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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. W. It. B. Willock, who has boon holidaying in Auckland and \WI lington, returned to Gisborne on Monday. * * * Mrs. F. 11. Loiscl and h'r son, Mr. N. Loiscl, Tolaga Bay, returned on Monduy from a visit to Auckland and Wellington. Air. 'and Airs. AY. Glenn, AAruiganui, ;u rived in Gisborne on Monday and nro the guests of Airs. H. B. AA rillimns, Turiliaua Station. * * » ATr. and Airs. P. Aturphy. Tokomarii Bay, were the week-end guests of Airs. C. E. Mattliovrs, Waerenga-o-kuri. * -*■ * Airs, and Airs. Erie Loisel. Tolaga B fCy. returned on Sunday from n v"S’t to AYellington. - * * « Airs. .R. O. Afurphy (PauikaiO, Arises AT. Murphy (AlurVai). S Orinerod (AVaimata Valley) l . E. Murphv (Ban : kau), and Aliases O'Donnell and B. Danlton wore the guests of Airs. H. IT. Doos for the week-end meet of the P.B. Hunt Club at AYhatatuta. * * * Air. and Mrs. S. D. Nathan have returned from a visit to Wellington. Misses AI. Fraser (Whangara), F. and S. Hood (Kanakaimia), B. McKenzie (Ormond). G. and N. Sheet (Gishome):, and A toss ns. Dobson and AT. and C*. Fraser were the guests of Airs. G. Moore, To llau stat'on Idr the week-end hunt at AYhatatuf.u. « * • AI . ss AI. Ala caul ey returned to G ishorne on Sunday after a visit to Wellington. «■ * *> Afr. H. Alaude, Tolaga Bay, was a visitor to AYellington last week. a * » Airs. IT. A. Barton and her daughter', AliVss S. Barton, have returned from a visit to AYellington. « * » Air. and Airs. AA 7 . «T. Alelldovvie, Ngarapa. are returning to-day a'Ter visiting Rotorua, and Taurunga. * # * Air. and Airs. H. TT. Smith. JTarouga road, who we e visitors to A\ elTngtcrn for the rao.s, returned to Gisborne on Sunday. * * • A small and delightfully informal bridge party was given by Airs. R. J. Reynolds at her home “Sundown. Childers road, last week, fo ,: ' her guest, Oa.ptain Heber-Peroy. who 1 ft on Alonday for Auckland.

There was a very large attendance at the monthly meeting of the Atethodist Women’s Alfs.sioua.ry Auxiliary, presided ovc" by Airs. E. G. A. Reynolds, on Wednesdav last. The Rev. and All's. Leadley had very kindly placed the parsonage at the disposal of the members, and the drawingroom looked most inviting with its floral decorations and cheery fire. At the conclusion of routine business a number of letters were read from missionaries abroad, including one of special Interest from the Rev. F. Leadley, who is .stationed in the Solomon Islands. Alemhcrs were reminded that the annual meeting has been set down for next month. Afternoon tea was dispensed by Alesdamew Brice and Aitken. A BRIDGE LUNCHEON On Saturday, a . large very delightful bridge luncheon, was g’ve-n by Ali-s. IT. B. AVill’ams. w-t Turihaua. slat'em, to further the candidature of her husband. who is representing Rugby in the Festival of Sport campaign. Therooms were bright with spring blooms and huge log fires offered a cheery welcome. Irises, violets, Iceland poppies, primus blossom and p-'nk japonica- vied with each other in loveliness in the decoration of the d-raw’ngrooni, 'and a. bowl of brilliantly lined anemones lent a note of colour to the charmngly arranged luncheon table in the dinmgrooin. POVERTY BAY HUNT CLUB The Poverty Bay hounds met at AVhalatutu on Saturday and Monday last, when ideal weather conditions and excellent sport contributed to the sucoss of the popular fixture Much appreciated refreshments were dispensed by the ladies of the district, at the sports grounds, and on Saturday night the local hall was the scene of a very jolly dance. Among those in the saddle on Saturday were: The master. Air. FI. IT. Dods; Captain Heber-Percy; Father Curley; Messrs Hale, AI. O’Donnell, Dobson, M. and F. Moore, King (2), P. Moore, C. and Mr. Fraser, B. Daulton. D’A. Redstone; Alesdames H. U. Do dr;, R. C. Murphy; Misses J. Blomfield, J. Dods, B-. AlcKenzio; J. Rutledge, P. Burke, At. Aturphy, F. and S. Hood, E. Murphy and J. Redstone.

Some of the spectators included: Mr. 'and Mrs. G. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. ll). Burke, Mr. and M s. C. 11. Skoct; Mesdamos G. Bloomfield, W. L. Rutledge, Hale; Misses G. Moore, AL Fra«or, P. Burke and G. and N. Skeet. , LADIES’ GOLF. An L.G..TJ. medal match, played in conjunction with the first qualifying round for the Oman Cup tourney, figured on. tho programme for flip members of the Poverty Bay Ladi:s’ Golf Club yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately,, nothing couid have been more unpropitious tlih.ll tho weather, nevertheless, the play was quit i up to the usual standard. In the A division. Miss l>. Adams, 95, 18, 77, emerged the winner, Mrs. A. F. Houston, 89, 10, 79, gaining second place. \ t Honours in the R section were art nexed by Mrs. H. D. Chrisp, 109, 30, 73; Mrs. Bean, 102, 21, 78 and 11. R. Kendon, 115, 36, 79, tgi u s placed second urn) third resjioe.f:voly.

AN INFORMAL PARTY Tilio voting in favour of Hr. V. 0. R. M'tforcl, the cricket and tennis representative' in t.lio Festival of Sport Campaign, was considerably augmented as the result of a delightfully informal party given by Mr. and Mrs. M. .Tv. Boon, at their home in. Whittaker street, on Saturday night. Artistic decorations, of spring blooms, combined. with smilax and coloured' streamers, created a- happy atmosphere, and dancing, competitions and games provided entertainment in variety. I

Coimnun'ty singing with the host at tlie 7>iano, was also entered into with, enthusiasm, and late" the winners of the. various competitions— Alesdames E. Woodrow, V. Harper, were rewarded.

A delectable savoury supper was served from, a flower-decked table during a pleas'aut interlude. Tilk( hostess was smart- in a frock of black satin beaute, ornameiifod Wth touches of oyster satin arid a diamante clanpr Among the guests were: Air. mid Airs. E. AVoodfie'ld, Air. and Airs. AV 7 . Neal, Air. and Airs. ,T. C* awfoidSnrth. Air. and Airs. S. Massam, Air. and Mrs. 0. Langhome, Air. and Airs. E. Woodrow. Mr. and Mrs. W. ATason, Air. and Airs. O. N. Lockett, AI". and Airs. G. AV. Chamberlain, Afr. and Aids. G. Hoiglnvay; Afesdames A'. Harper, G. .7. Robertson, G. Alley; Misses 0. Alorelle, C. Aloade; Afessrs V. C. R. Mitford. AV. Primer. S. Edmonds. T. Corkery, AV. Kennedy, H. Robbison. E. FI. and P. Dow, File and Crawford...

BRIDGE. On Friday night, Afr. L. N. Harris invited his men friends to a very jolly bridge party at his home in Palmerston road, to augment the voting in favour of Air. IT. FT. De Costa, the representative of golf in the Festival of Sport campaign. Great howls of tree, lucerne were effectively used in the decoration ot the drawing-room, and in the diningroom, where a delicious savoury supper was served informally, a howl of spring bulbs beautified the table.. At. the conclusion of play the prize for the highest score was awarded to Afr. It. Cedenvall and Air. J. Broad received the. consolation prize Among the guests were : Alessrs. T. AVinter, J. Broad, J. Kilgariff, S. Alassam, L. T.imken. G. Wilson, E. Swift. J. Bray. Golding, A. and P. Dow, K. Westmoreland. R. Cederwall. L. Scholium and O. Johns.’ A SURPRISE PARTY. A large, delightfully informal surprise party, arranged by Aliss P. lie Costa, and Air. S. Corson, was bold at the home of Air and Airs. Charles Alultliews, “Alylh,” Alangapapa, on Saturday night, for the benefit of Air. H. FI. DeCosta, the golf candidate in tho Festival of Sport campaign. The ballroom was gaily lie-decked with streamers of every hue, and inswith streamers of every hue, and inThomson, enjoyable extras being contributed by Air. J. Corbett. Pink camellias, daphne and violets were alluringly combined in the decoration of the drawingroom, and a largo log lire offered a pleasant contrast to the wintry weather out of doors. A delectable supper was served in the diningroom, a, bowl of Iceland poppies lending a note of color to the charmingly arranged table. Airs. AlaUhcws welcomed the guests wearing a gracefully -cut frock of black lace and Aliss E. Alatthews was becomingly frocked in pink georgette printed in a floral design. Aliss DeCosta chose a smart frock o f black georgette. DANCE AT AVAIMATA. A successful dance was organised by the members of the AVaimata Valley AVomen’s Institute on Saturday night, to raise funds to send a delegate to tho Dominion conference, which takes place in Dunedin at the end oi tho month.

Gaily decorated with streamers, the local hall presented an animated scene, the keen frosty atmosphere being an added incentive to dancing. The programme of modern and okl time numbers wont with a swing.from beginning to end under the capable supervision of Mr. S. Aleock, and Mr. W. Wade’s orchestra was responsible for the inspiriting music, delightful extras being contributed by Mrs. J. Gillgrcn. A Monte Carlo waltz contest was won by Miss M. Greaves and Mr A. S Monck, and as the result ,of two competitions held in the course of tho evening a cake in the form of a Victorian lady was awarded to Airs. Proudfoot, and a cooked turkey to Air. I>. Aiullooly. A delectablo supper was served at tables artistically adorned with violets and Iceland poppies, intermingled with delicate greenery. Much of the credit for the success achieved was undoubtedly due to the organiser, Aliss P. Jones, who is to be complimented on the gratiiying result of her efforts. Among those present were: Air. and Airs. E. Robinson, Air. and Airs. Kippenberger; Alosdames J. Gillgren, J. 0. Alazengarb, W. Brown, EProudfoot, Woods, Staples; Misses Jones (2), J. Gillgren, J. Cook, lv. Rroingan, E. Bryson, V. Vctte, K. Aiullooly, • AL Greaves, N. Alonck, OQuinn, Messrs'. P. Coventry) .Greaves (3), L. Wright, Aiullooly (2), Varlcy, G. Stanbridge, G. Brown, S. Alcock, A. S. Alonck, W. Newman, Crawford (2), AL Burch, R. McKay, H. Scott, C. Cook, L. Henderson, Batcholdor, P. Quinn and B. Hamilton.

TOWNSWOMEN S GUILD The monthly mooting of the G is- : borne Townswomen’s Guild 'was liolil in Findlay’s team moms on Monday ahleruo'nn, Mi's. <l. S. Funkls presiding over an attendance of 90 monikers, apologies lor absence-;. being received from Me*damos Martin and Xivcn. Proceedings opened w-'th. the. reading of the aspirations, after winch the pr>\s ; donf lof.'ired to the illness of Mr's. Morr son, to whom. at her suggestion. *a> posy of flowers was sentwith the good w'shes of the nvembers for her speedy recovery. The iirnutrs of the previous meeting were rend and confirmed, and the desk ability of putting the trades table on a sound business basis was discussed. Mrs Wise, convenor of the arts and -crafts •sect'on, presented a satis'aei.ory report dealing wdh the members’ 'aet.iv ties in eonricetdon with tapestry and pine needle work. A report of the activities ol the dramatic .section was also read by M s. Johnson. The advisability of forming a gnrdoirng section was brought forward by tire president and was warmly received. In regard to the formation of a physical culture section. Miss Mould vbry kindly consented to give a demonstration with the pm pose of turtheririg the object. An Interesting address on her work wars given by Miss Giltnour, distr'et child officer, who also gave much helpful advice in connection w.'th the training of childri n. A uumbor of questions wore 'answered by filie speaker, to wliom a warm vote of tha-nks was accorded. , TII6 competition, “best knitted babyk; vest,” draw J 3 eu tor's, fourteen of which were donated by the competitors lor distribution in necessitous ea.sos. The judging was capably carried out by Mesd'Uimes Rowson and Mason with the following results: Mrs. ]£. A. Mu'ls 1, Airs. Rhodrs 2. Afternoon ton was served at the ; conclusion of business.

NATIONAL- COUNCIL OF WOMEN There was a fair attendance of members at the monthly meeting of the G-'s borne- branch of the National Council of Women held in the Gisborne Women’s Club on Saturday afternoon. The chair was taken by Mrs. W. E. Goffc, who, p.ior to the commenceintent of business, moved a. votis oil ■sympathy to the relatives oi: the late Mrs. Jamieson. As a prominent member of a. very kindly disposition, ..Mrs. Jamieson always took a keen interest in the work of bias council, and her bright and cheery presence, together with her willingness to assist in any movement for the betterment of her fellows, will lie greatly missed. Apologies for absence were received from Mesdames Aylward, lieatiy and Grant. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and .confirmed and correspondence f|rom the Dominion treasurer was considered. At the conclusion of routine business, an ayjiiclel entitled “Women at Oxford,” was read by Mrs. I. J. Quigley, and 'an interesting discussion of the subject followed. The- solving of afternoon tea brought a very pleasant gathering to a • close.

WOAJEX'S national r eseryk Tin? monthly meeting of the GG- i borne branch of i he Women’s Xaimeal "'as held in the Pari h . Hall yesterday afternoon. Mrs. \\ . !'• j Gofl'e presiding over a good attend- j a nee of member*. ' Apologies for absence' were received from Mesdincs Keanv, llradli Id, *le- j G.ibbon and Huekiand. i The minutes of the prev'oiK nice!- j ing were read and continued and ov- I counts in connection with concert • and jumble sale organised by the m 1 servo wore passed for payment. 1;: regal'd to the concert mentioned above, ol thanks wen' pas-.-i to Mr. U. J. Kerridgo lor his g run - osify in colinccliou v, tli the us.:- ei the Opera House; to the- stage manager, Mr. A. .i. Nieol; to Messrs. G. Winter and Hue Uni Jor mue'iappreciat.ej assistance; to Ale-Munies Smith. P. Parry ami Miss 11 iiest.oo for arranging the programme, ami to all who rendered a.ssi lance. A spec a 1 vote ot thunks was passed to Mrs Harris ‘or h r work, on helialf of the reserve, in ennuction with the ball organised jointly l-v the W.X.H. and the committee ol the Poverty Hav Sheep .Dog Trial Association. Tho com-ululated rein ts of the National Council of Women forworn ed to the reserve as an aflilialed society, were read and discuss d. It was decided to hold a card evening on. Friday, August 1-1, for ‘he benefit of fends.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXV, Issue 12913, 15 July 1936, Page 3

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WOMEN’S . . WORLD Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXV, Issue 12913, 15 July 1936, Page 3

WOMEN’S . . WORLD Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXV, Issue 12913, 15 July 1936, Page 3