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Women’s World


.The engagement, is announced 'ol Doris,..only daughter of Mrs. AI. G. Nunn, Wn.imii to Douglas 0. W. Stevens, younger son of Mrs. H. L. Tempest Tohrja Bay. ,


.Miss R. Todd . (IVlasterton), is the guest of Miss' J. Morris, Tolaga Bay.

Mrs H. Daniel is leaving to-morrow for Auckland to attend the Dominion conference of 'Women’s Institutes.

Air : and Mrs P. A. Pot-tit, - who have hcen the guests, of Mrs Geoffrey Wilson, Wellington, returned to Gisborno early in the week.

m • • Mr and Mrs JT. IT. Smith have returned from a. visit, to Wellington.

Air and Mrs J. 'Gardner (Hihiroa station) were the guests of Airs J. C. -N. Thomas, Owen road, -for, the Thomas—Reeves wedding.

Miss H. Nolan, who has -been visiting her sister, Mrs lan Murchison, Lako Coleridge, Canterbury, is returning to Gisborne to-day.

Air and Mrs G. Livingston and Messrs. A. and G. Livingston (Takapan) were visitors to Tolaga. Bay tor the Thomas—Reeves wedding.

Air and Mrs G. Reeves, Waikato, who have been the guests of Mrs J. Barns-Graham, Russell street, are at present staying with Mrs J. L. Reeves, “To Rimu.,” Tolaga Bay.

Afesdames.' P.i Richardson and Noble-Camphell (Tiniroto) leave tomorrow to-attend the Dominion Conference of Women’s Institutes in Auckland. ■■

Following the Thomas-Reeves wedding on Wednesday, Air and Airs S. D. Reeves entertained a number of friends at a charmingly-arranged dinner party at their homo at Pa.ka.rae, the guests later attending the Tolaga Bay Golf Club hall.

The weekly match arranged by the ladies’ committee of the Poverty Bav Golf Club for O division players was held on Wednesday morning Under ideal weather conditions, honors being annexed by Aliss C. Bright.

The accompanying interesting information appears in the “Daily Telegraph” of June 22: Drosses that are distinctly out of the ordinary, though conforming, of course, to regulations, will he worn at the courts of the coming week. One debutante, Miss Geraldine Bartrop, will, for example, make her curtsey iu a gown that was worn by her mother thirty years ago. It was a- naval ball in New Zealand, and, the dress is of parchment-colored brocade, with a pattern of lilies of the valley, in both, in cut and color, what is highly approved by fashion creators of the moment. Its full skirt, gauged at the waist, falls in a. semi-train, ending in a deep flounce of old lace, which falls gracefully off the shoulders, concealing puff sleeves of lace and net, and is finished at the waist into a point. The 100-year-old train of Garrick-rna-Cross lace is mounted on cream chiffon. The fan, in keeping with the period of the dress, is hand-painted and mounted on a framework of .carved ivory.

Princess Elizabeth’s riding has improved so much that neither her parents nor the King and Queen have any hesitation about allowing her to ride in- AVimlsor Great Park, When

she is staying either at the Castle or at the Duke of York’s country place, Royal Lodge, AYindsor. She is quite fearless on horseback, and a very business-like little horsewoman. So much so that her uncles are only too glad to have her company on a canter through the Park, never being afraid that she will fuss, or that anything will put her off paying proper attention to her mount. The Princess resembles her aunt, the Princess Royal, when, she is riding, except that she is allowed to wear much more informal clothing than the specially-cut habit and riding boots, to say nothing of a hard howler hat, ■ without which it was not considered correct to essay even a friendly canter when the Princess Royal was a. little girl. GIRL-GUIDES. The weekly meeting of the Ist, Gisborne Company of Girl Guides, held in the Parish Hall on Alonday afternoon, was attended by members of the committee and a number of parents to witness the -presentation of first-class badges. Prior to the distribution of the. badges,. Mrs A. Andrews briefly outlined the qualifications necessary to achieve the distinction of a first-class badge. In presenting seven first-class, four second-class, thirty-three proficiency badges and five'all-round cords, Airs L. Balfour, Poverty Bay Divisional Commissioner, gave a short talk on the responsibilities incurred by a guide privileged to lipid , a first-class badge and expressed her gratification at the high -standard of efficiency attained in view of the severity of the test, and warnily, congratulated Aliss N. Creed Aleredith who is in charge of this particular branch of guide work. TE HAPARA LADIES’ GUILD. The To Rapara. Anglican Ladies’ Guild held a very, enjoyable card evening in the Cook Street Hall on, Thursday, play being in progress at six tables. The entertainment took the form of a flag 500 tournament. The players at -the winning table Wore Air and Mrs G. S. Brace, Airs ■Fuller and Airs B. Harvey, while the prize for the most flags was awarded to Mr W. J. Hueston. A dainty supper was partaken of. Tho guild announced that their next card evening is to be held on August 1.


The Ormond Women’s Institute held a successful hiv hand’s evening in the Ormond Hall on Tuesday evening, a largo assemblage of members, husbands and friends be, : ng present. After the preident, Airs Gumming had extended a hearty welcome, tlie members sang the institute: song. A round of amusement wa s then commenced and the evening went with a swing.,

Progressive euchre war, held in the '.supper-ioom, 'Sixteen table*; being engaged. Airs Sherriff was in charge. ■ The winners were Airy Farrow and Mr O’Connell, second prizes going to Alispf Neena-n and Mr Howie.

Those in the hall were entertained with dancing competitions and games. A throwing the parcel competion was won by Miisy E. Jones, and Alas ter Parsons, and a lighting the taper competition was wbn by Miss Hn-nion and Air Smith.

After supper the dramatic circle presented an enjoyable hoti.r’s entertainment commencing with a sketch entitled .“The Family Group,” them taking part be’ng Mesdames Stevenson, Barrow, Cam, Tong and Snowsell

and Mis',; E. Jones. Aliss P. Lister and Minis Parsons sang a duet. Aliss Beryl Warrington contributed two dances. A humorous :. ketch was given by Airs Cram and a recitation and sketch bv Aliss Olive Long.

Airs Gumming, on behalf of the husbands and friends, complimented the in. titute on the way in which 'they had organised, the. entertainment. Alembor.s wore, thanked heartily for giving, the husband.; finch an enjopablc evening. Afesdamco Lovelock and Smith provided the dance music. Extras were kindly played by Aliss l V. Benson and Mr L. Grey. ' ’

The singing of the National Anthem: brought a very jo% and enjoyable evening to a close.


GREAT SUCCESS. Everything that makes for success attended the Peace Ball, held under the auspices of the J.0.0.F. Lodge, in the City Hall on Thursday night. Filled with a merry throng of dancers, the ballroom presented an animated scene, decorations of colored streamers and huge palm fronds enhancing the carnival effect. The fine fraternal spirit existing between local societies was manifested by the presence of representatives of kindred organisations to whom a warm welcome was extended by D.D.G. Bro. C. Harvey. The floor was capably supervised by Alessrs. H. Hunter, A. Hughes and J. Clements, and Airs Alenzies’ orchestra, as usual, gave universal 'satisfaction. Delightful extras were contributed hv Pilkington’s orchestra during the supper interlude. A canopy of colored streamers was suspended overhead in the supper room and rose-shaded lights cast a soft, glow upon the charmingly arranged tables, which were artistically decorated with slender crystal vases of jonquils. No detail had been overlooked in the preparations for the occasion, and the gratifying result reflected the •greatest credit upon the promoters, the committee responsible for the arrangements comprising: Alessrs. A. J. Corbett (chairman), L. Wright (hon. sec.), E. Sommerville, C. AUles, F. O’Connell, G. Corbett, H. Scott, H. Kennedy, W. Torresen, P. Gordon, S. Hollav,. P. Cairns, C. Duncan, C. Edwards, Cl. Hayes, 1,. Stevens and J. Alorrison.

Among those present were: — Alesdames. C. Harvey, who was wearing black maroeain relieved with touches of white; IT. Scott, geranium pink taffetas; E. J. East, black flatcrepe; L. Ferguson, hydrangea pink satin; A. Williams, tabae brown selfpatterned maroeain : F. Alahoney, primrose taffetas; AT. Ridley, floral crepe in pa-stel tonings and pink coatee; T. McFarlanc, black velvet: N. White, black satin; L. Prondfoot, cherry red diagonal crepe with touches of gold; D. G. Alenzies, black velvet; J. Cornelius, lacquer red ripple crepe; J. lloslop, .seagreen crepe inlet with matching lace; Proiidfoot, gold matala-sse crepe and matching coatee relieved with touches of black; K. Davis, white lace sashed with red; H. Hunter, parchment lace and coatee of flame velvet. . Alesdames. J. Jury, flame satin; YY. Walsh, crimson crepe; B. Fletcher, Burgundv red georgette and lacej E. O’Connell, cherry red crepe; _ P. Swinney, navy blue and white printed flat crepe; it- Kennedy, black crepe do ehinc and lace; L. Stocker, black satin: Corcoran, vormillion red lace; Millichip, apricot windswept satin; Li Wright, velvet; V. Haycock, flame velvet; A. Bartlett, pink self-striped flat crepe; C. Edwards, royal hliie satin; Finucane, black taffetas Alesdames. G. D. Aluirhead, wearing- Burgundy red crepe; A. AleConnell; cherry red maroeain and beige lace; E M. Barridell, claret -satin aud 'gold-net; A. G. Lcntell, crimson crepe; G. Marshall, orange georgette; C. Corbett, black maroeain; H. Pilkington, black and' white plaid orga ndie; G. Burrows, pink floral satin ; K. Cooper, blue .and white checked faille. Aliases East, Marina blue self-pat-terned silk; C. Ala honey, white taffetas inlet with frilled godets ; M. Alahoney, primrose floral silk voile; B. Green, white dimity muslin; P: Calcott (Tolaga Bay), Primrose lace and black velvet capelei; AT. Hindrup, cameo pink brocaded faille : M. Summer shy, black taffetas • P. Beck, pink shot taffetas; AT.* Break, tangerine maroeain ; ,AI. R-oss, apple green windswept satin with -silver trimmings; H. Calcott, AVedgewood blue taffetas; P. Whitfield, crimson satin; I. Stevens, apple green taffetas; W. AfcLoughlin, Alarm a blue crepe; AI. Aston, ' black crepe ornamented with white; E. ATallott,' crimson crepe, combined with matching lace; AI. Carter,- seagreen organdie ; S. Ledger, maize crepe and turquoise blue shoulder cape; E. Dyke,, red velvet; P. Rennie, shell pink crepe; N. Oman (Auckland), ;daffodil, yellow crepo and. black velvet shoulder capo; H. AlcKniglit, cornflower blue velvet; E. Ledger, pale .pink embossed georgette ; J. Shorter, leaf green crepe and silver lame.

Aliases R-. Zuppieich, blue taffetas; E. Anderson, black velvet; E. Hndwen, smoke grey crepo relieved with violet; E. Young, pink taffetas; AI. Hadwen, silver grey ' crepe-'and rose shot taffetas; L. Grant,, pink shot

taffetas; L. Middleton, white crepe : B. Carson, white organdie; R. Carson, flame velvet; X. Carson, white ripple crepe: M. McCallum, tartan taffetas; M. McPherson. black and white organdie; E. Clayton, apricot taffetas; G. Howell, black crepe; A. Sheather, bottle green velvet; \ . Forbes, bottle green lace arid blade velvet coatee; L. Hooper, black taffetas and lime green velvet cape; A. McNamara, pink printed chiffon: M. Williams, gold satin; A. Crawford, coral pink lace; L. Dover, green windswept satin; I). Stevenson, vermillion red faille; K. Hepburn, cherry red lace; M. Maynard, smoke grey floral taffetas; N. Hick, blue organdie; A. Martin, black faille; P. Renner, cameo pink crepe; M. Golding, black taffetas ornamented with silver lame; I). Golding, electric blue mainla.sso crepe; S. Dale, black coin spotted faille; M. Lewis, pink taffetas; P. Fry, black skirt, and white satin tunic; A. Eadc, rose taffetas; K. Lyndon, blue crepe ami pink velvet contee; W. Surma n, coral pink corded velvet ; E. Nolan, mulberry crepe; P. Prentiss, Cobalt blue crepe; G. Anderson, jade green crepe; A. Williamson, primrose georgette; R. Atkins, white organdie; G. Fade, checked taffetas; AI. Chamberlain, yellow floral ninon ; G. Hansen, flame taffetas ; E. Williams, canary yellow crepe; It. Jamieson, midnight blue lace; N. Hookham, pink floral taffetas; L. Scholium leaf green organdie and lace; L. Walker, rose pink lace; L. Owen, floral faille; A. White, printed satin with red trimmings. Misses E. Attwood, wearing apple green crepe; N. Muirhead, blue matnlnsso crepe; G. Muirhead, geranium pink crepe; B. Barkwith, black crepe relieved with silver; L. McKnight, cameo pink crepe with white fur trimmings; M. 'Whiteley, geranium pink crepe* E. AVhiteley, cherry red marocain; P. Smith, pink crepe; N. Halo (Tolaga- Bay), white lace; 1). Hale, black mataiasse crepe; R.. Robertson, floral rayon; I. King, pink marocain and black velvet coatee; R. Green, black satin with white ruffles; N. Quintal, blue crepe combined with silver lame; M. Grant, red ribbed marocain ornamented with silver; .T. Muir, black and silver; A. Lloyd, lemon morocain; D. Lo Gros, orange georgette ; J. McDonald, coral pink Liberty, lawn-; E. McGlashan, emerald green satin rind silver lame; ,T. Weaver, olive green sand crepe; D. Mason, black skirt and pink lace tunic blouse; B. Coggrave, black maroeain; M. Hawkes, black velvet - I. Tra.ue, black velvet; E,. Olding, jade green crepe; R. Shanks* electric blue crepe; J>. Hurno, crimson crepe ornamented with silver; V. Hurno, pink satin combined with green organdie; K. O’Flaherty, black crepe* J. McMahon, red and white checked muslin ; E. Callahan, pale green satin and georgette. . , Misses E. King (Tolaga Bay) . wearing lemon crepe; D. King, primrose flowered organdie; J. Martin, cardinal honeycomb velvet; B. Ashworth, pink crepe trimmed with sequins; P. IVfriOonnell, rose honeycomb velvet; M. Parker, vermillion rod crepe and lace; Li. Williams, electric blue ; S. Clark, magnolia, lace and red velvet coatee; M. Campbell, leaf green crepe; Vv Thorsterson, red and white plaid taffetas; A, Burns, black crepe with diamante shoulder ornament ; E. Meade, leaf _ green sand crepe ; V. Brown, geranium pink ring velvet with silver laco bertha,; H. Clarke, coral pink not; I. Reilly, black and silver; D. Goldsmith, white faille sashed with blue; R. Reilly, pink shot taffetas; H. Hewitson. white crepe with touches' of royal blue satin; M. Nelson, white frilled organdie; A. Gillies, black crepe trimmed with faggotting.

PARTIES FOR BRIDE-ELECT. A round of pleasant parties has been arranged recently for Miss M. Lysnar, whose marriage to Air A. Forsyth, of Wellington, takes place in Palmerston North this month. On Thursday night, Airs T. Todd gavo a very delightful gift party at her home in Ballance street. Bridge, both nontract and auction, was enjoyed in the drawingroom, which was gay with bowls of deep rose-colored japonica, the artistic decorative note being repeated in the diningroom. The successful competitors, Mrs A. J. Stock (contract) and Miss. I;. Bain (auction), wero each rewarded with a charming -gift, and attractive consolation .prizes were presented to Airs A. S. Muir and Miss N. Pasley. After supper the numerous parcels were opened by the bride-to-be, revealing a varied assortment of useful kitchen utensils. Airs Todd who, in her part of hostess, was assisted by her niece, Miss AI. Johnstone, was wearing a graceful frock of black lace and a coatee of matching velvet. Aliss Lysnar was very smart; in a frock of wliito mariotto printed in a. floral design in pink, blue and green tonings, and a green panne velvet coatee. / 1 Mrs H. Lysnar wore a. becoming frock of saxo blue marocain and a coatee of black velvet. I Among the guests were: Mesdaines. R, F. Gambrill, R.. E. Gambrill, A. S. Atuir, A. F. Houston, A. J. Stock, W. Blathwayt, R,. Muir, P. Hockley, H. H. Smith, G. W. Willoek, Misses N. Pasley, L. King, N. " Steele, L. Bain and N. Olirisp. Aliss Lysnar was also the guest of honor at a charmingly arranged

bridge tea given by Airs R. F. Gambrill at her home in Russell street, on Wednesday a ftevnoon. . Richly-tinted Iceland poppies and spring bulbs were artistically continued with bronze foliage in the adornment of both the drawingroom and diningroom, and afternoon tea was served informally. Each .guest brought a- gift for the bride-to-be, and the opening of the* inviting-looking parcels provided a very pleasant interlude.

PARTY FOP. BRIDE-ELECT. Yesterday afternoon. Afrs. A. S. Atuir was hostess at a very delightful bridge tea at her borne in Fitz- ■ Herbert street in honor of Aliss AI. Lysnar, whose marriage to Air. A. Forsyth, of Wellington, takes place shortly. The drawingroom looked very attractive with its deeora-ions of .shaded Iceland poppies and primulas, the bright fire completing the atmosphere of charm. Tea. was served in the diningroom a, bowl of richly tinted Iceland: poppies loircling a vivid touch of cold to the table. Afrs. Aiuir was very smart in a frock of Wedgwood blue moracain, cut on simple lines. Aliss Lysnar wore tailored suit of midnight blue worsted and a boex’mino' felt hat to match. Among the guests wor e Afesdames AY. Hamilton Irvine, E. Adair, Cl. I. Parker, A. F. Houston, G. \Y. AYil]ock. R. F. Gambrill, AI. L. Holden, E. Ewart Brown, AY. Blathwayt, E. J. Stock, AV. Polchell, Atisscs R. Barry; J. Afarshall, N. Steele. A r . Burnard and L. King.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12610, 20 July 1935, Page 3

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Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12610, 20 July 1935, Page 3

Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12610, 20 July 1935, Page 3