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Monday, Sbftembeb 18. A special meeting of the Oounoil was held last evening. Present —His Worship the Mayor, Ors. Ayers, Vincent, Hironp, Louisson, Bowman, Brioe, Beese, Prudhoe, Hiver, Thomson, Limbert. The Beturning Officer reported that Messrs Ayers, Brioe, Prudhoe and Beese had been duly elected to fill the vaoanoies at the annual election. The special business before tho Council was the making of the watering rate. Prior to this being done the new councillors made the requisite declaration. It was resolved—" That the Oounoil hold a meeting on Ootober 30th to confirm the rate as made at the present meeting." The ordinary meeting was then held, the same councillors being present. Tho reoeipts for the fortnight were reported as being £1134 5s 2d. Aooounts amounting to £629 13s 91 were passed for payment. The oredit balanoe at the Bank was stated as being £6442 7s 2d. The Mayor said that the finanoe committee and himself had seen the banker to the Council, who had promised to allow the Oouooil interest on any balanoe they might have to credit. Cr. Ayers gave notice of motion to move—- " That "it is desirable to ereot two or more tanks for fire prevention purposes in the eastern part of the city of Ohriatohuroh, and that the Fire Brigade committee be requested to report as to available Bites, and to ascertain what proportion of the cost thereof would be contributed by the residents or insurance oompanies." Cr. Hiorns gave notice to move at next meeting for the appointment of an inspector of gas meters for the oity of Ohristohnrch. A petition was received from the inhabitants of North street, praying that the Oounoil would take the street over. It was resolved—" That the matter be referred to the surveyor to report upon." A letter was read from Canon Ootterill with respect to the transfer of the tank reserves. Or. Hiorns moved—" That the matter stand over till the proposition come before the Chapter." Or. Ayers seconded the motion. Cr. Beese, in a lengthy 'apeeoh, moved as an amendment—" That tho Oounoil withdraw the proposition already made to the Chapter." Or. Prudhoe seconded the amendment. Or. Thomson poinied out that the new members did not know the position. All the Oounoil could do with the reserve was to have tanks on it. Or. Louisson said that while the title to these seotions was a little mixed, the title of the Council was much better than thatjof the Dean and Chapter. Ors. Ayers and Hiorns having addressed the Oounoil, The Mayor said he would advise Or. Beese to withdraw his amendment. Or. Beese again addressed the Oounoil. Cr. Vincent objected to Or. Beese again addressing the Oounoil. If they allowed this they would go on all night, as other Councillors would also wish to speak if Cr. Beeee was allowed to do so. The Mayor ruled that Or. Beese oould not speak. The amendment was put and negatived, and the original motion put and agreed to. The proposals agreed to by the conference of local bodies on the amendments neoessary in t'e Publio Health Act were read, as also a letter asking for an expression of opinion from the Council thereon. The various proposals were read. Or. Louisson moved—" That the proposals as a whole be adopted." Or. Kiver seconded the motion. Ors. Thomson and Prudhoe desired information as to the e?ect of the resolutions. Cr. Louisson responded to the remarks of Ors. Prndhoe and Thomson, pointing out the ressons for the amendments in the Aot as proposed, and also that the oonferenoe at whioh they were oarried was constituted by the Board of Health. Cr. Thomson said that the proposals placed the City Oounoil in no better, but rather a worse position than before. He wished to point out further that it was proposed to pay tho cost pro rata on the rate roll, so that they in the oity paid on Is rate?, while the country only paid on a 6d rate. Also, as laid down there, the Board proposed to be constituted must undertake the scavenging of the oity, wore the Oounoil prepared to hand over the control of the scavenging and sanitary affaire of the oity to a Board oomprised of representatives of St. Albans, Spreydon, &o ? He should therefore vote against the proposals, as he thought it would be better for the Board of Health to delegate their powers to the oity. Or. Brioe thought it was not probable that the Legislature would have these Boards. The Mayor explained the meaning of the proposals, pointing out that it was understood that the distriots would be each the Board of Health for their own distriots. The Oity Oounoil would be the Board of Health for the city of Ohristchuroh. Ors. Bowman, Ayers, Louisson and Beese having addressed the Council, the latter objecting to the nomination of the Board of Health from the various local bodies, His Worship the Mayor said he was afraid Or. Beese had not understood the matter. The question had puzzled wiser ;heada than his. Or. Hiorns spoke to the question! stating that he was in a fog over this matter. [Hear, hear>3 After a free disonssion, Or. Thomson said he would move an amendment—" That the consideration of the resolutions be deferred until next Monday." Or. Brioe seoonded the motion. Or. Louisson said he would withdraw his resolution in favor of Cr. Thomson's amendment. The resolution was then withdrawn, and the amendment put and oarried. A letter was read from Mr Thomas, secretary to the Oab Sooiety, drawing attention to the manner in wbioh the tramway company were keeping their lines. Or. Vinoent corroborated what was stated in the letter as to the dangerous oharaoter of the metal pnt down in Colombo street, whioh was positively dangerous. The letter was referred to the works committee. The oity surveyor's report was read as follows : No. 1. I last week made a very carefnl trial with the new chain pumps; they are ef eqnal size, viz., 2i inches diameter, and both have to lift 15 feet. In making the trial I was mindful that both pumps should be worked at the same speed, and the result was as follows: —Flood's pamp, 46 gallons per minate; Danks' pnmp, 19 gallons per minute. No. 2 An application has been sent me for the Council's consent to a rijrht of way on Mr Gould's property in Lichfield street. It will be 12 feet wide, and leads from Lichfield street, at the side of Messrs Batterworth's building, into Green's right of way. Ido not see any objection to the Council's granting this application, provided the right of way is asphalted and an iron culvert laid at the south end. The cost of the work would be about £6O. The application is annexed hereto. No. 3. I have used up all the broken metal that was in stock, and the steam roller is now employed rolling it down. No. 4. The works committee have accepted a tender from Mr Hale for 2000 cubic yards of flalswell stone. No. 5. I advertised for shingle to coat the west end ef the south belt, and also that part of Oxford terrace east which has not yet been shingled, and also to repair the north and south belts. The tender of Mr Cooksley for the same was accepted. The olanses were considered seriatim. On clause 1 Cr. Ayers said that the works oommittee had oommunicated with Mr Banks on the matter, asking him to make his pump equal to Flood's pump or remov> it. This aotion was endorsed. The remaining clauses of the report were approved. The appointment of committees rendered neoessary by the elections took plaoe as follows :—Finanoe and departmental—Ors. Vinoent (chairman), Thornton, and Kiver; by-law —Ors. Louisson (ohaitman), Lambert, Brioe, and Kiver; fire brigade and reserves—Ors. Hiorns (chairman), Beese, Prudhoe, and the member to be elected for the south-east ward; eanitary— Ors. Hiorns (chairman), Bowman, and the member to be elected for the south-east ward ; works and lighting com. mittees—Ors. Ayers (chairman), Vincent, Kiver, and Beese. After granting several licenses, the Oonncil adjourned.

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Globe, Volume XXIV, Issue 2637, 19 September 1882, Page 4

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CITY COUNCIL. Globe, Volume XXIV, Issue 2637, 19 September 1882, Page 4

CITY COUNCIL. Globe, Volume XXIV, Issue 2637, 19 September 1882, Page 4