiK'.iic.n ai IV.i'nu'ii utows more _:ii-i:u-. I- is iv-;i<<Hi nf mncli rliiii i* linjspi-iihii; uliiiv njijiijiijiiism i* gaiiiiiii;'i'lic Rudical Socialist Knicf. ad(lrt.'ssii!^; aii ojicii-air tiinn.ii- ! i;:l i"n, advncuH-.i w (-!;> : .s Avar. lie tli ,-iiiivil that ii;<" ryhiiiiiniiiiinir of ;i -\':ilii>i!al Asscinh y wimiii u\\\v In lp ihe Jiiuir»eoise 1o i-cji'iiij! .'-ni.icniiicy. TLc wurkci's- must h:< v;- tla-i.- i;v,![ iUi.iy. M.'ituro prodoniiiii::i'.'c, and i!i«:triii \ 1 1 c » Kdurjjooise,' v.-lik-li v»-;is <;uli<-(- iii:.^ tlie ruins of the pal itiiiiv for the puruusc of asserting- its Tlu». iiiu,]ority <>£ | rl.'.e nicetiiig voted :i^niT:'-v .-.t.niinuning ( t ho Assembly uml imruiiiuously -ij)jirovod oi niitiiii^ 1 the pni<Tttii:<t. A .subsequent mcciii:"- of J iif iii'<-imMi Soldiers' Goumil iv;;s twice" inter- ! rupted by "cxtrc::n:-is fro-a tho str«*o*ts AvliiTe a huge Hi rear on in 5 crowd assembled. j Knicf secured an 0m!.".--ms •'uiiiifil. voted liy !)7 fo n's, in favi : _tir oi' a J Nation:! I Assembly". Tin-y a 'so reijeciod a ]ji-opo i oa! to dismm th;> Bomfrcoise Eiiul arm the proiotuiiii! by 100 to 10. An aiinoinicemcnt, of the'f;ision evoked roars of ' ' Ni'amo! " The Cliairnuin explained tiittt a vote wax nfcessaiyfor the sy-ljc of th»; country's food needs. GERMAN PRESS ON EOLSiI .^Vi.-'.M. I PRONOUXOKD OPIHiSiTIOX. THE HAiil.E, December :'. The>!c (?oiinnn press complains of the inability u\ the Soviets or llu: executive committee to cany out ■|n-ui:rk-ar ndminii-fi'ittive ■ work.. The. A'arious SOl nli.'-t. y::n:ps hiO nothiug )>ut >!is. I's-iun i.-lubs :.ud urc iitvoivs'd in lH'iie (jti-snvl)'. Tho 1 •'D.'ui.wi-hei-u >(-s Zeituny" says: If the nvisvule (-.iiiitiiiun-s Boiwbovisia ! Avill finall.A" trium'iih. '■ Under the hefviir.^. "The Berlin Witch's . ' Caulilrua, 1 ' tK- ',V>io»no Yolks Zeituuj,- ui>vri!.ps an c-r.ei.iejy rowdy nicetit:" or the Benin Sodiei.s" Council, rcvcalinft* m;vn.y sc.-indals connected with the'i'^voluiJoiian' methyds of administration. It was also disclosed that thn ofticers burned important documents reci'iitly Avh'ich. arrived fioru Brussels, .showing the regime's responsibility for thp Avar. The discus^ionF liccninn- •' so heated that the Bavarian, Baden and Alsace (io.k^r.teK witlidrew, de-c-'ju-ing that the Berlin Council hin? adopted terrorism. The leader of the rei-re?ientKiiv«*s subsequently iiusm-0.l tiie uscmi to rtv Hun. ■militarism jndtcted. BY GERMAN SOCIALIST I.KADER. LONDON, I'ecriMher :: Tn :ui interview, with an Kn^iip'i jcurULius!,* Hen- ITasiso <!ei:iMrc«!. tl'at ~. the p-nik oi' the war luy uit» Asi^iroGeniuui lniTitt-vism. Tiu- Governmom is iiivcstiu;itii!ii- l'"' v German foroiffn.ofrieos' pn-uav iiti rliods, ospefially in the. -baniVinji of wfin-t funds.' The Government i.s 'nulocnled on thfl question ««f tlwiling v.-itV tlio ; llohenzolkrns. H<« tlnviijihr that they had been sufficiently nuuislied by mternational odium. BERLIN'S" PLIGHT. FAMINE AND SUFFERING. (Ree. December 5, 5.40 p.m.) LONDON, December 4. The food situation in Berlin is rapidly becoming more senous. __ The ■price -ol : 'meat has' advanced -T>y sis marks since Friday. There -aye .thousands, of legless and armless Avar cripplos to bp soon on tho outskirts of the city, but tlwse aro not p.lloAA-cd to ? enter, evidently for fear that- their pitiful appearance might inflame the populace. ' r FINANCIAL ALARM AT BERLIN. (Received December 5 7. p.m.) Amsterdam December 3." . A inei«S!ige -from . Beviin states that {iccovdiiio; 10 the " lihiitis.cho Wes^tFnelisvh Zeituni;-, ' ' consitleniblo Jin-'\ -aiieial alarm , is still pr.eva> ing in Berlin people .continue fo AvithdriiAv their bank and oflice deposits. Pavment.s of rales and taxes has ceased in Greater Berlin since the revolution. JEWS, CHARGED AS SLACKERS. BERLIN PLACARD'S. I (Received December 57, p.m.)VANCOUVER DocnuUer 4.. There arc placards being distributed in Berlin ehuvgiiitf all Jews with being' f.lackers. nnd attacking Heir Eisner, I the head of the Bavarian. Governments : Other placards urge a pogrom. j MR"" WILSON SAILS FOE EUROPE. TO CRUSH MILITARISM. AN AUSPICIOUS LEAVE-TAKINU. NEW YORK, December 3. President Wilson sailed tor Europe r.board the steiViiier George Washington. ' '■•■"■ 1 The -Presidential party includes Messrs Lan'sing and White; two other members, Colonel and 3lr Task-. er. being already iv Europe. There Avere elaborate decorsitiou's- ot the pier and ship. Air and river patrols Avere active to guard against suspicious persons. The s steamer ap- ! pointments are most luxurious. As the George Washington, drew out into tho reiver, PresiSenfc Wilson stood on the flying bridge while tlie band played "Over There." Uefore his departure, the President expressed in conversation, Avith several n'ersons his determinnlion not to re-'tur-n until militarism in nny form Avas crushed. Only by this coiild the .peace of the world ho adequately pre-. served. PRESIDENT WILSON'S ESCORT. (Ree. December 6, 12.35 a.m.) WAStiiiNGTOiN, December 4. The George Washington, with President Wilson aboard is accompanied by I anaval escort tind is coinninndcd by I Admiral Alayo. [ There are more limn two hundred experts with President Wilson, and : rhere are several tuns of maps, documents, etc. PRESSMEN LEAVE AMERICA. ( and N.Z. Cable Assn.} (Ree. December 5, 7.40 p.m.) ■NEW YORK, December 4. The American steamship Orizaba. has left New Y or k» lor Brest, carrying the American newspaper correspondents who Avill attend the Peace. • j Conference. * I Many members of the American Peace Delegation and their staff ,ar© also going on the Orizaba as passenj;- >• era. " '

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Grey River Argus, 6 December 1918, Page 3

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GERMANY WITHIN Grey River Argus, 6 December 1918, Page 3

GERMANY WITHIN Grey River Argus, 6 December 1918, Page 3