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i-. ■■ ".- oii^ lu^Aifffcr r ■■ "■• ■ ■ ■ '^'^ij^vj \~-' ')■'% i lvp"l|^JEiL YOU ALL "jv .^^P^PllSi'f , Thi^usine^s;hi S: out^ Twelve montl.s ago we realised ■^lhat-V.e^ii'sf.4(idk: ; 'iaboiitior,more roomin the of iin up -V j to-date 8ui1ding........... \ \ / ■ : .■^e''coui4.M^.nrDe^s.6%6.decided' \v' ■■' mx " T to build a new heme for ourselves . . \ *&'&• and according to .our own / A . ' •> specification. ; ~ ■ . V \ We're not goin •to take; a single , ■ \ \-'- --aiticle from our old premises to I . \ our nevr ones if wfe.can help it ' V . \. .. — ■ — so look oiit- for • . ... \ •:'■; y RATTLING BIG MOVE V * i \ CYCLE AND SPOJiTS GOODS / i , / , ; See future announcements. . -■'■' nu "^y \ ■■■■ .-•■■ . . ■-■, ' „ ■':■> ,-■ • *"«;-^; •.-- •• -- ' ■■ ..:■ : , • m . ■ ! I .>'■■':'-; ■■'-■':.■■/■■*;/'!: ■*:..■■>•■;.; .'••^'. :',';.■ '■" - ■:"■ ' '•.'.".■■''. '■" '■ . : .- - : . '•■;-•', ■■■:■ |. j^j .-'■■■■-■■■■'■■■'+■'■■ -' ■'[■';;';['■ ' .'. \ -' " — ILL!

;}■ public waTiQES. v . T7IOR ' SALE.— Gobderi. Five roomed JU House washhduse. Good locality Price £350. \ A bargain >; . See us immediately. A ..Naylor, Land and Jltitate ■Agents'; ''■'.'.-"'. '"■■'. ' -. '■;.'■ J-\ '.■''■■■' , ;:. ; ' '■ IT^OR SALE.— Karori. .',.: Three, bui'd- ■ i ng?: SECTIONS, eplendidiy = situatt'd. Owner miist 1 realise. A. Naylor ; hotel- brokers. Land and Estate A»t>nt.-. ■ ,i'- .: i;."- ;; ■■'•- . "->'.'. ■'.';■ " ':- : -'r^-. P| iOTQGRAPHIG : quOds ■ '.for VIU llolMays are shown- iv . a Rrcai varin " V of- styles dnd pricey . at .Far kinsi v ard Go's, the loed -Chemist-.. You're invited to : come .in. Ann loi»U ' rounTi'-. - -■. :■'-• '; ■ -'■'.■;".•>''..• -..;'. r ■;■• ", r - - ii/ ANTED KNCVWN^The Sale or >> hssilW is now dii at Hannah's, the leading »uot Shop.. B^,r«;ai n ' 1 * or ■-^}}- «\/ »NTED Kn;owh.---Tliat Jusur>T ances can be effected oil fire, Lif «*• and- Accident :at current lates A. Na.y»tir, Insurance Agents <it«j~ inoulL'. -.'■'-,••: '■ .-,.....; :.■'"• ■-,;.. '-•'■. B* "aTIIING CAPS; and • "\N -I'NtlS. at- Parkinsoii's.ainl Co s. •^XTANTM) >iEN.O'WN^.- : Buy your : $m 1^ FOOTWEAR at HANNAH'S, i3ie Leaj^nt ShoeUts _ !' -jr-iklHllti • this morning. Don't lorV> &«t'^to have a^ bottle or LlMifi * ;g&JUi.l£ #Uiily. ; Sure cure, and prevuntiveioWOoukhs and Colds..: Is Isod - ii^m t2s%6d at: PARKINSON and ecys^M' ':.. •.•'■; : ■■;, :.: ■ ' . _ . "i^lknty' of perfumery at i. PARKINSON'S;. ; : ITIOR SALE.— Light Gelcling. 5 years, any : -trial; also Uay r jsiafb (Syring Gartti ),v ,7" ;yt,ars, -fjom Cantorburv. *A]i|jly-' Hurley and Coy., I tpi .Auctioneerp. . • MASCOTTE STUi>iO;^-Photds ' i»Mnio«:d»i 1 -: and 1 i*nlark''e"ieDts. t-auiilies aud »e>Jd.nk «:ioups. iviissi lbhQ*to^./ojb«rau,t ; ! ■...:. WANTED 'KNpWNI-^Tiiat ACCOUNTS and RENTS are col--'lecteil^-by the Secretary' of West Coast Collecting Assuciation:' ' Nqte" address : A ; . Naylor, Box 131, Greymouth. JUST :J^NDED-^arge VsiJl'| ; !>«« of , Tooth Bruahea and -.Tooth Powders.; .PARKINSONyJand^;C!6V -- % ■. YISI^ the MASCQTTE STUDIO duiriny the Kplid^v«k and ; sprur an artistic photo of : yourself and fam ily. Upstairs IVlcDonners.Buildinji-^ /;iOI<GH, COUGH. ■CbtiTlN.— Stop \jj I luv cough and dodge the ooff in by taking LIME SYRUP. HrZ^'iV!*; up your strengih by raJniig | :;i|A:;. PARKINSON'S ,: . jQuinino and - Iron ? \V-ihe. The finest tonic jjoing. . 2s' Oil. «; " '■'■:■■_ ;.::-j>>.' ; . '' ■.; ■ :.-. I f AUOH and thel/^brld^ laughs witL .: -^ "?.-■■ '/y°u^ ..:'. '.. ;'.-'-^'.-T-; A. - ' - . : Woi*j^aiid you weep r aloiie. s*. W^iiilbrshine ',wi|U assist you; : ! , ■ : ', ; To In ighten up the happy ■> hbine* " WONDERSHINE,. the grealr^tousehold jrdlish for Linoleums. ,F.urnicurti; iuicl all kinds of Leatherware. iSd a tin. JUST ; the tiling: tfiis Qot -Weather. K l^rkinson^lJitON and QUININE W INK. ;It invigbrateß the syslemW ;•.. ■%* ( 'd .I--.' ':-,. . ■ ■■■ ~ : . y <'.::--X ■' V : :.' '--- ?■:■■'.' ■'- '■ ITiOlt SALE^FARMr SIJKDTiON^. ■JL';:: HOTELS^ and v BUSINESSES 1:1 every (loscription. /.. It -will pay you -Iv soe.-.-u6 at once.. .Apply A. NAYLOIt, liouse, Land and Estate Agents. . Spnng -GlGvaii^' SET ol » •:.' ■ HARNESS for/salev: Can be inspoijj «vl iit. bur Brick Stores t HARLEY and CO: LTD. i^lTNSli I NTE J v gladdshs ■ ihjfe : . heart •" •K^'- D'uKos everythiiiQ; brigHt »»if c-lumm i- 1 ; so does' WOI^DMtoHTNE, .•jjli.e- l>i>"'K I.iiioleunv and .'JturnitUro t'pli^li. : .fi'lv;a' tin.:; ■'■'■'"■ ''".'.'■".; r '-'[ •"■■" ' }>ARKINSON'S :■■■ :•; :E^t|Eßy ESOTNG % \ HA I/FNE .makes: oonliiri? •Ifhilc 'in ' /the ' snirimeT time: .jOjily^ -^s Or per brittle. / :^>-' i K>';;.- : Z£i ■ ' ".: -;-*"--* ; --£.<jV ■^"- •■■; -; ~ "fTfTAN/TRn, Situatimia as (JOOKS, m\-. houseM aids; .waitresses, ' and GENERALS;: -Apply , Nay lpr's Registry i Greymouth/ /■-'..;; ;- w .;/'. ",^-.. ' ;'^" ; ' ":■' :,:': ■-. ;'.."• V ."--"; : ; '" -' ' '-'""'•''.;• ; :"'. - SHOULD you -&e PROPERTY • -Fpii SALE or' TO LET of any description . send v> .;■ full /•particxilfrs. We }ia.v:f! v ' -l-»'-.-i-«r.s. . w^ititt'i:. '-.. A. .rNaylor. liarici 'an^^Esfaii\ _^eni:>^ : j: , - 'OPECIAL Skik: SOAP - '^ARKIN- • »T5 •S.(->(tfS > /^malceß:^-.the : '..:*-pldn-' 1 -.:'sdft and sir.ob.ili.' Tablets . Is each. . T> U O fOG RAPjaJGv ; ; M^TERiiATi jiUv . '•' t>: ■••■ Full Ti. ' Ae:? -of ::?11 PflLpprsi: "Platcp ; Apparatus at PARKINSdN , and coib. -: ' . .'V- i-j, {^::^-: '.:' ; i; : '' Special .- bargains V 4 -.cycle :;^' ; : COyERS and" INNER- >TtrBES : . .offered at -Hurley 's^. Richmond ••■Quay. '.:' "' " r - :: J_. ■ ■/' ■;";'• V v ; - -■, ■ ■

PURE |RE§ r- pivisioi U4i :-. ■-' : : A-"-.-. ,■■••••■'.•.'■'' ■ -. ■"'•■^.: ••' ■•-',.-■■-■■■ Its imporfcant to your;, health ; as well as your ; pocket tb buy _ your groceries every week where I you can depend upon every article V you., buy being of the purest, freshest and best, and still the mo t reasonable in price. . , Our provisions are always: reliable because we buy only from large and dependably N and because we're, constantly hkying fresh supplies -'coming in; •. -Nbth-:, ; ing ever becomes: stale \ or- itapureV in our shop.' ' Try oar reliable sei vice next week. Youll fiud if s alßwe" say : and more, for your every order receives our most courtetjus and careful attention and our prices are decidedly less than you'd pay elsewhere. . ; . I. J. MclLßi,' ix uv, . . ' ■■ i mm^^^ mm^ . . ■ . . . - ' »ier«s k om K to be a .phttripe ia s » e »u J er,beca.,Brh.y e6r,,iare ' *"^ ,? '■;'■ x £ ' Yd W™ be With- ' TfiED'S CORN Cyf*E "^ey will just disappear, thai-bail - no aches, no p^ins 1- . . : . ; - All Chemists and stores. :i/i; r brPoatfree froni: TsEjo-ifc'Co;- ■' *' •: • ' New Plymouth. ' : '"':''- :' XIISH QUPPERSi Y^ISEPORS tc^^ to^n^ and .the Senegal 1^ 1^ are renrihaed Vth&t R. fUUJNDY.has a splendid supply of fish and oysters on hand. ' ■The choicest of Schnapper'; Groper! Flounder, and King Fish will be servl cd.. HA^;A SUPJPER TO.NIGHT. HA)^?SiSTER TO "KINGT TRY" ■p: v^tg||Oß SALE. ", '■ ■ B R^^¥W y ? ?rs JL> , l b y i the English Imported Thoroughbred horse AMASIS-TB.Y HER by iiurlm^ton. .; v v.; J Details and /PRICE from v „■. '-. '^?Si^::>' ; ; ; ; -..:Grreymputh. TT'S GOING^fiE A wIrIEASON~ ABE YOU PREPAREJ)? 1 'What a grand; thing it is to have a deluge-prbbf Raincoat. .. ; Think what comfort a fellow- has when on occasions ; .he. must go out intb ■pouring rain. : ; - v . "' , ' rl/rU'^:'-''-^'-"''-- " ' " V ; ' How would he look -.and how would h« feel without a suitable 'Covering ? Well irrigated and pretty miserable/ we ffUftss. , The . CIT.C.. Raincpa^ Iwill,^ keep you dry in the roughest weather 1 ; •They won!t give way at , the seams likft some raincoats do, but, they'll give good .service to the end of their days. . ■'„.. •,... ; .'..,.■■.■•■'•""■:'■: ■:-■.-■>" ■•-.;■■ A reliable Raincoat, from the. C:T.r! fnr 25s;^ ;Oth^r^pricfes^36s ? r 35b 423] 4-5s to'7oK^r ,^ f f r'^ iV : '-I-- <■':":■ - : - L ; : :\: A GRAND SSp^£T;IO>T OF THE ;;L^TJB|T ||gSnpSi^g^C4i^: ' H'iiipcc : ' ''i&N^B'V'W^Aß; "•■■ '^- " .'LAT'JsTJT'^T^EET .. ' ■ ' ' ':■• '"v^er&f |e> 'Gooa^ ( KMS are : ■ ■ ATE RCrTOiiL. ; f lIKE IVrTS2SF,S.. STANFORD H AN R , A-U'Opfned... . ■;. .: ,-/,C- ',:■'-}:: .•: ■': '•' ■■'■;.-■■'.''• ; -■'■' : A.v. v ,': : > .'-%rr : IN TRTNIT ST HALL, . - ; r-br Children up to 16 years of ajje. J tool Cpmmenceg at 9.15 a.m.

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Grey River Argus, 27 April 1910, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 5 Grey River Argus, 27 April 1910, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 5 Grey River Argus, 27 April 1910, Page 5