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Our ordinary profits on individual lines are MiCPOSCOpic 9 But in the aggregate of our Mammoth trade they are COLOSSAL, J3L + T3*SLlx» Time w^ return them to our patrons H©M.Oe J3aLs?fi?StiTn « Which are unapproachable in the Wide Wide World. TY3VEONS <Sc GO'S The Peoples Warehousemen.

XMAS 1902 XMAS. J. DINNAN.' AGAIN THANKS the general public of ..G.reymciuth and . surrounding districts for tKeir liberal support in the past, and beg to announce tho arrival of his Xmas Stock, Which has beeu very carefully selected from the best and cheapesc markets. Consisting of MM Cured Hams & Bacon, CURRANTS SEEDED RAISINS ELEMES SULTANAS LEMON PEEL MUSCATELS FIGS DATES PRUNES ALMONDS, etc. —CALIFORNIAN EVAPORATEDFRUITS, consisting of Pears, Apricots, Peaches, Apples and Prunes. TINNED FRUITS- Pears, Peaches, Apricots and Pine Apples. Hams, Bacon, Butter & Cheese A Speciality. — Also — The finest Assortment of CHINA, GLASSWARE & FANCY GOODS Landed iv Greymouth. Parcels and all Goods delivered to any pßrt of the district. A very liberal discount given on all cash purchases. NEW POTATOES & GRESN PEAS By every steamer. J. DINNAN, GENERAL SWfiEKEEPER, j UPPER MAWHERA QUAY, GREY MOUTH L See Milner's Window For Gold aud Silver Watches See Milner's Window For Gold aud Silver Brooches. See Milner's Window For Gold Alberts and Muff Chains See Milner's Window For Dross, Wedding and Keeper rings See Milner's Window For Geld and Silver Sovereign Cases See Milner s Window For every description of Jewellery at / Wholesales Pi ices A. H. Milner, Address : Watchmaker and Manufacturing Jeweller, Upper Mawhera Quay, W. SMITH~ Fruiterer and Con fectioner, Tainui Street A visit to tho Shop will astonish and delighfc you, It contains the latest World Novelties in confectionery. IVo establishment in tho colony contains greater variety of fanciful devices in sweets, or more artistic and dainty encasements. Pure, fresh, and novel goods at minimum quotations. i iREY DISTRICT PERMANENT VJ BUILDING & INVESTMEM SOCIETY (Registered.) DIttBCTORS .' MoKsrn H. Williams, J. A. Eissenhardt, R Collina, E. I. Lord, A. Matheson, I Jas... Korr, ! Bankers: ; . ; Tke National Bank of New Zealand (Limited.) *' WHY PAY RENTS WHEN YO7J CAN BECOME YOUR OWN t ANDLORD BY PAYING THE RENT SO THS BUILDING SOCIETY. The Society is prepared lo grant I'pou Leasehold and Freehold Security vepaj'ablo by monthly, quarterly, or half yearly instalments, to include principal ! and interest. TACLE OF MONTHLY RISPAI < MJBNTB FOR THE LOAN OF LIOO INCLUDING INTEREST' at 6 pc? ] cent. One Year £8 15 0 Pwc Years 4 11 6 Three Yeara 3 4 0 Four Years 2 10 0 Five Years .9 1 *» Si)T Years 1 l'J fi Seven Years 1.12 6 Tho T>irector.v meet afc tho Snciotj otfice, W'erita street, on the first Friday in each month for tho conduct of ordin ary business. EDMUND P. HEAPRY, Secretary. j. salpTon, HAIRDRESSER and TOBACCONIST Boundary Street. , Call and inspect J. SAMPSON'S Oairdrossing and Shaving Saloon, which is the most complete and up-fce-date 1 establishment on the West Coast. His stock of Tobaccos, Cigars, Cigarettes, etc, cannot be surpassed and his, asHorfcmenfc of Silver. Mounted Pipes, / which. have just landed, are without doubt the finest ever offered to the public of Greymouth

SOUTH AFRICAN AND THE BOER BRITISH WAR Part I— By J Castell Hopkins, PSS ; F R H S. Part 11 -By Murat Halstead, the celebrated Author and Historian. Issued by the Linscott Publishing Company of London, England. This work is a true and faithful description of the Dark Continent from the earliest days of ci> ilis»tion to the first occupation by the British and an authenticaccount of tho causes leading up to the late war and complete history of ita events from start to finish. Although the work is a British ono, it gives a correct and impartial statement of causes and events and in England is recognised af> the Scandard .History of the W«»r. The book is profusely illustrated by Photographs and Drawings and is in every respect worthy of the interesting subject. The second supply cf this popular work is now t«» hand. Tho volumns contain Bpecial reference and illustrations re lating to the various New Zealand Con tini^Hnts I Orders are now being received' and executed by T M SMITH, Grey mouth I Sole Agent for' Westlaud. From whom lull particulars can be obtained. Papanui Tea Rooms, UPPER. MAWBKRA QUAY, GREYMOUTH. MRS H C FRICKER respectfully ■otdies the residents of Greymouth and ■turnmnding district that she has opened the Papanui Tea Rooms fn the premies lately occupied by M'Kay and Son, where Tea, Coffee or Cocoa with refreshments may be obuiiied »it any lmur during the day or evening. COLD LUNCHEON DAILY from 11 a m to 2 p m. Cig.-irs aud Tobaccos of the bust brand s Iperfumery. A great variety of newest and latest, perfumes in fancy reaentatiou cit-? s, suitable for Xtms (lifts. Cl'T SMELLING B')TTLES SILVEII MOUNTED SMELLIN BOTTLES PEtftaME SPItAYS FAN V TOILET SOAPS COMBS aud BRUBUWARE. Parkinson and Co, CtIEMISIS, MAWHERA QUAY, GRXYMOUTH VMMAS 1902, XMAS-1902 LUEY GiTk & CO, Fruiterers and Fancy Uoods Dealers. In thanking the general public for past favors, wi'.h to inform them that they h>>ve received for the Xinas and Ne.v Year Season a splendid and well selected B tuck of Confectionery (of all kinds. ) Fancy Goods (to be sold at low prices.) Xmiis Stockings. Groceries, cigarettes (to be sold at the tmiall profit.) Fresh Fruit, New Potatoes, Peas, and Rhubarb, arriving by evory steamer. Look at our window and compare prices. Parcels delivered to all trains aud to any house in the district. Addkbss : Boundary Street, Greymouth. "Thes ard of absolute purity." JJiJtl JOT^k. JJgJ ** Guaranteed Free from tho addition of cheap pulps Free from Flavouring Essences. Free from Preservatives Or any other Adulteration. MOTHERS, give " \L" JaM to your Children and they will grow up i HEALTHY, ROBUST, STRONG. ! "K" Marmalade Mudo from the finest Seville oranges. "K" Sauce Recommended by epicures as relish j superior to all others. "K" Tomato Sauce 4 X" Coffee " X" Pure Pepper 1 «X' Spices —All Absolutely Pure— «k» pn7e Honey A Superior Article. X" Poultry Tonic Rules the Roost. KfWe Guarantee all our manufactures ABSOLUTELY PURE. B.KIRKPATRIGUCO Limited MANUFACTURERS. NELSON.

A LEXANDRA TEA ROOMS Tainui Stbebt, Gkuymouth. To the Ladies of Greyraouth and i Surrounding: Districts. ' MRS T. KEf LV takes the opportunity t of informing the general public that she has opened up to-date TMA ItOOMS In those most convemeut prenrsenext door to the Government Life lusur unce Department. A first class cup of TEA, with refreshments, may be obtained at any hour of the day A Trial Solicited. j . . — ' «» » • ■ B. DIXON, STATIONER, BOOKSELLER AND FANCY GOODS -MPORTER, Opposite Post Office, Painui Street, Greymouth. 1903— DIARIES 1903 A large and well selected stock of above All sizes and qualities. A new stock of all school boot- sand requisites. WINSOR ani NEWTON 1 SARTISTS' MATERIALS, comprising oil and water colors, snblo and hog's hair brushes. Mihogany and Aluminium palettes. Aittsrs' canvas and academy boards. Pupils fitted enamelled oil boxes. PHOTOGRAPH 10 GOODS. PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS All requisites kept. A choice and up to-date stock or LEATHER and FANCY GOODS suitable for presents to choose from. Agents for the "Triad" and Madame Wvigel's patterns. Country orders punctually attended to P O Box 6^' IV YOU WANT A XMAS PR SENT V'SIT T H Garth's Hairdressingr and Tobacconist Saloon And you will find gold and «iivor mounted walking sticks (a HpiendiU selection), goid ana silver ci.'ar and cigarette holders (re tl gems), Urge assortment of companion pipos, with cigar and cigarette holders (the real thing for a Xraas present), companion silver match box and cigarette holder (for better value cannot be beaten), silver mounted L.iewe nnd G BD's; also i large line of CHEAP PIPES (to be almost given away). All tobacconist sundries kept in stock. Best brands of cigars, cigarettes and tobaccos The Hairdressmg Saloon is, of yore, under tho management of experienced artists. Customers may rely on every care aud attention. Addiiess : —Mawhera Quay. With Christmas Greetings. While THANKING the public for thnir esteemed patronage during the year now drawing to a close, we sincerely wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We have on hand, procured regardless of cost, the best quality procurable in tho colony of Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Lamb and Sucking Pigs. A. Hildebrand & Go. oiTxmas presllnts or new year presents or wedding pkesen ts Oil BIRTHDAY PRESENTS OO TO Gilbert Bros., The Direct Importers, They are now making a magnificent display of NEW BROOCH KS NEW ENGAGEMENT RINGS NEW URANNLY CHAINS NKW NECKLETS NEW WATCHES NEW STUDS NRW SILVER MOUNTED LEATHER GOODS NEW SILVER & P' ATED GOODS IN EKDLESS VARIBiY. Selection and Prices unequalled. Everything marked in Plain Figures. Kvery article guaranteed to be oi sound manufacture. Every article beam the registered stamp. Inspection and comparison invited THE SHOP FOR v RESEKTS IS WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS, Taisui SrJEBT, Next Giimrr Hotel, Greymouth.

I A cup of Van Houten's Cocoa ; W I for supper is the best nightcap. 1 B is «o perfectly digeitibltt that there is no « ■ ' fear of its oauoing' & bad night's reit. Ita B ■ neuxiahing qualities enable the blood to . [i ■ build up, during sleep, the matter irasted H B by the previous day's work, worry, or ■ K H . excitement. It soothes the nerves and in ' w M alike streagthening, pure «nd delicious. / g ■ . When ordering cocoa, don't forget to mention H I that it is Van Houten's you want M Limited, Wellington. The Company desire to call the attention of the Residents of Westlancl to the result of the recant Candle Burning Competition held in Greymouth under the personal supervision and control of a repreentaive committee of well known gentlemen. The result indisputably and conclusively proves that the manufactures of the New Zealand Candle Company are in every respect Equal to the Best Products of the English and Colonial Candle Factors. The statement advertised by Messrs M'Leod Bros, Ltd, that their Magnet Brand burning 30 minutes longer than any other we have proved to be whoily incorrect First quality Sperm Candles whether manufactured in England, America, or the Colonies, are all made from the same refined Paraffin Wax and Steariae. We emphatically state that <n ' candles are equal to the best manufactured in the wjrld. In one point we are superior to many makers. Our candles do not smoke or smoulder when put oui We Specially recommend our j which is free from unpleasant odour, and in quality, lighting and staying powers is Second to None in the Colony. Tacon, Tansey & Co, West Coast Agents. """BOOTS ■ BOOTS ■ Whilst returning his sincere thanks for che liberal supporfcaccordsd him in', the past, would again solicit inspection of his, tho most up-to-date .and largest, Stock of W WESTLAD. i (i \ ____, W MORRISH'b trado, having during the year greatly increased, speaks for itself. This can only bo done by giving superior value. For quality, quantity, variety, fitting, comfort, freshness of goods i ind lines not procurable elsewhere look up the immense Stock of L4OOO value. Bespoke Work and Repairs a Specialty. ON SALE : Every requisite of the Boot and Shoe trad 9, and heads of famiHei aud storekeepers liberally dealt with • Ordero by Post prmptly attended to. 1902 Xmas^ —HAS JUST LANDED HIS— Of Tinned Calif ornian Fruits. Mt Hamilton Brand Extra Standard, consisting of Pears, Peaches, Apricots and best Singapore Pine Apple. Also Evaporated Fruits— Apples, Apricots, Pears, Peaches and Prunes. New Figs, dates, Seeded Raisins, Cleaned Currants in Packets, Elixias, Valeneias, Elemes, Museateles and Almonds. Best Mild Cured Hams and Bacon Black Swan Butter by every steamer. Sole Agents for Celebrated Tiger Teas. A large assortment of Crockery and Glassware specially imported For the Christmas trade. Green Peas & New Potatoes by every boat. Tainui Stbbet ML NOONAfT, Greymouth

Commercial Hotel. MAWHERA QUAY. J MCCARTHY.- Proprietor. Visitors to town will receive every care and attention. The TABLES are famous for liberality and excellence of food preparation. WINES and SPIRITS are the bent brands obtainable. New Tariff. MEALS Is6d For Christm as and Holiday Trade. BOOKSELLER, STATIONER AND FANCY GOOD* MERCHANT, Mawhera Quay, Has imported a large and varied assottn.cnt of tasteful and unique Fancy Goods suitable for presents and general use. which he is selling at prices hitherto unknown on the Ooa^fc. No Old Stock. Everything dealt in is new, frpah fashionable, and specially manufactured for the trade of Xmas 1902. MR PHILLIPS special importation of Holidny Stock includes Boys' Own Anuuata, Girls' Own Annuals, Chatterbox And Christinas Annual Volumos and Prize Books in endless variety Th* ID USTRATED XMAS NT MBc'RS inclu«'e London IS'ows. Ortnhic, Black and White, Pears Annual, Holly Leavw, etc, etc. The Fancy Goeds Depart ment contains P'toket Books, WalletK, Purses,' Chate. kinea, Ladies Hanil Bags, Liidies' Com\mniou3, Workbuxes, Ladled DcWmj; Cases, Gentleman's Dr-sang •^••■b. Photo a bum*, Photo Frunm W-iMp ff Dusks, Ink Stand", and other artie'w too numerous to particularise. Cliristmas tmd New Year Cards in choice assortment. Now Novels; Magazines nndPeriodieftlß every week General Stationery, Demy, Foolßcnp and General Account B.mks aud Commoroial Stationery are specialties.

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Grey River Argus, Volume 57, Issue 10520, 23 January 1903, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Grey River Argus, Volume 57, Issue 10520, 23 January 1903, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Grey River Argus, Volume 57, Issue 10520, 23 January 1903, Page 4