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Grey River Argus and Blackball News

Delivered every mormng m. Greyraowtb. ' Kumara, Holtitika, Dol)§ou. "Waliseiid, 'iaylor vilie, Brunnertou, Stillwater. Ngahere, Blackball, Nelson Creek, Ahaura, Ikamatuo, Waiuta, Beefton, Cronoduu, Runauga, Dunollie, Cobuen, Baxter 'b. Koki'ri, Pataru, Kaiwata," .Aratiko, Kotukn, iloana, Ruru, Te Kinga, Kotomanu, P6erua, Inchbonnio, Jaclcsous and Otira.


The' political- situation must .of necessity be the absorbing topic of dis-^ cussioh -fQr' some 'little time. Sensible' 1 peffsons /will curb thsir' natural curio'saty' till 5 after next .Tuesday, when -Sir Joseph^ Wara will-'lxave no further excuse far 'keeping- silence. The "result of the .Madau' rhembfers' election \^ll then .be known, and; .as by'.ttoat'Hme', also other .little _dou>ts v in ' conii€ictidn ( wi'tih the election .will' be cleared 'up,' the ■ Govesrnim.©nib7ouight .to, -be able ,to declare what they propose to do. It would .be a mere, b eating ,,of the air f or < either side to pretend that (it-pos-sesses any definite .advantage over the ofcher. The^Wardites' have at least as much xigihit to hold! on as .the ' Reform Party' have fo "expect that Mr: 'Massey should be, deputed to form a new Ministry. *' As c ia 'otiatter of 'fact and a" question of right Government imiembers a corisiderably larger proportion of the voters, of the Dominion 'thaii the representatives of the side, that, shines' with' its landholders and ",'motof : i -caxs._ln the face^of - ariiji- taking- , into account thosewho voted for labour, for independent candidates, and -for Socialists, what rr^ht has Mr. Massey to assume, that fche'j)eop!e of tlie 'porriiniori want him to forrhi a'^ovarnmenit? "The most ihat can be claimed ■ 'is \i\a' very '"large section of the peo--ple are fclamorous for is a chamgeol some' stwt." But there is- nothirig at all 4eifinite ©veil about that. The only thing thajE seams at all clear is that Sir Jdseph Ward has b.oeim made; an ■ object of" attack personally. It would seem tlikt' tlieire is something, aftefal!, an what Bishop Grimes has said, though such ' a feeling ' is anything but creditable at -this- period m the volution nt our race. Although -Mr£ - Massey ah'd his political associate's have as t m.uch ccnst-itutional right -to, administef". the public T of this country as Sir Joseph or any' political combination, it is ridiculous -'as well ; as somewhat oharacteris'lac for Mf. to -effusively t thank " tHe people "through the Press as* if they had given him an undoubted y mandate to take control' out" of ~ the'^hands of the existing- Government and carry -it on* until further orders. But 'fhere happen, to be other political factors to be considered besides 'the WaJd contingent^ "' The Labourites and^ the 'Independents -realise that they ara masters *oi "the political situation, and both can 'be' depended upon to have something? -to say in the matter. Political advantages of that kind so rarely occur fhati they are apt . no be regarded as 'something precious and to be made, th'g .most ot; whsn they arise. v A g"°°d deaL'still Hangs 'in the. b'alaiice. Mr." Massey will gain no credit for himself -in baking up a", position tfiat thei circumstances do not Warrant.. Hence, the'elec--l t 6rs s for 1 favours Wconferrod and, apparently, furnishing the personnel of a Ministry .thai mayb e a" mere figment of tns Tirain, is ' a little too jejune for the hard-headed people just now engaged nT; laying the foundation of. New Zealand's future. Such coriifiding V {innocence 'is worthy of. tibje back- blocks, not the subtlety of V gentleman AvTio; has made so much out of promises that are leaky** as 'a sieve and assafliohs 'of corruption and maladministration that coute no,t stand the test of v ' analysis.' ' If only the 'Government had been relieved of the undeserved odium that it nas ' tf> bear through .tha^Mokau land affair, the*DfeadSaougliV the^ defence scheme, and othep-, equally damiagiiiig' and undeserved allegations „ they would Biave\ had a swinging majority at ths elections. What- can be 'the 1 value of pubiic opinion that as manufactured im such a low-down 'way? ""We all" know how v much) qr how Jittle the average voifer^lciloAVs^of 'th^i loftier afepectiiof politics. ' Personal feeling of one kind or 'another, or-some reason" altogether renioibe > f fom politics, influences him,

remote > from politics, influences him, and. he votes 1 accordingly. >He, knows thai: 1 . tiheV cbuiiitry ! has borrowed millibiis%alore, and Ke feels sore 'naturally HvKeh, he is" fold thait none of ill this AveaUh > has -gone his way, but that* he* has to. pay his snare just as if some of 'at -went dnto'his pocket. Tliese».are the kind of hostile influences }\vHicfr oaany ' a igood government has 1 to puffer ItoW Little grievance's of the unavoidable^ kind/act -as caves of-AduHam, wfiere~ the -'outlawed and tlie 'idiscoii-fcent^J^nursei thair wrath to, kiiep it^warm 'and i>ut ( their heads together . 'to tomeiifc- 'mischief. '- Then tdo»lqn.g a^lease'of jiower is, in itself" ona of the 'blackest of sins in 1 the eyes of a . vary considerable -section 'of the - people. ' great complaint is that "one< 'cari haye > too much of • a good thing. '"Even, the dead level of pros-perous-calm becomes monotonous, and some will cry ojit for- a change; even if for"'the -worse?; It'-s just the way of human nature, and we must make the •best of it. Unless some such understanding is arrived at between ,the Liberals -and! Labour ,'m£m'Ders, as -is

faintly indicated by Sir James Carroll between 1 this and Wednesday another election .seems inevitable. We should have no objection to that were it not for the inordinate expenseMt necessarily sntadls ; but .if there is to .te . an el.ecjion, by all means let it come^ as quickly a s possible. It may"b c the. moans of eliciting sometihing like' am unmistakable desire from the psople as ,to whether they jntend to stand by Liberalism a§ it is and has b"een,-for the last two decades, or to take a turn, in 2 Mr. Masssy's garden of airy promises (that once flhev have served'their purpoFci vanish "like", snowflakes in the river." The political aims of Mr s ey when .conitrasted with those of. Labour and other party fragments are wide as the Poles asunder, or as Tory principles ar© from those of advanced RaSicalism.

Acceptances for- 'the Athletic, Chopping, and Sawing events in connection with the Kumara Axemen's Carnival close with 'the Secretaiv/ Mr' Robert Rouse, .Kumara, this evening. „In the running match held at Westport on Saturday, Hansby. In the • first heat of 120 yards, beat MiPike easily by six yards. Hansby "won the . purse easily. — Canre&npondent. O.n the Wellington wharf on Saturday, William, Rixon, a stevedore, ( was knoclced over by a sling- of cargo and sustained* a double fracture of the skull.. He is now in^ the ' hospital in a critical condition. - 4 l '. N A complimentary social will be tendered Mr. T. E. Y. Seddon, member for Westland, at the Kumara Adelphi Theatre, on Tuesday evening "next. All are cordially invited. '• The .Railway Department are advertisin,g_ trains for the Christmas Holidays in this issue which will .run oh Wednesday, She, 2oth, and ..Foidlay the 22nd of December. - Acceptances^for the Athletic, Chopping and Sawing Events in connection with the Kumara Axemen's Carnival close with the Secretary, -R. Rouse, at Kumar.a, this Monday eyenin>g, December IBildr \ , /' ' - At Preston Yards to-day, at -12.30 o'clock Mark Spro'i and' Co will submit to auction 35 Prime Quality Bul : locks, 200 Prime- Cross>bred "Wethers, 200 Prime Quality Lambs,and*l SpringCart horse. .'From a weather point of view, -can • anyone imagine fhat we^" are only three days off the Jongest day of the year? Yesterday the Paparoas were a mantle •' of snow, and it^ was as cold , as mid-winter. ' The R.M-.S Remuera - sailed .for London from- Wellington,' on Saturday. She was delayed twenty-four nours~ through some of the crew deserting-. The deserted had to be replaced by • men who', will be paid ;£4O for'' the ,trip Home. The usual .amount. isV;£7 10sOn Saturday morning at i the Albion Hotel, G. ,W. Moss and' Co. sold by . auctiooi the .privilegres in connection, with the Jockey Club's Midsummer Meeting, when Mr. Thomas Sharinahan was the purchaser, paying £G4 for the inside booth and j£ss for- » he outside. ' \ Owing to Saturday morning 1 being so threatening, wond was sent to the " Hokitika howlers pot to come -up -as it was thought rain Avould come at any minute. However, the afternoon broke 'beautifully fine, and th'eUocal players assembled and had' an enjoyable game.

" At a meetimg of ,'tihe Westport branch of the A.S.R.S. last week, it was decided to ask Mr._ Mack for an explanation of his action in supporting the Goyernmeait candidate, far : ParneU; af ter^ the - Government had done its best 'to defeat the Labour , candidate. Talk up, Westport! Our Reefton correspondent states thet ..a number of men have . i'gain coimmemced operations at Pe-rotti's Golden , Point Mine- A large .water; ' wheel is in- course of erection', and the po_ppet heads are ex-, pected 'to be completed / shortly, so' that the new year 'will be started by continuous shifts m x °he sinking of the 'shaft. The 'Royal Hotel at- '\Leithndd, Chrdstchurch,' was^ destroyed by fire at 2.30 on Saturday morning. Mr. Kilgour; the proprietor, • lost €vtr>thing!, amd narrowly escaped wUq his wife and family in his-' hi%h\ _af ifre The building was insured^MH^N'tional office far j£ssty an.d"fnd nirniture'and stock for v -^ ,'' .\ 1 'Messrs. Wickes, Ltd., Timber Importers, forwarded to our Office last week half a doien very neavly-cut foot-rules with the .firm's , advertisement printed thereon. We thank them for the -novelty gift, and are pleased to convey to the children their message that if they call 1 at the office in ■ Richmond -.Quey, "they may 'procure; one of the rulers,' which will 1 be very useful -to 1 them News. 'from jßaratonga ret) arts tint a native woman; ?at Rongomate ' was shot dead onDecember 3rd. Her. husband Noongo, was^ar-rested on' suspicion. At the inquiry conducted by the medical officer, the jury fcundj thai death -was, caused by a gunshot wound in *the house, no .one being present except deceased. and Her lasband. There was no direct evidence whether the gun >was discharged accidentally or intentionally. " ' ■

T3ie services al St. John's Presbyterian Church yesterday., were of a special character, it being the first Sunday services held in.' , the new church. Ilhe Rev. John . Mackenzie, of jChristchurch Conducted the ser vices, preaching- eloquent and forcible 'seftmons 1 . There were largre congregations, despite the wet and boister I'ous f weathen*. In 4 the afternoon • a special chiWiren's- service 1 was held, the Rev. -Mackenzie addressing the children in appropriate terms. In connection, with "tihe new Presbyterian Church, ■ the following gifts have been made: — Gateis and lights, Mrs McLean ; 'pulpit chair, Mrs James Ring; pulpit Bible, Mrs. D. Mclean; pulpit hymn book, Mrs. G.. T. Moss; commninion table, Mrs. R. C. Forsyth: communion table cover Mrs. D. 'Tenner ; yestry table, Mrs. D. Tennent; cdmmu.nion Bible and hymn book, Mf. 'R. Tennent. The cost of painting and decorative work on the * organ was given by Mrs. Badger as a g-ift to thd Church. Many old residents of this coa& will* 'regret to learn "of the icfeath of Mrs. Waird, relict of the late Ch.arle-3 Ward, which 1 occurred in South Australia on Nw. 27th. The deceased, who was in her 83rd year, was wellkno^ in Kumara, being- a prominent member of Holy Trinity Ladies Guild. Deceased leaves a family of th^ee son 1 ; and six daughters (including- Mrs J. Palmery Kumara. and Mrs. C. Growcott, Rimu) nil of whom are married. /The family will receive the sympathy' of their majiy friends. — Times. Just now everyone is wondering where to buy and what to purchase for Christmas presents. In this or-deail-it' will pay you to visii Barley's Furnishing " Empoiium, Richmond Quay, who have a large and varied assortment of Christmas Presents., ranging Worn Children's Toys, Electro Plate, China Tea-sets. . Ornaments, Palm Bowls, Fancy Palm Stands, Tables, Ladies' and Gents' Bicycles up to* the Grand Piano, all of which can ba purchaser at reasonable prices. If you are unable to call, ring up Telephone 31, and 'have your ments attended to. The annual cricket match takes place on the Recreation ground on Christmas' Day, " between English v. Irish. Ilhe foQlowinig will represent • the Irish team:— M. Phillips, B. O'Rouke. T.'Bourke (capt.), W. Casey. T. Casey, P. Moran, M. Sulnvan, E. Sullivan, T. Gatiigan, T. Kdlyr J- O. ReUley; emergencies: 'Neville, H. Power. The following will represent %c" English Team:— G. Ogilvie, J. Brown, W. Weenink, R. Mills (capt.), G. "Jones,- A. Sotheran, T. C. Chapman, F. Hoglund, J- Parfitt, L. L. Lord. C. Bignell; emengencies : Lord, Ashton, -Tindale-; umpires: J. Martm (Irish), H. Munroe (English). Patrons o^boxing are looking* forward "to a good time at Christ nas. when the Westporb Boxing Association is ' putting on a good programme., spread over- two morning's. On Boxing Day there- will be x two special bouts, Moff at v. ■ Coster, and Hunter v. Senibr, t and the returni 15-roumd bout between Jack Griffin, of Greymouth, and Billy Cootes, of Westport. Judprimg by last year's " go," this should be a Die draw. , On' the Wedndsday thpec will "be the special Bouts, » Ferguson (Waipawa) V. O'Neill (Westponrt) and Peter Cook (Australia). As both these men are at tihe top >of the tree in the lig'h't-weighfc division of Australasia, the contest should be 'a very interesting one.

New Bikes for Christmas Presents from £7 10s— at Wade's.— Advt A meeting of shareholders of the West Coast Economic Building Society will be held on Monday evening at eight o'clock, when a ballot and sale of j£loo will, take place— Advt. The-Get-TheTe-on-Time^Cycle— The " Speedki-ng"— F. C. Wade and Co.— * Advt. Wade's Christmas Cycle-?-Jreewheel and Two Brakes: £7 10s-.— Ad<vt. Strawberries and Cream, at the American Ice Cream Parlour, Mat * kay Street. — Advt. At Uddstrom's, Mackay Street^ can now be seen a New Series of Designs ,in Sideboards, to suit all pockets; 'First-class Value Guaranteed. — Advt. New Wickerware, Settees, Chairs, Piano Stools, Music Stands, at Uddstrom's, M/ackay Street.— Advt. Mr. Cairney, the ..quality jeweller, is-a'great'believer in doing all things well, -regardless of cost, the latest being the securing of the exclusive rights of the famous picture " The World Forgotten," from the_ original painting byWilliam Verpianck' Birney, A.N.A. No expense has been spared to obtain true copies', hence every picture 1 i& to all. intents and -purposes is as good as 4he original. During- the month of December he is presenting one of these pictures free to all purchasers of goods to the value of 20s. and upwards. Call on him to-day and see his Christmas display of gift suggestions. — Advt I have just unpacked direct from the manufacturers a large consignment of New Pattern Saddle Bag's, Utrecht Velvets, and Moquettp Coverings for Chesterfield and Diningroom Suites, Couches and' Settees. Call and Inspect at my Showrooms. Mackay Street. C. Uddstrom: — Advt. Mrs Sweetman, Stationer and Fancy Goods Dealer, of Mawhera Quay, wishes to inform her numerous patrons and- the public generally j that during- Christmas time she is opening the shop next door to her premises a Fancy Toy Bazaar, which will be stocked with Toys ot all, kinds, Dolls, Books for the children comprising-: " Chums," cc Giri's Own Annual," " Chatterbox," " Little Dots," etc. Santa Claus will be in attendance. Everyone is invited to -view the magnificent display.— Advt. Christmas- Buying, at McKay and Son. — WKat to buy for a man: for Father, Unclej Brother, for someoneelse's Brother I—Umbrellas;1 — Umbrellas; 4s 6<3 to 9s 6d; Japanese Handkerchiefs 2s 6d to ss ; Striped Sox, ls-9d to 2s 6d per pair; Broad-end Ties, Is- to 2s 6d; Tennis Shirts, 2s -6d to 4s 6d; Tunic Shirts, 3s 6d to 6s 6d ; Stwds; 3d 9d, Is, Is 6d and Is 6d ; American Braces 3s 6d. Call and see W. ,MrKay and Son, Leading Drapers and Clothiers. The place to buy Christmas Presents is at Sweetman's, Quay. The maqrninceht Stock com- ■ prise^ Ladies Bags, Fancy 'Ornaments, Fountain Pens (all prices), Bibles, Prayer Books, Fancy Glassware, Text Cards (a T l novelties). Just landed a New Stock of -Prize Books, comprising- all the finest books published. A Liberal Discount' given. More new., stock landing ready for the Christmas trade. An invitation is extended to aH to inspect. — Advt. / The absolute freshness, pretty designs and tempting prices are three striking- featuieis 1 of ''the cx)qussitc atock of new Gem, -Plain, Band, Bamboo and Curb Bangles; .Gem Rings, Brooches', Pendants, Chains', Watches, etc., and Silver goods now showing for the Christmas Season at Gilbert Bros.' establishment, Tainui Street. ' Name or ..Initials and Date engraved F,r<ie of .Charged— Advt. j

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Grey River Argus, 18 December 1911, Page 4

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Grey River Argus and Blackball News Grey River Argus, 18 December 1911, Page 4

Grey River Argus and Blackball News Grey River Argus, 18 December 1911, Page 4