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A good lamp ia. very essential on a bJcycle during the iiext , six ; monthrC ; The Pactolus yield' for dredging 118 hourcvAvas 330z5'.2-dwts. ; ;;!:;■■ ./...'

A reception social to the Rev. T. N. Griffin -arid family will be .held in the Metltodist ' Clhurch on, Thursday, evening, 28th'in^t.' f „; . /. •, ■'.

C. " M. Daniels, the' crack American swimmer,, succeeded "last week in lowering liis ! bwn fecor4 of/25ia for aSQ yards swiiri-tp 2^ 2-ssecs; v : . u -. x<

Attention as directed/to ..ah adverr 'i tisemeritf-with regard to a^ dark; bay : filly : iMnppußJded': on".2sthv inst., - M^»nd; whicbj 'will;- be -sold >hy aiictdon;^unless claitoied witibiin days of the abo'vei.da'fce. 1

. - The : May6rareiectiPn/betweeh;Meßsrs k Russell 1 and Coajtes will be fought put to-day. Both ; parties arie>; active and? the result will be' awaited -.. with keeri f interesti-'- s;;:^'- -?.'-' :: . :;^/ i '-'^--' X;"'-' ■'^ ; "'-'- ='

. The d^efl^'of'/'thk.ele^^ic/^^a^Mr; J. K. i^an) ( : states ■; that the i ing of anpi^W two telegraph iwiires rße-i tweeh Wellington, and Auckland; which i has recently.. been approved ;b.f by ther Ministry, has been in contemplation for • a year or twp:/ \ :;i ■. ;;, ■> ;

' Wade V 'Big Move" Carnival rt:,rt^. Its out! •

,The Department of Labour. wiU shortly, issue circulara^ to all -factories' arid other places. where" ; n^anufa^tiuring induittries are- carried > oii^' with' a view to securing industrial 'statistics, for the 1.911 census; The ibepar^ment Jhas not formerly;:, taken Nany^partJ in the col-lectionoof-Census statistics;;: v : '.:• '.■;.-. ,

. , i All_ jniending ',^ .<ss, ' the ' f orthcpmjng '^"s.eutip^ takes place next ' June .^r.e reminded ij by advertisement th^tij all ,entries r cjpse: oji^^fap^itb/. Big : en : -: tries from' competitors oUixiide the f Pur^ .competing plubs^ -are ; expectedl.ipr;'tlie^ . . which : ar,e .open to oufeid- J ' ere. ' The publid,;will v please. take ; nptel!i

Ab the^^glaketown-j schoojihpuse ; .last night Mr ; TH; Eld'oia K Coaafes 1 presented prizes tp v^ybil Carteri^Yiolet Stubbs, Jeati: \ Joji^tpne, . ; j Siyc(ne£ ;Blake . and^ Geo Kgeßlate for regul ar attendance at ' ; school; './. Theße pupils have not missed!' n day Jtu^ing jUhe yfsa£ : .^Mr XJoaites in^ pre^rttingTthe J .^nze^ % .'sMd that ; he hadl promised .^' :-.t>ryse^ wh^ the" was: opened; iandii gave h^m pleasure that • If^ * n^. fiye:';shpuld:.rbe Mhs rfergreayes :dPseryed great; cred-': it for;; the ; progress ; of ; the: jschopl. ]'!

Watch for Wade's :* 'Big) /Move; Sale Carnival Saving next iseue.

It is n,ot .generally Khtiwii where firewood of all : kinds in nice, „ . handy blocks or .in^ lerigfclis^.can .be ■ procured. In Alexander •.■ Street .(adjoining theLaundry) Mr • Alex. Merrie; Jigs; openeda firewood, and .cbalj denote :;' A . spepiji}-' ity rhp^erer -is made IJettef^.^eVfQr;:theji.wmWri I .h^tih::'itiian" a, blazing log.iflsed with a little ..coal 1 :* b! is eGonpmicali4site»j;.inpre? heat, and moreover consumes ( everyv : particle of coal. The latter when used by itself, unless tmdbi« fprce^^draughib, does, not develop MrHiiie^ lie'a^f wliich it is Vcap-r the chimn«y J ,in .th©. oy^y o£ soot and gas. For use in' ranged wbb^ with coal io equally advantageous. . Mr -Merfie supplies in ; anj xpiarit^ [iaesir^di T '

.. ,•:■!, L-.n:u.:' It. is proposed to inaugurate, the coinage: of a( Canadian silver ;dollar.

The new colonial lamp .manufactured" by Lucas England are obtainable .at .ij Harley's, .Boundary Street. . , .■

' The death' ia reported from Lynn;" in Massachussets, U.S.A., of a man named Tyler, the original of Longfello\v's famous poem, '.'The Village BlackDmith," written in' lß4l. - /

, Butteic is scarce, in ¥ ancouver, :and is selling at 17d per Ib. Disappointment is felt at. the, sinaliiiess of 'the/t'hipmerit that arrived frorii: Austrajiav by the'.lOLS. Marajtna. ' ' :. ' ">/ '

i The; situation of Prnic'e Yictof Napoleoii has much improved in French eyes by'e anonuncement of his • af»proachingj. marriage'" with : Princess * Cleriienr tine of Belgiuiai.\ ■;' -^ ■■'■'■:■ -■■\ •:>:•:*■■'■

/ Elabpraj^/ preparativatns . are, being made by tl^e .Chinese in. San ' Francicjco for the receptipri .of ; Prince ; Tpa Lak, who. lias 11 been commissioned, by, the, Chinese Goyernmerit: to /.study the ~American military ;system. ; . „ 'j (i . ;•,..;. y

" ■ The/ Tsar's new/ palace in Liyada will be 'built eritirejy 6^ . Balaclava stone, which resembles pure amber. The building, is /to be completed in 1912.

1 The bedrock' prices in. bicycle lamps is Hariey's,! Boundary ' St .: -

The Mexican Consulvin France is; about to visit Mexico , to .secure $ tract of country suitable for ; the' •a' Frerich-cplo^y- ;Of. vl200- families. ■, v /-. ,\ .

/By a telegrant/^ecieived -l^.st .ey,eriing \ve. iearn hafi/b.een scratched for all engageriierits .at. the Marl-, borough Racing Club's Autumn meeting. ' : ,- ?•••.•■=!; - /. -> /. ::: r ' .'/v:'

' Says a Blenheim paper i— One of ' tti aspirants for T mayor it honbuira fepbke 29 "times- at the council meeting on; Friday night. He, covered a large range of 1 subjects. The other candidate : spoke 12 times. -..;.-■•• ,~ .'.• v ; •-.,'.-.; -.._.; ■< ...k ;•. To show the. necessity' of 'farmers .us^ing every' efforir to eradicate/ Bathu'rso burr, a well-known Hawke's ; Bay sheep f arriier has been advised- by his London broker that the burr deteriorated the price of the? wool' by Id a; :1b. { " .

The police, at .tihe .Thames /brought a case last week/against a -lpcai hotelkeeper for celling: ibeer bottled -by' him, and not having .the words "bottled in New Zealand" rplarily: printed.; on ; the labels. -The minimuin fine of <£2o was inflicted. 'v : ' ■•: .-.;.••■•

ffhe biggest, grandest, money:-.i.urg-ing event in history—^the "Big Mive" Cdrnival starts. t ' ,-.';■•• ')' ■..//. . .-.;.:>

■V ,Captain Bridgen, late mate_ of ? the Qiieeri of the South,., has taken com- ' niand of the' vessel vice 'Captain 'Harvey. Captain . Harvey. will take ■ Captain Maiiley's place bii theHimi'bangi while the latter is on holiday Ipaye. Mr Hall, of Eoxton, takes-. Captain; Bridgen's' place as mate of thp Queen' of ;the. South- / ; /V- ;^ *^. i-^i -■''-.

.. A machine has ; been -invented : ; which counts' 50,000 postv cards> in ten ' Hours, l wrapping and tying the same in. packages -of> 25> ! each;';.-V: They' -are neatly^ wrapped in paper and thestring'secure'y, tied, '-all by ;■)!*•■' '■;■■■■& '•■ J If you are in.\want pf- a blouse or shirt. Thouias . and .jMcßeath are just s tlio ..pep'plQi tb' supply you. . The best value ever offered .^h,. the ; Coast. . 300 blouses : and .; shirto to .choose; fripm \ atr prices to suit^ all ■•pockets.. ::i ■■; . „ : ; ; I- Several horses' ':ii the^Waipu .district : chiefly at Maungaturpte /suffermj^. from a new fprm of :,sickne;p/ whiqhocan' only 'be described as ... f { \i T ater in tfie mouth." . When, ah' ■arii i ma,l 'sickens,: water begins . to ' disGhiarge from the^ mouth in .'a cintinual stream, with 'cph£«quent weakness^ which totally unfits the animal' for' work: l; " "' ;

Orders were. approved; by, Cab;taet'ibii^ Monday for the nurclia€et of • nijlvtary - : eqiaipment.-to^the'ex^ri^'dliii&sOOO.'rjStd-p cording 5 tq tTie/Priiue.'; 'Minster /...;the total expendture on equipment; 'to put the ; defence scheme 'upoii: a* goPd work-! ing footing will reach 1 ifiGOyOOb* while; ammunition ■V^li-/requjfe: :^£3s,boQ\ and, .stores ■and-} i -n*^aaliiesf.v£sQo.-'" - : '■'■ - ■'■:

Mr Fry,' Director' <A -tfie Wes&jxM School of Mines, has 'seG^^';kii^sp- ; bn over a rich reef * in- the" Poorjia district, *Gtira line.. .; The, i;«e£; Has jieeh traced and proved to \t)e 'of-^xbeptional value, for/ 'a ; r difctarice.; : 6f l^ilf : a 'imTey It promises v to "eclipse Mal^nSiing^^^ discovered on the West Coast; The : i trtone 5s uniisually " ■ uniform in T value,* ranging Kas' iugK^ 3j biinces- fine : gdld« to the. tbn.r-t^estport News, v -";■::); i/: .'A tVellmgtorr^^ lefeiden^''who/re<ieiiti3r yfeited l i^;a| ' Jt^B MaH bour ( there: is, te^miiig' with/fis]iv. yiQ^nr; dero and ■ schnapper 7 : are j»lentiful, and^'he ou'gges|s. 4>nat : 'Btpps : sllo-i uld b© tateii to .'obtain' I teguj^' sup-" plies for the / Wellington '-triarlf ei>, . wilck for some '^nl'e.'|Haß/;he>^';yr^tHe^|ik^^ fish. i, Settlement, at ' .^jawiiia \-^k \J>rp-" gresiingv the 'vihiflr.parg^ areas of fertile land,, o^ti^J Natives are still . locked^ up^/ 4^v^rai,i '^eftl^ig^ ton residenfe liave Hakei? 'up'-laißt^ijn* ilie district, and .two others are^neigotiating for the*- piirchase Pol p u ropesiies thei-ei tl '^^©^opattMw^^t tfiageniM^te who has iust*'cbme hack . from IKdwliia! th^ iM^i^xip^ f 6^ of/ a steamer Jsef vice between W, ejlirigJ ttiri. 'and ;Kaw%t.A -C'iit.- oz-;Z ■?[&■s:>;.&

ii .1 ;

Bicycle ,lahxoS; of all / descrpition dan W obtained • aikHariey'Si . ' <■■■■■

■■..;' jt/.is^aid/,that\the r f ing.:Ciafe|^^M^ated;:lfe give ■stakes/ibo /the of. £6^Q; HSus . Beasdn and clibuld ; t|ey,jtiee|iii^ .. p^rpye successful, [ the ' istakels . /riext : year ; will ' total £1000. Mr/-Befl cli , tlie : Wjelllngton aeroplane : investor; hsis; left [^y^fj.'' l^e xaterids jbp; enter the.<;'Xicfbriaii contest f bi-ucfiie;- JeiOQQ. : - /This J syjodicate:: backing; i|lr v Bericii has dpcileii ;tO^^jextend the patent throughout, thfe world/. It has appoirited Mr J. DZ/AveryJaEft secretary. -■'-...; I; :. ;.. ..:...;/-.:,. .^ ..;,.. /; : ;,;4>,...;.:. . ; Qne-p^thei XJlimaroa^ passengers t^as donstable Gates, /of ;North. :^y^ngy pol--4iceiprce,,,Avhp, in April last, "diitiriguished ; ; hiniself by hie bravery in dipturing .an/^riaea turgrdr, by. whom j^6 iwag sivefely Vwounded. v -He was 'a^ardW/ the silver niwidal^fdr gallantry arid^promoted ;'to ; be Jr^eijiior 'constable. Three nlonths^/le'a^e/^s; granted, and hevis sper^n^/^^^wNZcfaland. v" /; V

vThe-Puhl^/iHealiiir Act ssapy p that., -j£ pl^illd/nlt^/^e'rvacciniited ._ within six months/of birth; ibut for some conßiderable. pj^rio^ :pasb bript. Garteiitbn has^heeri ;^§n^ei % ' Vaccuiatprii/ Cpnsea^uently, the : local Registrar :;ofv Births..annbun(^:,that. he will shbrtt^iiave/''ai regular field day,-'---iiimmonirigjdefaultftog parents. .; \

'■ : An unusual suit. has -been, entered ivL Alnierica the..^^directbfs.:pf 'elec^ ii^aibv^i'cori^aii^::/ 'TEa plaintiffs. ifel &orj farmers' of Elgi^, tl|inpis : j sare5 are claiiriiiig-d^iiiages against the cbtppiny . a - the- grbtihd that th Y e flash, and/ the rpar o¥~^^/<£r&/pn lines liaVe. aVdisturbiii&.. the c«ws^afc';im^t|Sof|#h/|lie the /suppiy/jof; milk!) Has "decreas^d-.'t'eri-ottsly.-/L'g.^,:j :, : ; ? .>; .-..' ■*■•■ A^i^i. j'i^l^ '~A ■

HV . /Mr/ Massej^i M.P. , / is ' ; .to ... ; deliver \a pptttibal /^ni : the Hbkitika! " ; Theatre 6tt"/Tlmrada^^ is eip^ct^ii/that '& l^gemimfeer of^ cbuntry^ /vftatbrsi;wi^, , ;/ atterid^ti^i, ine^tiiag. • Th^3fiinjtt .iri^nd/tQ. Bhb^ ; r^j^ Mi^i^Xdvi^/M.i^.Ki&b'i^ipned^ groundj tiie^ source of h&o niuch: agitation through ■ the,\" refusal . of the /to/ grant to %a.llow ■6f-- ; it./'bejn^;':tre^^ : : /'-b^.jhbdern; msthods.-. /. /;■ / //,-. :.'•■ ; ; ■_■ ; ■■•._■■■ ■ '\- The man|^ friends;':p^/^ P^ J/:i>urifie (fbrnieriy editor of^the West- Coast . Timiefi) ; 'ivill/t>e interest^ tpilearn that he has^^ severed.,^hßte^ec^on with the HiorQ^riu|l:fc|ii|3nicle; %iipanj^^ ; . (. ViW, and ta|e'n/byelr/-t^'pna^ime^ ..'.) pretp^/Ohakuiie ;^4. rising tpwnship;^ tHe Main ■Trunk:^iiie,Hand .Mr /During : • business is siid to be /^.lucrative pn\e. - His friendc^rpu^ will wish iiim eyeyy .success in his yentOire. . ■'■.. ': , . ■ . .•: './ "■ ■[. .:■[:. '-..•.' . ."*| ,*•... J /.'.V •

Many persons^ _>vbiild ; fgive inucli ! vto ihow the secret 1 of^h^^,^arid ; a ; great deal more", vperhaps, for. life; se^reV^f life. T^re|ore. t (^^]tiie SydneyTlTele-. a sta^ment^made *by.^ jSieK^^iitarjvbf; |he -Ma^r; : "■'■^ aii a Eoc^ruhclioii at Witibughby bad a speciaV interest fpr iiie~pub- '-"?, iSe had t&e'^aitihiest bcc^aiigiii '^^ he knew pjf; /For 'iiat' reason 'alone>Ke ' hadpjit his pnily, spn:Mto:it; ; He^him- 7 seft ■ ;^ font th^ .t&^'^ivin^^e^ proof he^ the 6kse ' ; of a/lriap .^/Bo^any:, '72/^rs 6f,;>gß: ' . ' 'Tliis,; pa^ri^ct;iji^d/ wp^4e3; ai* a./ifefir ! /, l V iF^eO^a^^aMd^cl; liis 'faniil^Sf "<2i. , cb^dren,^2l^er^^ii^e , ; j^rty '••;■:' one/y;^ avtati^ faceofeistfel* ■ -'■' ' e^ideficei /lie^alk&ay^ liow : &uM "' : ing fe, clawed '-q^ ' ; Premier, tP x whom- ; the question y w'ass • ' addres«id;- cpulii./piily vsmile ; iii -repljri.

i ■ You are; ihiswrig! ' tlie cliaiit^; of ;;;■». lifeiame-b'y' '^riot r drerr ple^ra^ce,vlr>veiy : -wih- , ter dresses .'* iiii all; , cplotirs! ; reduced: vto Is 6S; allvrbUndi ; iCpjroe; alpug^ : day • %M'jget dresS;lengthv- ;' '■■ ■-■ ■ : ->^%i,;;

Said J6nSsa£wliQ t /had a * -:■"' ■ } J: %■ b^M^-^}Bobmi.^%' ';: .?• ■' i '> Thi s; dog'a^lif^<Oeil ;^^p^g%\ead;: f;To-mPrro^^if no; be^Bi-i'- : ?-^ 7?C Bivl^%iSt|^^a^^:f^en(^^ ilftaM:.^ melajj X»plli«) V $ -^^ - He'^gave • liim- .. •', niirifc ; ; Cure,' - : : ■ ;;; -'" ■'^.'--•■•"■■■"Z'-'?*? .■■;-.. '• nghti v^;/^ : :-. : u--.>;^:.; v;. :: -.;; ; ' ;-.,,;■■"

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Grey River Argus, 27 April 1910, Page 4

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Untitled Grey River Argus, 27 April 1910, Page 4

Untitled Grey River Argus, 27 April 1910, Page 4