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Women’s World

' SOCIAL AND -PERSONAL. Miss 10. Willis' returned on Wed-; ueid'ay from a visit to Auckland, v • ; ■ '■ft • ft • * Messrs: H. G. Wellbomc and TV, Toi-ry are visiting Rotorua. ■ - ■ . . , ; ■ ft . ' V- * , ■ • ‘ . Miss ’ Nancy Bowen- (Muriwai) is tho guest of Mrs. Oririorid, Wairoa, * * •# : : Mr. and Mrs. Jtf. E. Maude are. spending the holidays, at Tolaga Bay. * ft ft. Miss S. Ormond has returned from a visit to Rotorua and Auck.aud. * * * Mrs. 0. Seymour, ‘‘Alangaoue,” is visiting Auckland. -iv * *\ " - Mr. and Airs. 'O. AV. Tomlinson aml family (Waitotara) are staying -with. Mrs. E. G. Matthews, Wrtumi road- * * =» Mrs. L. Miles and her daughter," Miss Lots Miles, tw'o Gisborne visitors to Auckland. '/$ *A : ’ Mr. and Mrs. A. Pittar (Tolaga Bay) left on Tuesday for Hamilton to' attend tho Frazer—Pittar wedding. • m ft * Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Taylor are. spending the Now Tear holidays' at Tokomaru Bay. ft ft Miss G. AVheoler was a visitor to. ’tokomaru Bay lor the Christmas holidays. * * Miss M. Bourne (Auckland) is the guest of lier sister. Mils. AV. D. Cook, “Eastwoodliill, ’’ Ngatapa. * * ft Mr. and Mrs. E. ML Monckton andfami’y (Ngatapa) arc holidaying at ■AVainui beach. ft if Airs. K. M'. Palgrnve is leaving today for Wellington, wlieio sh e will be. the gneist of her sister, Mis. At.. Boss i , * * ft . ' Mrs. E, Trowcll, accompanied by her daughter Betty, loft on Wednes-. day on a visit to Palmerston North and Wellington. ; ft ft • The liev. F. I. l’arsohs and Mrs. Parsons, accompanied by their solid left on Wednesday on u- visit to \\ elr lington. ■' ft. ft ft Mr. and Mrs. C. Williamson (’I« Araroa) were the guests of Airs. E. H. Maun, Bussell street, for mas..ft ft ' ft Airs. C 1 lines \A alkci (laiieatua), accompanied by her children, is vis* itiug her parents, Mi. and Airs. A. I’. Hookey. ft ft * Aliss Eva Matthews is visiting the Marlborough Bounds and Wellington. ft, ft wAir and Airs. 11. Watkins (i’olaga Buy) are the guests of Mrs. E. W atkins. Alaugapapa, ft ft ft Miss N. Black (Grcymouth). is arriving in Gisborne oil Aloud ay and will he the guest of Airs. -Hutton, the High School Rectory, School road. * -* *. Airs. L. Balfour, accompanied by her two sons, left on .Wednesday Ru Cape Runaway, where . she is the guest of her sister, Alts. J. CTanswick. ■ * * * Air. and Airs. A. C. Birch and family, who have been the guests of Hr. and Airs. J. W.' Williams, Fit*-' herberb street, returned to Alarton on AVcdnesdiay. * ft ftAir. and AH's. S. Lumsdep, . who have been visiting .Lake, were the guests of Airs. G. V. Smith, Patutalii, before returning to Tokomaru Bay on Wednesday. -ft' 'A* Aliss Molly Smith (Patulahi) was the guest of Airs. K. Hood, AVainui road, for tho P.B. and E.C. Lawn Tennis Association’s annual tournament. ft & ft Aliss Ui'sula Williams, who has been visiting friend® and relatives, in Poverty Bay, returned to Napier on Wednesday. ft ft ft MYse-s M. Smith; (Patutalii) .and B. , Hobson will he the guests of,Airs. Lumsden, Tokomaru Bay., for the New .Year tennis tourney. ut. AVa.l-. piro Bay. •, „ • - , , . ft . ft . , ft . . Misses P. .and ;V., Barker, .uceoip.paniedi by, their, guests,.Al.Ys C. .AV.ilKoh; (Bulls.)' and , Messrs.; I. , Latham (Wanganui) 'and 11.. Wilson. (Bulls), sjre motoring. to. U r ai.piro Bay to- . morrow to attend the annual,-. New Year, tennis tourney. , • ft ■ ft • -i ft t > v.: Air. arid *stra. A. Blackburn mid family. accompanied' by •Aliss'» Tlpa, Gaider '/Christchurch) and Hr. •Aj. Blackburn, are camping- at • Hick’s Bay.- .. . - - -: h ' / ■ft * , ;.# : Air., and ,;Alr.s. .CL i r 8 (. . :, Bra,d'Sha\i. .(Wellington), who, havo ,• been the. • guests of. Airs. ■ *T.’ 0. .. Nolan.' Cl if*-, ford' street,-: left v for -' Lake . Rotoiti; yesterdav., t-'J r : . . .ft. - *. j .ft ■ • . Mr. and Mrs, Ai-G. : 'Lrjn.pasLpr: t'Wl family (Porangabau) yaroft visiting' G if * borne.: A- ; ■ ’ft Alesers. 1). ;Thomas); (Waika.rprnoana) andl.Al. R. Alaudo will-he the guests"’ of 'Alr; v /E.' d. '- Stock,:' • “i.e Rolie.f I’okdina fn Bay, f for ’ New Year.' ' : .■ ; . ;

: " • .. ) >, •; ’ - , )■ Aliss ;E. M. Kbtenieyer ',. (Hawke s,. Bay) is staying with her sister,; Airs' D-’Arcy Blackburn. Clifford street; ’ * ' * . ft'' Mr. and Airs. H’Arcy Blackburn; were visitors to Hawke’s Bay for the.. Christmas holidays. ■ft: ft-' ft Mr. and Afrs.'H. Buchanan (Tai-. hape) litre the guests of Mrs. Clark, “Opou.” * ft ft . , -' Air. and Airs. At. K. Boon, of? Whittaker. Street, left, yesterday on, a visit to Christchurch t . ft ft ■ ft j ' Aliss B. TComp and Air. Jl. Komp, ; : accompanied by their guest, Air. AV. Raiubow (Hawke’s Bay), are leaving: to-dnv for : Waipiro Bay tg attend the annual tennis tourney, : -. ' * . -. ft r ~ * . •' Aliss ’ Joan Millard returned to ’ her home- in ' Christchurch yesterday.; 'During lier stay in' Gisborne,; ‘ Aliss Aiillard' hais been the guest of. her sister, Mrs. M- K. Boon, Whittaker; Street. ■ - - * ft ■ * Air. and: Airs. G. Reeves (Tolaga-, Bay); who have been : the guests of. Mrs. J. . Barns-Grahain, Russell street, are" leaving to-morrow for Waipiro Bay. accompanied' by Alisses; AV. and B. and Ales-i si's. AJL Hogan and B. Rutherford (Christchurch). .*■ * * Gisborne competitors : in the Wat-, piro Bay tenuis tourney at New Year include Aliases P. Reynolds, I*. Gunn,. S. Ormond, AI. Blair and .12. Hog--arty. ft * ft The Auckland Provincial Girl Guide, group camp, consisting of seven groups, will bo he'd l from January 3rd to 18tl», both days inclusive. The site chosen is a picturesque spot oir the w:I,St,, coast, t.wcntjnine miles north of Auckland and two miles from Aluriwai. Aliss Bnr’giu, Red Cord Diploma Guider, and head of training in . New Zealand, ; will be i\i, charge, and approximately oUO Guides, Rangers ci’i'tl Guiders will be under canvas. ’Tue Poverty. Bay division, will be represented by six Guiders and three Guides.


A wedding of considerable interest was solemnised' at St. Alary's Cathedral (Auckland) early this month,, when Gabe Gwendoline, second <lau-, ghter of Air. ami AH's. R, J. Kocfoed, of Sb. George’s Bay road. Parnell, was married to the well-known ex-Auckland rowing captain. Ronald Ebenezcr Alahoii, of Gisborne, second son of Airs. S. Foster, of AJongonui. The Rev. Canon of St. Alary s oificiated, and Air. Randal was tbe ( organist. ■ palest pink rosebuds and lovely Xmas lilies formed the church decorations.

Tlie bride, who entered the church on the arm of her lather, wore. an exquisite gown of sbimmoving magnolia satin, cut on classical lines, with graceful flaring skirt terminating in a long circular fish tail train edged by mi mite frills of molied chiffon, over which - cascaded a. beautiful veil of heavy .point du gazo lace, worn with a cap ui opalescent sequins caught low on the nape, ot tb e neck with a • cluster of orange blossom. The bride completed ber toilet with a .sheath of Christmas lilies.

The seven bridal attendants were Misses Ethyl Koefocd. Wyu Saunders, .Eileen Cook and Betty Crosliio. Alr.s. Muriel Evans (sister), Airs. Estiiene Saunders (sister) and Aliss KathleenUddiard. All were frocked /Ji.ko in love-rn-tlic-mist silk organdie, pin tucked to the knees, with low neck jin CS , and' epaulettes oufined by wMe baiids of niching caught 0y Kpidgs of .pink rosebuds’ and wide flaring skirts with hem of ruching. Each maid more a garland of ,pale • pink rose's on her hair, and' carried a long trail of rambling roses in two shades of . pink, and wore blue silk mittens.

Mr. Rolf Parker was host man. After the ceremony ' a large gathcrkxg took place at the Domain tWbek, where Airs. Koefocd received her "Uests in a striking gown of fm 1 - lv pi n tucked black georgette and lace and carried a bouquet of crimson roses. Airs Foster chose heavy .back georgette, for her suit, and her bouquet was in autumn tints. AH’, and Mr. 'Million have ™auo theKr- hbino';’in ■ Gisborne, ’ where Mr. Alahon is, on the . staff of the .Ban s, of. Australasia.

' DANOE AT K-VITERATA H 1 • .The .kaiteratahi Hull was en; fete on Tuesday night when : a very ..successful dance was held as.'a fitting nlialo to the aunual' starts gathering organised -by the Kaiteratahi' Sports Club. *’ " : ' • • There wa- 8 "a large- and representative ’ attendance' aiid • everyone ••tlio®'-. •onghly entered into/the' joyous spirit of 'the ''occasion.;.. • • h Adequate ‘preparation '- had made by a willing .band- of • woikeis, aucl itheL'suCtidss;- achieved) amply, re-priid-'tbeir eiforts. • . ” ... , -Thek fibqr' was'efficiently controlled l^y' Air : Oresswellarid, Airs. Menzieis* orchestra i was -in 'V splvndhd: 1 , form, niueh-enjoyed extras bejrig contriur uted'- by /Mrs. Alenzies,- '.Aliss McEaiv laiie' and *Af r,: Heeney.'. ' . ‘ 1 ,-L

■/'. The' catering, .was in. The hands -M; Alr.'/.8. 'Lowe, seasonal . blooms being used with ‘cliarnn'iig -effect;• in^til© ’decoration of the supper tables. ~. a

TENNISThe annual cliamp'cushi]i and handicap tournament held under the auspices of the Poverty Bay and East Coast Lawn Tennis Association •opened on Tuesday in ideal weather and. as usual, attracted much interest.

On Wednesday a. high wind made conditions very unpleasant, and unfortunately ram set ■ in ear'v on Thursday afternoon and ph'y had to bo abandoned.

The excellent arrangements reflected the greatest credit on the members of the executive committee, and the 'secretarial duties were in the capable hands of Air. K. Wood row. Among the players and spectators were: Air-and Airs 11, Barker, Mr and Airs It. E. Bartrom (Rimkitun), Afr' and Airs A- H. Wilson. Mr, and Airs H. C. Nolan (Ruakitnri), Air and Alr s R. Hutchinson. Air and Airs W. I Bruce, AIr j atul Airs A . Kohn, Air and Airs G. Reeves (Tolaga Bay), Al r and Afrs A: AVilson. .Mr mid Mr s DE. Chrisp, Air and Airs Lhildrey, -' ,r and : Airs I. S.'.C. DMuairns (Ruutoria), Mr and AH's clhani. Air and Airs J. G. Nolan, Air and Airs G. BBradshaw (AVollington). Air and Mrs A. Reid (Tolaga Bay), Afr and Airs W. Neal, Air ami Airs E._ Smith; Alesd'anics., H. A. ' King. K. R'- C d> Rigg, Par'lccr; H. Hopkinson and K. Harpor; Aliases H, Nolan. D. Bagmall, AI. Rees, ,L." King, AV. and B. 'Barns-Graham, E,. Hegarty, MBlair, AI. Smith, S. Williams, AH O’Hinllorau, B. Kemp, S. Barton, S. Ormond, C. AVilsoiV, Voyle, P. and Y Barker. P. Reynolds, N- Bruce..l. Kohn, Afoore, E. Maxwell, Zaclmnah, E. Jelinek, AI. Reed, M* Fraser, H. Wilson. (Bulls),.;-L.. Davis,'. Bignell, Bilham, Kenny, P. Gunn and Haisman.

A SURPRISE. PARTY. A. very jollv surprise party visited the• homo of Aliss 1 Nancy. Cowan at Alakarori "onSaturday ; eveping last, ’and: spent a 'vbrv happy time'. J BDlliaptTy-hrefd.streftFf's' and unii-ki-cqloured 'hallooVis jiUermingVed' with feathery: -greenery* lent a festive • air V tE? spacicfus ' •"sittingroom, .and hero dancing) wns onjoj’pd •to insph; itiug music supplied ’guetts, a gramopiiono being .utilised for extras. '-' . ; ' A dalectabl©; ’supper . was sowed informally, .and:’. laterrooniinimjty singing' was entered into with enthusi-

a sin.'- .. . 1 Mrs. Cowan'.welcoinoj her <!augi« ter’is guests .wearing -a - '- siu«rt>. f« ock °* •.'ger^tniupi.iyoiJj,Hat 4 crfJPP '.'with, 'trimmings... ' • •... Miss Cowan .'. cliose./,: becoming ft ock of -tangenne'floi;ul . crepe do 'chine relieved ywijh Among' those present Averb: N.' i.Mal'golionth, ' ,P. Jackson, C. Blackburn. Di. Ad a inis,. P... De.. CH?sta, ; J.: 72V, y Reid : (Dunedin').;:': fi.', Farain; Messrs!’ B. aitd L. Mfltyim.vK'-: Cfarer, ,R.ADo Co«ta; ; .‘iT. "BqbinsonV Jl- #>na I. 'Barnard, •J. Clayton,: R.. dPeiirsotV; \ W. JH ...Aitche•Yv j •. _ ;• V*■ '' \

A WOOLSHED DANCE. Gaily-. decked with multi-coloured streamers, the woolslicd at Pohatuioa station. Te Reiuga, presented a very gay and animated scene on A\ educsd‘ay night when a successful dance was hold as a finale to the annual sports meeting organised by the Tiniroto-Te Reinga Sports Club. There is something very delightful about a wo-o’.sbod dance and the gay informality of the occasion nuts thorouglily enjoyed by a record attend*lll Ci 3.

Both the floor and the music were all that could 1 he desired, an t ] tue programme of modern and told-time dances went with a swing? from beginning to end. ° The duties of M.C.s were most efficiently uudoi taken by Messrs. 1.. Richardson and G: AloPlniil, aiul Tuck’s orchestra supplied the inspiriting music, each number being iepoatediy encored. Supper was served iulornially duting a pleasant, interlude. Much -of the credit for the success achieved was undoubtedly dud, to the efforts of Lite- president, Mr. P. • Mossman, and the secretary, .Mr. Fahey, who, with the assistance of a ladies’, committee, comprising' MeS'daiues. ■ O. Evans, Fahey and Wright, had overlooked no detail in the preparations for the evening.


On Thursday night the Alanutuke Memorial Hull .was the scene of a bright aud cheery “luird-up" dance organised by an energetic committee for the benefit of the ha’l funds. In spite, of the somewhat unpleasant weather. there was an a ttenclniice of approximately sixty couples, and tlie holiday spirit was very much iu evideuco.

The'floor was ably controlled by Messrs. A. Barber and A. Nieol, and the popularity of old-time dances was fullvj demon sta thfl . \ ’. . : ,• t Appropriate mm. Ac. was supplied by Mrsj.’.vAshdown' (piano), Mr.- Ashdown (accord, jou) .and Mr. Martin (accordion), beach number being ■enthusias-tically-received by-the'dancers. : , T|ie excellent supper arrangements werp In ‘ the ha nds of a ladies' committee, the , table decorations consisting., of ‘ crystal vases mf , gallmiy dins intermingled with delicate • traps of asparagus fern. >, 1 m The', cprainittee, who are. to-be coinplimented* on the gratify!tig result ■ql their efforts, comprised Mdsdaiiies. A. Barber, >T. l>au It on. -J. Boyd, d. Bradfiald, JV Kano, F. R- Piei'cy and Poulgrain; Alessrs.; A. Berber. F,:RPietoy, A- Nicol, Poulprani. T. Lynn., P. Rurschka M. Boyd.

; ' : AT THE CABARET.' ; - . a very ? jolly-,cabaret wa s : bckl at. LoGrfinde ■ on Thursday, and a.-.' though - tlie Y attendance. .was . put’.as largelas -usual the ’evening went rwtjih a swing from' beginning to end. Great, ehisters • -of . rbriiliantl.v : -bne<J ; balloons' lent'. a festive air to ; : .the

pretty rooms, and tlie music, supplied by Chrisp’s orchestra, was a 'l that could be desired, the cool atmosphere bcicg an aaatu incentive to dancing. Among those present were: Mr and Mrs (-C Reeves (Tolaga Bay), Mr and Airs G. B. Eradfield A\ T ellington) Air. and Airs. J. G. Nolan, Air 3»: Airs H. E; Gave; Alisscs 13. Barnstirabam At. ii. mi, P. ana V- Barker, C. Wilson (Bulls), G. Williams, E. Hegarty, S. Ormond, H. Corsonu Messrs. J. JBarns-Graham. Al. Bogan. Al. K. Alaucle, 11. Wilson (Bulls), TLathtuu (Waugau-ui), Bennett, A . Hutchinson, B. Rutheiioid (Christchurch) and 11. Kemp.

an informal party. A small, delightfully informal party was given by Airs Richard Barker at her home in Russell street on Aloudny night. The ballroom, directively decorated with pot plants, looked very cool and inviting, and dancing and games were iliorougli’y enjoyed. Great bowls of hydrangea were chosen for the adornment- of flic lounge, and the drawingroom uas frag rapt with a wealth of roses and pastel-bucj sweet peas. • Supper was served in the dmingtootti, richly-tiuted roses alluringly combined with gypsophvlla, beautifying tlie table. The hostess wa !S wearing an elegant frock of. black ciro satin designed with a, white corsage. Aliss Barker wore « smart frock of black crinkly erepe flnislied with a yoke of palest piug georgette. Mis's A'. Barker's becoming f'ocK of blue and white printed flat erepe was cut on simple lines. Miss C. Wilson (Bulls) chose « Crock of embroidered shantung in a lovely shade of pink..-. . Among; the .guests were: Air. cud Mrs. G, Reeves (Tolagu Bay.) : -Misses ,-A'i Barker, AY. .and B. Barns-Graham,. -Ml Barker and E.’ Jlegarty: Messrs. It. Ayilson. (Bulls), AL Hogan.'ln Latham (AVangauui), ;A:.- : ,F.',. and . Bai'iis-Grahain, Y. , Hutchinsoii.; R. Rutherford (Christchurch), Al‘. ‘Maude and P. Blair ' ' *'

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 12140, 30 December 1933, Page 3

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Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 12140, 30 December 1933, Page 3

Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 12140, 30 December 1933, Page 3