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Women’s World

ENGAGEMENTS. - The engagement is - announced between, Kenneth Renn Myers, only son ot : the late Sir Arthur ' Myers; of Auckland, and Lady Mvers, 71 Upper Berkeley street, and Margaret Blair Pirie, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles P'irio, of Kitchener, Ontario. • * ■ * , ' The engagement is announced of Miss Is'hbol Bain, of /Te Pohue, youngest daughter of, the late Mr and Mrs l Peter Bain, ; of Temuka, South Canterbury, and Mr Hector McKinnon, Ttidgcnvount Station, soil of Mr Norman and the late Mrs McKinnon, Wairoa. . SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. S. Porter (Tokomaru Bay)' is*, tlie guest of Airs. F. Rouse, Uoxton. * . '* Air. J. G. Appleton (To Karaka) has returned from a visit to Wellington. * * -X ■ ■ Mrs. \v. Tf. Smith and her daughter. Airs. A. G. Slight, left on Sunday on a visit to Napier. ik # # Air. and Mrs. G. T. Parker, accompanied bv their children, are v isitiiiu- Auckland. * * * Mr and Airs. G. K. B. Barber (Waimuta Valley) were visitors to Gisborne last week. * # * Alias H. Steele, who has been visiting' friends in town, returned to J'ahunga. on A.touuay. Alisa Hazel Bell, who has'been the guest of Mrs. J. Bams-Grabum, Russell street, for a few days, returned to Hawke’s Bay on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Savage and their guest, Alias Alarye Savage, of Auckland, who have been staying with Airs. V. Barker. “U 1 verstouc.” returned t ( > Wiimala A'alloy on Sunday. -S- t# .Miss Joan Hutchinson (\ictoria. British Columbia) arrived in Gisborne yesterday, and is the guest of All's. V. Barker. '‘Riverstone," Kailt. a * Mr and Mrs. T. Bolden returned on Sunday from a visit to Hawke s Bay.

Airs. D. C. Gray AA’uiohika) has lie.! 11 phe guest of Airs, I. H. Aiac]o aH , AVaikohu. * -k * Miss Muriel Barker is returning today from a lengthy visit to,the south. J:/*c V? Vg Mr. and Airs. R. C. Murphy and Miss 15. Murphy (Panikau), who have been the guests of Alt’s. W. G. Shei" -att, returned to the Coast on Sunday. •A* Mrs! Allen Or bell (AVaikouairi) is arriving in Gisborne to-day, and wUI be the guest of Airs. A. Barken. ’lLlverstonc.” . * -k -k Airs. O. T. Williams (Ruatoria) is the guest of Mrs. E. Mcßae, Fraserto"'n; ■k *. & ■ Air. and All's. 11. 0. Nolan, who Mere the guests of Airs. .T. \Y. Nol ail , ‘‘Otipi,” for last week’s festivities, returned to Ruakituri on Sunday. # 'h 'Air. and All's. A. H. Jackman, who' were visitors to town for Carnival Week, returned to Tolaga Ray on Sunday. ~ j n : Aliss Nancy Nolan (Wairoa), who has been staying with Aliss Alary [>\au]kHer, Aluriwai, j« at present the guest of Mrs. J'. W. Nolan, “OUpi.” * -k * Mr. and Airs. E. Boise I retained to Tolaga Bay on Saturday. Airs. W. G. Alaelaurin lias l'uturned from a visit to tlio Coast, where she was the guest of her daughter, All'sJ. D. AVilliaiiis. ■k * x Aliss J. Dunlop.-who lias been MaA 7 . iug with Mrs. AV. Irwin, Jraimi road, returned to the Coast on Saturday. * * * Air. and Airs, J. W. Williams ( toriai) were the guests of Mrs. AV. -G, Alaelaurin, Waipura, Hex ton, while on a brief visit to Gisborne this week. *X : 'fe V - 3ir As one of the .chief horticultural events of the season, the uimiju] r |M Karaka flower show, held Under the auspices of Si. John’s . Anglican Ladies’ Guild, is always keenly anticipated, and this year’s fixture, which lakes place on - Thursday,- November tj...promises ,to boas -successful * as’ it ß . predecessors. ■ Excellent entries’ have been received and an energetic. com-’ luittee bus the 'aiTaiigeiueiils ’well’ uC liaud. ' ' • ' t ' ' . !; •: '. *• ’- # ' *'• //. The wedding was celebrated;- .’ recentily at '"Holy, •..Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai, -by .the Rev.. B. .HartUan, of,. Air James: Grey Skinner,- of • the Chinese ..Maritime■ Customs-, 'son- of .the'late Colonel B. >G'. Skinner;; G'.R.r' and Aliss Ins. Montgomery, daughter of Air and! Airs W. H. Montgomery, ' of,;Little' -River,; New Zealand; and ' a . granddaughter of >the. - Hoh..' c Sir Jfimes Allep, ; G.C.AT.G,, 'K.C.B.; ' High,- Commissioner ,for New/ Zealand ■ in '.London '; froniy liMf-IIMB r '

CONCLUDING DAY AT-M-VKARAKA. . the brooking described. A gay pageant of colour was presented on the lawns of the Alakaraka racecourse on Saturday, wtieu t e spring meeting of- the Poverty Bay. Tgrf "Club was concluded in golden sunshine. The general trend was for 1 smartlytailored frocks and ensembles chiefly-: in t-bo new cre-pc fabrics. Blue 'in many of tlie brighter shades and rich browns were the most, favoured colours, while plaids, us the bigli lights of the season. w c r e seen in all sizes and on all kinds of materials. Large shady hats looked pictures, quo in the sunshine, but small ones., milled forward and coming down o« to the brow—at least over one eyewove also very much in evidence. The W.E.C.At.R Regimental Band was. in a-1 tendance and played many popular selections. Among those .present were: Mrs. G-. Af. Reynolds, who was wearing a smart frock ol white flat crepe patterned in black with white "Gorgetic trimmings, and a small black straw hat: Airs. V. Barker wore a.tailored suit of leaf brown crinkly crepe with a beige georgette blouse a small straw bat Ui match, and furs; Airs. J. Bams-Graham chose an ensemble of nigger brown and white nrintid flat ore-e. ami a brown slraw hat: Airs. F. A' r . Nolan, tailored suit of tabno brown beige a "d "r-een cheeked silk, hat of coarse brown straw; Afrs. If B. Milliams was wearnur a c<'at it black marocam with a hirv" collar of h<nicv-eo]oured r-.,. ,>vcr a frock of willow green and i - 1 i .i.- na I term'd flat crone, and a lilac’*; si r;t tv hat: Airs. L. BoHcr'll. navy bine ensemble and straw hat 1° match: Airs. 11. 1 . Burke, tailored suit, of navy blue crene do chine and bat to match ; Mrs. 11. It. Bright wore coloured crinkly e-repe and matching lutl. of toll am) velvet; All's. Victor .Savage chose an ensemble of tubar brown and beige patterned crepe and a small hat. to tone; Airs--I'. R. Afulr, tailored suit of black flat cropo and small straw. hat to match with lunches of while: Alt's. G. Reeves (Tolaga Bay bottle green cu-s-unble and hat- in same tone; Airs K. E. Drummond, navv blue and white ensemble and large white straw hat; Airs. 11. V. Slovell. green

and black decked suit and small black straw bat; Airs. G. Nathan (Wellington) wore a black coat with a large upstanding fur collar over a matching frock of woo! georgette, and a small black straw bat with "bite trimmings: All's. I!. M. Robertson (Canterbury), black and while striped a small black straw, hat. and furs: Mi's. A. 11. Jackman (Tolaga Bay), black printed crepe l 'de chine coat and skirt, and small hat of black straw; Airs. ,1). McGregor, black georgette with touches of while and small hat of straw to match : Afrs. R. lv. Murphy. Lido blue and white striped flat crepe and large navy straw hat: Mrs. C. G. Bennett, black crepe do chine ensemble and hH to match; Airs. J. AlcLcod, ensemble of golden brown flat crep<. patterned in yellow and white, and bi'own straw hat; Airs. AV. L. Rutledge., navy blue crepe de chine costume and matching straw hat ; Afrs. AT. Gudgeon ' (Tikitiki). navy blue and white figured crepe de t-bino and sisal straw lmt to match; Mrs. B. Aliles, b’a'ck tailor, made un c | hat to match with touches of white; .Mrs. IT. R. AVilliams', tailored frock of striped Alacclesfield and small fawn felt hat; Airs. S. D. Nathan, hedge and brown shepherd’s plaid tailormade, and felt hat to tone; Airs. AA T . Alaelaurin, cornflower blue flat crepe patterned in gold and .white, and wide leghorn hut; Airs. P. Barker, chevron striped ei'epe in pastel tonings and large biscuit coloured straw hat; Airs. J. C. N. Thomas, Lido blue tailored coat and small brown straw- hat; All's. Selby, tailored suit oj' silver grey flat crepe and straw bat to match; Mrs. J. R. Alub pity (Mohaka) coat and skirt of blue*, printed crepe do chine and black straw hat; Airs. J. G. Nolan, bi'own and beige diagonal striped flat crepe and small brown bat; Airs. C. Tietjen, bottle green .ensemble with vivid chevron striped trimmings and bat to match; Airs. K. Reed, black figured flat ei'epe and 'straw bat to tone; Airs. J. AI. Mo'nckton, willow green tailored suit and small match-ing-straw-hat; Airs. IT. Stevens, biuo and black striped' coat over patterned crepe de chine, frock to tone, and black straw hat; Mrs. R. G, Hhie’ s Look of flol'al linen was 'vorti' with a th-reequartei'-leiigth • cream coat ' and If at; to -toiie; .Airs. AV.' -Hegarty, royal hliie" cJ’epe and piiitching 'hat: Mi's. AL.- ’.B!".Holden, f frock of 'cliqv'on -strip-, ed' crgjje'; in "pastel' tonings and black straw, bpt;’Airs. L; R. Bright, beige plaid’.frock' aft d'blit to lone; Mrs. R, Morse', r.chev.i’ojV stri'p'cd crene in paste,], shades and parchment straw hat: Mrs., H. If. De Costa, pavy blue ensemble. and .'small - hat to match ;

• Mrs. M<\ Fenwick, i bine unci 'white, figured ci'epp with white orgaudi® t.j imubtigs and ■ bat to ~tone ; Mrs. Coop; "rose. pink. Macclesfield silk and Hat .'to .mutch; Mrs. A, . J. , Barnard, iia vV,.blue ensenihlo • and ..matching lial'ij'M'rs.'' li.’ MV ..Martin, black cippi? do chine yitjV. touches okctinisou, and ImV to- ipateh; .Mrs. if. T. JloJclo*" • bilackcrikiidy • crepe withe pale .pink trinnnjii£rs,-;in ( i. .small black hut; Mi's;, JX” McGji'egoi; (Auckland)., wore .a bjaok plicck'ed coat. with a green fjrock,.an'd sma,lb black'velvet turban ; nV f ,Harris,, ./tailored • suit -of parcimieijt toiled. slianting . and cliocolatbi b'rmVH. felt that; .Mb's. .W.-tJ. Sin-: alai,i;Vblackprene and. wide straw; hat to, match j. ,S,, Hijtchinsou, ivory •Crepe <ly, cl)in,o aiid,.. gcr.aiii u m pink ]|at,;, Mirsjp. .C/ v Qliftjon,. brown and ' be;u-e* fignrefT'<-reppV. niyl -Small .brown ijaV}'

ninth blue suit and hat of white .felt; Mrs. J. Buttett. geranium pink msemble aiq] small lawn straw hat, Mrs. IB D. Smith, blue, red a’-'d yellow striped flat crepe and parchmenttoned straw hat; Mrs. J. Gaidnoi, cinnamonbrown ensemble and stiaw hat to match: Airs. R. Coop, slate blue suit of Viennese silk, and ua 'r straw lmt -.

Mrs. AV. llamiiton Irvine. -Onsemble of black flat crepe and small matching straw bat; Airs. E. Loisel, tailored suit of' olive green crene, und small grey hat banded with green: Airs. F. A. MeFadyen, ensemble of green nmrovuin and white hat: Ai rs. H. E. Cave, frock of Lido blue with scarlet and white trimmings, and hat to tone; Mrs. Bonyard, henna tricolette with stnpcd trimmings, and white hat; Airs. R. G. T. Peacocke, I'i‘ock ol henna kasha relieved with touches or fawn, and felt hat to match ; All's. 11. I>. Clvrisp, beige flecked tweed ensemble and matching bat; Airs. E. McS"cell oy wore a tailored suit of nia.sU'kaslia with a chocolate brown blouse,mid felt lmt to tone; Airs. A. J. Stock, hyacinth .blue figured flat crepe.. nn*l hat of straw to tone: Airs. .T. Pollock, brown figured crepe do chine and smal| brown straw lmt; Afrs. I. Stephenson, leaf brown niai'o-«-;xiji. a hat to tone, and fui's; Airs. .1. A. Nicol, Lido blue fig,un>d erepe d e chine and inatcliiii" lmt : Mrs. 0. T. AVilliams (HuatoriaA wore a brown beige shepherd’s plaid skirt with a brown liip-len"th coat., ami hat to tone; Mrs. AV. Rods, navy blue tailormade and liiatehiii" bai : All’s. J. E- I'. Ebarlaiid (Tikitiki'. beige, tailored coat over a navy bine floral georgette frock, and beige straw hat : Airs. C. At. Hutchinson, black and white ci'eno de eliine, and hat to tone ; Airs. P. Reynolds wore a- lrook ol sea green and white spotted flat crepe with a white hat.

Aliss Rosemary Rees chose a frock of nigger bro"'n and white printed flat crepe, and a large leghorn bat: Miss Tl. .Scott, chocolate brown wool crepe and matching, felt- lmt; Aliss G. Wheeler, blue and white costume and black straw bat with touches o 1 * bright colour: Aliss E. Thomas, blue "Teen and beiere 'striped crepe, and hat to tone; Miss B. Kemp, flora] Liberty lawn and brown straw bat: Aliss AT. Savage (Auckland)-, frock of tomato red figured flat crepe, and small brown bat; Alrts AI. Blair, red and white .cheeked frock, a beige kasha coat, and matching felt bat: Miss A. Barker, primrose an,) ijfliite checked Liberty;-lawn .with -white orjtaiidie tonings.'’ ami large IdghoTn hat: Aliss- EM'Murphy,"white, green and black plaid crepe., and hot to toiie: Aliss H. Bell (Hawke’s Bax), rnd. yellow and parchment striped ensemble and hal, of. parchment straw; Mass B. Biirns-Graham. flora] lincti frock wi tb" creaiiT com tee, an d large burnt straw hat: Aliss S. Todd (Wellington), greem printed flat-crepe and black and white .chip hat: Aliss A. Reeves (Tolaga Bay).’ blue'and white striped flat - crepe - ami bat of -navy straw;-Miss lC .Barker; frock of honey coloured bopsacky and' black and ,white hat; Miss Al..orr, pale, pink .figured crepe do dime ensemble, and [lmt to tope ; Aliss R. Barry, frock of .lieiina wool crqpe. ornamented' with pin tucks, and matching' felt hat; Aliss At. 'Murphy,iLido blue and pale green figured flat crepe and wide blub ’straw ha £ : Aliss TAG Barns-G rialiatnf navy and white striped frock, a hi'PJeiigbli. coat of crimson linen, ' and tsmall white hat; Miss. AL Murphy, beige linen tailored suit aijd hat to match : Aliss E. ITegarty,' .frock of gold, black and white printed Hat ,crepe and,golden straw bat ; Aliss AI. Faulkner, tailored • Coat ol lawn Do-

uoiiiil tweed and brown straw hat; Miss M. Spence (Tiniroto). pink figured Liberlv silk mi-uimo and hat l o tone; Miss N. Glmsp, black and white printed crepe do dune J nd largo black straw hat: Miss 0. Smith, dull ro=e Macclesfield silk, and felt hat to tone : Miss V. Gunn, leltueo green frock and parchment straw hat; Miss R. Price, navy blue and white cheeked frock and small while Imt banded with navy; Miss M. Ly*nar. 1 rock geranium red and beige straw hat; Miss M. Fraser. beige fiat crepe 11 ml brown straw hat: Miss M. Smith, frock of floral linen and hot to tone; Miss E. Rood, costume of chocolate brown figured crepe dc chine, and small straw hat to match ; Miss Mi. Macaulay, brown tweed taUonmuTe and apple green tell hat: Miss Al. Shields, blue and white patterned frock and wide white straw bat; Miss M. McGregor, black patterned crepe de chine.', and hat of black straw; Miss B. Cbrisp. frock* of lacquer reef patterned, crepe combined with beige, and hat to tone; Miss Tiotjen (Auckland) . red and white tailored suit and white hat : Miss H. Sinclair, chocolate brown flat- crepe and large leghorn hat.; M iss h... Barker, red and white striped crepe and white straw hat; Miss f>. Cotterill. crimson and white checked Macclesfield silk amt matching hat ; Miss A . Redd, frock of red. white and black striped flat crepe, and largo while hat: Miss Burgess. cornflour blue ensemble and hut to tone; Miss J. Ludbrook (Ruatoria) was in white linen combined wrh hailstone muslin, anj wore a large .delphinium blue hut; Miss J. Jardmo (Wniroai, Iloral Liberty linen and hat to tone; Miss S- C'hrisp, blue and white phiid Hat oi'epe and blue straw hat; Miss D. Jackson, white linen patterned in royal blue, and black ahdi blue hat; Miss 1). Barton, ger-anium-rod flat erope and picture hat ,of brown straw; Aliss M. Sboi'ratt, navy blue erepo with touches oT white, and straw hat to match; Miss Kirkpatrick. frock of olive green patternAtiss . hi igginson, blue patterned flat crepe and navy straw hat; 'Miss N. Nolan (Wairoaa, brown and white plaid crepe and hat to tone; Miss N- Stevens, red and while striped frock and small hat of white tbit; Miss N. Bruce, golden flat crepe and hat to match ; Aliss Kirkpatrick, crimson frock and hat to match with a beige kasha coat ; Miss J. Reed, brown an,] white checked frock, and small white hat; Mips A. Thomas,

golden crepe frock and brown straw hat; Miss S. Williams, willow green erene and large white hat; Miss Al. Voit Dado!swur. navy blue crepe 'lo chine combined with white, and uhi.e hat: Miss J. Ruriiop. blue and white patterned crepe and small white hat: Mis* R. Crawford, brown tweed tatjormade and felt’liat to tone: Miss LChrisp. blue and while spotted frock and white hat: Mi'-s It. Wilso". iioei\ of blue and while plaid and white hat; Miss P. Burke, olive green p' n spotted crepe do chine, and hat brown straw; Aliss M. McEhail. stped frock and hat to tulle: M'ss AL Wilson's irock of while crept d'chiue and hat to match was worn with a hip-length while corduroy velvet coat ; Miss J. T\ heeler, rod and while suit- and white jolt hat: Miss V de.Lautour. fawn eve Pc Rock and brow,, hat: -Miss N. Graham, fawn shantung and hat to lone: Miss L. Bain, red and white striped truck, blue linen coatee, ad small white hat ; Miss M. McDoahl (Hawke's Bay) wore a black velvet coatee and small hat to tone.

N.X. PIPING AND RANGING ASSN. t,)n Friday night the Bl l! e Room was the scene ol a very bright and cheery dance held under the auspices of the Poverty Bay and East Coast Centre of the N.Z. Piping and Dancing AssociationThere was an attendance ol approximately seventy-live couples, ami G lO effective mural deem adieus turne d ■* ‘picturesque setting lor the usurers, ■ill of whom thoroughly entered int° the festive spirit, of the octasiou. The floor was ably controlled by Mr. M. Ale Knight, and the ing music, supplied bv -Mrs. Menzies oicltesfra, was received with the greatest enthusiasm, each number being repeatedly encored. Much-ap-preciated extras were contributed bj Messrs. Sharpies and M'iro during the supper interval. In the course of the evening, the patron ol the association, Dr. 1,.. Al. Gunn, introduced Air. Neil Mackenzie Forbes, who presented the trophies donated by Messrs. Alunro, McDowell and Price for competition at the recent A. and P. Show. Air. Forbes congratulated the winners in a very happy maimer, and, on behalf of the association, presented each of the unsuccessful competitors with a box of chocolates. A delectable home-made supper was served under the supervision of on energetic ladies’ committee,

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 12090, 1 November 1933, Page 3

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Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 12090, 1 November 1933, Page 3

Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 12090, 1 November 1933, Page 3