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and Blackball Neme PUBLISHED DAILY-

SATURDAY, FEB 29th, 1908

The meeting of the Borough Council on Thursday evening dicl not provoke any fireworks. The tone' throughout was as quiet In colour as the proverbial Quakers' drab. Just a passing "flash of animation was lent to" the proceedings .when the Mayor rose in his wrath with all his dignity and, like Ajax with tihe lightning-, defied any councillor or newspaper to 'dare to say that he ever interfered as to the employment .of men. Tiiere had been "too much slime an<t siantfer" lately. "•Anyone who saicT that he had put men^pn were selling an absolute falsehood.'' The ball indulged in a smile that was almost audibTe,- probably recollecting the old adage that fire usually exists where ther c is' mucß smoke. But if the proceedings were somewhat tame and very orderly— "for Ji!-s ' Worship is usually successful in keeping councillors from wandering beyond the strict limits of the business in hand— they^ afforded"" a few points not undeserving of a word or two of comment.

The Town- Cleric read a somewhat elaborate report 0.11 iihe sale of gas fitings. He is slightly given to elaboration in method and detail. Ostensibly th c object of the report was to afford information as to sales of gas fittings ; but its real innnpose was to justify the expenditure of the show-room and lt|hje< •appoin t ment'iof ' Misfs 'Kennedy. We ■apologise to .tihe young Mdy for beingobliged .to mention her name in connection wfth borough affairs... But, unpleasant as it may be, it is unfor-

tunately unavoidable. The report is an elaborate attempt to justify two acts of the council that were absolutely uncalled for and unnecessary. There should have been no more need for the appointment of Mis Kennedy than there should have been for the appointment of Mr Grace. The staff was already more than ample to do the work ; and what flhey all find to do in order to keep up the appearance of working is one of those things that one is at a loss to understand, iln order to show the elaboration of the report and the studied attempt of the Town Clerk to justifyan appointment that we contend was not necessary, we find him putting in a tribute to Miss Kennedy's usefulness by telling the council that she attends to the telephone and enters in the 'complaint book' customers' requirements. In another clause of the report he innocently informs us that "evidently Miss Kennedy has had experience in this class of work, and gives entire satisfaction." That may be regarded as quite as interesting a discovery as that •the opening of the show-room is a great convenience to the public ; some of the customers even find it conveni-

ent to pay their gas accounts there, Yet one of the first effects of the Grace appointment was the .notification to' all ratepayers to pay their accounts at the offices of the borough. This is one way of making a surplus office and officer useful. Surely when the council could find room for a theatre in the public hall they inigiht have found space to spare for a sHow : room for gas fittings, and thus keep all their ■offices under one roof. But -tihey .preferred to erect a separate 'buildins somewhere else, and hand over to her the 700 monthly gas accounts so that the young lady might hav c something to do in order to keep tip appearances. By exetending this principle in the division of labour, the .Borough Council would soon b e able to find room for another (highly paid servant ; to be followed in due course with a fresh set of reasons to justify the appointment, as with the show-room and the clerk. But the real cream of the Town Clerk's elaborate attempt to justify "th c unjustifiable is in the paragraph which says that the .appointment "has also enabled Mr Kennedy to devote some time to collecting accounts," at which, it also appears, he <c has been most successful/ having collected large sums of money. It is hard to say whether this information comes more as a shock . than a surprise. What will be the next development in the distracted management ol our borough affairs? It is a decided ly novel proceeding to convert the manager of the borough gasworks into an account collector. We should be no more' surprised if the Town Clerk went round . examining metres. We are not at all surprised at our borough affairs getting so mixed, as they evidently are. We can only say that the management is p-r-o-d-i---g-i-o-- s! The Borough Council passes resolutions -vvith~th c happiest Indifference one- day, and with equal indifference neutalises i'hem in 13, week or tiwo. But his Worship the Mayor is always true to the day-laboivr system, though all men of practical experience favour pub" lie work being done by contract where that is possible. The Mayor moved that Hospital street be formed and metalled by day labour, and found a congenial coadjutor in Cr Jackson, who, speaking out of his wide and varied knowledge regarding day and contract work, said tH-at day work was the cheaper. He is not a contractor or employer of labour. But his Worship the Mayor and Cr Jackson are reported candidates in a coming election, and the "day-labour" cry is popular amongst the "horny-handed" voters. Is there any connection bcbween the two in their case? Every member of the council knows, as every member of every other local body ■knews, that day labour is more costly than doi/bg nvor): |py contract, and it ca'itnot -• ve 1 - ciufo^ rirAaJH. r «.sfi-~S9.- ne 5 be hoped that th c large attendance of the public at' the meeting \vere edified by the proceedings and will know how to properly appreciate the value of their representatives.

It as not the way of the sculling world to allow championship honors to I'est long in any one's hands without fighting for them. AVirh slight intervals it has been so far for the past 30 years or more. Webb is not to become an exception to tihei-ule. According to Mr .Fogiwell, a -match' between Webb and Arnst will be the next sculling excitement, and one that will come off without unnessary delay. From what is known of Arnlt, Webb will probably fight his greatest battle when he meets him. He will enter the lists as a New Zealander, though it is said that he finds his backers in Australia. Arnst with his brother first came into notoriety as a cyclist itnd long-distance road racer. H € possesses a remarkable physique and is endowed with phenomenal stamina. He is a terror on cycles and has probably broken more maohines— so we ar c told— than any one who ever faced the track. Whether this is the result of ineptitude of handling or of great unregulated strength, cannot be said. He stands six feet two inches and is phenomenally muscular. Perhaps he has not yet arrived at that point of perfection in sculling to which the term "finished" could fairly be applied; but he has such a tremendous reserve of force that it will go a long way to make up for his defects as regards scientific rowing. Altogether Arnst, who has : only recently taken to sculling, is like- ' ly to be one of the most formidable competitors that hav c aspired to the world's sculling championship;. and in meeting him it is quite on the cards that Webb will meet his Moscow.

The iicquisition of _ the . WellingtanMahawatu railway still han«rs <fire.

-The po-pulaiikm of Sydney is at .the ■present time is considerably over 500,. 000.

Mr T. E. Y. Seddon is staying in" Reefiton for a day or two. 'He visited the mines yesterday.

The a-nnuul meeting of lh^ Westland Trades and Labour Council will take place at Reefton on Tuesday, next.

The Westjport Cdal 'Company in creases the <price of coal to the ' Har b<ur Board after Majdh.

The recent increase of pay to the employees of .the Westport" Harbor Board will amount in the aggregate to over £3.000 this yetar.

A survivor, of the expeditdon sent in search of Franklin-Henry Stone, aged eighty-six— gave a '"-Jisibfond dance at a Yuletade party at Yaldino(Kent).

Thei'e died «.it Nelson last week at the age of 62 yeairs,~Mr George Grooby a well-known. Bullet distnet cattle dealer. -He leaves a .widow and six childrein.

Owing to the approach of the opening of itihe Stockton coal mine, the Railway Department ihas ibeen autihordsed to expend £3,000 on the nurchase of . a new locomotive.

mhe ifolWng wijll iremfelsieint !the Mawhera ibarrackers agjadnjst United ban-tickers : — Coiburn, Chapman. Morris Brown (capt) Mords (2), de BernEraksen, Quinn, Parfitt, Johnston


. A wniter in the Dunedin .Star recount ma- a recent tirip over the 'Haast Pass into Westknd says that on .the banks ol the Haast were some or the finest scenery he Iliad ever seen, and ■numbers 'of fine horses. They were owned iby Mr Cron, at H-aast, amd the cattle ar- drdren to market at Hakitika over 200 miles aw.ay.

I- or boys', youths' and men's up-to-date clothing- in the N. Z. Clothing Factory is the place. They are offering- celebrated tailor cut suits from 47%,6 cl to 555... These suits are the best oh-, value and inspection is invited For boys' clothing the N. Z. Clothtfng Factory is noted for A.i. quality combined with a knock-out price When 111 town to-day just have a .look at the shipment unpacked, for it outshines aS SS?? Sh ! Pment *«*«. price

The Hon 'Mr McNab regrets that he has 'been ■unable to visit Kumara, tout When ihe visits L-ake Waraaka. lh.e hopes to spend some time in Kumara.

The Greymouth Co-operative Society Ltd., hold an important general meeting in the Lyceum Hall on March ist at io a.m. Intending members are invited. . i

Said the health officer to the young lady. "You are at liberty to leave the house"(whidh had been isolated through infectious disease), but: you' must not take any of your clothes witih you."

Clem Hill is the only batsman , En lish or Australia, who has made over 2000 runs in test matches, his recoTd bein- 2242, with the following his ibigerest innings ;— 188, 13S, "0 00, 88, S7 Si, 80 and 160.

Messrs Harley and Co., Ltd., hold their usual Saturday auction at the mart this afternoon. This gives our country readers a chance of securing bargains that are not obtainable during tHe week.

Tyo Westport hotelkeepers ro f .ifv that in future dinner one day during the week will be served at midday, so that the servants may have ihea baV(holiday, as provided by the Facrorics Act.

The following will represent the Albion C.C. in their match with St. Joseph's to-day at 2.30 — Erikscn, Funness, Percy Smith, r Goodman, H- Goodmais,, !Hogan, JQuinm, 'Bail, Morris, McQueen, Symthe.

There is a young lady acting- as "postiboy" in Queensland. 'She carries mails on horseback between Mount Brisbane and Mount Byron, a distance of about six miles, iand, so far as the central postal administration 13 aware, satisfactorily.

HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? The new Pictorial Writing Blocks with three different views of Greymouth in black and white on every .second sheet. They are a novelty worth sending to your friends abroad. Only is each at iB. Dixons. Tainui 3treet. — Advt.

•In vastness of assortKst JS; range of materials and styles our offering of clo-t!hin_- for 'boys and youths is oinequalled. The superiarity of cut make and wearinp qualities is 'recognised by all who have purchased* our gioods W. McKay and Son The Draper. — Advt.

La : si Sunday the Westport police paid surprise visits to some of the hotels : but all was .peaceful. -Surprise visits in Greymouth on. Sundays comes las a -pleasure recreation to correct that "tired feeling" after the fatigues of the week.

Tenders returnable on Wednesday, March 4th, axe invited in this issue for the construction, of an iron tramway far the Kotuku Sawmillinp- Company. Plans and specifications may be 'inspected at M r H. Pavitts' Office Mackay street, Greymouth.

The Greymouth Brick Company are inviting tenders for the erection of a power house at brick works Paroa. Tenders close at 4 o'clock on Friday, 6th March with the secretary, J. F. White,, Midland chambers.^ For further particulars see advertisement.

The Wireless Spark Telegraph Company announces lhat its station, at Ncuen, me-ar Berlin, has despatched iand received messages to and from the steamer Cape Blanco of the Hamburg Stuth American line, off Teneriffe, a distance of laibont 220.0 miles, which is claimed as a now ocean record.

Mr H. T. Smith will sell by auction on premises, Boundary street and Mawhera Quaj-j this day at 10 o'clock a magnificent line of agents' samples ; also one glass case. The goods are now on view. The linens, tweeds, and lace curtains to be auctioned along with th c other goods are' special value. The sale is an -unreserved one.

Regular customers o f C. Smith, Ltd 3 Greymouth's leading draper, look on his store as ideal. They receive there real courtesy and close attention. They have the largest selection on the Coast to choose from— every article is reliable and moderately priced— purchases are always delivered promptly and correctly. It will pay you to become a regular customer Better make a start tp-day.-Advt.

YOU WANT THAT .PICTURE FRAMED ? If you will bring it along to B. Dixons, Tainui street we will guarantee three teings-a tor ee selection of material to choose from, the of workmanship and splendid vadue for your money.— Advt.

A colony -where open aw work at market .gaidenapgr .will ibe yowled for consumptive convalescents is to be established near High Wyconrbe. Lord the men who have had the disease arrested by treatment at a sanatorium, but who might become as ill us ever if they had to go (back to the mills and factories.

It is said that thirteen, gas companies in the Dominion, holding their charters iby agreement with tihe municipalities, and -not by Act of Pi-wliament. intend to back up the gas companies of Fielding and Falmeirston. in their flight agiainsit resumption iby the local Borough Councils. A test case will be ■taken to the Court of Appeal, and even to the "Privy Council, "if necessary. In the meantime the Councils are advised ithat they have a good case.

A further report on the porposed drainage scheme for the city and suburbs of Auckland has been furnished to the Mayor ;by the city engineer. He sets out the whole of -the works necessary, including reticulation services, and estimates the total cost at thus adding; £400^060 to the estimate of Mr Midgley Taylor, whose report dealt only with the main features of a scheme consisting principally of main intercepting '-sewer and outfall works. The city's proportion of the total estimate is £232,800.

Ambn_- th^ general increase in the cost of living and of necessaries n'>t the .least oppressive is the. rise in the pirce of imported wax matches. Owing, it is sadd. to a combine, the wholesale price t' has ibeen going up steadily, .till at last retailers have passed on the increase to the The ordinary wax matches are. now sd a dozen where they were 1 formerly procurable fqr 4d, and the usual fivepenny charge will now be raised to sixpence — .a 25 per c&qt. increase. — iNelson Mail.

(Shirts for men. We are the headquarters for mens shirts because all our materials are selected -with the greatest care and cut and mads ty expert shirt makers, are above the ordinary in appearancei .and always give satisfaction. W. McKay and Son The Drapers.— Advt.

I In comneclion with the recently graze' t ed notice that about 50,009 acres of land in" We'stland-'had ibeen" set apart for the wood puJp industry the Hon Minister of Lands in the course of an interview said ;in reference to the industry whiihdt was contemplated "to establish dn the Dominion, that iregulations had been gazetted but the Cabinet ibad not yet decided how the Tights were to be disposed of. A number of direct applications had ibeen made for concess ions originating both in New Zealand and Australia. The Government have not yei- determined what course would be. taken, but the matter would • be placed on a definat© footina: when the Prime Minister 'returned* from the north. I—(Guardian.1 — (Guardian.

'Once bitj twice shy," this was evidently the mood of the Borough Council, on Thursday evening, over .that slitMc .JainJd Itjmoi'saiqtiion! Ihfefaween 'the borough land the .Harbour Board. Th c •Borough Council first -warned, we ibeuevc, .£2400 for 'tihe closed streets on the reserve already tlaken -by the iboard, which' offered .£iSoo is the first place. This was subsequently dncneased to £2,200 after some raggling. • Tfce Mayor moved that the offer be accepted," as he considered it a fair one. Tihe council' wisely Ucted on the suggestion, evidently having- on abhorrence 01 another .land case scandal that ougjht not to b e forgotten a s a warning for at least a geneT-tiom. Our (hopes m this matter have been realisea, t o r .wihich tlhe ratepayers at least should ibe thankful,

At the last meeting of the Hoki'tikja tßorough Council the Mayor reported wthat had 'been done at the Otira picnic conference. 'He said that the Mayors of Greymouth, Kumara and Brunner refused on (behalf of their towns to contribute, and the Mayor of Ross did not say his Borough would vote any money. hi those circumstances, altiuragih the Council gave him authority for an expenditure of £10, he did mot feel justified in author asing it. TJie decision t 0 hold the celebration was practicably -unanimous, ■lrnt most of the delegates, .though voting for it, sauTthey -would pay their own expenses If it -was held foe (the U S y Counr 9 l Uld - H ltihefre '* Resent the Council, and he would .pay .his own expenses. -As. he ihad said before ™v S "tr Cel * hm<m « superfluous and unnecessary, land . at would not advance the contract in any way. nor enhance ats importance. It' was .not an object to expend the ratepayers' money on. Ciis. Coulheen, Maaandrew and isieeze concurred for similar reasons LUMBAGO That stabbing pain ia the small of the back, which accompanies > every movement of the body has: its cS m Dr Sheldon's Magnetic LinimpWf Obtainable at H. Wlli^Ss^Sg^

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Grey River Argus, 29 February 1908, Page 2

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and Blackball Neme PUBLISHED DAILY Grey River Argus, 29 February 1908, Page 2

and Blackball Neme PUBLISHED DAILY Grey River Argus, 29 February 1908, Page 2