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At Hokitika to-day Mark Sprot and Co Will hold an auction aalo of draught, saddle and light Imtmt ham*.

At Easson's Public Hall to-night Mr when they will produce the "Rose Shamrock and Thistle." The Coy has beep doing good business on the Coast, andj in every instance received flattering notices from the Press. When here last the combination " caught on" with; the public and is just as likely to meet with similar success now. The following is a copy of the letter issued by the Commander of the Forces to the volunteers on receipt of the offer to take part in the Samoan war :— Sir,— -I have the honor to acknowledge the i receipt \ of your telegram of the 3rd inst, /offering the services of the Volunteer icorps in your district to assist us in repressing the Native disturbances in Samba, In reply I have been instructed to convey .the thanks of the - Government to all HSpncernedfor their' patriotic offer, and iriv form them that their offer will be botne in mind should their services be required in the future. -^-1 have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, By order, W. Madocks, Major (for Colonel, Commander N Z Forces)." - ; In another coliimn A Hilderbraiid aid , Co announce that they have on hand a large assortment of tinned -meats, which, are acknowledged to be the best obtainable and are stocked by all grocers. ' In connection with their business the firm have issued free insurance policies to those . doing business with them, by which'lJlOO mil be made in case.of death tp deceased's representatives, or a payment of Ll per week ifibhe holder meets with an accident and is prevented from following his usual avocation. -The, Right Hon R J Seddon anJ Mr? . Seddon arrived by the Hinemoa on Saturday evening, and were heartily welcomed by a large circle of friends. The Premier and his good lady are looking; hale , and hearty, and will no doubt enjoy, their, short stay on the Coast. The Premier proceeds to Hokitika this morning land will return, to Greymouth on Wednesday morning. , .'.... -, •,-.,- --. On ; Saturday afternoon about; 200 people gathered around Bennies Hall to witness the trial of the fire escape invented by Mr Stevenson; The idea .is simple, but is also" Very effective.; Mr Stevenson descended in a comparatively short time from the roof of. the theatre, 1 and later on brought down two men : with' him. The invention is one that" will certainly commend itself, asj it is one thafc' caii be worked by anyone,; andfeshoulds •prove most valuable in large hotels and offices. On reaching the ground alter his first attempt'; Mr Stephenisoh was : -lbadly>; cheered, the public being fully satisfied* ; that theinvention was a m6stf.creditable"' ■one.' We wish Mr Stevension eyjery good;, iuck with, his nivention, and cpngratutet©him on his attainment. ■ , ' " The members of the staff 'of.thw jQurnal... assembled around the /^stone" on Satur* ;day afternoon to make a presentation to 7 Mr P. E. White, who is sbortly to- enter "the ranks of the benedicts. -Mr T. Woods, oh behalf of the staff, in a, most '■; happy' apeech, referred to the gppd^feeliiig .that prevailed in the companionship, and' "was pleased to see that another of their num« bef was about to enter the ' ■ " happy rank."" He had much pleasure in asking Mr Vpiite to accept, .in token of their esteem, "a. suitably inscribed marble r clock, and. • wished him every happiness ande prosperity. Qther members of the staff also spoke in laudatory terms, ahd^wisjbed.ltfr White every joy in sphere -of life. In thanking the staff/ Mr WhTte-siaid' 'it' was a pleasant surprise to him to receive such a handsome and substantial gift from his fellow-workers. He thanked them most heartily for their kind remarks r and expressions of goodwill, and hoped that he would always act so as to command the respect of his co-workers, who alwayi endeavored to make the every day work of life a pleasant duty. The Chappy 'event" is to to be solemnised;in: Jhe Roman Catholic Church on. Wednesday next* Fire Brigade members are requested to attend a special meeting of the; Brigade at their Hall this evenbg at .7 o'clock sharp. The election for the State school com-. mittees throughout the district take place this evening. Nominations will be received in the schoolhouse. .'•;;-- -..•.;-. ; : The train from Grey to Hokitika will be delayed this morning, in order to con-: nect with the.Reefton service. .' •■ ; ; . .• . Shares forfeited in the Sunlight Go will be sold by auction. . A notice appears' elsewhere,' '" r- -■ ;-. . . /. .A football match was played at Taylorville on Saturday last between t*eams representing the Blackball- and Brunner Pirates, and resulted. in a win for the latter by six points (two tries) to nil. In the Wolliugton district great diffiV culty is being found in collecting the game license, Natives say they are advised not to pay by Hone Heke, M H 8,. ''I The Kumara Times reports ' that on Friday a miner -named J Sharin'ahan,whilst working in his claim was partly buried. by a fall of. earth, sustaining a broken ankle and a fracture of the arm. His mates rescued him and took- him home where he was attended by Dr Scotfc, Mr J. H. Coombs,, the Dresden Piano Company's representative, is at present in Greymoutli,for .the purpose of introduc* ing to the musical public of this townand surrounding district^ the Dresden Company's high class pianos by all makers, on terms from 20/- monthly, and AmerLcau organs by Bell and other.well known makers, from 10/6 monthly. Mr Coombs headquarters are at the Company's local' agents, Messrs-J. W. Easson and Co.—' Advt. * :.:',••' - ; At first its wind and then its rain, ; Its cold,then hot, then cold again, . Such trying climate brings on chills, -.-- And must increase the doctor's bills ; But what is that which saves expense, Which we can buy for eighteenpence, ■ ..-,•. - Which drives away all colds for sure ? Why, Wm E Woods's Great Pepper-: mint Cure. — Advt. The finest tea in the market is the " Beehive Al Ceylon. It is to be had at Gripfen and Smith's, Beehive and Union Stores. They are -the sole agents for this celebrated'brand.— Advt • Tailoring Department. — T. W. Tymons & Co., Mawhera Quay, remind those who intend having a new suit made before; Xirias to call 'and give their order as soon as possible, so as to prevent disappointment. Suits made to measure from 50f« Fit and workmanship'guaranteed.— Advt T. W. Tymons & Co. have opened' new shipments of fanoy goods, 'new. iniK: linery, now pjints, new drMut, hew umbrellßSi now micklnUshoe, a«w glovw^

&o. Prices as usual— most moderate. Inspection invited. — Advt.

Important to Cyclists— W M'Kay & Son have just received Ladies' Cycling Hats and Gloves, Gents' Cycling Suits, Knickers. Hose and Sweaters. Our Stock is being continually Teassorted with the latest importations and smartest lines, which keen buying and long experience in the trade caDcommarid. ' W M'Kay & Son. —Advt

MrG.lngall of Red House, has now removed his well-assorted, stock; of ironmongery,' crockery, fancy goods, pipes, &c, to temporary premises, nextEasson's Hall, Richmond, Quay, and in order to make room^for new" stock is offering the whole of the goods to the general public at less than cost price.— Advt.

Our "Up-to-date 1 / ' townsman is at it again with his stock-takirig^Sale. Bargains are offered y that will astonish every person that visits him. Ladies' summer hats for 3d, dress pieces for 2s lid, 3s lid and 4s lid a .dress. Calicos for 2s. Art muslin f of 2d. Six yards Twill Cretonnes for Is 6d,. and heaps of other lines must be cleared away before stocktaking •at Christopher Sjuth's. — Advt.

During a twelve months' residence in every town in New Zealand hundreds of lectures were delivered to thousands of people on the merits of the Great Unknown Remedy De Wenton's Liniment. Droves of "people were treated publicly and in every instance they received cvi dence of this wonderful pain destroyer. No one could deny the many wonderful cures nightly demonstrated on the public platform. "Note the autograph in Blue Ink on the label; All Chemists 2/6. — Advt.

T. W. Tymons &Co., Drapers, Maw hera Quay, Greymouth, has a splendid ■took of ready ma"de' clothing, all sizes, r f or men and' boys." The materials hayeTbeen specially selectedV The garments are well made in every respect and the prices most moderate. —Advt.

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Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10266, 24 April 1899, Page 2

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Untitled Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10266, 24 April 1899, Page 2

Untitled Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10266, 24 April 1899, Page 2