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Women’s World

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr and Mrs W. Clark, are leaving tomorrow on a visit to Rotorua. Mrs j>. C. Gray, Waiohika, is leaving today on a visit to- Aurkfland. * * » • Miss Barbara Kemp leaves tomorrow on a visit to Wanganui. ' m a* * Mi ss D. Dobson leaves this week on a visit to Hawke’s Bay. Mr and Mrs W. Ogilvie arc motor - . in" ,to Rotoma for the holidays. m m m Mr. and. Mrs C. R. Skeet aro leaving this week for Lake. Rotoiti. « *■ * Airs Tf. Barker .wa.s a Wairoa visitor to Gisborne at Ihe week end. » « » Alias M. Ball intends spending the Easter holidays at Lake Taupo. «• » * Miss V. Bnrnard is leaving Ibis week on a visit to Christchurch. ® * m Miss S. Ormond motored' through 1 to Rotorua yesterday. , * m q Airs W. I. mi glands is leaving on Friday op a visit to Auckland, «* » M. Rooton is visiting Auckland for the Easter vacation. » « » Air and) Mr si H. D. Chrisp and family left on Al on day for Napier. it 9 v Mr and Alt's C. Rykoi, Alamituke. aro visitors to Wellington. * * m Air a .nd Airs E. Stewart. Hangaroa. ar c visiting Hawke's Bay at. Easter. * * * Aliss .Toyce Morris, Tolaga Bay, left at tlio ,week end lor Masterton (where she intends spending” the winter. fflr # ® Aliss Iv. Shaw lias been the weekend guest h cr aun i' Mrs W. Graham, Childers road. . & ® * Aliss L. Coleman left yesterday on a' visit to AVellington and the South Island. * * a Air and Airs A. F. Houston are leaving tomorrow on a visit to the South Island. * » 9 Aliss Raphael William® has been the guest of Airs R. Hockley during the week end, ft 9 a Air and Airs AY. D. Morley intend spending the Easter vacation in AATfllli ngton. ts> SS » AL- and Airs A. F. Salmon are leaving tomorrow on a visit, to Lake Rotoiti. m m w Miss TL Holm Hiss, Christchurch, is the guest of Airs 11. P. Kay, i-Is street.. m# * . Afr and Airs J. B. Atoms, Tolag a Bay, were the (week end guests ot Airs W. G. * * m Aliss Al. Ormond, Wairoa, is the guest of Airs F. S. Bowen. “Afaraetahn” Afnriwai. a» * 1* Airs J. .1. Faulkner, Hastings, is staying with her sister, Airs Gerald Kemp, Russell street. IK o v> Aliss Betty Coleman is motoring to Auckland today for the. Easter vacation . Air and Mrs Roy Bnwon, Wharerata.. were .week end guests of AD’S F, S. Bowen. “Alarnetnha,” Afuriwai. Aliss P. Faulkner, Muriwai. is returning tomorrow from a visit- to Hawkßns Bay. - sfs * <’ Aliss N. Nolan. Wairoa, has been the guest of ALss AL Faulkner. Aluriwat. * * # Air and Airs H. P. Kay and family intend spending the Easter vacation at Wainui beach. * ■*. * Airs C. R. .Bull will he. the guest of her sister, Afrs R. Hodgson, Rotorua, for Easter * 3: 9 Air and Airs AA 7 . R. Barker arc spending Easter at their, Shack at Lake Rotoiti gt g: ‘ g: Alr and Airs .T. C. N. Thomas and Aliss E. Thomas intend visiting Lake Rotoiti this week. g: g: g*’ Alias .T. Thomson, who has been the guest of Airs A. T. Coleman, Rutefte road, is returning to Auckland today. g! * Atossrs A. E. Dover, P. Alurphy, G. Gregory, and R. Reynolds were the guests Of the Messrs H. and; B. Kemp Rero. at the week end.. 9 :5 «ii Air and 1 Airs A. S. Muir, who have been, the guests of Air and Airs Willikms at Lake Rotoiti returned to Gisborne on Sunday. * i|! * Airs 11. O’Louglilin, Wairoa, was the guest of her mother, Mrs E. Al. Parker. R.utene road, at the week end. ft. g= * Air an,d Airs F. R. Jefferd, Tokomaru Bay, will be the guests of Air and, Airs G. M. Reynolds, Ormond:, for Easter. . Iff * ■ 9 Mr and Airs G. F. Alortimer and Miss .Tune.,,Mortimer (Ireland) who have been visiting relatives in Poverty Bay are leaving today for Auckland, *_ - * M r and' Mrs P, F. Barker, Mr and Mrs ,D. W. Barker and Air and Airs F. E. Humphreys- will be the guests of ■ Airs AY. It. Barker at Lake Rotoiti' for Easter,

Airs R. Fitzgerald, Hangaroa, is spending Easter; with . hler mother. Mrs 11. Packe, Disraeli street, f s * Aliss L. Bain will bo the guest of Airs J, Kelly, Hastings, lor the Easter vacation. S> Ni * ' Air and Airs .K. Georgetti, Tangihau, arQ visiting Hawke’s Bay at the iweek end 1 . if; * Miss Alolly Smith, Patutahi. has been.,the guest of Airs J. Blair, Iranui road. * * si Alisses ,E:.. A. and AL Bradley are, returning today from a visit t,o. AVellington . - * * Airs Andrew Piclcon, Raka.uroa, has been spending the week-end in town. ** • * Air and Mrs Clifford Tattersfield who are visiting Auckland, were recent guests at the Station Hotel. Ss -t Airs F. Sherri ff and Aliss K. Sherriff, Waikohu, are the guests of Airs H, Kenway, Harris street. * 9 * Mr and Airs .Godfrey Wilson and Miss Etna Wilson, Wellington. aro spending Easter with relatives m Gisborne. * * * Alisa P. Crawford, Hangaroa- intends spending the.: - holidays with her pairents. Air and Airis. R, G. Crawford Riverside road. •is * tf Airs G. Hyde returned to Hamilton on Atonday, having been the gilest cf Airs P. Hamilton, Harris street. BRIDE-ELECT ENTERTAINED On Saturday afternoon a delightfully informal party was given by Airs P. Barlow, at her home in Iranni road for Aliss Florence Fa eke, nextweek’s bride. Three tables of bridge mere arranged' in the. drawingroom, which, was most artistically decorated with bril-liantly-lined zinnias and asters. After tea a diverting competition wals entered) into with enthusiasm, the winner, Aliss N. Leslie,, being rewarded 1 with an attractive prize. Each guest brought a gift for the future bride’s work-basket, and the parcels disclosed a number of pretty and useful articles. The hostess was smart in a frock of salmon pink wool crepe flocked with black, ornamented at. Ihe neckline ,with a black rose. The guest of honour chose a becoming frock of leaf brown flat, crepe with parchment shaded trimmings and a, smart hat t.o tone. Among the. guests were: Afesdames C. Shaw, E. Gully. T. Scott; Alisses E. Alattbews, D. Jackson Al. Foster Fi. and E. Matthews, E. Wilson. N Leslie and G. Smith PARTY FOR BRIDE-ELECT On Alonday afternoon, Aliss .Betty Coleman entertained in a very delightful .manner at. her home in Rnten 0 road in honor of Miss F. Paeke whoso marriage to Mr I’. do Lnutonr takes place next week. Three tables of bridge were arranged in the drawingroom which was most artistically decorated with very beautiful dahlias. A delectable tea was served informally, and later the inviting looking parcels brought, by the guests for the bride-to-be were opened revealing a varied assortment of pretty gifts. The hostess was wearing a becoming frock of white crepe do chitio printed in a soft shade of blue. Alisfe J- Thomson) GYucfejund),. a house guest, was smart m a frock of navy blue and white spotted flat crepe and the guest or honor wore an attractive frock of green niarocain with beige trimmings and a hat to tone. dance at rere. Although the weather was not all that "could l be desired there was a good attendance at the bright and cheery dance held under the auspices of the Rere Sheep Dog Trial Club in the Rere liall on Saturday night as a finale to the annual meeting. Decoraihions of Native! (greemery and multi-colored streamers formed an effective setting for the dancers, and the programme, went with a swing from beginning to end 1 . Airs Alenzies’ orchestra, was responsible for the inspiring music, and enjoyable extras were contributed by Several of the guests. During a pleasant interlude, Air A. J. Harris, in the absence of the president, presented Mr. J. Wilkie with a case of pipes in recognition of his services as secretary to ■ both .dog trial and local sport’s club during a lengthy term of office. A delectable sit down supper was provided' by the ladies of tho district, who waited on the guests most assiduously. The table decorations wer e artistically carried out with bril-liantly-hued zinnias combined with delicate greenery. Among those present were: Air and Mra A. J. Harris, Air and) Airs G. C. Falkner, Alt and A'lrs R. BullocknWebfitor, Air- and Airs .J, B. Williams. Air and Mrs K. Georgetti. Air and Airs Alatson, Mr and Airs Cahill ; Mesdahies Mason and Cunningham; Misses J. Nolan (Wairoa), B. Hamilton, .T.y Blair, B. Kemp. M. Smith N. and L. Williams. J. Campbell, AT. Roberts) Y. and L. Harris, D. Nicol. T. Semmens. D. Parker, 0. Cunningham ; Alesars Q. Williams, H, and B. Kemp. B. Reddell. V. Field, R. 1/e.ggatt. F. Smith, . jE. Devon. G. Gregory, P; Alurphy. R. Reynolds.. N. Rutledge. Smith. A. and ’R. Matthews, J. Wilkie. Al. Georgetti. H. Roberts. B, Dobson. Nicol and J. Gapjgsr,.

A. BON VOYAGE PARTY A very delightful card party was given by W. Neal, at her home in Whittaker street, on Aloud ay night as g. farewell to All's Al, A. Black and Aliss J . Dos Buri es who leave next month on a visit to England. Th o folding doors between the drawingroom and diningroom were thrown open and both rooms wer 0 gay with a Wealth of very beautiful d’ahlias aa’ranged with artistic effect, A delectable supper was served informally from a flower-decked table. The hostess was very smart in a gracefully cut frock} of black georgette printed in a floral design. Mi'S Black chose an elegant frock of black georgette combined with silver lace. Aliss Des Barnes' were an attractive modified princess frock of black crepe patterned in rich tonings ornamented. with green and cherry colored accordion pleated frill*, edged with white chiffon. Among tho guests wore: Mr and Alr s J. A. Elvers, Air and! All's F. H. G. Galvin. Air and Mrs A', F. Clark, Airs Appleby (Whakatane); Missels E. Millar, C. Oman, Af. Bvosnahnu ■ Alcsisns AT. A. Black and Mills. AY A TNG ARE W.J. The April meeting of the Wajngake W.T. was held last Thursday. Airs H. R. Shanks presiding. The business included the finalising of tho potato competition, and arrangements for tho exhibition and sale of work in Gisborne on May 2nd and 3rd. The roll call, “Sing, say or pay’’ resulted in only 2s being added to tho funds much latent talent being discovered. Airs F. Shanks gave an interesting reading on flower names derived from Greek mythology, while members knitted, etc. A very interesting competition iwas supplied by Miss A. Shanks, Airs Covell proving tho winner. S°cial chat together with tea served by Alesdamos Hansen and AlcKenzie. concluded' an enjoyable afternoon. A MORNING TEA Bowls of spindle berries lent » ifestivo air to the PJunkct rooms yesterday morning, when the committee of the Gisborne branch of tho Plunket Society entertained PI link et Nuri.'O Tonkin, who has received notice of her transfer to WaipawaA. delectable ten was served informally, and later AHs N. H. Bull expressed tho regret of both the committee members and Ihe local mothers in Airis Tonkin’s departure from the district, and asked her to accept on behalf of the latter a handsomely bound book and silver poneiT as a. Tangible tribute rif their appreciation. Airs Doyle. representing the mothers of the To Karaka subbranch, presented Aliss Tonkin with a- silver serviette ring, and Afrs AY. A. Snvtli also took the opportunity of eulogising her work. The recipient acknowledged ihe charming manner. Among those present were Ales■daines Puflett; J- Blair. AV. E. Ooffe. AY. A. Smith, N. H. Bull, TL L. Primrose. J. ,S. AA 7 auchop, R. F, Gambrill, AY. Blathwayt, HIf. Smith, P. A. Pettit, Kane, Louden, AUott. Alartin, Doyle, Allen fTe Karaka). E. R. Black (Alannlukeh Kirk (Manufuke), C. .T. Biamilton (Alnmitukel; Alisses V. Barnard and Burgess (Te Karaka). LADIES' GOLF An L.G.TI. medal round engaged tho attention iff the lady members of the Poverty Bay Golf Club yesterday afternoon. Counter attractions were no doubt responsible for the somewhat small entry; nevertheless playing conditions were ideal and the course was in perfect order. Tn the A division, honors were annexed by Airs E. Harper, 81—12— 72, Aliss M. Bull. 87—6—81, being placed second, and Aliss S. Ormond 92—28-83 third. Airs AY- Cave, 39—10—80, was the successful competitor in Hie B division, Aliss Al. Smith 110—28—82 gaining second place. KITCHEN TEA FOR. BRIDE ELECT A 7 eistorelay afternoon a most delightful “kitchen” tea was given by Mrs E. M. Hutchinson and her daughter, Aliss Leigh Hutchinson, at “Te Kura” their picturesque riverside home, for Alias P. Packe, prior to her marriage te Air P- do Lautour. The lounge and morning room were filled with the 'fragrance of lovely rosses, an,d dahlias in rich autumn tunings wore chosen for the adornment of the drawingroom, a bright fire adding to tho atmosphere of charm. A delectable ton. was served informally in the dhiingroom, which looked most attractive with its artistic decorations of brilliantly-hued zinnias. A clever and original competition arranged for tho entertainment of the guests wan won by Miss Packe, who was rewarded with a charming gift. After tea the numerous parcels were Solved .from a large tdothesbafcket—alsoi a gift—b.y the guest of honor, assisted by her prospective bridesmaid, Miss Af. Foster. Airs Hiiteliinison was wearing an elegant gown oif silver grey flat crepe ornamented with tiny accordion pleated frills' and a collar of Honiton lace. Aliss Hutchinson wore a. becoming frock of leaf brown and white printed flat crepe designer! with a white cowl collar. Airs G. S. Bridge was gracefully frocked in white crepe de chine patterned in willow green. The guest df honor chose a smartly tailored suit of beige tweed trimmed with vermillion red buttons and a, felt hat to match. Afrs Paeke was wearing a sapphire blue tailor-made, a hat of matching felt and furs.

Among tli© guests nor©: Alesclames H. Kenway, J. B. hells, A. \V. Murray, Dean-Pitt. C. M. Hutchinson, B. D. Rymock, P. T*. DLeslie, 11 uni, G. CL Winter, C. .Mnrgoliouth. T. Sooti. and l - . C- A. Leggett: Misses; M. Campholl (Scotland), R. and -I. Scott Is. M inter, P. Appleton. (To Karaka), M. Foster, L Hunt, C. .Blackburn, B. Coleman. J. Thomson (Auckland). I. and 0. Crawford, E. Wilson, and P. .Murray. FASHION NOTES. NEW YORK, Fob. 2U One of the most vivid of the current color combinations i>s bright red, wine-red, citron, and Kellygreen. Another is electric-blue, purple, and red. Persian green an,l magenta are particularly vibrant. Redplum, periwinkle-blue and mauvepink are equally exciting. The dolman sleeve on evening jackets is cut so lull that it results in a- bloused 'Silhouette. The Paris couturier, Alix, makes beach suits with Arab trousers ot wool jersey .and Orientalises them yet ’further by broad two-color jersey sashes, lie uses also the Hindu sari, as the hauls of a draped bodice; and makes charming lounging suits and beach pyjamas of prated linens like Egyptian, frescoes. White rubber rain eoats whose surface is so rough that it looks as if it had been dealt with by a trowel arc a rage in Paris. Anny Blatt has pleased the Princess Elizabeth of England by a knitted coat of soft blue, with a belted hack and a hemline flared by inverted pleat. It is available for other princesses—not to say, private little girls. Covered buttons at the base of docolletnges are an expression of the favouite employment of discrepancies. Where one looks for a jewel or a ribbon as gay as a- candy box one finds a low of tailored discs. * Vivid scarfs of elastic rayon, crossed and draped to form belts like waistcoats arc issmart with plaid pique raid curs and nlsoi with tailored evening suits of Swiss organdy. Overskirts and overskirt effects are much useiff in the evenings. One skirt may he long and open up the front revealing the other.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12531, 17 April 1935, Page 3

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Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12531, 17 April 1935, Page 3

Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12531, 17 April 1935, Page 3