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'Xfnlder.^me':;*Patton la'ge*of-';:tfie^-Pnn^1 a'ge*of-' ;: tfie^-Pnn^ Cr -;. . ;' ; , -, ■.■ . -„: , ■ ■:. — ~~* — —-— — - .--t:;^;- ; v y -' : v •■Y^ \■ ■ i V Ya°^ of Wales. V ,'w; ; »YY v 'YV •' V. :V '; <: '.• ••■ : Y--Y^ •v ; ;: jY-:'-Y : v ;y^ : ";• ; I il||iiZGECi|j. Iviifti^ : T^^MiiiN*^ Opposite Government Railway Sta- *|^^f t|r •'*%/ MJ\ - : '"\J '^#y(Bl|^"iv ; : .^ml\. -tion, Wellington. V V ■ Y#4^i : -Yy- .. Y" ! Y' ' ...- ''V-' ■ ' ■; .- .■ '.■:• ::^, ■•,■-.-•■■;; .■:. ... -.. --; ;^v ■■ ; .:\ ; ;Y^v-.W:^-m-^-.-;; : ., ■•:,■. I HAVE much pleasure in anncmn<« - - : -• IVTT^T^T^TT^^W ' ,• ing to visitors and travellers to V ' ; Y : "V • "^-I^J-^V^JltjC^il^l '^JL f : : : i; YY.- V -' i; :"" : - Y. . Wellington that every attention will be Y'' :> Y ; - - "V ■' YY V - ' ' those patrpnisingthe HOTEL GREYMOUTH CECIL. The ;.fact of the Hotet : being . :'"-. '"-"■- ".-■ / y:- ■ y r - ■■ _■ i - ■-" ■■ : \ ■■■'^■■ : "V":-;,;/ : ; immediately ; pposite- the RaSway V^/ ; ; : . ' ;$. .-..->. _■- ■: YY '■ : L> V- V . ' V -Y.^ '■■Y : ~ \ ■■;■■■■■•■ Station. and Government Buildingsjand ' . . V '• -^- '.'' w . y-i;:_-, '. ■■■■?!■ f Y ■■■;;--■■ YYY Y-" ''""^rS— s. 'Parliament Housej Yand its central po- - — Y-Y . v . '~Y ;".*^' r *"^ ■.. ;-! V Y"'Yr i T s>tibn, /commands ;the attention of ; -' : -^^. " '-"''. ■'■■ ■•■ :- ; ; ' ; ;-^"^-'?'^ v^- Y'- ■' visitors^ to- the Empire CityY(The : V^% ' : : - : J^. B'-"' : ■• : ' : — ■ "'^Hf^Pll- ' beautiful lawns; and grounds attached , l'^ : lTfli'i l?'l l''n[''-l^' are in themselves a great attraction, ' : L>' -'' Y-'M"'ai >M^»gM^^B^_ : convenience - to . Licensed _' ■ mBM' '' porters meet all , the mail trainsYand -Y s - V V"'"*' :i ; -'' H '- :t - .\--.'^.; V: ■• • .Y^Y "|^- f|. >■;? "'^.■"^ . ■''■' also steamers arriving at the Queen's ■■■ Y'-. •'''.■ . ' ; --^ Y-i ; Y ; Vl r %V_ V : ' ::; y' ■ ' a is the time you require a Waxmßr^ x Night Y Porters in attendance*. ... L. V ' - ■ ' ■:} ."•■ r '- : " : *>-^2C;- . ; ■ Proprietor. jWP I^ yOtt;"witli' the best Screened^dal at Ourrenjfc^Mi^ : ' ; ' - . : p.p. Box: 372. , •. y' " • I ■• ■• ' ■'- '" ."•:.■■■ '"'■■■ ■•• ■••-. ' -; .■ ■■ .■ ■ • ■..• ■-. '?'■.. - '-.y-^Jv-'y Code : Hotel Cecil. ; ' '.-""" ' '- Yli— jJiilSsiiSS y y;; ■. .: .y^i,jA:^^^§<~~ ' '"■ MONUMENTAL MASON,: - ' '- W^^ C M* 4±£ I^^%; W^ J% Manchester streetTciiristchurcli |VImF X I W 13 ■ W^tli'^J'l^S ' TTTISBES to inform the inhabitants ) V .'.. r----:B sl^ : - . ■ V ;; UVV. 1^ hae -j h :■.'<- >V ? : ' ,f;;'' appointed . • . . v il i ' - ' ' ■'= : ■ ■■ ■■- v-'-'V-"--.^'-.-; .'--^^p-; • i "V "■■■ ■ G; S: CRAY &:€0. . ;- ; • " r ■ • ;-■ . ; ;- ■«■ y ,: ' ,;.' :^ -v;;, y ■ ■■:"■■ j y - ; : yy, Wyy^ ■ Jfe?- * Midland Chambers : Oreyßiontli *j .. -•;■.. .•■^.;.-.-. -..-.■ . ..■ . ■ ■.- - „■■■..-.■ ■-■• : '/'.-..-j.- - : - ■.'.■■■^B ? -' Hisagenta on the" West Coast.- On Yappli ' ■ ■•'■ ''„:. V cation to them designs, and estimate? wil.' .. ■• ' y~ -„. -- - : "^ lfflr ; be submitted fdrall. kirids^of tomb'atpneß \ g Y;y ;- ■ •■^ ; ; •■■^A-(^ '■■■•.;. -.- "-V ..-■'' Y"B^fc< : '';: v i. , mSt^' and" monuments in marble, gianite and V id /T IIT MM W*ii J"M IHP -^^ft^V /"^^§^-Y •tone; The finest collection"©! stones in j ' I I •■•■ ■ ■ Iw^f t : l'iJr''' > '-^I^Kl^^ll :^k'^^^'' New, Zealand stocked and personally' '* . A. ■■• # : MJ-m^- 8~% ■ ' ■ . ■ ■ ■•\?' ' ■ YM« VM^^^^P se'ledfea from : tHe Hohie and* Cbntibentai V 7"^^^ .. V m>^ms,rJtett.+> Wso. . sculptors' yards. Inspection of catalogue r" : ss?" 9 !; inf.uT,r v«j > y Hi&^ ; ? an^btoir a ph a invUed v: V |V ; V , I [Established overdo years.J *■•■■■■ "-"■ •■■ : r "■'% ■■*• i '■' ■■■■■'■ V: :y : ; : CHftlST(iroßGfe-Y^^ ■* '■ . ■ ■ . ■. ■■■■■■ y "■'*. : '' : '"■ - "■' '' ; ' ■■■' ■' .'' '-'■"■ ■ ■'"'■' ■ ■ ■■■•■" i'-l *•;' ■' '• -1 "■'■'<■ jfc ■' \ . :' . -- ■' ;.';..-. - •■•'■■ • V;: ".••'_■■•■.. .. ''■ ■ .:' : YY^; *-\TANCARROW and CO. V * . ff AW n *%°f® ?&irs.mtee annually. 150 mricers Employed, |Y;?j| -^IN • :• > afc .V . PoELomf °rt and^rabmty this BRAND of Boots cannbi be:beatenA j *.• ..■■ ■ '-y- y-:. : s'? ■■■ y . *^i-:-::: : v ■■■.:. ■;;•..-■.'"■-■.. r':^ ; ;z^-&£:i^ : - yy * ;."- ; . ■=■:; ■:-:,■ -..;•:■ -- y ■■*yi : ''■ ■ : '- : - x"^ C : y"'-' :; :' r : "r^M *■■■ ■' -^-. ■■:• C-'*' ::: "-' —-■■-. •-■- ■■ " : -'-' ' -■■■■-' " * :■*,-, ■ -•-Yv.Y-'.Y- Y.~--;*Y;-: rV;':. ■ jf:.- ,■:■ .- /. -^^. ,S. -■ " ; - -■ rfil ?K qhip : pilng,;Y> y***^**** : ' ' yy^ }:^^^^_ \' . -\ v *'• .v' ; ' %: yv^-By!-- --+ >: ■'*'■■-:. TNSURANCE' 3*cj«i?Mt^'; " V Y'lKy'." ■' \Y^^\'"^Jll t;;, : „.^vj: y Y| y;y y^^^^m§m^^ * T AND STATE '■:■*■ ■.: ■'. ■■ '• ■ : "V" : : f -^il^f^^-.^f : '' Y\ : ; =-'\; : ■■YYy; '• •'■'-. : - ■ ■'■■. . -";■:.. ■ -v:'- —*•"■ . •' -y:i '. : .-\,-;.. "<■'-■ ' ■ ■■'■y / "''--X'-/y '-:\y.-y : -y - y :: yyy *:•■ : v. ; ■•■.■■■•-:•-•. - ■ " ;: y ■■■■-:• ' ?■' '.' V:.. — TRY ifflfflM^ ■ -Y;M--' "■' W ; •'. » : v * . . yT gents. . * ■, •;•■.?: y; y ; -'- ■; ; - - IWy1 Wy - : yy—'^^-^-^yy ' ; : ;;-•'.■„■'' jk ■' '^Jt'- ■ ■• '-'.'■. . ; '■■■•♦ ■ ■■■ ■• '-'•■■'- ■• ' .JYY;'Y y- ". "V' 'C}Va ."■■',. 'N' . '.' ' : '■"■"" — • r Y I .♦ V ;/ .•■•'■■■'"■'* For quality, workmaiLsjttip, wear^Y re3istanwYtsaifcabilifcy to Westlanirpnm t' •if. -— > ~ * ents Yand ;mc4eirate Pti£es,Your^manu^act^^ . i'" ■ ■ ■■'-■•■■ ■ ■' = ■'."■'■■ y-" c Obtainable -from Messrs Mprrishi tJM^ T , V YY. ; jjl oodmn^^ga^ejGarjth^ Aha^a;/Gra^ ■'"" ''ji;: —WERITA STREET^; ' .»• i■ I" y.j: ■ - Y:Y^ 7-Y- f>'' V : ". '■^I^. '„' V ' ■ ' :;■■:!. :^^>>:r: : ;^ iS . :*: ;■■■'■'.'• ■ '■-. V ■•' V "■",'.* : - 1 ;■-,-::■ Y.y ■ ;'-->;^;-V;- ;.^;y ■■:-.■■ -' -.' • '--. ; T' -^'"1 *,'' ".. I ; " : - GfeytfoiJTH. Yf % --* : : ; rf -ws-: ii royal ;tt(Sgiaß|P ; Tainiii ana:i«)ml>ard Street* y " t pEo^T;^^^^Y ■^_ L--" --•-■-'■ * r * ■'*-.; -^y : :u'".--: -i- ; GfiEYMOtFTffv ;"' -,„, ; W^r>~ -ii_i_* -^U.: ■::,;; .^ r , •> OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. V U-- •r-n^^'iTt" 5 Vk2 i 'M^^^^beeh reteD%re. > Y -^ : (OpFOsite;Di.rpatch.gopndrY s!Baek sbujt^and iurnishfid^andYatjfed WHARF STREE%|HOKITiKA.Y ; V : Mtran?e^ " V. ; ■^'V c , modera^^p , .•-••■■•-:■■■ : ■-■•■'•i- •"• -V - ■•-' .■:-r|Y-^-«^r7 : ; ■'■:•:-■■• V:;-: throughout, lofty. riandY^U A FFORDS Comfortable accommoda VM v 00^1 ¥6116^ Wffi** p^ Hotx^^oiaH "-"• tion for 'Dermaneht' Boarders" and "^ D a «;*WK e^> . r iEbccellient aocominoda- 1 •, ;•,_ ■ .... ■■...:-.-.- i-.- -.. - -.- .-.■., •■ „.••..•'.. I _, -. jN\EJjiR. ..•,/.. ■■-...•Yi- ' ■' . -r IDIIC. •; .. ■■' ■ '--^"r' '■'- '-.- • ■"'.:" : '-^'iv' '"■ ■' ...Hot and Cold Baths. ;;■:':;;' .•■Y. V -(Over four years Ywith'liespat eh .- V*— «^ r Y : V' Commercial Rooms, etc. Yi' ; ■• ?oundry,)> V TARIPF MOBERATB^ V y . Moderate Tariff^, v V,. . ' V, • .... :'• . rss~si - ; YYY V / > ■ . £]g£* and Sawmnrmaohmery r fli "■ -^-g^^ ; , , ONLY THE BEST : BRANDS "OF c ?i° 9 work, scientific apparatus .'■.-•, .-;/^ : ;- • -' "'.■■>"'. ... ; ; Y. . ' .V ; WINES ANDISPIRITS KEPT IN oamerasi etc., a sociality. Bicydo cATai^ktinw, ' :^ V.~ y, ■■ : CE^ T^— V STQCIC v ■"■■* '■:-■. ~ hearings, and -parts^ and D » J^ LA| n ;« f*\o* , :: •""':-' .-V ~iM ■ '■■'' promptly nrade"Qr:Tenewed.;lY- ■ YY,-.- -^.'^ "'V- Y^- —;.--• -r-^^vY -Yt'^v^'-:- - ! : '— ; -'"" ' : •"-'■ "• - ' ■■- -:. Househ .YY..inp]ementa.-,prop%]y.': :^i^^^\^^^^y^yM-y Y> " ?ha>pened Yplcr^tr^fc n^h rf b^ y'n ;^ j , y ; ~: :^- ■• - ' ; '--r-s'%s^ Royal JM^'Costeiies j^soboiebtille. "S"!^!^ j. . J ■ ! -^,^?. j :v^hg. v ,,-> ; - ■-..... v sij;.v^ -- :•■.■-:• Joinery of all k^si^Y^l Wes iluggVHptel, for >" LweD^^ ' "^^fiSe^^ W?^£ '^ EVERJ TPESDA¥ AND FRIDAY :*^W IJ ?S' ¥" I"""* ' ■ ■ At 8 o'clock %k.m. ■' ■ - ■■.:_—-.-. "'.■':. '■■■■/ " ; «yi_- "ji*"' '■*»#- - ; --.^- -^"-■"^ ;• ,; YY;Y ; _-.^7 :- ' /CENTS' SiTITS Cleaned and Pmse, ** Al3it S W anted? and ccaijhea connect with, the train a V "M- i^- - Equal to New. '-.•« '^1)^ 5 .V ' ■ , V : ; V c£htSrtSSd^^Sd^-' tADIWCOSTJJM^ ASPMA^Tr- MlWg YAl»le| V * : ■ .i^'' ; iS'^? : ; ' YY'YY'':Y^. ■:';•. '.-■• :■• :.■■:.-.■ ■■■~~^—/-' / ~/.,:"~ •. : :-YY YY..;», V. y , V-; ' .^..-. t . . r : .■- ,:f<- ;-- . : -" : :;;-Y; YV Coach willleaveOtirs wery Sundaj sote5 ote -M^?? ~ , « ;^ .Y^; : ThrPA TKJiii*JvAWli«wii V W morni^gand arrive at^bpringMdYati; Next to W.;^ Joseph;; Baker^Tainui Y 1 ■ > o'clock the satne vening. Passengers od street. Greymoutb|::;;'_ Y-K V/ r r . ■■'#£*£&*' ■■■ 1 '" *^'^; ! .■> :■>;-, :• ;Y ■.- iv^YV^ .his Coach wiU°arrive^'in' Ohris^hurcli on '.^n^^^l«P™Ptly.*«pttto4--..aqfl;: **?MJpsP<*nille&+ - _- ■ Fbrlfuiuhtf particulaM"appiy to Ithe -Y< ■ V -. V „-.•' : ; BuildiVii ' ; Agents,; -v;^,' ,^. :;^.yy^-\. . ..~-^- ■ ■ ,;■;■,.'"' /-V V' YY YY ;■'.-,".? "Wiaterwbrk^^ewerai^to. v Tainui Street, Greymouth h&iUQ .HOtOL : zb iPm ™^ -• - -■• " : " - ■■•■ ; ;,.i; :/ --^ 'y* j-r' ? Dicks Ealata .. V ,■% ■ ; Y' ■ i »;.a^-'.::.'ri : t: P; Phelat^ ok #^ theYK^ m^/AjrdL.^^^^'fy e< i throughout and fitted wi th -^ the"- :: -^>^ : " ■'•''■ „"'"" . y? jJMgJE»^irEJ very latest improvements. HUberota Roofing »^. V>^27lSlF^h!9S£r only=#te-^ery vfiEST^of .hrand3^=^v^^-^rr -^ .-, : ; ' -__ '^ Hfe fWBH dispirits, wines and bsers kept. V ;W*P?O3/, W9arta?ppa ? £, ■'- *li»2s>ll^^HMi«J%^>^r The Accommodation isi equal to .Y-v Fteeppoofrv^- . S. : ftP*^kll llßWlrV^iftf M l l on the Coast, r«n^v;;^ia . "°*»r wa^|b&^pjeat|ed "'' -Ci^ infliwW^jSvd^l^ fc ■*® is under the p,erßonaß|siSper- •■;^ it j?^ iH^HE^mD*!^. : Vision of Mrs Phelan/ -e,i*YY- ii-#f^l^-T'^ . St rfIHBS«W 4^ yisitors receive a cordial w?l- W >ltewart ; "' : ' • mawhera-quay^;,.,,; .. :^^^fflj?pt;;: - . - V V *j^/ ' JilHY Y^jfyf ?;' ; 'Y' Y yiritora to town wiH rflfßJye:-eye% ""-■ '^ " ''' -it^LT AiJTI)" A^ '^ c an * '% ■ T^ES: .;.. .''•' : v '-^;;c &BifiiTtfOT7i^--.' % : " '>€ V famous for liberality and , es- V { — V Y^ LTVBRY AND BAIT STAB tES '''^ Hfe^tf-S^^SfcSSteS^-'V^ - r ! -V I- -WIABIJBHBb W7S. > JAMESF.^lTiVl^Oprte^i'^^^^oJ^^aW?- ;v; V V Boilematow Ironandß ■■■Uvmfoftf ■.■tr m^ mS a^y:^. y r 7 ' . y Y-NEW'lAßiEPji^^'.r^^-Y. : .vr^ii^^r wi'-^fc;'-^ 7: ;■- — rrim^^pS^'^^^i^ y yy^^'-^Mm^^-- * Eofl^ eM - snd -.-,.<* ■jt/RR ■WHITE wishes to; infonnihe V ?' . •; ; •, : - ; : General ~ : xtJL" travelling public that ha fias taken " r «Aii-i;»A** < " Vi ; pv^er Mr Heines's business as M>il Gbach • ''-"V" ,- ' ' V --, ;: : ' '■-•'■'•"^ l^T ag^"'^ %^ Cbasfj W | Pidprietorand General Carrier, and • in^ ;v . ■ - _ V -'V" V". tlrtr :4tlaa 'Boiler^Flmd^for "cleaair tends to. establish an up-date /aye * - '■■'■:. V- ■■■../■■■■.YY V.;:..-Y V. v: Y- Y ; - / Boilars. ;:: v V ; : V n^^suhi^ fiftYFRHMFHT IHSirRANftF __ HORSES AND TRAPS ON HTBI).j yy E^TWffl T> V V J^Y :^J E ABH^^^S -harness V:; ' > • " Y^^ff^^^'^^ ■ i'?^^^^^--*^^ \-^ ? Ooal^diFirewop^ supplied;. The coich GrhwflSrßiisiiiPfcs ; - V GR ? Y^OWTH. ;me#sW^aiR 8 aMrras evOTy'YWeane^^^ ■ V™™? 1 ™£ftX;,-- ■ v-^VYY:-,.-Yy '^Y -,;.:■ ' . ;•■: M fay^mdfS^tua^to Gnroiy^k,^ . V Sam Assured,'iß7B i M#^M^.-ii'.;; -^ lvv .NYMr-Y;:^ r Orders iby Letter or tefegraip promptly : s • ISSR Yfi~7 fflti9ii.9 : V; V ;;'?^ ' ;: ""---' : "-- r - --■■-■■ 'Y'/ -: . '■■ -•;■ '••'.:.■. ■ ; t\-ii > ■■■; -.Y,,.-Y-;. -, -^" : V?-*s?f?£ ?^vi^to^^;.:Gie^i^th'^i^rAt this season of the; year Goughs V J Y- UiO^7^-^-' -> spafpos^ and Colds are prevalent. Tussicuraw j "^u TSTf 0 -"' i^^% colony f6r^ : the puritjr ofY© i > - -^^llfigelYv gili^ ™*' SP-ts, and thefeii ■•'■■.'- %!hn. ' w - > -: : ;- "■■;;•;■;;■ ■M ' ; . -i ; ' ; ' ;^ v V- •'■'- fi " y'^^^yi^ -y^

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Grey River Argus, 25 June 1906, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Grey River Argus, 25 June 1906, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Grey River Argus, 25 June 1906, Page 1