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4 Tte iwu^jw^lly meeting of tlie Improve- - tJWenK^jggi^B held at , 4 o'clock ■on" '.'4 Tuesday afternoon at the tramway office-. ' There were present, Messrs Whall (chairman), Moore (secretary), Kenrick, Davies -St»ke r Kenned-y,.Maateia,..Kilgour r ,l?ellinij,- .- • and Hughes. ".. """ :" . .••..,-.■■■■«• The minutes pf the last meeting were ksoV '" •and, after some slight amendment,' a?loptwl ' "' : ■'! r^The Chairman : said-he.-kad reoeiw<t~auo.- ■■••- 4 ther letter from " the man Simmons " and reading it -he wished the Committee : : to understand that he had nothing whatever" . tp do ;Wit.h the letter, directly or indirectly, * >' Ho hsi,d great objection to letters of tHis character being addres^ed^ to the Committee ; but as it was; he supposed he mus£ read it. 1 ' : ! The Chairman then read the letter/ which was a reiteration of Mr Simnions'a previous "protest against the 'ejection- bf/ Mr 'Kenrick, ohithe ground of his being'a 1 Government jjfficial^ <'.'>. '■■'' l U ■;=-il U. VjHfe :;; ■ ■■ ': ■ Mr Kennedy thought It -fara -highly ■ tionable that suoli letters sliottld bbrcceiired ; and that no notice whatever aliould be taken .pf it. x . Mr suggested that perhaps it would be as well to reply to the JetteryfUMT inform. Mr. Simmons that no fnrthe^letters of thesaipe character could be leceivecl. t 1 Mr Davies was of opiiiiouktha^tlie best way to deal with the lettersfeouM be, for thechairinan to write across ftm red ink, and refer Mr Simmons to Mr^Eenrick's conrti* tuents. After some tliscus&jon, Mr Davies proposed a resolution to the .ibove effect, which I was. seconded by Mr Stnke/and carried. §Mr Kenrick : Befoic personal discussions were qiute disposed of, he wished to know if it w«os- the intention of the Committee to meetMr Beswiek, the Secretary^fotr Public' ; Wbife^ who had arrived |ha^ftensotMfc j aiill^ : f r if sueh ; was th.c intentigij^tt^iKtp^be suj^ ': posed jbhat the chairn|^^^j^;.act aß;tl;iev:^ : moiith^piece of the Confi^|ce!^«-He would ? -i^ ask y/is if possible that Mr^^atlltfc<>wl<i jirfc V ■ $ pe^ly^ interpretthe feeliiigs^tji^Cojnimittcc^ j i-; "especially on .the most in^rthntj ;snbje'clr " upon Which -they had de^^^Mr^hal^ «; J had ./expressed so decided s au;-^ppppirtipn to - X the course taken by the Co^inStt^eonthe .municipal question, that it seeiueti l absurd to expect that ho (Mr Whjill)^c^uhl, ■^ the, in<iuthpiece : of J fche' Committee,!: liirge: the ric-^ • Cssity of a measure which, ingsjgite H apro- a iie he gave to the conti-a|^.*hit;ii((d ■ -'$ liressed his deternjination tojwpose-^wtii fin ?| and out of the Committee? ~stt would be : in' in the recollection, of niemliera' tliat, when Ms Whall was' chosen as gliairfliari, he J'staiietl that if, after due'M'eHUerA^^' : ;.^vmiij.on£y'' of ■the Committee decul^^^ftfyor:of a inunicii pality, he would no^pi^r^pp^s^i^i- The ; Committee^ha.d decia«liilmQst in^avor of a nmni(|^|ji^»^|;x;Mr Whall; './ h*ad, contrary to his gpreyioiia promise, op-. p%sed the measure moi f e^s^rJ3ig|y-thaii-' ever. Mr Whall^said that Mr ;I^rick h>d mis-c ;: t understood him. What he^idaay when he; i-P was elected chairman waa^^^Tliai^if bowwwcecZ by, a majority of tli'e^GJpißUQEftttce, he-. ; ; i would no longer oppose a m^nio|phli^ Hei i' might now state that he felt, 'tfeTsshpuld ntt. doing right to the Commitfep tp^ oppose a& itfieir mouthpiece-'wlKvt tLey'h^^ikgxed^tSj as,; He would noi op^^piiiything^ '.'-',; which the Committee might havcli?to;say;to, : ,': his Honor the- Superintendent as&f Ideputa&fei' '■!'"' Mr.Keniick' thought that as ||r JWliall J>a^^S on former occasions explicitly. WWI fe iwonl^^^p oppose a munidpality, both! \n and out of th^^^p Committee, there cpiilil be no coiififienQ'e^tha^^fei hi Avouldj.nqt do sotheii. Heiwould^riugy^^ ; tfie matter 5 to J an : ißßne > :I}y'.inbA r i^^o'''f6tfW.>^@|| ing resolution :— 'VUWoived.: t^t^this Cpm^^|B mintee are .of opinion that a chairman pledge<V.&^ topppose the wislies of" a niajtrirfcy of thia^W^ Committee is an auomal}', and oiie likely to§o/ eml >arras ...the opcratipus of the ; Cpinmittee.j^^^ and tiijit Mr AVhall lie requested to resig«|jjJß his oliice of Chfiirmaij of the Committee." Mr JJavies seconded, the resolution.~-:-It;fMo--was essentially nfeeessa^y^tJiat.thfi qh^tW^iS;^^^ should be the mouthpiece pfthe Comniittee,, v ■ .> iindi as such, shoulif have their entire conn" -i. ■'['■:■■■ "-y §ence, ...and jje energetic, in urging- vjjioiihist'U '^;. Ffonor the matters decided on by' the Coni^. 7 | mittce. -■ y :.<■..;■.{•■■ i •.('••■■.; ■ , :■,, ■■■,';..• '-■'''■??§£ Mr Kennedy supported the resolution. r • ' v ; Mr .WhallV With.regartl .to, the; various; other subjects that would have to be brougltt^;. under the Superintendent's! nptice^hevcoultl >^# assure the Committee that nothing'shouid be?i; '«% *\ wanting oivhisyjparjb'to impress thjeir wishes#i§^ 'upon his Hlonor's atteiitioni buth^cgiild nofe' '^'o-i pledgo 'himself -".to snpporb. a/jnOTicip^lity^H?^ With thatexception, and that exception a] one K ■&&[ .he woulduse cvci-y, possible ve^piet to. carrj^i|^| lout the wishes.of the Committee^ T ; ,'SSSi 1 J Mr Kenrick would . prejss, his^ot^n. was impossible for Mr WhalLtij^jpl|erpret thle^^^o wishes of the Committee.; : •^ViVv^fc-i .. Mr Whall :"H"two-tbird^f^ inha^^ tauts would . sign ?u ; petitiofeiu jfavbr r ol£ios%<s, municipality he wouht the^^lpprt it."-; ■' &it> y y:o he beiieved-a yas^ niajpriife^eje- on^sod^ttiip:^ t\i Mr Masters suggested tba^itmjgntperha^^^ obviate the difficulty if a sub-tbmmittee wer©: 6 appoiutcd to. wait, upon h.ia. Hbnpt^ Stipes .intendeut^"";' " ■•■"■.'• iL' .]j;'[i\ ' '"'^ l? - : ' ; '"' ; ' ■■":.' ; iv Z Mr Kennedy : Or slJni6 i otKer mouth-piece might be chosen ?; Mr Kennck.|pres l sed nil motion." Mr Whall; ; was^ppliticaliydisKpuest, hehad given several v pleclgesl all of 'which he'hadllit aside when.?f' | -wsuited r hjm And now he told the- S-V ;;Compii^^at'if^a-'^'4monal-^farbr'''of' ; a > ''''' - sjgned by twp-th,irda pf^the-, inhabitants he woiUd support it -J Now he would ask Mr 1 Whall why Tie did not support •iiKe memorial that was sent tp the .Supe<in-. , tendfnt when he "|slr Whall j was attending '■' '-'; the Councils He iiiust have been aware that, such a,memprial ; had been sent. ; V V- '.;'■;,' ; .: • r < r {: | Mr Whali coiiid oiily say that he; knew ; | ,! -nothing of such a memorial until after he^ re-v -^ turned to Greymonth. '' . ' .' ' v; , : : / Mr Kenrick: How could Mr^W^ac-^;^ count for his haViiig signed that very-memo-rial ? The 1 late' Seicretary 6f;th^:ljnprpveihei i$S \- Cpinmittee, (Mr, Pay^j^^liadrtold' hini: that Mr Whall" signed ''the inSemorial iv hia^o presence. I : "''' y ~ *■ .- ';'■.' '■ '■ ; : ; . • . 'Ws£& Mr , Whall: -Mr Payne should liave also : i%l|^ stated the" circumstances tinder which it was^jfgf ■% sighed. The fact was, Mr Pavne , was going^|^^ round with two petitions for signature, one;sCK£||f?£ separation and . another, for a .municip^Uty^SE-;; He (Mr ; WliallJ'sighed'thi wrong pe^tw^pt9|||| injstak4Jand:heitoidf Mr Payne 1 to eras|pK^^ ;name from the municipality petition. t;ijfej||||f might say that^he t'thought the. Committee ■%!£•*;^ attaching tdo^mucn importance t6vtHeS@w jmterview witn his'Honoi-j for/he did^noitpitV:! think that aiiythidg. JJie; Committee or,'liei!/:ix-. persouajly might say "'to' Ms Honor on the' : V •^ubjecMpfiaJ municipality; would haye muchii^u:; weights His Honor would be guidetl m6re;;£^; by any petitions, for or" against it which iSu&gZ^ might revive from the inhabitants.. ■ y „ Mr Kennedy differed f lomMi? Whallin thfii}; • • . |natter. ,T His Honor wag a man of discern-; : 'K rmerit, ;>nd" would ask the reasons for the wish ;, •; 'of the Committee.; He believed his Honor- ' would be iHfliienced iii a great degree by the '■; y representations that might be' uia^e to him;; V': 5 ! thrjerugh^^the Oimmittee. • ; Mi Whall could, f. £'l hotin this respect act as the month-piece of t:P " the Committee. > V 'V [ -\~:; ' ■'.'' : ' ;! ' ; -' ■J.:.;'-'-;^f : .;'- : 4i;."' : :Mj|Whall thought a great nustak^ existed „-- *' as w|pis opinioils; 'He was only opposed to i'^V-' -a ul\ini,cipality ; at present betia^se he thoughi^feY thereweire' inaiij>;'things' v t& b^ i Stone Ke|pjretS3||L; responsibilrlies of^ar in^hicipai^gbyermTMul^ ■ i : : should be undertaken. "..«;> ;<S^:r;V;. : ;-^ 0 Sir Masters^ thought it^^ was absolutely jiegeESiuiy 4h^th'e; Ghairin&£ should act as

■■-:"■..-•. : ■-:' --— -<~— — — ■ ( the mouthpiece of the Committee on the occasion of the '-'deputation, to his Honor the Superintendent, and he. would mme-an /.amendment -to strike out of Mr Kennels •motion the- words calling upon Mr Whalhtty 'resign} and substitute in their place, ' ' that Jsome other gentleman be requested to acJPalf mouthpiece ou that .occasion.'! , ■' . -; Mr Strike 'seconded thejamcndmciit K Mr Hughes tiiou|ht' it was decidedly the correct. plan that tlie^£Jbairii)an should act as j'yT^^nmithpicce of #he Committee. ~ tjffijjjp Kenrick • referred ., to , another matter, which it was isbsoiittejy ne*cessary should b» explaiuc'd 1 to" his-' Honor, viz\ " the including A portion of the Maori Reserve ■\vithin * the;; proposed^municipality. The amendment 4i44\Pt-Mi. pdf °£the difficulty at all. The, ■.Contuuttee ■ wre elected for a^>Be)r^o . a iminic'ipahty — and it ,'^w^ndiettlous that On •' 'their first oppprtuhity. of urging, the matter on the Bupernitciideut they; should be represented by a Chairman opeiuy opposed to it. Mr Whall thought that as his Honor had hot yet arrived, be would 'suggest that a subCommittee c .nvass , the .town 'for., signasuies for and against a municipality, and then let the Committee take steps accordingly. Mr Keimei<iy^£^Thc public /vyere already well awareyr^pYhat the 1 Coinpiittee *were doing in tHcjjitfallj^^^ia municipality, aud it was theidut^^^^^^^^)lic, if they weie dissatisfied^ fog^i^fnuj^ meeting, and have the usse d and decided. Jfor his partVtße'^lji^^^yile yahie 011 pi 1 1 die jietitionSj for be ha^|^Micl that so long as there was no moiiil^^^uired people were ready to sign anytliiia^^p Mr 'Whall i i.^crl;|lj^plain-— his puneipal reason' for .opposiiig;:a^fiinicipalitj', at pre* sent, was thatiic beliei^d it would be possible nejtt^session; it^fget money voted for street improyementS'ihi^Grej'niouth, which would no^^tjj^ftute^Sif ::fc lmnricipajity was , formed-r^C^ -•:::V. : t— "?' v^vS|ia:'' ' '" Mr .reieifed^tp Mr Whall's previ()Uß sta^inents^^toiiw.^auts of money paying bcra ; giye^>^x|tauhieipalitie t s He jnentioiiccVsever.^ jnßtaiiceß;6f sums of money s having been-^aute<l.¥anifii)g various' sessinns' to the mnnicijjalitiip^cjl^jyttelton, (Jhrist-thurchand:-^.i^o^iW^: WLall 1 was c\U s ilently ver^igjio^Jvl^flKfe sulyject. T v y\r \yj^U'-.repeat^d^ r iiat he had before said." Sums of iinpiie^llad bnen vote<l to the n™uicipaltHe3^;ll«3A#B' ar ds, for the maintenance ioftfi^niaitfjti&ids, but rib grants of money fQr^mXiaigiEatl'wrposea voted in JJ3GJS 6 had been paid,"* : 'au&y:crylittle of the mone^" clue to thcinip^^loa^^oarcls either. Mr- Kcnriclc'tadJsiMde no mistake The iinancc accounts isli^ied separate votes for Road Boards and^s ; lan&l||alities, and it -w as down in the'ypuViic^doPlHP 611 * 8 t ua ' these grants liad.;feen ; paid Md^xijended.: Mr Davies : Tlie Gommitte'^ere sujroosed to act iinSniaiouslyraß'ift^l^B^ Then Chaiijnan stood opp^edrto^'e^lp' Tirst motion they hsid : cairiedi audJ>|ij|^P ;ht do so on others.. :■:'■:: .^-^ 'f-\'-^''&:}S®ssW Mr Keiiriol^.wint^}faut*that unless, the amendment matte thej^b-coininittce to includeallbnt Mr\Vliali^t nmst slight some members' of; the He thought that Mr digui|y*would not admit of that. '■^■''■■::y-Cy-^m '.'MrWhftlij^eUeyeid that according to the strict letter^offtfchjejrule in such matters it would bf» neewsary for the whole Coimmttee to resign, :/biic^us«;he had been elected as j)cnnaneni s GhairmHu. He saw that Mr Keiirick's ,object:>f«s to compel him to support that to which he was opposed. • Mr Moore -asked if the pledge given at the public 'meeting .waaiiinding or not— that was the question, j^^:'v.> Mr Keiuifcdy '•:•■■ Certainly. « Mr Whall drew attention to the fact that ' no notice -bad-been, given of any intention to iutroduceftheißubjeetof a munieipalitj at the iirst public meeting: Had such been given, there w^uldt^aw been a. strong expression of opinion agaiustj such a nieasure. matle mention of the Jigijj^idi^mtion^mccting.") .. ?% ; f^emicdy:Saut,t < biit,;uiy uiemUer of Couuiufcfcie who liiui taken iuiy'part hi getting \\p that njicetiug.was unworthy to occupy tlic^, ch.iir. ' ->, s. . . ,Jlr;Whall, denied, that he had any pai tin gettinfcup -that 1 meeting. . i.Mr^euiiedy : It was the general nnpiession:io.%M:QHi Whiiltj had. : :• • : - Mr Whall:: Ijh ad nothing whi;t;vcr to ilo withit.^.:^:^- v ; ;* ... „ Sonic further, "-desultoiy conversation ensuing, v; . r • : , Mr AVhallj.; said if the intention' at the motioii:>yas to pfess him to resign, there, was ■no occasipntp Seat about the bush. -Mir KeiHiwjy^ Thoy had., no other object but t j get a^Ciirtirai«i« who would reflect the opinions of thefffeonmnttee. He thouglit it WouldK^e^:-farV&Me graceful if tMr Whall would resigu at m&i, seeing the predicament they were in - i I i .;;'f^ : i ' ' :, \> • Mr. Kenrick certaiiily. intended the motion to aim it-Mr WhhlU| resignation. If he ojukr Ame.nd it to ;ip|(ke it clearer to that effect .he Would do it, , .-■ „ „ Mr: Masters asked'gleave to auiaud his amendment. ? '.•^ MrWHall : I wishitto be understood that I am electetl.nerinaneftt Chairman, and will maintain that. position as long as. the Committee lasts..: I do not tiuok it an anomaly i that any one. nieinber should not agree with %. the majority on all subjects, , -.Mr Davies astked if it was not usual when * any course" was resolved upon by any corporate body orcomraygjie for the chairman to garry out .tlie sauie ?^ v - „ . , • Mr Kilgour made some remarks deprecating the aiiiraus that appeared to exist. Mr Whall said that one Treason why he refused to resign yas to prevent the 1 unpleasantnesswhich!he; was sure: would be.-the consequence. Before he put the resolutions to the uieeting he distinctly wishJed it to be undeistpod that he sLouljl not resign. . "Mr Masters bere'witlidrew his amendment and Mr Kenriok's motion was put and earned Mr Wh'ali' repeated; .that/ he; -should, not xiaiga. Mr Kennedy thought it was quite conijjeteut f<ir^,^ie,vCommittce to depose him, f :,U Mr Kenrick", would bs as tiie present to let the matter staud -: oxeriio tie dealt with at the 'iiext meeting. He thonght ifr^ailvisable that the Committee ihotild wait upon Mr Beswick, the Secretary ""for. l^ubUt; Works, to press upon him the iie^ftMi>y^P us hing pa the works' in this districfc^si'isp^pdily as possible. This was ,#grewtto;-aiid it was resolved to commuuiBeswick. and ascertain when he , !^bttla-ip|§i» ve the Committee. -Thii^lpluiess of the meeting, wjvs about, bangjbrp^ght to.. a close, when a discussion agai^SK^" e( i *° question of the chaii--inaiislfipr and as to who should act as the i nioutfipie'ce^fcthe Committee at the interview with BeswicU.nhSome resolutions were nropoWsd^ btft ultimately it was carried, on the mpjtion of Mr Keniick, that Mr Daries act a& ? epokesman of the ' Committee atthe interview ■with'^the "Secretary of Paßhc MriDavies iuoved; that the^e be no ■permanent .cUainnan,* and- that the Comuntf tco elect achaiiinau 3tb preside over" each ineeting. On the strength of this resolution, Mr Kilgour was voted' to the chair ? for the i|Ee rejrt of the evening., . r Mr : Whall, However, refused togiyje way, and the consequence was thafthe Committee had virtuaUy chairmen.: Mr JiWhaU, .\ 1 however, saidj that had^3lr BaViesls^esolution been mm i''s£Hmi : - %^but as Mr Kennck; sjpotion had %e^carnedj abide"by^his deter- - miuation fo^k^^fe otßcej^ chairman f Ol the "present. ""■ ■-■ 0 ' 'V' -'.-.} ~ The proceedings theiirtcrminjftecl^

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Grey River Argus, Volume III, Issue 180, 7 March 1867, Page 2

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GREY IMPEOVEMENT Grey River Argus, Volume III, Issue 180, 7 March 1867, Page 2

GREY IMPEOVEMENT Grey River Argus, Volume III, Issue 180, 7 March 1867, Page 2