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1 Spanish cream Highlander R/l ilk I !^k AC J * r* METHOD: — Soak the gelatine in the water. Bbiivlthe milk, Mz%} x A dSSSCrtt popular cinnamon and sugar.' Strain over the gelatine and stir hami^LW **U ■ ac >r\r\t> />er\or*\rA\\i until dissolved. When cooled,. pour .on to the beaten.' _^^^y^LIZSS^w W everyone, especially yolks Re^ vn ;tp the fire to thicken without boiling, -r^ M^^B S-'irlm ■■■■l«!!:^!?j^hu the children, when made Cool again before adding to the stiffly beaten ®s^c2!!?Sßjssss t - -"""Tafek. «| whjtes and- essence. Cool, .and stir occasionally - ". " - ]-WjWfr] With before pouring into a wet mould. Turn out and ( JlJptjT » %r|VCjJ-~""— - --mmmm^mmm^SS9tB^9^BSSJmWQ^mmwmm\^m\m\n\\\m\\\\m^B^ Htß^' T */•*** , ' . t 4 JANE'S '! YOU |RE STRONGLY ADVISER ! jfllij mffgft'HWWAl^mtaßßisgfgji,. > < never to disregard or treat lightly-any apparently (mall ailment b£ the digestive j • ■B? Ifr df*^Sßi*'9 " s^ stem » The discomfort may be slight, and you may think that it will ' " W^ jf^ii %t$ M*iJ*!!M .rIQI ffia " SOOa pass av^^* faut i*'tous t t be remembered' that the dlS6rde»s however ] *^"* M.siSr as vumW JAMS* A » „ iasigxiificant it may seem, is one of Nature's Warnings, and pro^bly a dill • < - J ' timely assistance. Many people make it *tul« „. : | Strengthens and TO TAKE OUIICIS UD Weak " Beecham's Pllis immediately^ahy irrefubrlrr appears in conneetf on with th«. ! • _ . ■ * : ■ „ organs of digestion. Remarkable success in the ''treatment of stomach and | f hlidrCll * ' troubles has attended this excelleiit preparatibii for the lengthy period 61 i . " ■ J *ereaty years. People of all ages r ihd in every' walk trf Ufe, hare been ■•■ P-r-nU^^ca^W r«d thi, .««« j | ' "I feel it my duly as a parent lo (end you a testimonial < $""4^ BJ^ f|_^ f'^n HA' Afl *CT B #ffl ■ :^^T ■■■■■■ '.'■ I (or your wondeitul Emulsion- which I h»va urged my ' | &■*( -8"^ ft ■ B /%' IWb'"^^^ \W^ W'W ■" I ' I^r^S^fcrtiK^- ] Sold in boxes, labelled, price 10*. (36 pills) i/Ij{s6 plllsT &JV9 (168 piib). _ j no hope of her recovering, as she was so very ill. She vt*\ 18 g^TtT^Tyyv.'mf^fcggYT^gyyg^f !i? MW I was suffering from lndis^tion and Dyspepsia, and I .- „.,-.■ ■ '; -' , "" " _- .mm n had tried all kinds ot patent foods for her, bat in vain- ■■ . .— -~— —»—»—-■»■■— »»~^»—~——»^—«.—»»^_—^^ M^——^—i ■ I was about to o»ve up oil hope myself when I read (t If d - 1 ■ M■*• j- _£-\ ■• ' ' - • ' ' about your Emulsion; sol bousht a bottle to try. As AIA # h/t%IO Cfilil IT Y/lif Y%l//tP* W tlPt/tfX)^^. " it began to build her up 1 intended to preseveie ; UUW JLUI UV^i / with it and L%ve done so ever since. My little girl '^Kwifi '*'■' ■ i - «i «» J 1 • I liked it from me very urst teaspoontul. and lam never gMPW f bohh.ncxoh^ ' I Says the retailer and there IS I "^hmc^SWWv without it in the house She was w_ very 11. m stated, 2» 'sShS? nothing in my stock that I can r s<l^Sj<Br/\ : , when only four month* old, but nnce then she ha» • iß^wi I fl ■•* w -■»..-. .-> • i — ÜBS—Tr L y never vomited. She is now 18 montlu old. and is k'A^' itffP»f N mOfe conscientu)usl y reCOIII- . Agjj }A spoken of very highly on a count of her stron«. sturdy NGV@,/fi?Js mend for COUJgKs and Colds than " Bon- fK /.B build. She now weighs over 30 lbs. 1 Msh yout a •- i » I • U \/t "■ C l . L .. - U It' : as\Z«/ ■¥ U WWremedy .he great successi deserve,- J [ \^£4^ mngton S Irish MOSS, bor OVerhalt gj^SMJf /■ (Mrs.) P. J. Bennington. 528 Worcester St.. k. lUPra a century it has been the standard; v>*J^ J B a Unwood, Christchurch, N.2L \S^^r a ' nevetf ailing remedy, and the public jH^R V . wbPV flaT\ have set their seal of approval upon m^& Lung and Throat Troubles fft I %n. r> 1< I ||U N I Nil* tC LIL— s-S ban!shed - i s^.efissljliiVßistfMß^^'- 1^ ■ writes at 'allows:— **^ ' ftKIvJAA l*»V^Xf -\",i~ h\ iStffi— SSi" N^SS I pi«fts- The genuine efcedrepe., *g -^!S«S Uver Oil. Hypophospbites of Lime and Soda. Beech- | »£ . M ?»' h^ £' long-trted specific IS prored to .Bonningtons IrUb Mom* wood Creas te. carefully blended and emulsified by ■ Jefief when Tu'ecMt for • the hilt by tUch letters «S these. „it has cured me of some fiesheggs. It has soothing, healing and great strength- B severe attack of Influenza Two sizes — gist die Urge battle Tew^evere colds- 1 recreating propertie both for children «nd adulto. »'I Weev«y confident. » _ -oit economical! 92 '•JRuV 1 y ° U °" „,,.,, m recomrn«ndin« it: '. . ■ • • Vtat Your chemist or stoic will supply .you, Makr sure-you IB ttotr .■ ■ . _^,^ SIBI grt Lane's. Price 2/6 and 4/6 pr botlley Ths large "' mi\MiWßttiL^LmL\*\m^k-Vk^^*^^^^^l s &*»* Bm ** K^*^^^~^^^^ mr size is (he most economical as it contains more than two . . . x ot the small ones. . ■ „ • • ' ■ ''■•'■.-•■'.-■ - is manufactured by " -' ' . ' ' ~\ ■ ■ E. G. LANE, Chemist,. Oamaru, N.Z..- ADDBESS .* • IT'S FAMOUS" TAsMSkI Y & CO. BECAUSE ITS GOOD. MAOKAT SxEEBT SMTMOUTH, J t^^Jl^B^H MM WM Phone»— Bosineae 143, Prlvaro 245 and s6x. BwO. Box 73. . " — JT~~Z_^-^^ ja^" Cable and Telegraphic Address : -^"Tansey," Greymoath. - J[^ Wm J^!!_^ >o? . 4tb S^'MtteEßß, Bedford MoNeiil Private Codes. L*»"~ Ntlson mo»tes Pure leas. KJM . , Aimxia QiM Tmumiiu ttßn '•y^ There ar -bo brands just as good : Jfl .•"-* „ .■ •l»W Jfifß lMUT«lfl« \Xpfi9 . fL^^i^^ Graii SPrcduie toasts 7^~~ — ~~ > _ 1 -. • Highlander, Oapaiam and PMteorud Milk iIVWADIII IZjTZZI iJIWff grakfWC IT,Z. Candle Coy. C— V ■T WINCiI I 9kM^£* * WBKiai Dimoai'i Hams and Bacon »nd Bp.ei»Uti»i d& '0 : *& ttnH iMB i n lasiil I A^-i Ohttrtohurfeh Meat Coy. If Illlllllwv UIIO & ASCIIS ta^gdowtt'o Oatfaeal Oatiha, 9U S I i% Ip™ „ . ''■'* Gheueeit N.Z. Bottef MTU 1 © WMCffl A|B6is MUborn Cement ? m.^r^ RILLSft i o» i : Milborn Hydraulic Bi«U him* IS ~ ndaeaaiiia a fasHdiViS. Milburn Grarden Lunt :-y_ % . .-; ; CT^B^^R ' , Leading Produce Morohanti In Dominion • fPS BtITIIS MQfIHSJ # JAMES KYLE 'Wlfll P-P*Q Jlill I ®"'®^!*^? 1 - CotTfrSriAkii Wmmggs^ Has removed into New Premises" PCHIEDAM - in Mackay Street, next door to SA^M NADD Q I^^P * Wa de J s, where he will be pleased WOI^/^t^^^-y mwM to meet all his old customef s and i ' '" '•" k^ become acquainted^Vith new ones True To Label | If lnspection „- }nvtm Distilled a-BottledT . m w ' «'^. „ « • i£BM Of his New Range of Tweeds — Harris Twetda, ONLY IN HOLLAND -mJMjP Banuockburns, Worsteds, Serges. : ; y "^« Ladies' Tailoriug a Speciality. WOLFE'S For this branch of the Basines an excellent room hai ijgsi 9 1 '■ 1. * ' * been fitted up* ---.... • $tWt£»m Stht ipps ■, r " . . . WO^B ADDRESS— i . ' NEW PREMISES, MICEAT STREET;.KSmSS^^^^HH ■> inviut) to tin SignMura tnd AdJrM. 0« . ' , " .' ' '' ''? - ' . ' • T^SSSS^S&sHB thi' l»b»l. «ad lo ilw Titlo ot tlita uromMi.- — m - ___ : .: . •• ' ■ - "' • ffi^!^ ißj »«olic «.l. .N.M.I «. ih. <ldn « WBH mmfm -j. - ,- mm WHt , f , ': ;■ ■ WKirt-rtSiiSS tOS •'■* l!ol "« *• P'o'^oiop tntuu wifino- MA. HB JSB "i ' mX |W SSX ' ! c — ■ * ' :■■■■■■. nSiSywKSt mßn ....."ciou. wniuuoo» . «— «»r ÜbJHL>S3B^^BhBBBiBhBvAiHBi^BBBiBI WSmm ■■■■■ "A Corner in Corns! U «':,..'•. . J^- ■;s?"' '^^ra^S^ : a — ■■ " -— g Cooking-day worries will be light- # s*~ Tfc.i » wUi h.w«m. whet. •«• «< cnef j if the housewife uses a rclia- .^^^^ Teed'» Infallible We Baking Powder.^ It 4nust, be W^^^ Ohio.. 22 str««. aO^fcW»»«* b^"% ■■*•*>. pure and'sure, whblesomeindecon* > SSm newvorv V^Orn V^Ure 'omical. There's one brand that iWmm _.«™^- «.«ow«k,«mi^^ <- t[ -' always givgs satisfaction:: Edmonds Msmmß ■ -"+?■*>■>•* -**-•»-?*■-*■ a aimpie, »af « &nd s Baking Powder-^- Sure to risc. M m mefmSßm I A ■ - «peedy remedy. 7^PP? l\ ■ -A 1/- AUChem»t««ndator«. I/- »' ft^ IjlWOlMlJm ' •; •» port ha< oa Mcaipt of rwetra stamps ■ fl w mWkwA * mWm^mWjL* '^^ Ail Reputable Hotels S TEED * co ' " «»«**o..t« g ■- BAKING vj and Spirit Vendorg gMB■ -- -~--^_*,tip «^»£2 BB __-_£^i

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Grey River Argus, 29 December 1915, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Grey River Argus, 29 December 1915, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Grey River Argus, 29 December 1915, Page 7