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In referring yesterday to the flotation of the Gold King Company, at the head of the Wilberforce Rivor, ourl remarks regarding the difficulties of access referred solely to the road from Xhe wcbltelrn, a<pprbaeh. Thero ia,re two roads for reaching the ground. There is jono from tlie Canterbury side as well as from Hokitika by way of the Styx. Some considerable .time ago the Government made a road up to the locality by way of Lake Coleridge by which machinery couM be taken to within easy distance of the reefs. But floods and bad* weather have worked a good deal of damag©, sections of the road having been wash ed away. Although the road is now ' in a rather dilapidated state, one who as well acquainted with th.P" country and the road from .Lake, Coleridge to the Wilberfprce says that an expenditure of £200 would be quite sufficient to repair damages and restore the road to a serviceable condition. The lease held by the Gold King Company is one that was pegged out ,by 'Mr Baucke, and it is understood that the eap- of the reof'has been traced "fo?

half a mile, and that all the surface prospects •were Vencouraging. Wevare further informed that a- jjerspn is -now 011 the road Home to raise capital to exploit the claim known as Wilson's Reward. The water supply that "'commands the ground, we are' informed, >is -not -less than 40 sluice heads. ; arid rushes out of the range with' that it never freezes in the coldest part of winter. It seems'thereforepretty certain that" the Wilberforce; reefs are more likely to be attacked from the eastern side instead of from this side of the range, as; the Lake Coieridgje road affords a gradual; ascent without any_ engineering,. difficulties^ It is, to be hoped, for the sak« of.the Coast, that the example of •those who/ have floated the Gold King will be folliowed by others of an equally enterprising turn. If : a few more companies like the Gold King took up ground : and set- to work vigorousily, there is little doubt thai there wou'd be no great difficulty in ."inducing-.- the (Sovernmeht to provide, reasonable acces® to the field ;sb-as to facilitate its speedy development. * ;

Dr Telford arnuourices in our advertising columns his place of residence arid hours of consultaition. ; '

;.-"' 1 9: Methodist; Choir c concert iin^he Public Hall last, evening was well Intended, ,<and an exoellent programme given; A' full report of the concert will appear in next issue. ' ' -^ It- is reported that a further batch of "'men liave been dispensed with . in; the Stockton mine. There appears, to bs a little dissatitifaction . ajt ...the SU«kton mine in connection with j.i eference being given to single men.

The Mines Department have an advertisement in this issue drawing, attention to the fact that examinations for underwriters, firemen's and deputy certificates will be held on Monday 16th June, 1910. For further particulars ace advertisement. „ . ; "

\Mr Masrey, Leader of, the Opposition left yesterday afternoon for Hdkit ka where he will deliver an address this evening. ; Mr Massey on his re** m has promised to receive a deputat.l fflfu the • Native Lease tenure, and also inspect the harbour works). • ' •

The following gentlemen were appointed a committee for the combined schools Aratika, Moana- and Ruru.^ — Messrs Geo. Ord, T. Ord, M. Curtain, G. Gillanders, A. Beckham, J. KlemP^jl and T.; Jackson. Mr. GiUanders was appointed chairman, Mr Curtain secretary, and Mr' T. Ord treasurer.

Word was received in .Westoort en

Tuesday that Mr Edward Drenn.tu, vt>o recently sold his farm in Nile Valley, Charleston, with the intanlijn of proceeding to the Old Country hrj died at Wellington. Deceased • i n~ rii olcj and much-esteemed rerident >jf iLe district.

The Collector of Customs bfos received- the following telegram fM»m the Marine Department yesterday: — "Master of Manga papa reports passng a capsized boat v about? fifteen feet lonj; newly painted with red bottom and white tops twenty miles north of Steohen'c Island.-

You are missing the chance of a lifetime by not -visiting Thomas .and Mcßpath's .drete clearance, lovely winter dresses in" all colours reduced to

Is 6d all round. Come along -^o-day and get dress length.

' Mrs A. Stringer, of Westport, received the s-cl news from Auckland by wire yesterday morning of the sudden' death of their sister Mrs Groves, formerly o f AVestport., The deceased lr.dy, who was well and favourably known, war. held in high esteem by all who came in contact with her. !!.«$ family of nine,, five boys and r four.^irls will have the heartfelt sym/uthy of tho entire community in their sad berepv,ement.

At the annual meeting of t* c Prrishioners'of Holy-iTrinity Church on Tuesday evening, the reports presented were of a very encouraging nat'iie Tho following Church officers were elected: — Vestrymen, — Messrs Aitken, J. , BuiTell, L. F. de Berry, Wi Coclirane, J. Ferguson, A. Hopkinson, A. Vickerman, A. B. Wer/b and J. v,Wil-, son. Churchwardens. — Minister's War_den, Mr E. J. Thomas; People's "War-J den, Mr 'A. G. Kemp'. Auditor.—^lr A. v Vickerman. Votes of 'thanks were' accorded to, all church workers, , and special thanks to the Archdeacon ( and > Mrs York and the Eev. T. ,F., Taylor. The meeting was then dicpersed with, the singing of the hymn, '.'Abide with me,'" and th© benediction.

Mark Sprot, announce a sale of [We, and store sheep at Totara Flat; -at an early date. > .

It is^ reported . that Rev." H: s! Leech: has resigned his position as vicar of the Hokitika iiarisli. \. .

; Biir.toh ? s famous buckjumping show and circus isi on its way to the West Coast from Nelson.

; JTenders are invited . by the Public Works Department' till noon of 31st May, 1 1910, for the -erection, of a new Post Office at . AVesitoprt. See advertisement for full particulairs.

The Jane Douglas is '" making a special trip to Okarito foTj the' purpose of bringing Mr Hancoxy iwife r£ Constable Hancox, to Hokitika. for medical attention.; ; /v • -^ .

A vacancy for a boy to. learn: the drapery trade exists in the estabUshment of J. S. Beton, . Anderson's:Samnle Rooms. ' . ; •.-'•-'

A. liighly important sale of leasehold section, is. '"announced by Marki. Sprot and Co. on behalf of the GreymojiiH -Borpngh, Council. Full particulars'. - appear in our advertising columns.. - . .

The particular atteritioh of the travelling public is directed to the new Railway Time-Table appearing in this issue which comes • into force on 2nd May next. ' ;

Rosy is growing. Proof of this was given in the report of. the School Committee which stated that the in,, rease in . attendance ; had risen nearly, 50 j er cent.- Several new houses i,re It-it-g erected and the services of the clergy are to be requisitioned: in several instances; .' . \ ': >;

Father Camber, a missionary in the Belgian Congo, h^. addressed a letter to the Belgian* Colonial Minister on the cure of tleepirig sickness. As, the result of long experience in the'l topics

y, declares his belief iii subcutaneoas injections , of arsenic./ and quinine in. far' larger doses than t are customary, and he offers himcelfto undergo the treatment he suggests.'-, ; -•■ ••

If you are in. want '.pf a blouse or shirt- Thomas and Mcßeath are just , the people to supply you. The. best value ever offered on the Coast! 300 blouses and shirte to choose from at prices to jsuit all pockets. \ ;_■■■•

On Friday night in Englert'& Hall bho Shamrock- Assembly will hold a, ladies night -which promises to eclipse HI previous .assemblies. iEW the first time on the Coast the IM/C.'b will be „.. ladies "who will ton ibTris (occasion take full <xharge, 'Good music -;a^d a q;ood ■ floor will be the 1 'oitdsr *of ihe night. Excellent Tefreshments will 'be provided being in iihe 'capable hands of b, ladies committee. ' \ \

.Messrs Ford, "Peeb'es and 'Gardiner -^--rned to Rosa with tho "Hon. Roddy" nugget, and report hiving disposed of a large number of tickets. At tho meeting of the Art TJnioir Committee held the other evening it was decided tot carry out the drawing .as advertised at the Coronation Hall at 11.30 A.m., on April COth, the special invitations were sent to the various gentlemen appointed to supervise thi drawing, also the Pre r « and Police 'representatives were asked to attend.

The funeral ot the late Tj.-'n. Jn:ie-

Holmqs took place at Hokitika tester day afternoon. There i\as a very large gathering of nvnirners from all round the district. The d.iII bearers v ere

Messrs H. Lynch, J .Wallace. se««i., A. Harruon, and E. Heinz. 'I'he eMef mourners were the four sons Messrs Carles, Hem-y, Ernest, and Eddy Holmes and a grandson. Those prereut included the Hon Jome. Marshall, M. L.G., Hon A.- It!" Guiainess, M.P., Mr •T. E. Y. Seddon, M.P., Mr W. H. Massey;, -ivLP., the Mayors of Hokitika JKumara and " Ross v members of the^ "Wetland County Council, a large following*,, of the' Masonic fraternity and tho general public. The remains were taken to All Saints' Church, the Rjv H N. Wright conducting the service there and at the graveside. The fire bell tolled in memory of j deceased wlio was Captain of the Brigade some years

ago. — Guardian

There is &.t present paying «a visit to Rocs, a native of that historic little town, viz., Mr James Gates, * J iio a lad of some nine' years, when he lef* the Coatt for Australia with his' parents Mr Gates, who is. a member of ihe N. S.W. police force) was 'recently ' rf.:<ght into prominence, in Sydney through a thrilling adventure w ith, a burglar, particulars of which.conic time-iago' ;1 } egr"ed in our cable columns. In ,he,ift\jiy 3V^r Gates was severely , wounied <.rnd^_ for the matter of that, was within aco of losing his life. He surcc^aJeri. .however, in- folding hi<? qitar/jy*', until such, , time as assistance dima aji^the ferocious '"Bill- Sykes"' n'as .' sf» fely posited in custody. • ,"* h.9 A tistr .i^an prers 1 referred "to the » captrre^ is r *the I pluckiest piece, of work in ihera'^nal^ of the police history in/Aitec^u. For his valour,' Mr. Gates -tvs *pt«;sontecl with the Kingfj'medalf " fi^ sf ci•loin,nl to be entitled to'\sa&o tAQCto tKe iKing graciously permitted, iho trophy iito " be awarded, to " colomuls or , acts *cf bravery. ♦ , ' ' *» • -

Mr Gilbert Cunnirigbaini, fir- one timidredgein^ster of ' $c - Shaian.doah dredge, and well . Mown ighMiit, the West Coast among dred£ if g ii'ipn- : le ft b for America <m ; Friday last on ' ,buwnr.f« coniiected with;;dr.edgingyiri the ' Arsentin'ei He ca.CTJe* with iiitii the Vest AvisneQ of :'. hi^ Success fton v l.ijg 1 * number of friend^. '• . 6i dS3^37 r 0,380 wrs left by M^Saimuel ; Taordern, -tlie Australian sole parter in the firm of. Authony Hordern and Sons, of Sydney 'and London. Like Mr Ce£il ' Rhodes, ha was -anxi- _■ ou&. that his wealth should not devolve- to idle hears, lie. stated in his with that he wished hi\ sons to adopt aoiriß .business or profession. ' - The question- of connecting Lakes Winnipeg and Superior, in Canada, by a s canal, is a. matter that has lor g been discussed in ■ thnt -country; r J he dH^nce to be d\ig ovt " is about 400 miles, and the cost is estiraatPd at fiS.bOO^Od. 1 " In the,. Dblninion- House of Commons last week \w snecial committee was xippbin^ted 1 to' l'oiisicler i ; Bill for corpprating- -a ■ ic6m.^ahy >o iui'd thil -canal, b,^ween the two bikes. During ■'■liis"''4eply^ to the welcome extended t(< ; 'hlsr^at;;: the Bluff; Lord Plujiket remarked there »• as one pr^ucel.wMcK/the people might ccngralbulate tliemseives upon. They pmduceoj. Prime Ministers. (Laughter.) It w^l : : v ndtCf6r.tH'el-;<^vern'pr,-..w1i0 was labtpliitely free frpm political nature, ■ but-^lie might say that he had to pay aiyacknowledgment to the Prime Minister^ for the constant courtesy ar.d consideration shojvn in" every possible way if of aiiy omissions he might have m|de, and' he could only wish every oth^r, Governor had af? pleasant r.nd easy^ and : '«s j common-sense a Prime MiJßistei to meet with. ' -,:"■' Wfiiie walking along the shore at Hilisboroughv near Ilfracombe, Mr Miali, an author, and a, lady discovered - ihat they were cut ofE by the tide. They climbed the cliff and made tag-, nals of distress. Two boats put out the fescue, , but were unable to land owing to -the heavy sea. The >[ coastguards then went to the top of the cliff )vitli life-linej: and a cliif lad- , der. They descended the precipitious \ cliff over. 300 fib and effected a resc: . | % beilig -clieef ed by <a nximber of spec \ tabors : '-■ \. .■■ •'•.'•■ 1 The formation of three •.'•>tJ- ; :i'l clui.s in Hokitilla: promises to i:<fiiic lco^ii fcntefest iijto'i the "game iocil;7 The Ifcher *reijpug there Her? -"illy f »rly b'ayers <|asirig the oval o:i Cass akiuarei aalj/.the 'form .. 'Jisj.l y«d Aiat v\ry goipfl'w'nsidering the seasio U 2"u<* : coVemn|:inl. It J is expec + -> '! tlut Jnliy fifteen |enlir' matches w:ll ■ l'«ke p'/unthis ye* lid the frien-lly livalry al- ■ ready eii4»ig among the i. -• nu:s °f the vari^irlclubs should be the me&ns of bringiiiaput many playjrs. »vh'o . r -hplilft give a ood account li t're:s"!vfs. j — Times.^ ; ■''■'-.■ During -\ e>". course of some remaks ■ati'Te Puli on Tuesday evening the" Hofi R. M< ienzie said that fruitgfow7#iP>^«pni< » beneficial for small landihoiders ill* tlie freezing export. There was not nroettef 'climate in the Dominion fonfTuitgrowing than " their own. ".•Land worth £40 per acre for dairying 'wld return' £100 per. acre for fruitgilving. The; Government had decide**) g : ye asrfstance for the < •-veiopmerilof the fruit^^ export -trade ■ 'to Englqvncl They woxild >do f or the fruitgfowerAn the north what had beeiv nromill to Nelson — guaf an'tee ihem againl loss. , The Government •experts woil instruct them in grow--ing fruit, ( j|l the varieties to plant, also how tclienii with orchard pests. Ho" threw o'l therjesiiggestions in the hop'^ that tr, : would act upon them.

The Victorial, Minister of Lands (Mr .;M'Kenzie)l preparing a scheme of reaff brestatii in the treeless dis-v.trtotsirbf:.tte'-Stl In travelling thro . ugh the more sled area (says a Mcl bburne paper) Ihas been struck by the devastationl ' timber which has occurred <in the( : |t, and .the now con. sequent, scarcity* firewood, .fencing niateriaiy/and; thither tdmbe? require mente ?of .{/the Imunity . His idea as that steps sh« be taken by the State , tb""encourl •.tree-pi'anifciiig. His proposals/ -as, evol up to the: present are. •that^the^Sta should be divided antorfpuri^districtlind that the Gov ernmeht '^should fc^ide prizes to be awaa*c[ed;at: the elof three years to land-Wnei3J , who ll attained ' the best results; the"i^hedlo ; ,be ''admi-nister-ed by a iepmniittefcnsistingj say, of *% officers ■/'!>p i fSvJ^Jie--'\ltets > -. r 'Landß and Mines Departmen%Lssociated with the agricullteral edls of .the weekly papers. "JHe also c»mplates. "bhe sub . 6i'dising : _of ;• local this 1 direction. ..Mr McKenziljcpr&ssetl approval of the resolutl carried aat the Conference; of Progl Asfibciatdone at Bendigo -J acirming I desirability of fiystematic.. . -tree-pl»ig" % along the banks -of creeks andVers that; hive beeh^ denuded .oi trel ; " .. i

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Grey River Argus, 28 April 1910, Page 4

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Untitled Grey River Argus, 28 April 1910, Page 4

Untitled Grey River Argus, 28 April 1910, Page 4