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' ~~ H^^Of 20/-, 15/- ' [' fincome per week for l 2 - 1 1 Will ba Presented by thd Agents for - " OLD • JUDGE. in the following manner and under the following conditions, viz. :— To the person returning the largest nnmber of " OLD \ w«*ir *„« JUDGE » Cigarette Cardaithese are packed inside the 20/- per Week for "OLD JUDGE" Boxes)," of "OLD JUDGE" Twelve Mouths. Tobaoco Labels taken from the 2-oz. Tobacco Packets .;. To the person returning the second largest number, 15/- per Week for as above conditions ... ... ... Twelve Months. To the person returning the third largest number, as 1 10/- per Week for above conditions „. ... ... ... ... ... £ Twelve Months. NOTE One "OLl> JUDGE" Tobacco Label will count a 6 two "OLD JUDGE " Cigarette Cards. ' ■ , . The Competition will start on September 2nd, 1907, and close on MBrch 2nd,' 1908 In case of persons returning equal numbers of Cards or Labels, the incomes will be divided among such persons. • The incomes will be paid weekly. Directions for Sending Cards and Labels. Post prepaid to " OLD JUDGE "• Box 311, G.P.0., Wellington, the Cards or Labels with your full name and full address plainly written enolosed in the paroel. No paroels will be accepted unless full postage has been paid on same. .^ " , •. . ' The winner's name and'address will be published aa soon as the Cards and Labels. - have been counted. The Agents' decision will be final regarding any question which * may arise in connection with this Competition. THE BRITISH EMPIRE TRADING CO. Lttt* 28 Victoria St., Wellington. m m c l* * m m m m m m m * . m m m^ * * * f ** * * t*mm + mm***i**a* * "OLD JUDGE" STARTER,® MIV H this "Starter" is sent In with "OLD JUDGE" Cigarette Cards it will WU I count as 50 Cards in tha Competition. TUlfi If this ''Starter" is sent In with "OLD JUDGE)" Tobacoo Labels, it viU I nid count as 25 Labels, equal to 60 Cards, in the Competition. fiiiy Only ona (t) "Starter" will bo accepted from each Competitor. " TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THE "OLD JUDGE" INCOME. «« STABTERS " can be obtained at all Tobacconists and Storekeeper*. STABT collecting TO-DAY. . HOLMES BROS R OVAU H OTEU SICNWRITERS and GLAZIERS- ( Latfc yVfearf Hotel). PAPERHANCERS „.. ADJOINING THE RAILWAY — STATION GREYMOUTH For the Latest, Most Fashionable — '—•" Beaut tul Designs in PAPER- Ayjß. W. AGNEW, of Pnnedin hayHANGING See our Stock. IYX ing entered into "possession o1 Constantly replenished from the above well-known hostelry asks f oi the World's Markets a continuance of the support so liber _ ally meted out to his predecessor. M] PAINTS, VARNISHES, COLORS &c aim will be to provide excellent accom Prices and quality suitable for Man- moJation for tourists and the travel sion cr Cottage. - _ .'.. ling public, and I solicit patronage/ Houses, Offices, etc., Repainted and *v ■ ' , „,-„, Re-decorated. ' This hotel is furnished and fitted uj GLASS SHADES IN ALL SI3ES. m the latest modern style throughout ,-r Invltei^ Has lofty and we n ventilated ' HOLMES BROS rooms. Hot and ccli baths, e« ; PAINTERS and PAPERHANGERS., TARIFF MODERATE. TAINUI STREET : ; : Greymouth Telephone. No 61. :? . MONUMENTAL WORKS. _ . Established 1872 CLIfQTOtTI (OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE) VW^tVlll -"""SS^W. >;.•■ HOUSEHOTEI TOMBS THE PORT, NELSON. Designs ar/d Trices sent Ton appUca- FRANK DAKIN 1 1 Proprleto tion. ■■•■■ . — mHIS comfortable and well appoin Cast and Wrought Iron Fences c( j Hotel is situated about 100 yard Supplied. from the wharf and is a most suitabl Worked to any Design in Marble place or any one to stay when breaking Stone, or Cranlte and erected in an? journey, or visiting Nelson. Taril part of the Colony. >. moderate. Best Brando availabl A large stock of larbla and Abides* stocked. C fllte. Letters and telegrams promptly ai First Glass V *k Guaranteed. tended to. Mural Inscription correctly engraved _ . ' j in Hebrew, Maori, or ary other up-TO-DATE TAILORING. Language. • ■ WAL TER TTE V L E R. PERFECTED MANNERS STREET, Wellington. FITTING— SCULPTOR, SUITS (Comfort and Economy.? ~ — q{ Well _ Dresse d Men. COMMERCIAL T HOMAS AND M CBEATH> HOTEL • ■■ I H A S?°d S •*J-v^ -L JLUU* i New Zealand, ar c prepared to guarai uiwrnn ■ /-.t-ia-o- • te e customers givng- theim their oTdei MAWJERa QPAYe to e sUits a first class FIT AND BES' ' j WORKMANSHIP. , J ." M«CABTHI:'^ -PROPRIETOR ! . .-».-^iL- ; ' GIVE US A TRIAL. Visitors to town will receive every "— — — ~~ care and attention. The TABLES /*i '» uQTTW JP /~IO'I are tamous for liberality and *s- lUixJ^^lU X Ot \J. cellence of food preparation. j —TELEGRAPH LINE — WIK2S and SPIRITS are ft* j O YAU HI «"AIL Uefc orands obtainable^ . ; jfcfc # •'- >i v - NEW TARIFF^^ j LEAVE THREE TIMES A WEE] ••';••■ : FOR CHRISTCHURCH; • I ■■ jk-. ■ . -■ ■"' •"' ! Arriving SameOay. H^sttsM^l "Ta " ft* 1 ' € W^SSm' ?? iy . ! » F or further particluars apiJty. to t! LJ^kliwi'i that waa « 3 • iVI " jHLJ 1 Highlander.' V , U^^^ E/T ' I^HHHf^ Highlander ahaUra livery and bait; Condensed . stabile*. * Milk 'TAMES F.WhITE, Mail Conitach ■ • "-**'._ , O wishes- to inform the Traveilin IS recognised by Milk COli- libhC that his line of Riyal Ma noUotiee « c ■ THIT i^XTV ' Coaches meets all trains for tie cohvc noiseurs as THE ONE .ane of Mails, Passengers and Parcel; BRAND YOU CAN DE- ' All > oods consignea: Care Wfait< PFWH C%\S 1 Ahaura, will receive prompt and cai TEinuuiMi fuf attention. Passengers to and froi -Always uniform in quality -° rvell Creek specially catered fo, —•' Full Cream.'' ' or Gt6 * m V M * r B« a - -; :.; —Always Purity itself. Un- horses and traps on hi-e -.shortest j 'excelled for Babies. notice. lli^h.l2indCr • carefully broken /to Saiidie an- ' 1 , Harness. • ; , H ~~ ~ ~~ : ~ ! Addreti?:— "B: |A O ra TI? W or n -! -'w«?.r- * Ml "« UPST >,S, MAWHERA CBAMBERS RAILWAY STATIO^ ' tui ahee: ■ALBERT- STREET;;-" '. AHAURA. .V f , Misses BURGER & McPHERSON C j TY HAIRDrtESSINC SALOON. Fjroprietoressess j . — ,'■■'• ' .F-'*SHESE Splekaid ''"' and "Centrally I BOUNDARY ' STREET. '. ''-P. situated Rooms; "are ' open every; .-...- „ . . . day and . -evening -wlien 1 •.Refreshments -~* R SAM MOUAT (late of Albion are. dispensed with -ovflity and atten- , I VI , . , v •■ , ■ .. tion . ' • -«^ ■ . xtj. hotel has taken over the above ■ Pastry and Ca^ea of all Kinds [: Saloon, and wishes to inform the pub - PIKLETS GIRDLED SCONES and \{ c generaUy that, he has engaged the BEF7 TEA services of a first-class artist. ' • A Soeciahty , . . • ' A Trial Solicited s : : A TRIAL. .SOLICITED. , ■■■'.-■■ . A Trial Solicited. NEW GOODS! : NEW GOODS! .Address: MAWH^A CHAMBERS. ' Including Pipes o f all descriptions; Side .Entrance. Cigarettes of all brands, Shaving Out- ********************* fits -etc., etc. j and everything apperTTTTTTTTTT.TTT'rT'M"PT^ tailing to" the trade just opened up. > SHORT OF JAM. * — * . * ;»BPBCtio-n of Stock invited. *.:,. *y — . ,* ' : _. ' * Are your supplies getting. low?' % , N.OTICE. * All the nicest kinds run onit aje __„„•', , •.*■'• -Then don't give, your -visi- sjc 14 AVING taken over the Tailoring * itors kiuds they don't like. * JJ. Business lately carried on" 'as jk • ■.': , ' j}c Kyle Bros, I take this opportunity of if-'' . BUY fc announcing that I Eave se'curM ;; -tflbse, ■..'-.•. „' " ' '■'.'■ * commodious premises in Upper Ma^- *- QT, f~\ EORCE s TAMS. % whera Quay, adjoining "tEe /Trafalgar if >3 AJT ■ O * Hotel where I intend to carry oh the * . * business in future. The cutting is in % You can get any x kind you * the hands, of ' Mr Thomas "Keenan, ari ♦ ( like, and its just as pure and * expert cutter ; who -lias- had idorJSi'derjjc . nice as home-made. . .'. + able experience t m scfede of the leading.w • Try one of our patent jars + Glasgow firms.; ,j . '" I jfr from, your grocer, add see -if r 3<f I have a splendid range of SUXT- * it doesn't^-satisfy you, •v*«v-> .*;- -m ■^IN.GSrof the very quailty; - ; * - l , ... ■" mt "■■' LadlesV Tailoring a SpecTantVi 1&. '■ ■■■&. 4f ST. GEORGE MA RMAX A D E a(c: Fit/ Style; . aid - Workmanship;- giiiit- * >"'l*Bimi>yy w dft}ltioissl v' * anteed.S U— '. ...ViV v^-vjv- .-'■"' - : — - -■■.<■—. — - A. 061-lIiVIE, ; A POPULAR AUCKLAND SKIPPER • Upper MawEera. Quay. . , OOMPLETELY^CURED BY " — *- . . ; . >v' ~-#-^T£tTT^ R;HEURO.V BOOKS!- BOOKS! jSBPAKSI'' « t^ G^SSEf iif^ ' LATEST BbOKsTiY acited. for eigiht montihsi and iould not . ATTT'irmijc ' go to sea^in fact-I was-double with ; ..,^.^^s32^'' by Dav pain, I" |ned: Rotorua . for three .. k ne^\uim'^ (C >Liie's S«..p> Winmonths., and came ibaok, not having d " w » Victoria Cj:oss>; ".Rid Russia,'^ received any 'benefit, ■Ndtshwig;. seemr ™ v'Fraser-" "Rising .rortuncs,'" ed .to; do me good,"uiitil a friend of j^ h • o^^. t'Dkzd " Lbve 'has mine, iwho ihad .also taken":Kheumo, m c Braddon;- "The^^ Thr&e: asked me to 'give it -a ibrial. The re- waffers" Nat Gould; - thesuit, . after taking- four bottles, sur- T uir teent h »- Lawson ;- (Garprised .; ißotli .myself and my friends, den » Bassett; "The -Doctor of. Crow's who knew how .much' I had suffered. I N '■»- Ral u h Connor ; "Scarlet Pimshal Tte'cominettd y.6ur •>• medicine . :to „ B / roness Oicy/v ; : ." "" ' amyone^^ who suffers "with " Rheumatism . c ' . - ■ ■ - ■ / :; of Gout" Give Rneumo a trials and __ ___.—- />i Attti it wiU cure YOU. All stores and cbem- :A ' i |T, XI I jItC-) I J XV ists. 256d 4 56 d.. '■'.- : . ,' ■ Xl.« AJ«^'l" u y V«lri» ■ A^^-^^:-- ,'■■■■■ BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, CTgantfc Conspiracy. — ■—■ — — ■ -._— — - — ".- — — '1 is a. jrigan tic conspiracy ofc CougHs Baby's ' Little Troubles.' - and Colds aganst you. ' Foil- it with ' ' - Dr, Sheldon's New Discovery for - Ba'by's cough,, if not attended, to, ■, Coughs, Colds and. Consumption, often 'results in croup and other sen-j Price is 6d and 3s. ObtainaWe at.H. ous <ttoubfcs. ' Always :'keep a" bttfctls • o-f' Williams, Agent. " Dr Sheldon's New Discovery Sandy, — T-r — : — and 'be prepared. Every toottle guairan 1 For Bronchial Coughs take Woods' teed. - Obtainable at 'H. WILLIAMS,] Gieat Peppermint Cure is 6J 2s Chemist. ."-. *-■•■• 6d-— Adv*. - • • ' ■

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Grey River Argus, 14 October 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Grey River Argus, 14 October 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Grey River Argus, 14 October 1907, Page 4