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An inquest was held yesterday at the Court Hoii3e, before W. H. Revell, Esq. Coronor, ana a jury of twelve, of which Mr Joseph Kilgour was foreman, touching the death of Thomas Hunter; The witnesses examined were Mr Arnott, deceased's partner, Dr Acheson, Mr James, of the Dispatch Foundry, and the police, and the evidence adduced differed in no lespecfc from the account of the sad occurrence as published in yesterday's issue. It transpired that about five days ago Hunter exhibited very decided syin-itoms of mental aberration, afc one time asking Mr Arnott to point out the '■■ jugular vein, in order that should he cufc his '■ throat he might do so effecfcualiy. He had since then been under the care of Dr Ache- ; son, and watched by Mr Arnott and his family, and on the eveniog preceding the : [ commission of the ra9h acfc was apparently in better spirits than usual. When found, the body was quite cold, and from the deep ; indentation of the rope on the neck ifc was evident thafc ifc had hung for some hours. There was no evidence to show that to any: reason, financial or otherwise, could the mental condition of deceased be ascribed. Death resulted from strangulation. The jury returned a verdict to tbe effect that Thomas Hunter hanged himself while laboring under temporary insanity. The funeral will take place afc 2 o'clock to-day. Messrs G. W. Moss and Co hold a sale of new and second-hand furniture, at their rooms, at 2 o'clock to-day. •; In another column will be found Mr Heber Newton's announcement fco the electors, stating thafc he had been nominated as a candidate for the representation of the Grey Valley in his absence, and withoufc bis consent, and that he .declines to solicit their suffrages at present. Mr Newton, while thanking his nominators, and expressing his | sense of the honor done 1 im and the support prof erred, explains that upon some future occasion, and under circumsfcmcaß better suited fco enable him to do justice to the interests of the district, he may come forward. Professor Hennicke has returned from a successful visifc to Reefton, and purposes opening here on Friday, 24bh inst, the Queen's birthday. The Greymouth Gas Compaay seems determined to try the patience of the consumers of gas by supplying an article of a very inferior quality, and even very little of that. At half past nine lasfc night the .supply was So short as t« leave the town in semidarkness, and seriously interfered with business Unless a remedy is speedily applied a large number ol gas consumers will be compelled fco reverb again to kerosene. The usual annual concert and ball for the benefit of che Greymouth Hospital was held at the Hospital Building, Ahaura, on the 17fch in-fc. . The unusual wet . weather interfered seriously with the succees of the entertainment in a money point of view, still a most pl.easant evening was stent by all present. Mr H. Walmsley efficiently acted as chairman during the concert. He briefly explained the object for which the entertainment was held, and that _i.uch a weU-con-ducfci d institution as the Greymouth Hospiual deserved the cordial support of every person. A large number of amateurs kindly ass sted in making tho evening a pleasant one, comprising Mesdames Garth and Edridge, Misses Lamberton, Leathwood. Twohill, and Hargreaves, Messrs Gay, Smith, Nel3o7i, and Nicol, Miss Lamberton and Mrs Elridge specially distinguished themselves

by the manner in which they rendered the duet ''The Minute Gun at Se* ;" Miss Leathwood sang " Silver Threads among the Gold" very nicely; Miss Twohill sarjg "Ted.:y O'Neill" with good taste; Mr Edridge, with the harmonium, enhanced the evening's amusement. Great credit is due to Messrs $mith, T. Cochrane, and Nelson, for the interest that thej? took in getting up the entertainment, and though a large number of the inhabitants of the Ahaura were conspicuous by their absence, no doubt fchey intend to give their guinea to the Hospital collectors. A vote of thanks to the Chairman and to all that had assisted terminated tbe concert. The ball was kept up with greafc spirit till daylight, all seemingly pleased wifch the evening's amusement. The Wesfc Coast Times says : —" Mr Stringer, head of the Telegraph Department, sends a memorandum to the effect that a Press message received on the 16th instant, should read, "He (Reeves) strongly supports," not "opposes," the Grey Ministry. I Ihe error seems to have been made at Reef • ton, the lines working so badly, that it cannot be ascertained how ifc occurred." A htfndsome, well-bred retriever dog was run over to-day by one of the ballast trains, opposite Messrs Girdwood, Lahman, and Co's stores, #c. The Otago Daily Times is rough, but not more so than it deserves, on the Pres? Agency. In explanation of a leading article that had appeared in its columns, ifc says : — "Through the unpardonable blundering of the Press Telegraph Agency we have been led into a very false position, from which we honestly admit we desire to extricate ourselves with the best grace we can. It in for its sins we presume that New Zealand j mrnalism has this wretched Agency fastened on its shoulders, from which, owing to a monopoly in English telegrams, which the Agency had from Reuter, it seems as impossible to shake it off as it was to dislodge tho Old Man of the Sea." The Sydney Echo of tbe 30ch ult. states : " Since his arrival in Australia, Colonel Glover, observing the public anxiety to receive the latest news during the European political complications, has been constantly endeavoring to obtaia a daj and night service. The company's cables have been invariably open at all times, but the Java liaes are closed during certain hours of the nighfc. ColoaeL Glover has, therefore, endeavored to induce fche Dutch Government to keep th*-ir lines open continuously, and has even offered to work tbe Batavia aud B.injoe wangle office with the cempany's apparatus. Owing to greal: sickness among their staff at the intermediate station of Sourabaya, the Dutch authorities were unable tp undertake the work."

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Grey River Argus, Volume 21, Issue 3046, 21 May 1878, Page 2

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Untitled Grey River Argus, Volume 21, Issue 3046, 21 May 1878, Page 2

Untitled Grey River Argus, Volume 21, Issue 3046, 21 May 1878, Page 2