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Don't negloot your cough. SfcopiC ASK YOUR IEONMONQER EOR THE at once and drive away all t!ioug;lit of r>^ ~^m-^m- <^m ... H W * ' ■; —GRANGE.— . WltVI I»J # VVI>V« buj , n WOQ^ or CQal and can c used^ g an Qpen firep l ace the most effective remedy for conghs ' ' RANGES GUABANTEED. and colds of every kind and in every stage. > ' ■ '■ — . ... . prie of the most annoying conghs is a throat cough, where you have mmbj _ 'that constant tick- — . 4 ' i^^T Hfttt ■ tflfl pj^ ling in your throat. £*& n ■■ WM sTI ■■ I' s^sfl It comes on worse TR M m ■ B;^^ ■ K',J ■ ■ M _ at night, keeps you U JJ ■ ■ ■ ■ awake, and makes OTflrßV^lMfea \ ' ' ~ J^O • you have that MBLS^gMB ■ ■■■ ~H ~" '*~ mm SSSSt t^mpar, Ensign Tea Competition. Cherry Pectoral HLe^ffl • - X -444AAA44AA quiets the cough, |||^pW I Ueae Madam— ▼▼▼▼ywwv / J S ' The Proprietors of the '■ MWBMGW VMA wish to bxing under wl, Via la no other remedy so ur n ° fclce lh&t they re offerin S c -* *«" VMIZK& for the Greatest lungs. There is no otner remeay so Number of Coupons returned to their warehouse not later than 45th Jan. surely to be rehed on. , and D ecem ber in eackyear. Be sure you get ATER'S Cherry This gives every recipient of a sample a start in the Ensign Compe Pectoral '. «*©W. On the 31st DECEMBEE^ we shall distribute, in Cash and Presents Put up in laxje and small bottles. return f or " E&SICHy, CO VPOJfS, the following Prizes, viz -.-- » First Prize ... £5 OO FOURTH PRIZE... £2 10 O n«i««(ibyDr.J.c.AyefftCo. l Low«ii,MMs.,u.s.Ji. Second Prize ... &i O O FIFTH PRIZE ... £2 0 0 : Third Prize ... £3 O O SIXTH PRIZE ...£IOO "OT7IT T \ T>T TJI And 30 Prizes of 5s Each. JA; Lr^ I JJL A.XJ I AJTA Every Person sending at least 30 Coupons will Beeeive aPresentr WINTER SPECIALITIES o , ' & KEASONS Why Yott Shoultl Drinh Ensign Tea. Because it is the BEST TEA On the Market. 6d It is a West Coast Concern, and as all West Coasters are proud of their District vt n/rT^trrv rnrATTwr niMT and this Competition is exclusively for the Coast alone. It deserves- to be X.L. MIGHTY HEALING - OINT- as by using X&BIGNTXJL you are not only helping your MENT is 6d. __ ' own District along but you have a much greater chance in the Competition X.L. TOOTHACHE DROPS us 'only Beeidents of the West Coast can participate in the Prizes. X.L. RHEUMATICA for RHEUMAT ' Youbs Paith^llt, loJVL 2S uQ KANGAROO OIL OF EUCALYPTUS Rocked by all the Principal Store- Qqiiaam MTifia.!! is and is 6d • kee P ers Rougliout the district. J^Uuuail ATX AUCnlly ROSE HAND LOTION, is. (Proprietor ENSIGN TEA Testimonials for Eaoh; - ... _. j. h. Neddie Jm-tebatiomb CHEMIST, AND Ig BEYWOUT^ ADDITIONS. notice. t MAKE ROOM dunn~& co For Our New Sftock j FAMILY BUTCHERS . J_ TAINUI STREET. , Wa h<|XrO O Trtf rfc"P ' ' tTAVING purchased the book debts .™ , c "aX^ tt l^iOh OI fJ- with the business of E. T. Burke . - /"\X"f* Tjl FTP LJiTjUTHitN butcher, ALL ACCOUNTS owing to f |f I I IHi I ' p% M/ I .^ are requested to be paid to the - . w •"•" -*- +-* 4ndersignei " ,To be sold cheap, from 10/6 complete. D u ""'"'C Oi| ! Ewers and- Basins from 5/6 per pair. FAMILY BUTCHERS. ' /n 1 T\ \ ■, —^ - -(Wood Designs.) EMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. \^7E have pleasure in announcing S€ 6 QilP IBIUdOW, y T that w e have PURCHASED -the __J business known as HOSPITAL -•a.—ai Mv _ _ ' STREET BUTCHERY from Mr P. Y^/%*^ rT A IJ ABA - 8 C*a«^ Cressey, and trust by keeping the ' i/\/ f.f 1 Clfi liJ PT /V. Nftfl /cry best Beef, Mutton, Pork, etc., T * *■■» ■■» VMiMsl Wdl %PW NVJi^ hat money can buy, combined with :ivility and cleanliness, to merit a con- T^llft finAAATio inuance of the support that was ac- XUO OU8 J VlUtwß, forded to the old firm. ■ — ' — Small Goods a Speciality. '^ H >* B > rr. B R 0 8 . THE OCEAN ACCIQEWT family butchers AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LIMTED. HOSPITAL St., GREYMOUTH Gross Assets, £1,787,221 Invested Funds, £1,337,989. ' Beserves : £1,097,709 Income, 1904 : £1,090,527 ~/~i C< d Ew Zealand Beanch : V^.J^.O. cad Office fot New Zealand— 4 Customhouse Quay, Wellington Branches and Agencies t roughout the Colony. MAWWTTPA HTTAV NEW ZEALAND BoAED~ OF DIEECTOES ! I MAwnn-KA Harold Beauchamp. E&q, Chairman Guy F. John on, Esq. Arthur E. Pearce, I UKhYMOUIH. Eon. Sir Joseph G. Ward, E.C.M.G. CHAS. M. MONTEFIOEE, i . . n^JI ' ' ' Manager «& Attorney' |NDERCLOTHES unde^^« oth^ BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY THE CORPORATION. " Accident & Sickness Insurance Mortgagee Indemnity Employers' Liability VT°W is the time for warm com- Workers' Compensation Public Hisk Plate Glass Insurane fortable „ underclothing. We Guarantee Administration & other Bonds. «an supply you with the warmest un- lowest Current Rates. : Prompt Settlement of ervests, long and short sleeves from AGENTS IN WESTLAND. I'll to s/6. Chemises im pink and A - W ' Mills Westporfc; T. Hubert Lee, Reef ton; Wickes Ltd., Greyraoat |hite flannellette, from 3/6 to 6/6. ~ W * Bon "' Hokltlka ; T - W.Bruce, Eoss, j Knickers from 2/6 to j/ii. [Warm Knitted Bloomers from 6/- " • 3 10/6. , ' - ight wear in white and pink, to fit New Emits ! —1906 _„ „ [ child -up to 8 years, 4/11. -:r- Won-Forfeiture Office. lee our children coats tweed 13/6 to at . t 1 . i ■■*■ 1 1 ■»• •«• )16. White beavers 12/6, 14/6, and i atlOlial MUlUal Life the J . TRiiscorr, TZ^T^Z^ t0 ** ' W. tne OiH. in .c '• — New Currants ! • worid to introduce the Non-f of feif ire t G. S. S' 6^ ? ee(UeSs ftaismsll principle .^ Life Assurance Policies. ' ....TEA ROOMS UP-STAIRS eW a * enc i a RaisittSjf ' thousands of claims have ] j: «™l'lLl* New Elemes ! een P aid Policies BE n Now SnUiriinc which would have absoldely JNew J^Ultanas lapsedif the National Mutual A|Asft|«Ac-fr New|FlgS ■ had not introduced the •■*»€■■ C«l —- — « ' forfeiture principle %t i<is establishment in 1869. APPEOaCH OF GETTING- -^ . n „-5 . „ „ f 3» B^SBBTg Fbuii in Heavy Syrn ORTON STEPHENS OMEIHING FOR ' Sta P3ard Qualities. Pie Fruits Manager for New Zealand M atu 1 m /** in^ Gal ' tin8 ' . MARK SPROT' &' CO, - NOTHING rShTonTT ' »** Agents - i GOTO •■ TKUSCOTT| J i TT MTT IVTTr\Ti —Family Grocer— — r~" " ILI "" 1 L» JOl. iVILJuIMLXT TAINUf STREET. FOR ' — » O ÜBBER TYPE for Pricing price ... , , —SHOOTING SEASON— «-w tickets obtainable at the ARGUS 1 Watches, t 190 6. office - - Clocks, i j je«- c .i,,r DUNCAN COAL' COAL! I Spwial Reduced PRICES lor- ' "H/fCT T7^ A TVT 1 !^ V/i^- IJ ' V^V-fXI-XJ 1 ;thjs month IVI JUJci AJM > . ' ,„%, .—r- BOUNDARY STREET. - BLACKBALL COAL, j — Upper M.wliera Quay— '■ v :_il~ Z Has Just Received— ■ T O BE OBTAINED FROM LAS ASSURANCE COMPANY His Annual Shipment - 'T TH QKOGLU ND. ,J LIMITED. OF fJ • X . O \ ' WERITA STREET ' ] Vitb which is incorporated the *Avil^t^ Jf^iJ^ jJCfr - Ring up Telephone 48. MANCHESTER FIRE OFFICE // 85p^t^^wNft^* * The Black ball coal is world-famed '- for hou . senold Pu^oses. Its heating ! !HE Company commenced business i^&' (El 3! protensities are wonderful; it cleanliin the REIGN OF GEORGE 111., 9 Q _^>- ** " ess su P er^j an^ ts -economy far reach I the following figures show its [ W/^IMI <o]t v^ n^" t crea * es a feeling of comfort ovd: — , f/jj^Ql (f\ fm Jffir*, whenever used, and makes the home j Income Funds ' JIjIBbIu |L_—l _ " ~__fljiffil^ theerful and bright during the cold ig George IV 77,000 160,000 #jHShI|I§S^SBI Orders punctually attended to and ig William IV 131,000 607,000 ' l^i^lJ^^p^^^^^^^Sfa* '! delivered. - ' een Victoria 157,000 915,000 H^i^l 5 1 TRY MY ig Edward VII 700,000 2,237,000 Tj^|Pi\f sent Time 1,263,000 2,780,000 HHHI S^^^l—Bi ' n addition the Company has a sub- Bfflm ML 15^ABSB4^BL ' frOOTI C*Cl A T 3 ibed Capital of Two Million, Two fWß^^ffl^^^^ \ OVJAJU —AGENCIES— ll^Hlpi^^SwWSa i BRUNN ER AND. DUNOLLIE. kitika MARK SPROT &CO W^^^^-^ «S!_i^?** ifnr OO . D Coal is not sec u r ed by ac- l 2fton T. PHILLIPS. *~ i * cidentt You bu y ff° od c «al mara J. A. MURDOCH * _%n.rr-n you buy from me. I make a bden WM. URQUHART CUNS AND AMMUNITION. point to >SS T. D. BRUCE . I THOROUGHLY SCREEN GREYMOUTH Single -and Double Breachloading AH coal and guarantee prompt deliv\RK SPROT and Co, Chief Agents ' Guns, Winchester Repeating Ri- cry. You will appreciate that. -All d Attorneys for the WEST COAST. fles, Cartridges, Black Powder, kinds stocked including the far-famed . a jjd Smokeless of all makes. , Brunner Nuts. , , -•T|UKE OF ' J * ,T\ , QHANNAHAN, &*- JL^ , DUNCAN MCLEAN, ±* • O Hotel; ironkongek- , Herbert and mackay street or r- . « the\COAL SHOOTS, Johnston- St. ,- -BERT & HOSPITAL 1 STREETS, BOUNDARY STREET. TELEPHONE 201 ! , GREYMOUTH. : .— " " I .,„„-, _ , ~- . , . TO SUFFERING MEN. ~~| " - " *~ ' AVING taken, possession of the - - above well-known hostelry, those A Reverend Gentlemaa an GERSTENA PORRIDGE . Mg,me^a visit wiU find tunate ' sufferer from b foU for . Cooked in two_minutea, 4 | SfcSS*^ W1 - SPiritS ' pSr.<T? W.Tnnin E rP/a f^BSfifflW. < Brunswick, yietona. , T^RANK^Tnhiffen ' " - GEROTENA,PORR_)GE 3 H- "" # 1 kipmbw. AN jjj^aiuaijie medicine for man, j A scientific preparabion of JSe r ♦ *a r i^j rx .1 -o "' ™™™ and child is Dr Ensor's Tain- Zealand oats. ' ' ' j Late of the Grftf*. Hotel, Box- Juice> p^^ 1 OUlsa -> stores. 49. I Best on earth; try % •> ■ — - For weak throat, chest aad lung ,~ ~ notEing equals Tusicura, acts as a >GJ3RTSTENA 10 LET.— A SHOP in Boundary wonderful tonic and stimulant. 51. -S h j- • ne X t 9i t ? n Porr »aßt jttab - Street Anniv appttcj nvFTri? ' ' - Ala*^ in Ohristohurch daify. Ooo!: 1 Street-Apply ARGUS OFFICE i^J^ hca: 1 IEMORIAM CARDS; All descrip- . Woods^ Great Peppermint Cure e rs m 1/- and Og«jMa____J_ tions at ARGUS OFFICE Cure,- 1/6 and s/6 per bottle. < Wholesale Agents:— 5 3f T^""- w \ t^" r -^-, / "~ < v s ~^ ' Giddiness J Swimming, of the -^^S^^^^^SSbim^^' '^■S 7 ''^\ f^j ••'' 'X^MB^j^lead, Indigestion, Constipation cured, t'' ,- , '*~z£*^>fr<* -" ' ?^ «^^^^^_^^^^^^^^^b,y 'tue-* use of Tainert.Juice^jAll <^_^£_^^__j--_J________ "^ iSSHfIHHHHHHHsMHHm

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Grey River Argus, 25 June 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Grey River Argus, 25 June 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Grey River Argus, 25 June 1906, Page 4