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Public Notices /><REY DISTRICT PERMANENT AJT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY (Registered.) Directors : Messra J. Arnott, F. Badger, R. Collins, F. O. Dupre, E. I. Lord, S. Roulston. Bankers: The National Bank of New Zealand (Limited.) The Society is prepared to grant Loans upon Leasehold and Freehold Security repayable by monthly, quarterly, or halfyearly instalments, to Include principal and interest; Table of monthly repayments for th,' oan of £100, including interest : — One Year £9 0 0 Two Yeara 415 6 Three Years 3 7 0 Four Years 2 13 6 Five Years 2 5 0 The Directors meet at the Society's office, Werita street, on the first Friday in each month for the conduct of ordinary business. ! RICH. NANCARROW, Secretary /CALENDARS for 1887. South British \j Insurance Company supply gratis onapplication to agents, Messrs Nancarrow and Co., Werita street, Greymouth. mHE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE OF X NEW ZEALAND. ITS OBJECTS ARE SPECIALLY PROTECTIVE. The Estates of persons who die, having neglected to make their -wills, and who have not any friends living in the colony ready to apply for administration, are carefully administered, debts paid and residues remitted to those legally entitled to receive them. All persons are, however, urged to instruct their solicitors as to their wills whilst in possession of health and unimpaired faculties. Inviolable security for the fulfilment of their wishes is assured by the appointment of the Public Trustee aa sole Executor. No charge i 3 made upon the deposit for safe custody of any Will by which the Public Trustee is appointed Executor. Other Wills miy be deposited on payment of a fee of Ten Shillings. . Subject to the provls'ons of the Public Trust Office Acts, any present trustee may transfer the management of trust property to the Public Trustee, who will thereupon hold such property upon the original trust attaching thereto. The scale of fpes applicable to the classes of Estates above referred to is as follows : — On all receipts of income under a trust, or on realising property under a will, or transfer of administration or probate, £5 per cent. For rendering Property-Tax return (if necessary), 10s. For rendering Stamp account (if necessary), 2s 6d per cent. Mm. fee, £1. For obtaining probate (if necessary), 7s 6d per cent. Max. fee, £10. For investing funds, if the sum lent is under £1000, 20s per cent. For investing funds, If the sum lent is over £100<\ 15s per cent. The Public Trustee holds large sums of money for investment on real security at current rates of interest. Any sums may be advanced on first mortgage of freehold property to the extent of one-half of its actual value. Applications for advances will be received at the various agencies. Every policyholder under "The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1873." may register such policy within six months after the making thereof, on payment of a fee of five shillings. For more Detailed Information Apply to the various Local Agents, or to the Public Trustee at Wellington. RICH. NANCARROW, Agent, Greyraouth. Medical. A WONDERFUL -MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by Qii4jQ thousands to be e * >^^*x worth a Guinea a wJW/ Box tor bilious and IQ&/ \Vl*\ nervous disorders, M\S.f \ \\ such as wind, and /WTiirmrnm \~ti\ pain in the stomach, I / PATttfN V I ' I sick headache, gid|lQ| r%i ■■ r* iHI dine 6 . 3 , fulness and I-fM rlblaOi /flsj swellingaftermeals, wij\ . Its I dizziness and drowIW\ '" "■ //*»/ siness, cold* chills, Ytfj\ /4?/ flushings of heat, VCxs. sts*M loss of appetite, \ffife-~~ *■ <fvy/ shortness of breath, -^W*»-/jSS\ J*2r costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, JUL disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in 20 minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases, Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, opeu all obstructions, and bring about all that is I required. Ko females should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken ' according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like " MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are "FACTS" admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society ; and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, Beecham's Pills have die largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COTJGHPILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Wheezing, &c, these Pills stand unrivalled; and anyone labouringunder any of the above complaints need only try One Box to prove that they are the best ever offered to the public for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness and Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difiiculty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints give Beeohaii's Cough Pills a trial. The most violent Cough will in a short time be removed. Ciurioy.— The public are requested to notice that the words " Beecham's Pills, St. Helens," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each Bos of the Pills. If not on they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail bj the proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens Lancashire, England, in boxes at Is. lid. anc 2s. 9d. each.— Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the Colonies. N.B.— Full directions a*e given with each box.

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Grey River Argus, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5809, 25 January 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Grey River Argus, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5809, 25 January 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Grey River Argus, Volume XXXIV, Issue 5809, 25 January 1887, Page 4