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STOCK AND SHARE MARKET (Press Association), AUCKLAND, April 17. Sales on Change: Northern Steam 6s lid; Dominion Brev\teries, 14* 10d; Dcvonport Ferry, 22s 6d; Electro Zino pre'f, 335; Bank of Australasia, £lO 18s Od; Loan and Mercantile, £3B; John Fuller, 1949, 6$ per cent., £75. WELLINGTON, April 17. Sales on Change: Reserve Bank, £6 ll'S 6di; Hu4dart Parker, £1 17s 3d; WoolAVorths (N.Z.) ond., £11; N.Z, Breweries, 555; Colonial Sugar, £42 10s; Mt Morgan, 365. CHRISTCHURCH, April 17. Sales '..n Change: Staples’ BreAVery, 33s 6d (2); Broken Rill Proprietary, ols 9d; Maori Gully, Is 4d; Alt. Lyoll 20s 2d, 20s Id'(2). Reported sales: Alt. Lyell, 20s 4d. 20s 2d; Electro Zinc, prof., 335; Huddart Parker, 37s 6d; Dominion Fertilised, 22s 2d. DUNEDIN/, April 17. Sales en Change: Reserve Bank, £6 11s 6d; Electro Zinc, ord. £1 3s Sd. Reported sales: Union Bank, £8 11s; Dominion Fertiliser, £1 2s, £1 2a 2d; Wilson’s Cement, £1 14s 6d; N.Z. BreAveries, £2 13s Odj; Alt. .Lyell, £1 Os 2d, £1 0s 4d; Reserve Bank, £6 11 si 6d.

Af AT AAV HERO CATTLE FAIR. DEMAND GENERALLY GOOD The demand in general Ava s good and prices compared favorably with previous sales at the cattle fair, conducted by the P.B. Stockbrokers’ Association, Avhicb concluded at Matnivlicro yards yesterday. The attendance yesterday was smaller than on the first day. STORE CATTLE. Tho total number of store cattle offered on tho second day was 2GOB, making the number for the Uvo days 5554 which, with 264 fat cattle, brings the total entry to 5818. 170male cattle will be offered in a fortnight’s time. Values of 18-mths stepi’S offered yesterday Avere: Extra good 79 s to 83s; first class lots 70s to 765; fairly good 60s upAvards. STORE CATTLE A good entry of attractive male rattle, 2.)-year npAvards, came forcattlc, tavo and a-half year upAvards came forward. Despite adverse weather conditions, there Avas a large attendance. Thcro avqs a good sale Avith Values only a little below ilicse of last lair. The quality of the cattle Avas particularly good. Prices were—--21-year steers. —41, good P.A., £4 (Is; 300, quality Hereford, on account of Mr E. Af. Hutchinson, £5; 74, good Herefords, £4 11s ; 69 good conditioned Herefords, £4 ss; 26 quality Herefords, £4 10s; 98 quality P.A., £4 ss; 72, fresh Herefords £4 17s; 71, choice Herefords, £4 18s; 83, fresh condition HerefordP.A. crons, £4 13s; 48, quality Ilereiforrl-P.A. cross, £4 16s; 34, good store condition, Hereford, ‘£4 ss. Bullocks: 31, fresh, Heroford-P. A. cross £4 17<s; 43, chiefly P.A., mostly beef, £5 13s; 33 grown Herefords fresh condition, £5 ss; 50, good, Hereford-P.A. cross, £4 17s fid; 45 good Herefords, £5 10v>; 40 good Herefords, £5 11s; 41 ITerofortls, good store condition, £4 15s; 25 Herefords, full of condition, £5; 17 Herefords, closo to beef, £5 ss; 24, good .forAvard Hereford* £5 17s; 33, fresh condition, P.A., £5 10s; 29, Herdfords, fat and forward. 6s. Eighteen-month steers: 83, good store condition, P A., £3 11s; 78, ditto, Hereford £3 14s; 77, good condition P.A., £3 16s; 35, Hereford, some small, £3; 46, P A. good store condition, £3 14s; 63, good condition, Hereford £3 10b ; 52, good condition, P.A.-Hereford cross, £3 12s; 150, good condition, P.A. AvellgroAvn, £3 19s; 181, good store condition,’ £3 19s; 32, well-grown, fresh condition, P.A., £3 19s; 32, avollgroAAm, fresh condition, P-A. £4 3s; 44 Hereford-Shorthorn, £3 14-s; 55, good store condition, P.A., £3 6s; 38, ‘good Herefords, £3 13s; 62, good condition, Hereford-P.A. cross. £3 14s ; .58, well-gnoAvn, in good condition, P.A. £3 16s; 41, Herefordfairly good condition, £3 8s; 25, avcll groAvn, frcsli condition Hereford, £3 14s; 30 ditto, £4 2s; 42, good store condition, Hereford, £2 19s; 64, good Herefords £3 17s; 16, small P.A. good store condition. £2 19s; 10, rough condition, £2 15»; 10, small P.A. £3 4s; 32, good Herefnrds, £3 SV=; 20, good P.A., £3 9s; 16, good frame and condition Here-ford-P.A. cross, up to 2yr., £4 3s; 2Q, good Herefords £3 8s; 18, good condition Herefords, £2 14s; 37 good Herefords, £3 Is; 17 good Hereford.?, £3 16s; 11 good Hcrefords, £3 Us; 21, extra, on account of Air Angus Fraser, £3 19s. BEEF Prices were as under:— Bullocks: 1, £4 17s 6U; 12 choice, heavy Herefords, 8£; 5 P.A. £6 sr>- 1 Hereford, £6 ss; 20 Hereford-P.A. cross, £5 4?; 2 medium finished bullocks, £si; 3 Herefords, £6 15s; 1 Hereford, £7 ; 6 Jersey bullocks, £4 2s; 1 Hereford bullock, £7; 2 bullocks, Hereford and P-A., £7 Bs. Coavs: 2 Jerseys, good finish, £3 55.; 6 finished Herefords, „£4 7s 6d ; 25 P.A., £3 18s; 8 P.A. £3 10s; 2 good Herefords, £4 10s; 1 heavy voaler, 345;. 6 Jerseys, £2.. 10s; * Hereford*, £3 17s fid; 9 Herefords, £4; 17 Shorthorns, good, £4. 10s; S , mostly ‘Jersey, £1 15si; 1 extra good |R.A.-Hereford, £5; 3 good Hereford cows, £3 14s; 1 Jersey hopfer, £2 15s 6d; 5 Jersoy cows, £2 18s; 9 Horeforj cows, £4 12a. Taa’o Jersoy cross coavs, £2; 4 medium coavs, 2 Jersey, £1 17s; 1 medium hrindle bullock, £1 14s; 4 Jersey cows £l 11; 1. Jersey coav, £2q 2 Jersey cows, £2 ,Is. /


EASING IN BEEF PRICES. SHEEP VALUES! EASILY .MAINTAINED. (Press Association!, AUCKLAND/April 17. The quality of the "ox beef offered at tlio AA'eekly Westfield fat' stock sale today avor Avell up to standard., ’but there was noticeable easing in demand for all classes and price levels eased by Is per lOOlbs. An average yarding of cow and heifers of mixed; quality sold under good competition at about last Aveok’s rates. Extra choice ox made 23$ per lOOlbs, Choice and prime 20s to 225, secondary and plain 15s to 19s; prime young coav and heifer beef 10's to 12s; ordinary c°\v beef 12s to 18s. Extra heavy, prime steers made £9 15s to £lO 17s 6d; heavy prime £8 10k f° £9 12s 6d; lighter prime £7 ss) to £8 7s 6d; light prime £6 to £7 2s 6d, small and unfinished £4 2s 6<ll to £5 17s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and' heifers £5 17$ 6d. to- £7; heavy prime >£4 10s to £5 15s; lighter prime £3 10s to £4; Is; other killablo coavs 30s to £3 8$ Cd. A very heavy yarding of calves came forward and competition was not very keen. Value*, for medium and heavy A'ealers eased, Avhile lighter and: smaller vealeri, sold at about rates. All inferior calves were hard to sell. Runners made 25s to 295; voalers 12 ! s to 12s. The offering of sheep was' on the small side, but included some excellent lot's of prime mutton, especially in the wether class. Bidding Avas brisk and values Avere easily on a par with those of last Aveek. Lamb's were in good supply and there Avas an improvement in price's some extra 1 choice selling to 255. Wethers, prime made 21,s to 30s; unfinished 18© to 20k Od ; owes prime lfe to 225; unfinished 10s to 15$ 9d. Lambs prime 14s to 22s 6d; unfinished 1 8s to 13s fid. : Pigs AVcro in' full supply with a good offering of heavy prime baconers. All classes of hneoners remained at la'st Avqek’s level, but porkers :\tailn sflowed an on.siev tenancy. Prices per lb, Avere: —Baconcrs 5d to spi; porkers 44d‘ to sd; 'baconers 48s to 83s; porkers 26s to 13s; large stores 14s to 21s.

ALDINGTON YARDS DOUBLE MARKET SHARP RISE IN EAT SHEEP STORES AND HEIFERS IMPROVE (Press Association). CHRISTCHURCH, April 17 To-day the Addington market was a double one in vioAV of the holiday next Aveek. There Avas a good all round sale, fat sheep recording a sharp rise for ia small entry. Store lambs: There avos an excellent sale for fine-AVoolled lambs, particularly OAves, there being an advanco ■of one shilling a head. Best eAves made to 23*' 3d. Store sheep: There Avas a keen sale for gcod eAves, the previous rates being fully maintained. Best 2-tii owes made to 30s Id; good found-mouthed CAves to 19s 9d; good, 4-yr Romney to 22s 6dq and extra good 2-th. threequnrter bred to 29s 6U. Fat lambs: There Avas a smaller entry ai\d sales were made at full schedule rates of 6}d to C|d for firsts, and fid to 6}-d for seconds. Fat r-heop: A small entry of 3800 came fonvard, no more than tho normal penning. As a result values rose, freezing cavos being better by one shilling a head, Avethers up by one shilling, and butchers’ ewes by 2s. Best Avethers made to 29s 4d; prime modium-Avoight, 24s fid to 26s Id; ordinary, 20s to 24s Id; light, 15s to 19s 6d; extra prime cavos, to 26a 4d; prime 21s 6d to 24s Id; prime medium-Aveight, 18s to 21s Id; light and ordinary, lls to 17s. Fat cattle: There Avas an o\’er supply, comprising 615 head, for good steers and heifers, Avhich were in .short supply, there Avas an improvement of 15s a head, best beef making from 23s to 26s per 1001 b., and other classes ranging from I4s to 20s. Extra heavy prime steer* made to £l2 2s Gel; prime heavy. £9 to £11; prime medium Avcight, £8 to £9 10?; ordinary, £4 15s to £7 ss; extra prime heifers, to £8 12s 6dt; prime, £5 5s to £7; ordinary £3 10s to £4 10s; light, to £3 ss; extra prime cows to £8 7s 6d; prime £4 10s- to £6 10s; ordinary, £2 15s to £3 15s; light and aged, £1 to £2 10s. Fat tpigs: There Avas no bacon sale to-day. On an average there Avas little change in value*, Avhich were: Choppers, £2 to £6 8s 6d; porkers, 29s 6d to 34s 6d; heavy porkers, 37s 6d to £2 Is 6u—average price per lb., sfd to 6Jd. MELBOURNE WOOL SALES (U-P.A. by Elec. Tel. Copyright) MELBOURNE, April 17. At the avool sales, tho market closed very strongly, Avith a general hardening tendency. The outlook for tho sales after Easter is very encouraging.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12532, 18 April 1935, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12532, 18 April 1935, Page 2

COMMERCIAL Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12532, 18 April 1935, Page 2