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; ASK YOITR IRGNMONGKBR JP^E THE; g, merret and sons./ M^i "mtmt m\ ■ ? m%mT r mTm\'WK'''-d\" T tm\l peodxjoe. merchants grey ..... ■•.y-;r:':-a P^A MfjE V ' "''' V /v - 680 S^OKS. PRIME OATSi ■-■- iX r} i^yr Lm * 84 sacks prime - ■■'*—— ■.-■ WHEAT BEANS ;{^i^^^^o,oj|or^^i!s^,oan be used>s an open fireplace potaioes.eto, . . ■ iLLL^^^ I .^PofPrioes apply— ■•'-"'■■ ■ ■;•'■■ •••;■■.-•. •' ' --yr 1 .; v '- '■■-'■■;■■ ■■'"' '■■ ■ ■ ■■■ ' . ;■- : ■. GEO. MERRET & SON ; E^'M ''sfflkS' ssM -sPG-'^F *#%#%'■■■'■ HERBERT STREET GROCERY '•'■■■ -.PKlH^^HßSplili-™ '. ■%'^SS-PjS'* '.- \\ IMPORTANT NOTICE. usi m-- 'mm--'- ■■■■-"*+"- '-■^""'" :;: 'j£*Ab"L>J±' jr\INNER SETS, 21 pieces, is ad, 3LEnsign Tea Competition. . P^^^Si^S^ :•- i. :.^ •" - r^^J^ . •■"...-.-' • ■'■■' ■:■■■" cers,White and Gold, 63.6 d doz and 7.4 •v „ ■'•■'' ' ~~ ♦▼-▼♦♦♦■▼♦♦y •— : •■• : fipdz. Cups and Sauears, printed,. ss 6 d Deae Madam-? : :. : .;r b-^,^,^- w - -^ „v, /- _ ,^ r dckbSets of Jugs 25.6 d, Ba. ,6d,. 4s 9dv , : The Proprietors of tUe,VJBJT«J€?jr TMA wish to bnng 'WJ I Butter Plates Qd'eacH.' your noti?e that, tKey are bfferini 7 ...1118 M' JPJiIIKiBS for^ the Greatest \^ & „^ Cups Is 6d per doz. Gla?s Number of Coupons^relurnwto'*^ later than 'loth Jan * I. Butler Ilishos' Is,- Is 3d; Is : 6d. Fancy 'and ! December^^^aclryeat. : r ■; ; . ■ ' ' •'■ hpeaPotsls i 3d, ls-6d, Is 9d, 2s. Candle v , In every ininature Sample 01 . jBITiSjre JF TJRAL a . Specimen Copy « $ticks 96T and lOd each. Fai?c ? Glass aolosed equalin' value to the Ooupdtfin-ekch Pound Tin. famDislies 3d, 6d, 9d, Is, Gl&>» This givesevery recipMt of a; sampka^^tart in the Bnsign Compe Jugs 9d each; Salaißowls Is ?d and Itipn. 'On the 31st "PfiCEMBER^ we shall distribute, in Cash.and Presents N5 S - • for ' JEZK&JTftIir -COVJBO&Si the following Prizesry-iz-i— ■'■'■ -— -r'-'^. ; L „- -. J::'^' ■ ■ : . : ■-,'.: -"■:■ w. * w ■-..' ■"! ■■■ : ' ; >' '^ '^^»' n«w«mw«BTWT(' i*n~A t\ t\\ : Also alarge Assortmert of Groceries* First Prize ... . £S O O POURTH-PRIZB... *2 ltt O } of the * Besl Bcanclg mo riey can Secoiid Prize ... &Z O Q FIFTH PRIZE :.. £2 & O ; buy: ThirjclPrwe ... «3 p O SIXTH PRIZE .:; «1 f P -~ -. A»wl 30-P*izes of 5s Each, ' V< tXrTT rT a HTC3 * Every Person eendingM least- 8Q Coupons will Receive aPresent. VX, W JJjJLiIAM;D. JIeASON^ W^» i'ou Should Drinh Ensign Tea. ; herbektsteeet grocery. Because it is the BEST TEA On the Market. . ' ' / '^' y ; ; ' '' .'■.',■';' _■*** It is a I?VesVCpast Concern, as!^^esi Coasters are prpud^ofitheir District ; /~VR+ENTAL TTOTEL. '-"'"'' and this Competition is "exolusiTely. for tKe Coast alone, it deserves to be , \J' -•'-■.'■.■■ > Jii " .;, jNiiromsed, as-hy fusing X^SM^TJEA you are not only helping your kIGHMOND QUAY. GREYMOUTH. own District along- I biit '.you- haye r a' much greater chance in the Competition , ' _____ - • ■ ,-. as JbnlyEeeidents. of the West Coast-can participate in tlie'Prizes.V TrTAyiNG Taken possession of the .\ . , ' "i Yoijbs PAITHPCiLr, '•■-' 7"- ""above well-known Hoste\ry, I « , V iii.i. t. • • iox -*«. -miriiv ' h °P e to be favored with a continu- , Stocked by all the Prmcjpal Store- DnnCail _M lieail, of patronage from my friends. :-..;■ keepers throughout MfpMMto**}. M^££g££^^ Acquaintances, and .the general publ r ._ - ■ .■'*-..-.. (Proprietor ßN^lGN TEA^ The ' SPIRITS, WINES jand ■.-•"■.:-■ ' . BEERS will be found to be. of the — " - - ' . ' ' " ' ' ■ very best. . r \ TniriT^ a mrA^vrn ' ! VINCENT BEVELACQUE, ALTERATIONS -- - - \ - - ' . Proprietor. S '•■■'■' • 4late of Criterion Hotel.) ADDITIONS, [ V UP-tO-DATE TAILORING. " T MAKE RCM3M - Perfect j for Our '&gw S^oek , ■v" ■ ''■.d^ t *ft :«** : -j . i ; . ■ ■-. 7 ■-.-.: •-; ?■> ■ . / . ■ . . i . Are the Joy of- well-dressed Men. , - : : • iSre haw> a io^ of : - tho«as'^_«^ath.: -.JL V>f JLJL4JLJ .JL. KJJLJ JL ?d Zealand are-prepared to guarantee \tc . . ..'"■>' "•'■ s customers giving them their orders To be spld feiieap, fiom 10/6 complete, m^^^ "^ ■ EWers and Basins ; from 5/6 per ppairr r ? ' g^eusTteia^^^ £■■■.- (Good iDesigns.) - : ■- : 'W^^' :^--- -,- " :: j : f^ • ' ■ 2 __ 5 New Zealand In^ir- ■ '■■ ,S^e Ogr /-Iffiiiidoiar. ;. ,• - *mceCo., •■'• " : •*■■■'■' •■•■!• '-si- ■■■•■ " W'■ • > : > ACCIDENT BRANCH, fe lA/ T^ rt fiT* W l^ift W ifIiRANSACTP iJ,>anchei pi AO : i VV JU „ JnjLpiUi@>f Qfy ■•■ b,winess.:- : i- it. " ■-.■ : '." : ""- J ... ; i „..:,-;.--, -■;;;; ■•^■^ -•;'■■-- ■ ;. /..^LARGEST, ' .■■■■■■--■ '\. : - --g ■■ -■ ■■*■..•■ Tfte-MusyLp'rp^rs.^ '■?■ stro^est - ; ie .--...- ■ •" ,^--:__r— .--; -; ;;__:„ -.- ■■.;.-.. •-.,-..'. -,-■■ „-.. - .;__ --■■• COLONIAL AOCIDENT COY, L . "* Absolute •"Security. Prompt ..?ad ?. ' - - ; Liberal Settlement. TjlF nPFAiy APl^llitWT employers »f labotjr J " AND GrTJABAISrTEE COIIPORATION, LIMTED, i ing for rates aa4 other partica c " : Grps.s Assets, £1,787^221 Invested Funds, £1,337,989.: .; .^■■.'•:. •. : ■ ' w"• ; ~ ' : -Eeserves. • £1,097,709 Income, 1904 : £1,090,527 :' H- Q "rjpovifc; fin New Zealand Bbanch : - nh^siT Tn?PT»T?«WT^TATTVTrq flead Office for. New Zealand-4 Customhouse Quay, Wellington COAST REPBI^NTAIIV.fcS 'Branches and Agencies t roughout the Colony. J *" New Zealand Boabd op Dibectobs : vtt rr n-or a -r v n vwop X" c: Harold -Beanchamp, Esq. Chairman Guy F. John- on, Esq. Arthur E. Pearce, ;V ILIU |KUi\WUKiiS Son, Sir Joseph G. Ward, K.C.M.G. ' CHAS. M. MONTEFIOEE, T ' H Manager & Attorney BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY THE CORPORATION. Occident & Sickness Insurance Mortgagee Indemnity Employers' Liability . »»Dsi Or ARROW ft 5« Workers' Compensation . Pttblic Eisk Plate Glass Insiiranc ' ' "" ' fidelity Guarantee Administration & other Bonds. — IfOllfOUllderS & Engineers — Lowest Current Rates. : Prompt Settlement of [. • - AGENTS IN WESTLAND. , Rattray a«d WilMs Streets, Dunedin. A.W, Mills "Westporfc; T. Hubert Lee, Eeef ton; Wickes Ltd., Greymoat 'w- ,„, ,7^ . -\/t n ~u; no ™ . A.%. Bon&r. Hokitika 1 ; T.W.Bruce, Eoss, - Manufacturers of Dredge Machinery 1 and All Kinds of Mining !i _ ' - Plant. c ' Quotarfons Given on Application. i- New Fruits !1905r- . . — THE-r . Experienced Workmen Sent to All U ~ New FraitS ! — liM)G • -, _ M . _. ' Parts of the Colony.. d _..__ .-- , <JYon*Forfeilure Office. Ar l T ational Mutual Life ...fedbral.oopfee palace.... J. TRUSCOrT, ELATION^AUSTBALAi^ YlctoPia BftU , re> Chrlßtohurch , N .Z 3 . ... FAMIfiYOROCEB .« w&& piRgT Q^ . Beautifully situated. Fronting it i 1 New Currants » ' " -world to introduce the Non-forfei* are th c Queen's Statue and Band Rotund; , New-Seedl^BMsmsl! [ #«W - A— » »*«*-. tte^ i New Valencia RaisinS|! Man y thousands of claims have prietor. * NewElemes! been paid under ■« -» v - which would have absolutely Newbnltanas lapsedif the NationaLMutual A^v,^^^^ "R^. "New|FigS tad not introduced J tie Afon- ATmStrOllg OTOS, - , ■■< v " forfeiture principle at ite • " establishjaent in 1869. GENERAL STOEEKBEPERS, BBUNNEBTON; I3L EDesbbt{ Fbuw in Heav^ Syru ' ORTON STEPHENS ■■* Standard Qualities, Pie Fruits _ Manager for New Zealand Beg to o .w tL 3 attention" of in'l Gal. tins, MARK SPROT & CO, ' h » PU blio generally to their well elected *-. - rwut-snt Agents °' Br°ceries, eto, which ar of the J. TRUSCOTT - - •^ %VM " g - heat brands and quality. VWI ' __ .^^^ GROCERY.— Butter and «hea* of tho -^Family Grocer — """ ' • ■ ■ best qualityland bearing th© Government TAINUI STREET. ' , . grado. Haro» aud Bacon -a fpeciality. = ! r TJUBBER TYPE for Pnnting pn?e TEAS-Hasdleme^, Oinik, Ml and —SHOOTING SEASON— , x * ; tickets obtainable at the ARGUS Nai> Nelsoa Moafcfi ATOaAaie \ 1906. OFFICE , new FRXHTS.— Evaporated Frouts Tinned Fruits., MuacaMs, Figs, eto. "M. DU-N-GAN COAL! COAL! 'ZSZSSkM* ' ».amelwa« b , IVsT C TjT^ A"N" ' AND LAMPWARE.-r A large Miortmrnt •"■*- •LJA-dXM.A.TI 5 BLACKBALL COAL °' c ' ate s t designs and patterns. IronBOUNDARY STREET. mangery, HolloT7varo, Brushware, uiJ Has Just Recely^lT TO BE OBTAINED FROM Tinware, Corrupted Iron, Nail* «*o. t ,HaB dust Receivea— _. r^KOTLUND KaHf *P d Plum'« Broad Faced Chop His Annual Shipment— J # T, S "^ A»c ) ...0F... j WERITA STREET E7erything kept in atock to suit cus fttf?^ V* ! Ring up Telephone iB. The prices will defy wmpemion. /^M§W?%S? • ' The Blackball coal is world-famed ?? f° HP-^ '<* *o» broa llTrfSifflffl^WliißS fof household Imposes. Its heating itoveß.Md xugea.|t protensities are wonderful: it cleanli- ' iO -, m I? , * -. , . , A //\^Ll^Ls> > v j.^ f i . Our Bakery Depaiimmeot >i Becoad to ' /J y+fiar^ • ness superb, and its economy far reach ' +1, n • «»w" 1 JKsllff -JBr - Wtf * in %- I* creates a feehag 1 of comfort i w v n ** v o v i j/niiul fflßr' I^IY- lif >• , , , , , Fresh Canterburj Uakew always o" //lB«Al 1y.,-, J^flL' Whenever used, and _makes the home n)1 . ■" - - «w»jr« oSlHulSS^^^^^ ? fderß PMnotually^ a** 6 " 116 * 1 to and ~Xll TH U R FRANCIS B^jHl TRY MY TBLESHONTS : 196. rair^il^El^tf^ ' ' GOOD' COAL y*™*^^™^^™* <***? iffW Bbt^^SMßi^^l^^ J from Best Market I'rices Obtainable *fIPVAjQvBp r *« " "^f*** ('"ir^^^ oa^ s not secure d v ac " ' Hi ' YEADON. s> ~^ g ii w "^f* -- r when you buy from me. I make a ii»^«^i., w ™i CUNSAtfD AMMUNITION. point to . PhOt^eapheb. ', " , - -^L- ' • ' THO.ROUCHLY. SCREEN . p ortraitß fa yarioaa styles and Sizßß Single and Double Breachloading All coal and. guarantee- prompt dehv- ENLARGEMENTS Guns, Winchester Repeating Ri- cry. You will appreciate- that. 'AH Madeiroinany Photograp fles,' Cartridges, Black Powder," ki nds stocked -including, the' far-famed and Smokeless -ofall -makes. . Brunner. Nuts. - "' Amateurs work done and lessons given .-. t - ?J - " ' I ' " "Tl Q HANNAH AN, ' Stbdio :— Tainui Stre * DUNCAN MCLEAN, ' "M # *->> ' - IRONMONGER HERBERT and MACKAY STREET or- " " '" ' ""* ' tT'. 'I ' - at the COAL SHOOTS; Johnston^ St. TTi^T^i-nn -nffiOQ ' BOUNDARY STREET. , TELEPHONE; 2 oi. JdiUljJM -Kp. JL> "• ■'' • - J : — — 1 i siGNWRITEKSI&JGLAZIIBS. TO SUFFERING MEN. | , i < ' - A Revefend Gentlemafl, an unfor- / G i^S in Q t 5?S? tea ILATEST See our Stock tunate sufferer fronf-boyish folly for 'T™ m minnteg, Most Fashionable, Constantly r bp l fln . years, was cured in a remarkable man GERSTENA PORRIDGE Beautiful E^ ed^°^ the ' ncr after . doctors failed. 1 will send V J ,€|oea^wico as. far .aa ofchew Designs in Markets. AN ic/aluableJmediclhe for man, !£* seumtifia preparation of Ae\ Houses,* Offices, &o. Be-painted wd yoman and child is Dr Ensdr's Tain- oats.- <• - < R^decotatea; er Juice. Procurable all chemists and'pwa vnnvmnm GLASS SHADES IN ALL fVZu stores. - v 4 9. ™™n earthft^ft, ikspeotiox LmijD, For weak- throat, chest aad lung * ' - . !■ *' : . - nothing equals Tusicufa, acts ai'"a GERTSTENA 1^01" "\/n?Q DOHQ wonderful tonic and' stimjulant. 51. ( T- he , . ne g^ 9*^ Pornagc aiS3 1-I^UI»AJ!Jk3>.DIXwJO», For Colds ta ,he"S and Into™, £ U }&Sl ! &iff'^ ffiJSSg*'.Woods' Great Peppermint Cure ers in~l/- and 5~/- bigs ' Cure, 1/6 and .2/6 per bottle. Agenfe;—- ' ; *~ ;— 'Giddiness, Swimming of the UAYUf JlDn^bpne P r»il /I Tft\ Dr Ensor ' s Tamer Juice cures Head, Indigestion, Constipation cured "AT WAKU^BnUS. & .Cil. (LTfl) chronic cases of Constipation, Indibyi the use of Tamer Juice. AAl t MiAJnjFAOTUBERS, OHKIST- gestion, liver, kidneys and stomach stores, ~ $8. S OHUROiL I-^zd^aJ ailmenta. ' ,jtt.

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Grey River Argus, 23 June 1906, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Grey River Argus, 23 June 1906, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Grey River Argus, 23 June 1906, Page 4