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Whiter is how fast apprpaching, and well-to-do 'people begin Jto .look, about them with a view. to determining' th - best way of escaping tlie severity of the season. To those who have no, compunction as regards the financial aspect of the question, the Sputh. Sea Islands excursion, inaugurated by the Uiiioir Coy will assuredly commend itself as' the best method to adopt in order to avoid the rigidity of a West Coast winter. The trip will ' be a most unique' one J 6omprisingJ calls at Tonga, Vavau, Apia, Pa^oPago/'Levuk'ii, and Suva— the : wonderland of the Pacific. During the stay of the Waikare afc Suva, excursions will be made to the Rewa and the sugar plantations of the Colonial Sugar Coy; and also to the island;' of M 'Rega, eve the fire walkers give evidence of their extraordinary powers. The steamer wnll;fchen (call at. port's in Banks ■Islands, Whllicolb Island, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, and Norfolk Island and thence to Sydney. J A full description , of the trip with a brief account of the various places to be visited is published by the Union Coy- iii thejfornt of^a' paiiiphlet which may be obtained .from the Coy's offices, and prior to starting, passengers wilj be provided with an illustrated handbook setting f pith the charms and atfcractidrjs of tlio beautiful isles. '

MivJ Wickes, an old Greymouth. boy, who liasbeeri connected with educational matters for some years in the Grey 'and Kumara schools narrowly missed, being feted when ho arrived at Tinirotp (North Island) to assume the teachership of the school there. The Te . Reinga Natives were under the impression that the new arrival was Lord" Ranfurly ahd had cbhj. jured up visions of what the Queen's re,|)resentativo was like^ and as Mr Wickes fitted up with their pre-c.onceived ideas they" jumped to the cpiiclusipn; that ' His Excellency was paying them a visit. Thp inevitable hnka, etc, was. only stopped by the timely intervention of another settler.

Miss Kemple, who has been assistant teacher at Paroa fot a humber of years,

will take charge of the school pending the the -permament appointment of^a head^ j teacher ahd Miss Westmill act as assist- '• ant. Mi Gloy has beeivrelieved of further duties and will leave here for the North Island oh Friday. week. : ,',. The local bands are practising assidu-. oiisly in view. of the approaching contest - jn Westport. As the result of a ballot taken among, the. competing bands, Mr F conductor of the Wellington Garrison Band has beeh s^elected^ musical judge ofitheVcpntest. .", Mr : Herd as a* musical conductor holds a record, having secured,: first honors in not less than five consecutive interprovincial contests... It will^ be his appearance as a judge, but his achievments speak for his musical ability, and it is confidently hoped he- will give every satisfaction. r-. The rumor that Mr. Mart|tt' had appointed is incorrect. ' y.-y j. "-. -^J^ n '■-. i The Right Hon RJ Seddon aiid Mrs • lef ti by special train on Saturdayevening for Kumara A large number of friends were oh the platfdfm to wish them good-bye. • They will proceed to Christ--ohurch to-morrpw. >- ' f ;. At St John's Debating Society tomorrow evening .''lmpromptu speeches" will-be dealt-with( ; Memters and intend-,: ing members are requested to notify- thesecretary of any sub jects. they would like to hear discussed, ■ : .; , An' ; accident-occurred 'at'-thia i Globe niirie on Saturday ! niprnirtg shortly after midnight, a miner nanied Christopher Kassler .falling down the L winze froth W6 } 5 to l!f o 6 level, a distance of 175 feet. No parf ticuiars are yet to hand;' . •; :■ GW Moss and; Co wiU :^s6U: : at.'Prersqn' Ya : rds,to-day prime liye^sr^pkj inducting ,r^o : horses._ '. .. J, J \y Z : 7J.77Z7Z J' J7'J..' Jj Mark Sprot .and'^Cp will .hold their Visual fortnigi^tjy; siaie;' of fat . sh^ep atlPreston^ Yar<^ to-clay^ .' 7 J Z ... ; yi ?. A new'bakery will be started in Tainui street during the week; ZJ^ Jy.-yy-y-To-day is tfia last day for ' sending in Laiid Tax returns prevent an increased ' jato. ■ : ---J.y-3.j.. z .,,'.'.' .. J~'J.Z-'7jj.Z7zj'' Nancarrow and Co will sell by auction oriltbe wharf this, mprning : 108. sacks *)f potatoes and oiiibnsv ' ' ' : The usual meeting oftliie ; Fire Brigade takes place to-r>ight.-, •;?'.. '-JZJZ. '■■;.. .. :j- : .y '■ ElsewhereiMr.HiGilmer of Totara Flat notifies that all persons trepassing on' bis, landin pursuit of game will be prosecuted, and all dogs found will be dessroyed Ss the Jatter ,. cr.eate hayoc 4 ..amongst, the ,< . Aheep- and cattle.' ;^--. ;';,>:;• ; ■'■•-• ' :. : : i Tenders for county works at 'Ngahere, TwelyerMile, Razorb,ack are invited in this issue; :..; yjt^t ■J(j^yyrZ;.<... : --v..r : fj : - Co-operative tenders for the Gireenv^tpne road idevia^on^and for the track to Lake riockstetter are called f orin^another 7Column. X; „..;.,..,.-- .,,. fr .... ■-..,,.,...,. . ( .,,. T . :^. r^j -. It: is estimated "thafcr- ifc would cost L 7500 to alter the Mount €ook f G;aol afc WellingfceuTj in order. to.fifciit.;fpr;.thß purposes df the Vicbotia r Go\legepknd : that a- siim df ; L9GOo^w^d^o^er' all coritirigencies; VThis'eipeh'difcure would provide suitable buildings which otherwise wou'd cost L 35-000. The sifce is a truly regal one. It was obviously • the best in the neighbourhood of Wel lington, and: it-was lit/tl%sUQrb , pf - -an atrocity. to seize, it for gaol: purposes, though ;tb\e G>ti2ens. of 4- Wellington . didnofc seem to discern j anything -,- out pf the way in planting a; gaol. there. :- If • there is now the least' chance of secur--1%-the site for the Victoria College : the citizens - shbiildi: do alt ;irr jtheir; powerto seethat-the; hill is crJoiy?%d with -a cfiHege > instead ofa pehiterixiaryi ; '/■Mr J. H. Coombs, the Dresden: Piano Company's repr^'seritative,- is r at present in Greymouth for -'the -purpose of in fcroducling to the -musical public of this town and surrounding .districts the Dresden. Company's' 5 high- class ■'pianos by -all on terim's' frpni 20/- 'mbrithly| . arid :'ATrieri-; : , can organs by Bell arid" iother well kuO wh 'inakers,-frbm 10/6 monthly. ' Mr Cdo-mbs" - headquarters are at the Company's local agents,. Messrs J. ■W, iEasson and AdV^i;--''- -:■'- ' „. 7 <::: J'Z J-y- '" ;:•■'- ' yyJy'-J .The finest tea in the • market 'is -the Beehive Al Ceylon. It is to be had .. at Guikpen and Smith's, ■ Beehive ; and Union Stores..; .They .are the sole agents' for this^ celebr)it'ed':brahd. -J-Ad^tZJ, : . „ & Tailoring Deparfcmenfc. — T. W.'TYaxpjfs |&' Co.i .fewhera/ Ojuay,,; remind those. who intend 'havTrirfa new suit made before Xmas, to call and give, their order as soon • as possible, so as to, prevent Jdisappoint,/riient.'.'. Suits made to .measure from, -505.. • .Fit, and workmanship^uarahtoe^.—A^JVT " T. W. Tymons & Co.. have opened new shipments'pf fancy new- mil-: linery, new . prints, new dresses, new umbrellas, new mackintoshes, new gloves ;&c. * Prices-' as . iisualT^mpst . moderate., Inspection invited.-^ Advt. ■: ; • ■ ■'- . f Important to Gyclists-^W M'Kay &"Son have; just received LadiSs'- CycUng Hats and Glovesf Gents' OyclhigSuitdi'Kriickera; . Hose arid Sweaters; •' Oate Stock is' being continually reasserted -with the'latest-f • importations and ' Smartest lihesj which keeii buying 'aiid long fexpefience in the ; trade .'canicommand. vWM'KAY^SbN.—ADVT . Mr Gl Ingall dr^lKed HpuMeit^^yi^w removed *his "well-assorted stock of.ironmongery, crockery; fancy '^opds, pipes, &c.. to temporary premises, iiext Easson's Hall, Richmond. Quay, and in. ..order to. make room for new stock Is offering, tlie whole of the goods to the. general publio ab less than coat pricei —Advt. 7../. ■' Our {T up-to-date" townsman is afc it again with his stock-taking Sale. Bargains, are offered that will astonish every person ': that visits him. Ladies' summer hats for 3d, v dress pieces for 2s lld, 3s lld and^ 4s lld a dress." Calicos, for 2si . -Art? muslin for 2d. Six yards Twill Cretonnes for Is 6d, and heaps of other lines must h% cleared away before stocktaking at Christopher Smith's.— -Advt. 1 T..W." Tymons &C 6., Drapers, Maw hera Quay; <;Greymouth, has a splendid stock of ready made . clothing^ all «izes, for nieh. and boys. The materials have been 'sbecially selected: The garments are well ■made in every respect and.the prices most: mdderate. — Advt.. \ • jewelled head is the most pitiable of eizures. If it arises from inordinate self s .esteem, then it is also ridiculous and the had better climb down before the : inevitable". fall. If it is-due to an excess .'of .cpnviviality the "hair of the dog that bit" should be carefully avoided ; if the cause is a bad cold it requires instant 1 attention aud treatment. The one tried and certain remedy ia Woods's Grant

Peppermint Cure. Pleasant to take ; .diregtinr&ction y speedy ineffecfe Keep it Gjifhand ; it is sold in Is 6d and 2s '6d beetles everywhere.-— Advt. • -

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Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10272, 1 May 1899, Page 2

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THE Grey River Argus PUBLISHED DAILY. MONDAY MAY 1 1899. Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10272, 1 May 1899, Page 2

THE Grey River Argus PUBLISHED DAILY. MONDAY MAY 1 1899. Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10272, 1 May 1899, Page 2