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DAY JUNE 23 1906 shopping by post. Sa¥6 Money. DRAPERY GOODS DIRECT FROM ' ,1| NEW ZEALAND'S GREATEST EMPORIUM: ' .- I "QTPAM^E.t;... By calling on, the. -Universu^B d«p^w^tß. •• Providers. . ■ I Linens, White Curtains Olove. an<J Hosiery I TIM Cheapest and beStS ZSgZSESLn- . ZSS&SXSSZZ- House Furnishers ■ "TSSS?* ° OM * ? nd Furn " h "" c ir.nm.n«r» # ON THE WEST COAST. M Eveyng and Dinner- Gento' Outfitting - __ |H Milliner 118 «-aces and Embroideries . { Duchess Chests, Sideboards, Suites, Bcd.'fl Ladie9' r outfittin g Flowed and Feathers - steads,: Carpets, Linoleums, -Orookery, andfl Children's Outfitting Umbrellas and Sun- Cutlery in great variety. V Juvenile Clothing . «^£ a , d *f - ■ pu Gents) Boots and Shoes _ . _ . ■ I For ga g b n erya d ,hSrV ncy ji =^ peclallty) Oall&Jnspect our Huge Stoc,<l COMPLETE HOUSE-FURNISHERS. I Sole K.Z. Agsnts for the World-Ruownri " ELORED6E I " SEWIH6-MACHIIES TT 3^? W W ' *% - S* — H h^ M. chtae . (^jgjj j^^ „^, „„ av _ W4 r/ HaflPViVrr. I A 5 YEARS'. GUARANTEE WITH EACH MACHINE. K M.% A \j % J| J| CU. Jl W J WIl Vlll ■ Sols Canterbury Agents for the famous Bschatolfl. Sehiedmaicr and Chippell Pfmos (and " - ' • * ' ~ ■ Bther celibrated InitrumenU). Also for the wall-known -Estey" Organs. ! - ■ Goods sent on Approbation from many Department* Ca.h IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. PUBLIC NOTICE H returned, If not approved, lee* coat of carriage. •" ' »- ' Lettor Order* receive prompt and careful attention. W E t0 inform ur customers WuO ~tequire~ Water -laid OD and . . : r*: : ' - and the general public of Grey- oanitary Fitting, General Plumbing, W Sample* of D^« J"? a *« ri «'»» Sllke, Cottons, Llnene, Laces, Trim- mcuth and surrounding districts that Tinsmithing , Sheet Metal Works. ■ ** * ' Pomt Fr * c °" a PP' lc »*'<»^ we have disposed of our premises, Electric Bells, Indicators, Hydraulic ■ W-^-- _ _-_ * — stock »n trade, book debts etc., as a Rams, Fluming and Mining Requis-^H STRANRF A Pll • l-fH ?£*«££ fi° ing t0 Messrs^ w - J- Mo^es, and General Repairing in anyH ssanasD ■ UinflllUL Qi Ull. LIU. op 3?' Ilr °y and Co., for whom be bespeak of the above lines Butaghall rHRIftTrUIIDAU Ch RaHwa; Ch the * Oodwill accorded to US. , „ , st,F.c, CHRISTCHURCH. • SSSSST We take the ■ opportunity of thank*' ' Tj'ARm'LQW' "R" os H Immam—mmmmmm^ammi^^^^m^m^mmmmmm^^^^^^ S ° Ur friends and the general pub- - A^^^--tV/ksXLill J3 mmmmm i^* lie for their support in the past- and ARE UP-TO-DATE TENDERS. - ! ELOC ™™, A™ VOICE pT» wTncltV a«d C>«« ™°, MU. Chtan^. ,■ I rKUDUCTION. * • whose receipt will be sufficient dis- amelware > Washfurnaces; SpSutir-^M BOROUGH OF HOKITIKA charge. Water, Fittings, Tinware alwfays j^M TVI T DA T^'LCOUR PETRIE and CO st °ck and made to order at fiortest FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. „ - XX notice. | • H ' ( Lat e Pupil Mr Walter Bentley) Also the latest sanitary appfences fTIENDERS for the ERECTION of prepared to receive Pupils TN connection with the fore^oino- WE Award ed First Class Londbft and ■ 1 a BRICK BUILDING will be ADDRESS: "Highbury," Cowperl beg * t0 801^^ received up to NOON on the 28th of Streetl the liberal patronage bestowed on our Countl * orders Promptly attend to- H UNE, 1906. , ~ - -^ TT^ ~~ __ predecessors and trust by keeping CAT T - ANTTTTNr«SPTrr'rW H Plans and specifications may be (j, A. RIPPER. best qualit y of * oods and attention to v GAtt AND^SPECim H seen on application to the undersign - * the requirements of customers to ~ LARBEN BROB 3B». Ed (to whom tenders are to be address .^^H^^^ mer * t Public support. Werita Street Grey Juth ■ ed) at the Town Hall, Hokitika. * s *^^ W ' J- McILROY and CO.-J Telephone: No." 164" X M ■ The lowest or any tender not neces '^^B^^Khlß^ ESTIMATES- GIVEN «L~ V VV VICTORIA PARK OPTHALMIC OPTICIAN lil r^i'ir^o o '; "II * Ma * be consulted at Royal Hptel. V,. *%£^ftosr? S lfvj| > kl .■ THIS AFTERNOON. =• 1 X ' •%, &ORS THROATS.&C. (^g| - ■l^'^l > "D A TlVT^rk A rpQ « '- -^ H JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Xl/XXXII'V^V-Fxi. X O «.*f\ ' H * ~ — — ffl EhJ? Wfl:«if»B»ig,» gSr - v*.< m GREY 11. v BRUNNER. * They are called,- but they ftF 3 ' £--"# fl m - , * are as good for cold bright „ ' ' '"" Kick-off at 3 p.m * days as for dull wet ones. «©•«- q *.AND V PLEAS* 1 J^. _'. % -/, H - ~ *As different from the old, l Sr n^»J^S^5SSRr: > jL* ■ Admission : is Ladies Free * ui-smejling mackintoshes m" ■ M. KEATING, Secre«ar y . *3 M " - |g| , «tVB WANTEDJKNOWN . J" ""^J 7 % I T sharpen SAWS and SCISSORS 'in. * . WHEELBARROW - w \ *\/ ; H ' ' ♦ The materials are all wool — " ~ — \ ~~ '-,TT"]^H JOHN HERON; : * rainprqofed by a precess **HHIb^BM.H.^HHHK Raleigll Cycled ■ /"MJuncTTi? ttttt irrMTM'mjv - ▼ that leaves the fabric soft, ana — _. 4 •■- "' " - s^Bl , OPPOSITE THE FOUNDRY. * and does not change its Safe. Sal 6 I ' •" Are Noted For Being, '■ WANTED. * appearance. Styles, new- ■ " I ITVTfiTTI ~'M *. est; tailoring, the best; fmr I '-I M^f •*-£# .■--• £■ ______ + weavs and colourings, the / I -I 9 •—^ "" {V B CANVASSERS for subscibers to * most fashionable. - - _h_T APID ""M \j "PROGRESS" * Long, loose, smart style, ■ t ■^^.-•' - ' "" "**■ * smooth > P? rfect fit on For only "seven more I -*- XEIiIABIiE I Tho ilinctratpH Tnnrnal nf — * shoulders, ' mock Cuffs , „ a . - *"* - *^****'* (| ■ The illustrated Journal of.- + raised days the Sale of on* ... -> "'\ -y M ENGINEERING & SCIENCE, * side Po ckets > fly-button beautiful Stock of Crock- •. Andaretk own throughout the word (■ INDUSTRY & INVENTION - * fronts, silk stitched eiy,and Glassware "will •" ' . as— '- '■ ARCHITECTURE & BUILDING * throughout ~ be continued. This is an -* 1 ---' The British M*sterpiec ■ MOTORS & MOTORING ,&c. * "«oe^rom Ms 6to 60 opportunity- the reason ' ; T * "The Acme Of BxcriJfillce 1 ' ■ Each Month Co^a7ns Full List" Of C"" T RADINC G O ." FA " T f OUr StoCk " , ' OaJMnd lnspect. t- .., ■ ; Patents Applied For. TAINUI ST quality and when rpTTI? TfcVTTl 0 * V . '' " nality is procurable at " A*l JCi DJLM\\J { M Subscription Prepaid-5s per Annum. 'cc Where the Good Hats are> » w iceS that is the , IAINUIBT. We pay High Rates of Commission. • . c txt " • •*• ""^"""^_ I Some of our canvassers make- £6 OFFICES TO LET time to buy. We mvite '. • ■ ']■"'■ Weekly. , * Inspection and every .-WINTER 18 UPON US. H -, - " TN M. McDONNELL'S shilling left with us -wil '■ ~ H Apply to— X ing in Tainui Street, opposite - . mofitablv mwsfpd IT! - TT •'«!•• ■ Publishing Department, , Pdst Office, suitable for Dentists, be prpntably invested. | Xi. JO. r . ■ i Baldwin arid Ray ward, Professional men and others. - , I BOUNDARY STREEf.^^ H Patent Agents, ~ Tenants applying before the build- nDirnrklJP OMI rUI '" ' __i "" Wellington, ing is completed can have offices fitted • y lilrrtnUj Uml lIU HA S-Just received a grand fine ofH 1 Xo suit their special requirements. - Ir. LAMP WARE. It will pay you to in-^| PROGRESS has the largest circula- Apply.— . ' _ BBEHIYB STORES, I spect before purchasing, elsewhere._H tion of any similar Journal in- the M. MCDONNELL . Also: TUMBLERS, Engrawd Ke)^| SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. - • — i-r— — patern for j8 Half Dozen _■ i . FIVE good REASONS why you should '. * — = - "-4- - H T- d S-c^tp.X^ buy ° *•- «-««•«-» ■ ' G - SWEETMAN ' E.. HOPKINS M Pitt. r • - - TAINUI STREET. FAMILY GROCER, " ■ ;■*_'■ t. — Because our small goods and Tin- , ' ___AND- J_| ■ixTATMTTrn TTunu/M tv * tiA\T ned meats are free from all chemi (Next door to the Cash Tiading Coy.) GE^TEirAiscMyyM^Cfß H W nawq • a 1 • * v . . cal impurities. - ' ■ ? * NAH'S-is the place toget boots • „■ . t. • - j T'^'V^H and shoes repaired, promptly, pronely 2 ~ Because P^chasing our goods - >J^^^^SS GET YQUR HAIR Q „ ■ and neatly uone by an expert Repairer yOU " aa re * u f on S*tmg the best - YOURJiAIR CUT. r m IJand Sewn and Pump work a special .3..^^ o^doo'rs are always^open / UI ATCMM AKER \ JF you want an easy shave, „ f lt^ '' . to you or the public generally to •// WATUMWimvan xv XAs good as ever a Barber gave, WANTED KNOWN —We have al- inspect for yourselves our goods, I .AND "jl ' J«st call o n me a t my saloon „j- , J ways on hand - TRuIsED P™. and our quality \ , . I . pearly mom or busy noon. M POULTRY. Hilderbrand and Co. whi <* is a ' VJ ; Wfi LLER I l curi and dress, Ac fair = with graced ;_; POSITIVE AND PERBONAL GUAR \ // And suit the contour of your face; WANTED KNOWN.- The Argus '- AHTEE. -•" . Sdsto^^'^ ?° CtaM 1 W Company can supply'all kinds 4—Because when . purchasing our '>^_^!^ And T^JSS^ * % ° l% ~^> A^\ of Printing* and Stationery. Why go manufactures you are supporting And ever y hr ng that your wiff^ "^ out of town for it? . a local industry SOLICITS -A -TRIAL OF WORK- tIS T^ S^SS^X^S .- = s.— Because our goods are positively 1 MANSHIP ~ « „, a " - sklU can do - \ WANTED KNOWN.- Being the best in the market. ~ - «- you will- just caU I'll do for. you. X agents for the Talke/ies, Wei- Ask your grocer for m qtt a XTTSJ ATI A TVT~ N '^'—^ jrazor full of nicks and ru«t lington, we are able to supply phono- "lif A ■WTT"P'R A PHArJN IN AtlAl> ■ For those who come here seeking SS« aD ? w e ir ate t St gOW mOUn AU OR '«PREBB ANd"c7n"eRAL CARTER '^ ' _I \ . . Records at Wellington prices. All OR ... ■ *^ — Sf addS- aUy a " ended '°- • -DEFIANCE JAKES' this opportunity o. "an- me « """ " *"" [*?"*»*< j ■..W^BER „. M ,wh.,,Q U ., ■ '^BRANDS " "-eh. » the Public Aa« he b. WiU b e tJ'^t^lL^-^ wi N jf c f^^sr khi ln "" on h .r- — "-"- --« - «— «- — *- .^«^s^s^3?u.-i? 1 J c* of ne " ™ e " iie ' s^ id - taii,-^, reliable , PKk »«. Mso. n «. i*. B-..H. " tnr HoMer ios Mi c *- H ° w :l ■ = (>i at your own doors by men you know . ORDERS - PUNCTUALLY AT HUGtTTT"R " -Tl WANTED.- Stylish Tailoring, not d6ubtful, cheap, shoddy, American ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY AT- UUU J-LJ.AJ .-, I This can be had by leaving an goods, but true- colonial, and BEST TENDED TO. T\ A \7lfQ/V\J I order with J. R. McGILLICUDDY.— QUALITY at that. • Telephone: Ml. - 1/X1 " Ov/131 ■ Keller's Buidings. • . -— City Halrdresslng Saloon, H ■ , TTILDEBRAND and NEW GOODS 111 - Boundary Street WANTED KNOWN.— That you ■*■*■ V"- " * : ~ — ~ can get the latest and best-se- - BUTCHERS, NEW GOODS I ! I "* Tiyr liyr 6 "rV/MVT"\TT^T r -r 1 lection of Tweed Suiting and Over- " GREYMOUTH. x JH. JIL JLJUI^ iM r/l i I -fife coating, at Weber's, Tailors, .Mawhera — . ' T» T . T3TTTT T T"DCt^ — "" M Quay. Fit and Workmanship guaran- g^^g^g^jfl^jg^^ J3. «J . JT XXIJUJJAX O GROCER AND. PROVISION M ___; m ' 1^ - STATIONER.^ MERCHANT. 1 ■yy ANTED KNOWN -That the B HALL MARK ELY 1 ' MAWHERA' QUAY. TTAS removeT^to Uddstiom's 7 1 v St /% T ', Shirt^ " atß ' B nAUL^«^ tv -— , XI Buildings, Mackay §treet, where and all kinds of men's requisites- are - ■ . WHEN BUYING ' -" the business -will be .conducted until to be had at Weber's Mawhera Quay. ■ -._.« 0..-«.-h0 ..-«.-h . \ ' completion of the * new. v building- in . H tfmlK TEi ,, x -Reserved I. 1 I Tainui Street - ' . i W A /J E ? KNOWN - Wh « e to ■ •i« 1 A ji^- Thll .., . , - NOTE ADDRESS;- - a «lJ&Kfi?£!i.lS££. IRJ ELSON " ' . • »°O«TROM. 8 BUILDINGS CUDDY.-Keller's Building ■ lU • «paos^ a', . ... . -. TyANTED.-ToW the tailor that ■ *Z .. .« Vv rT P.oVat !„- = =— " jg ?v can pleaae me in fit. Give J H ■•* •ti»«ou».»nt«««n«ith« • M f- lhus ! eas f rown "» some • j R. McGILLICUDDY a caU. The fash t l HA..L-MARK - YOUR MILKMAN. .:• . s^s. possess distinctive qualitieX^i* ionable ,tatfor— Keller's Buildings. ■ OF "' ' ' : - '-, . ' of flavor and fragrance, while othft - ' _■ PURITY, QUALITY, VALUE. It is not possible for "milky" to ers again have what is known aM , , ■ -' _^_J serve you with pure wholesome ' t bod y- Teas grown in Ceylon dif^k 1 milß- every day, no matter how ' fer/ in- characteristics from thos^^ j TO LET.— A SHOP in Boundary careful he may be, and no other grown in India, an 3as a matter of ; - I Street.— Apply ARGUS OFFICE _ kind of milk is good enough to fact there . are over two thousand^! ' ' .LADIES EMPORIUM AND DRESS- f ive to y° ur baby - Don>t take distinctly different teas. To — : i _ ' 'MAKING ESTBLISHMENT' risks where the health of your in- tarn a particular flavor the teas 1 "VTEMORIAM CARDS ;' AH descrip- , ' ' fant is concerned. The best milk must he blended. V» _ ] •I"- tions at ARGUS OFFICE UPPER MAWHERA QUAY "for the baby on tfi6 bottle is • , m "*"*-. _J "=^r7Falgar ttotel.- GREYkOtTr TXT^TTT AIVTT^T^T> CRESCENT ? _-.• . N9 W is the aII k^ of ■'"■"■tLL'AJNJJJbiJt' TfcT "_,^^ v - * * MAWHERA QUAY GREYMOUTH. t " wa^ m , "ndjwlofflilng and winter -BIiEND Telephone No. 72. ' - dreßWs o „ " V^.LIIN UJbilN OJJiU ' CA _____ Mrs Smith can* supply your .wants ' fTITI A - ~ MR P. MAHONEY -to. in- 0° very reasonable terms. Pure wool MIT/FT IHi A *'""• 4 form the General and "Travelling c P mbln a«on8, warranted not to shrink -TJ.J.X-4XX • , . , Public that he is still in possession of ~°? y flB 6dl Unlon Combinations, long . Is a good dnnking tea, combining • 1 ,the above well-knowif hostelry and '. s ' < l eyes from 5s 3d « Anything not in >It is highly nourishing, for it con- ' the characteristics of Darjeeling •hopes by paying stridt attention to stock w i u be made^ to -order on' the tains a. very large percentage, of and Ceylon teas— strength, flavor, « , business to 'merit a continuance of the shortest notice. * /' .. butterfat or cream. Jt is free from * , fragrance, and a silky texture, f' 4 support accorded him in the past* '.- A s P ecial line of Corsets and stock- pathogenic germs, and is scientific ' Crescent Blend Tea is free from" The Liquors, Wines and Beers will. lng8 ' , -' cally made under the strictest sani- dvs t and all impurities. -, ' be found to' be of the very best. * tarv conditions. "Highlander. - . — ="^,a -- . EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION TaHo^^ade Costumes— a speciality. Condensed Milk is a pure New Zea- . PROM ALL GROCERS AT 2s PER . for Boarders and Travellers, and a-, ,-^ "" " ' " land product. "'..."/ .* : \> >-B .'" m - K I first-class table kept. . - M RS S PI • SMTHPTT " - - --- ___. I ■• • -P. MAHONEY, v..« ■.Twmfiiriv . - ""^"" ' ' -WANTED KNOWN. -; Rubber J Proprietor. E^«JL«.?^ Q * FfOm "" " BtoMkwWl made at the AMSDsfI &>> CREY MOUTH. „ • < j OFFICE. - - '.'"jM

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Grey River Argus, 23 June 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Grey River Argus, 23 June 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Grey River Argus, 23 June 1906, Page 3