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The Grey River Argus and Blackball News.

Delivered 3vor*> mori>;--_- ia Ov^ym-.i-ftta. "KumaiU. Ho-cit-feii, Dobson, VVallseia' la ylorv. ilt , Cronaduu, Ugsiue-e, Blnckball, Nelson Creel.. Bnniuer, Te Km-Tlm, l-oto.i_.--io V*«!ni:»,l>*pnl.'OiufK-. Patera, Burn, kitinisitu. Kotuku. Moana, Ar:itiku. I'.-nn iga.., Dunollie, CoUleu, Baxter _, Uoluvi, Alu'i.-a, Ika--natua. Sti.lw.ife>*. Wiiiutu. ami ll»«f'-o" SATURDAY.. BEPTE^IBER 14, 1918. THE LIBERAL ELECTION PROGRAMME AT HOME THE announcement, ofthe -Liberal programme for the forthcoming .^cmual Election at Home is a very deluate _nSJion of the tremculous change which are coming acn-ss the c face of the political world in the Western Democracies. It has been truly said that the present struggle is the birth-throes of a new world and it is in such a programme as that whic a has been recently announced by the Liberals at Home, that we get glimpses which enable us f* sec some oi the new foundations which will be hutl down in the days of - reconstruction whicli are close at hand. lhe lirs.t plank of the Liberal nlatforii. «. naturally enough, the winning ot the war Without this all the rest would be but idle words ,as the who c progressive programme as set mit b> the Liberals, is wrapt up! in-thc phase the winning of tho war." The dreams Qt the social reformers can only be made real by a clear-cut victory tor the Allies 'The social system in the Britisn Isles, the capitalist system throughout the world, is badly in need wf reconstruction. Thinkers who have projected jtheir minds into the future, and .would fain 'fecc the people of Britain set along the paths which will lead them to the highest development of their faculties* botfe. as individuals and as a nation, see plainly that the. first necessity is the greater equalisation of status, of wealth, and of opportunity. They see that there must bd an cud of the system whereby wages are determined mainly by competition,! Avhcrebv those who inherit wealth and have oidy lent it for* industrial purposes have tlie right to unlimited pi oiit from the harder work or better methods 'of others. Capital, they maintain, is entitled to a legitimate reward for the risks it. takes and the enterprise it shows, but it ought not to carry with it unlimited power and tho right 1-3 idleness. Every citizen ought to do a full day s* work for a fair day's wage, and public spirit ought to supplant private pi oiit as the motive power from one end -of the national activity to the other. All this cannot be obtained in a moment, ■ but the first step forward -will be. obtained ( thipugh the medium of- a Parliament which is thoroughly permeated by the spirit of leform and progress, and | which is in touch with the aspirations j and legitimate demands of the people, j That the Liberal proprammc at Home is coloured by the ideals set out abpve | is undeniable, and it requires but a { moment's consideration of them to Be convinced on this point. It declares for free trade on general principles, but affirms that in any special case where it may be needed, measures must be taken to safeguard home production, in the interests of national security, and that in such cases the profits arising therefiom should belong, to the State, and should not go i fc) the individuals. The abolition Of the House of Lords is also proposed, and there can be little doubt that this plank in the Liberal platform will be a groat source of strength in appealing to the new electorate created by the Refprm Act of 1917. The signs of the times at Home have pointec^ for

a considerable period, in the direction of the abolition of the House of Lords, or to such a drastic rce-onstrueton tha. the new House would beinig to au altogether different? order fom the old A "Government :'in which a House consisting of a big pecentage of hereditary Peers is part of the givcrmnental machine is an anachronism in these democratic times, and the House of Lords as at present, constituted, will certainly have to go. The equalising of the position 'of women in all professions is another plank which is strictly in conformity with the modern trend of events. Women have demonstrated in this war that .their capacity for service was grossly underestimated in the pre-war days. Mauy opponents of the idea of putting women on an equality with men in all walks of life in which they are capable of taking part, have been won over to the opposite way of thinking by the part .women have played in the activities of the nation during the past'four years. The institution, and legal eniV-rcement of a minimum wage —a wage such as will afford a proper standard of comfort; and that such wage shall be a lirst chaige on every branch of industry and trade, is a plank in the Liberal platform which carries with it a tremendous appeal to .he millions who have been recently added 1«3 the electorate of Great Bri : tain„ when such a proposal as the last mentioned one is considered within the field of practical politics. The Liberal programme shows plainly that ihose who arc responsible thr it are in touch with the new spiiit, and that they are willing to translate it into practical acts of legislation. The whole trend of events in the political world at Home shows as a recent writer has said that '.'Side by side with the resolve to win the war is growing up iv all ranks of the community a feeling that the end of the war will be ihe beginning of a new epoch, in which the mistakes and neglect of the past must not be repeated. More than ever men are being drawn togethei', and are dreaming dreams and seeing visions of a better world after the war. There is hardly n household which has not a war niQiiiorial of its own, which it desires to keep sacred after the war — some memory of a noble life, which it jvould wish to hand or as an,' aspiration of those who come after. it is this sense of the need for preserving and consecrating all the besi of what the natron has gained in the war which has led to so great a change in the public attitude both towards education and towards industrial questions. In both these spheres, as in chat of imperial organisation, public opinion is prepared for a big advance on existing systems and traditions, ancl the statesmen will by- wise why take, the occasion at the flood.

Reefton Patriotic Association has E10 (JO in the Savings Bank. A block of land on the Buller River sold this week at £40 an acre. New Prints. Tobralco Zepyhers, and Voile, at Walkers Boundary Street. Advt Tolegraph messengers, it is stated, are lo get a rise to £1 per week in* screw hhortly. To-day tlie Blackball and Runanga senior football teams meet on Victoria Park, the former being as follows: — T. Todd. E. .Smith, Dellonay, Kirwin, E. Tippet t, &co. Leitch, *Alf. Tippett, Rothwell, J. Stenhouse, M'Kinnon, M'Gill, T. Skiiton, Bligh, H. Nelson and J. Taylor. Emergency backs: S. Austin, C. Senior; forwards: Cummings and A. Meadowcroft. Mr. P. J. O'Regan has received advice from Melbourne that the Full Court of 'Victoria dismissed the appeal of the Wischcr Proprietary Ltd., apainst the verdict obtained in April last by six watersiders injured at Auckland in September, 19.16," by the effusion of sulphuric acid from a cylinder on the deck of the Monowai. "The men were originally awarded a total of £6850. Judge Sim will take the civil business at the sitting of the Supreme Court; here on Monday and Tuesday. This includes an appeal case, Nyberg v. M'llroy, an appeal from Warden Hutchinson's decision; and a petition by Antonio Joseph against the King, for infringement of patent rights. On Wednesday a criminal easo (a charge of theft of opossum skins against T. Coil), will be tried * at- Hokitika by I Judge Sim, who on Thursday will take I the criminal cases set down to be dealt with at, Greymouth, namely, . chaiges of assault causing bodilj-- harm , against Thomas Watson ancl John Boyle; und a charge of indecent assault against William Cundy. In conversation with our reporter, Mr. D. Bradbury, the judge for the flower sections at the Daffodil Show just held in connection with the Farmers' Queen, stated that he found the quality of the exhibits much improved in comparison with exhibits at previous shows in Greymouth. He attributed this to the fact that growers were becoming more conversant with the proper methods' for growing daffo-* dils, and getting, to know- the different varieties,* thus making the correct attempt to classify their blooms. He said nothing conduces to an intelligent, knowledge pf flowers so much as these shows, which w v ere worth while fostering, if for no other reason than that they encouraged growers to grow the best flowers their resources could provide, and tints added to the beauty ot the town,

There are at present a number of cases oL scarlet fever ana diptheria in Greymouth. At iDuuedin last Saturday, Canterbury defeated Otago by 13 points to 3 iv Rugby football. Noel Goldsburg, found guilty, at Chrisicliureh, ar the court martial last week for failing to narado fn--medical inspection, lias bePt sentenced to. eleven months' hard labour. Artists Materials and Requisits of every description are at reasonable prices at B. Dixon, Tainui Street. — Advt. 4 Last month there were 13 cows, 141 bullocks, 587 sheep, 3 pigs, and - 2 calves slaughtered at the local Abattoir, one sheep being condemned. For the last fortnight the Kapitea Dredge gave a return- of SSozs. S dwts. of sold,' of which over uOozs. was got last week. An eight ton road roller, which the Devonport. Borough Council could have bought before the war for £700 or £800 is now. quoted at about £1200. 42 inch White -Voile 1/11, 2/3 and 2/11 per yard at Walkers. Boundary Street Greyniouth. — Advt Three small drafts' of »w Zealand returning soldie>> {T.umbcrs 174, 178, and 179). comprising nine officers and eighteen n.c.o. 's and men, are due to arrivo shortly. Your advantage as we sec. it is to buy your sheetings now, 72-inch heavy whiti' twill, from- 4/3 per yard. G-ood thick^whitc Turkish Towels from 2/6; 3/6 per i> a i r < at Tymons and Co. — Advt. :" • The 43rds have completed training' and are described as thoroughly good, with : a high physical standard. The 41 sts have reached a port of call, all well. One, of the three hospital ships coming to New Zealand is reported at a port of call. The new styles in Ladies' White Jap Silk Blouses, 16s lld, 18s lld, and. 22s Od each; also vi Navy, 18s Od. New light shades in Crepe do Chine, at 29s 6d and 355, at M* Gruer and C 0. ,. Cash Drapers, Greyniouth. — Advt. A little girl named Josephine Pope, Wi__t .....•*> in otiauoiu v. it-- •-•--■ i'-.-^".j i.oni _._a lem-iLuui.g.., ' \»us walking uiung l ne •street, una when v UUISC MUlKllllg Ity UIC luUwaiuC lll'ai'iiinil sei_.eii u«i' iigni ear iii its teetll ujiu u.i on a jju. txun. A leturn prepared by Base Records shu>v._ iiia. io nic eiiu- o_ __ugii.->t iue num bei* u.i soiuieis re iur neu io New /.eUIUIIU ll'Oin uveiaeua \. Us Z2.j)lti t lU' CiUUillg l-lli OliLCCl'a UIIU 11U.11 Ul. Ulli -».i.iun .Muuy nave Lieen uisciut.geu, and J.OOJ. liuve reiurneii io uut,.. New Zealand nou-c-onis are not now being seat nume iruiii vie irom lor, so iliac levvei* commissions will: be given i ermoi ia_ olucers entering camp, and reeruns passing n.c.o exams will no longer thereby get a c-iiantfe for a commission. Blackball third grade football team wul; tins altemoon try conclusions with Marist at .blackball, and will ' consist of the following: J. Josephs, \\ . Jvells, Ji. Joseph, L. Hudson, H. Long, A. 0 5 !>nen, Gerraghty, J. -Season, Curtis, Bey ward, Scott, W.. McDonald, W.oollett,- (-». Stenhouse, and Coppersmith.' Emergency back: AY. Riddiford ; forwards ; T. Croft, R. McDonald'. Nurse Agnew, registered certificate, advertises in this issue, her nursing home. No. 121, Tainui Street, Greymouth. The home is cemialiy situated with excellent accommodation, with rooms for accouchment cases. Tlie tele- . phone number' is 35(5. The home is conducted on strictly private lines. Ladies, t do you require a g00d.. .pair. .... of glove fitting corsutsYTf~so^ we can recommend the celebrated k D. and A. Coisets (all British made), imported direct from the manufacturers and sold, at wholesale price at C. Smith, Ltd., the wholesale cash diapers, . clothiers, boot importers, and house furnishers, Greyniouth and Wellington. — Advt. A five days' week for employees, on. condition that the output is not reduced, has been decided on by the Auckland manufacturing . firm of Macky, Logan, and CaWwell, Ltd. The Union lias referred the matter to its executive. Other factories are expected to follow this lead. Cmly women einplbyees are concerned. Rare value offered in our Hosiery Department. Ladies' ribbed hose, cashmere finish, 2 pairs for 2/6, 2/li. Grey and brown knitted worsted Hose. Our price 4/11. Ladies' heather mixture Cashmere Hose;' 4/11, 6/6, at Tymons & Co.— Advf. Another big bullock lately excited interest in the Reefton district. It canio from the herd of Messrs. C\u.uvan Bros., Weheka, South Westland, and when dressed turned the scale at 9571b5. It was sold by Messrs. M'Mahon and Len recently nt Tnangahua Junction Saleyards, and a substantial wager was made as to its weight. Motorists Hand Books:— "Motor Cycles;" "Dynamos and Electric Motor Building; " "Electnc Lighting;" ''Electric Primary Batteries;" "Electric Accumulators" 2/- each posted 2/4. . "Motor Mechanics Handbook" 3/-, posted 3/4; "The Maintenance md Depair of Motor Cars," 3/6, posted 3/10; "Faults and H.7W to Find Them," 3/6, posted 3/10; "Hints and Tibs for Motor. Cyclists" 1/y, posted 2/- from B. Dixon, Tainui Street.— Advt. Miners, Carpenters, Engineers. Labourers, and farmers. If during six months solid, haru, grinding work you can wear a hole in a pair of 13s 6d work grousers from John H. Glasson, Casnei st., Chris ecluuen, you can ohta_n a new pair free of charge. Remember six months of solid, hard wear If any r ea der can do tfus under the ordinary conditions -of his work, he will be entitled to a newpair and , will get them without any humbug.. The suit complete for 60sT lire trousers ate full and roomy and m all sizes, while the. material is a dark pattern with a smart Stripe If .you are not more than pleased' witli your .purchases you need not hesitate tp ask tor your cash to,.be refunded; Should you want a siftart new suit .mad* from the season's best materials, don t lose sight of the fact that the working man,, farmer and the business man, all testify by their purchase and later satisfaetJon that regardless of The price yon pay or the suit yoii buy, where can you get greater value ..for the price paid than hy mail from Glasson's, Christchurch. Measurement forms, and patterns gladly sent on receipt of your re-< quest.— Advt,

The University of New Zealand has a notice in this issue regarding candidates and fees for entrance. fc>ee advertisement. Lovely White Silk ami Crepe-dc-Cheue Blouses, la d quality oi" silk, at Walkers. Bounuary street. — Advt A daring newspaper in Berlin has been prosecuted for nicknaming Hindenbuig "Marshal Back'warts, " which is a play upon Blucher s name "Marshal Vonvaerts. " Lieut. Grierson's libel action against Dr. Thacker has not yet had a date for its hearing fixed. Dr. Thacker has the riirht, as a Parliamentary privilege, to have the case adjourned till after next session; otherwise the case will be probably bo heard in November. New Jap, crepes, at Walkers Boundary Street, colours Saxe, »Sky Navy, Pink R->se, grey, brown, white, cream Tussore etc, at 1/G and 1/S per yard. — Advt. The latest in Ladies' Neckwear. The new Sailor Collar in Muslin and Lace, with hand-painted effects, ls lld and 2s 6d each. New Muslin Qillars, ls (id to 3s lld. New Silk Collars, 4s lld and 5s Od. At M'Gruers, the Cash Drapers, Greymouth. — Advt. . Large strong, Hand Baskets at pricei. from 1/ to 6/6 each arc procurable from B. Dixrn, Tainui Street. Goed value here. — Advt. Immediately after the war began and for some time afterwards, the number of fires in New Zealand showed a remarkable decrease, but since 1916 the position has ' changed. Last year's record of fires was gicater than in ; 1916, apd for the current year the number of fires to the ned of last month exceeds the total for the whole of 3917. Carelessness and accidents no doubt account for a great many of the fires; af the same time underwriters think that the moral hazard accounts for a preat many more. The increase in the number of fires is not a very good sign. Getting the best means' buying now. Our first shipment of the new cotton dress materials has come to- hand. Prints fipm lOd per yard, Voiles ana Gabardines in all the latent colours and designs, double widths, from 2/6 per yard. Tymons and Co., Mawliera (£uay, Greymouth. — Advt.

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Grey River Argus, 14 September 1918, Page 2

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The Grey River Argus and Blackball News. Grey River Argus, 14 September 1918, Page 2

The Grey River Argus and Blackball News. Grey River Argus, 14 September 1918, Page 2