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October 21, 23—Wellington R.C. > October 21, 23—-Gore R.C. October 23—Waverley R.C. October 23—Waipawa C.R.O. October 23 North Canterbury R.C. October 23—Waikato Hunt Club. October 26, 28 —Poverty Bay T.C. October 26, 28— Taumarunui R.C. Cat Paeroa). October 28—Banks Peninsula R.C. WELLINGTON RACES FAST TIMES CRICKET BAT WINS BIG HANDICAP WELLESLEY STAKES GOES TO WHENLAKKRA (Press Association) WELLINGTON, Oct, 19. The Wellington Racing Clubs srping meeting opened in brilliant weather .with an exceutionally fast track. The attendance was fair for a mid-week day. 3he (otalisator investments were £18,915. Glen Highwe.ight.— 6 —7 Walton Park 1, 3—3 C-olossical 2, 2—2 Acsculus 3. ; Algo ran : 5 —9 Chocksay, I—l Doiran, 9—lo -Mercian Prince, 7—5 Flower., 4—l Revision, 10—8 Henry of Navarre. 11 —11 Love Court, B—6 To La, 11—12 Tunbridge. Won by a head and .three lengths. Time, 2.7:]-. Te la and Colossica] made The running into the straight, (where "Walton Park strongly on to snatch victory on the post. Taita Handicap.— 3 —3 Cor.onilla J, 6—6 Brown Betty 2, I—l Bodyline. Also ran: 2—2 Bazaiue, 4-—1 Capital and Contract (bracketed), 9—9 Choral, 7—7 Mother Superior, B—S Windscreen. 5—5 Zionist-. 10—10 Be deem. Won by three lengths and tour loughs. Time, 4Cy]soo. Coronilla scored a runaway, win, being always in front- and never threatened. October Handicap.—l—2 Prostration 1, 3 —l Senegal 2, 4—5 .Accept able 3. Also ran: 11—9 Might, 12—12 Normandy, 5—4 West Tor. 2-3 Southdown. B—6 Pegged Exchange, 10—]0 Catalogue, 12—11 Silent Plight. 11 —13 Gipsy Lore, 16—15 Ralpliyllis, 6—B Lai la. Quox. 7—7 Arn star. 9—7 Diagano, 15---I4 Shot, 1.8—16 Gnyiire. 17-16 Roderick Dhu. Won by a head and half a length. Time, 1.10?. Acceptable made, alt the running, but was weakening at the finish. Prostration sticking ho«t- for a solid win.

Wamui Handicap.— 3—2 Curie 1, 7 —7 Aliladi 2. B—B F'ores try 3. Also ran: 4—4 Aga Khan, f>—9 Speed, JO—ll True Shaft-, 6—5 Mid-inette-,.6 —6 AigniMe, ID—'ll Playground. I—l Nightly. 2—3 Kerbside. Won bv a neck and a length. Time, 1.39. C’ lay handy to the pacemaker Kerbside, and taking charge in the straight, won nicely. Wellington Handicap—3—2 Crick-et-Bat 1, 7 —B Brarobletorn and 1 —?. Takakna, dead heat, • 2. Also ran: 2—4 View Halloo, 6—6 Shatter, 6—5 Chrysology, 4—3 Tout le Monde, 9—9 Midian,' Rocket Won; by a.head. Time, 2.191. Cricket Bat led throughout, and jEought off challenges by Bramble-

torn and Takakuo-, who had followed hint in the running. Rocket was a good fourth, and then came Shatter and \ iew Halloo. Wellesley Stakes.—l—l Whenualcura i. 2—2 Pin Money 2, 3- —3 Marcus Cicero 3. Also ran : -1 —6 Synagogue, 9—9 Custodian, s—l5 —1 Sporting Blood. S—B Golden Chance, 7—5 Tutor, 6—7 Wonderful. 11—11 Mor.bury, 10—10 Flaxen. Won by three lengths and one length. Time, 59^-sec. Whenuakua won brilliantly all the way in a raco run m record time. The winner gave nothing else a chance. Shorts Handicap.— 4—4 Golden Wings 1, I—l Croupier 2, 7—7 Nnvaho 3. Also ran: 2—2 Cadlnnd, 9—9 Great Star, 5 —5 .Masquerader, S—-S Lordly Knight. 3—3 Pomp, 6—6 Guarantee. Half a length each way. Golden "Wings was- always prominent-. ITe led at the false rail and Mailed ofF a challenge by Croupier and Nnvaho nicely. Great Star, was close up. The Masquerader refused to leave the mark, dislodging his rider.

Rimutaka Hack Handicap.— 4—2 Emotion 1, 7—6 King Thomond '2, I—l Epigram 3;

Also ran: 12—1.1 Kalmuck, 6 —3 Bonnie Yale, 5—7 Bettwsycoed, 2—■ 4 Trivet, 9—lo Grand Review, 13— 12 -Shootist, 3—5 Eupator, 12—13 "Milnrow, 15 —14 Platter., 11—15 Quebec/ B—B8 —8 -"Whetu Ma. AY oh by half a lcngt,h and a neck Tme, 1.25.}. The winner was second early and ran to the front at the end of a furlong, never afterwards being headed. Eipgram .was handy through out but went under fn the final strides to King Thomond, who was eighth in the earlier running.

SECOND DAY'S WEIGHTS. ( Press Associn 1?on WELLINGTON, Oct. 19. Following arc the weights for the second day: Hardy .Hurdles : —T’ahu 11.0, Ad'‘elites 1013, Mem bo 10.9, Maimin' 10.4, Henry of Xavarre 1.0.0, Iviniho 9.13, Adranee Camp, 9.5, Tunbridge, High Society, Palace. Air Caddie, Barmina, Chile, Transact 9.0. Kilo Trial -Siakes : Onlydon; Count i-1 mis" 11 ion, Eupntnr. Gladia'm. Racksi one, Moncygram, Saltspra.v, Sage, Stroller. S’ir Nigel.- Zetes. 8.7, Aroma Pheon. Rovaj Dash 8.2. Copyist, En Videtle, Ifaere To»iu, Xigbt Eunner, Quebec, •Ralpb.vllis. Senior 8.0, Conrregn, Gipsy' Love, Xcsi . Maine, Mofcunlla, Rust. Secrecy, Miss Holly, Moon beam. 7.9. Victory Handicap:—-Tour lo Mond 9.0, Rocket 3.12. Con ri yard, loie do Val S.ll, Grand Finale 8,10, Nightly 8.9, Alight 8.6, Doiran 8.4. Walton Hark 8.3, Chock Say, Gigantic, Thrasher, Saßnof, Epigram 8,2, Swift and Sure, King Thoinond, .Emotion 8.1, Kalmuck, Alercian 'Prince, Aosc-ußis, Chief Line 7.9. Sanguine King 7.8, Collossiea] 7.6. Flower, Manawatti, T r i vet, Chile 7.5, - .Revision, Cardinal Aloon 7.4, Gipsy Lore 7.3, RoveCourt, Qttehee, Red Ton, Sage, AVhetuma, Sir Romeo, Enpator 7.0, St. Vincent Handicap:—lnvoice 8.1.0, Marcos Cicero 8.6. Sporting Rlood 8.4, Rodylinc 8,3, Tutor 8.2, Wonderful 7.13, Custodian,- Dr o w n Retry, Baza me 7.9, Golden Chance, Lord Hereford, Synagogue, General Q.uex 7.6, Contract, Variant, . Gay Blonde, Knock Out, Zionist, Windscreen. Mother Superior- 7.2, Pompeii, Flaxen, -Aforbury, Cup Bearer, 7.0.

Trafalgar Handicap:—Cricket Bat. 0.5, View. Halloo 8.12, Speednunt, 8.7 Shatter 8.2, Eminent. Brnmbl.ot.orn s.l, Minerval . Gold Trail 7.13, Takakun 7.12. Aga, Khan 7.10, Hen-net, Chopin 7.9 Ohrysologv 7.3, Royal Bengal 7.7, Tout- le. Mond 7.5, Aigeill,- 7.2, Forestry. .foie do Yal, Lyrical 7.0.

C-ollingwood Handicap:—- Golden Wings 10.7. Cadlnnd 9,6. Souchong 8.11. Tradesman 8.6, Great. Star S.o, The Masquerader B.C, Lordly Knight 7.11. Ponin 7.9, Poroi iri i .8, Lack, Slippery 7.7, Midmette. Speed, Tni° S!mß. Kerbside 7.6. Nava ho 7.5, Arrow Lad 7.1, Guaranieo 7.2, Sir Pemba l 7,0. Sailors Handicap :- Connyard 9.2, Senegal. AYosi Tor S. 13. Normanby 8.10, Emotion 6.8. Ling Thomond. Doiran 8.7, Swift and SiP'o 8.5, Hunting Mars 6.3. Grand Snort 5.2. Wasteland 8.1. Aesenln* 6.0. Pegged Exchange, Catalogue 7.1,0, Ronnie Yale 7.9. Belt wysmed. Trivet 7.8, Etlent Flight. Cardinal "Moon 7.7, Grand Review 7.6. Ralpliyllis 7.3, Si. Roger Lallah Quex 7.2. Shootlst. Diagano. First View. Platter. Rene Belle, Secrecy. Te La. While Squall, Whptuma, Lvoile. Willowmero. Owlsfiiglv1 ’ 7-0. GORE ACCEPTANCES. Acceptances for the Gore Racing Club’s meeting, to bo held to-morrow and on Monday, are as follow: —

Mandoville ITigh-weight Handicap, of nOsov-s. Eight furlongs and a-half. —Kakn.ra 10.10, Qninopal 10.6, Signaller. Reminder 9.12, Dressy 9.11. Miss Redown 9.10. Young Sentinel 9.8. The Rector 9.6.'Flying Amy 9.1Towing, Order wend 9.0. Gordon Hack Handicap, of OOsovs. Six furlongs.—Broken Rule 9 5, Arden’s Beauty, Vent ran 8-3, Slaemiss 8.5. Cherry Queen 8.4. Mayam 8.3, Irish Birdenicher. Acln 8.1, Last Link S.O, Clara, Bow 7.1,1. Hot Ten 7.8, H“d Sunset, Roland, Milford i.iAVaikaka Handicap, of 120sovs. Eight furlongs and a-half —The Smuggler 9.0, Pal antu a. 8.13, Salmo Salar, Sailing Home 8.7, Jack a Handy 8.6, Toreador 8.1, Totolomai 7.13, Gallant Fox 7.11, Cough 7.2. Night Maid 7.1 • Leading Bov. Lucy Lockett. 7.0. Balfour Trot, of OOsovs. One m-ie and a-half. —Bingen Wrack, Black Shadow, Bright ’ Amy age, Chevalier, Erinola, Fairhavon, Fireerest, Happy-go-lucky, Lady A'lwyn, Lucky Lee. Lynwood, Afocoehild, Monty ChinW-'', Mountain. Jewel, On Duty, Red Sun, Rocks Ahead. Sea •Mark, StarboardStar Yalo, Sunny Sumhland, Vacation. Vanilla Guy, "Wavelength, AVinnio Lee. limit; Christina’s AVnve, 24 yds ; AVynross, 36yds ; Sergt. Dallas, 4-S.vds

Novice Handicap, of SOsovs. Six furlongs.—Obrgoment 0.0, Jaunt 8.13, Island Linnet 8-12. JaTnhfn, Bay Duke, Silver Issue, Colde.n Rap 9.0, Honest Maid. Silk Paper, Dissemble. .Toamvood, Wvnwood, History Pape*. Chot-a, 8.8. Rook Smart, Corea do Oi'o 8.7. Flying Handicap, of lOOsovs. Sixfurlongs.—Fair- Weather 9.0, Ro.vnl Duke, Grand Finale 8.5, Hula- Bel o, Tippling 8,3, Master Anomaly 8.2, Irish Birdrarcher 7.0. Oiama Trot, of Oumovs. One mile and a-half. — Chiming Wave, Christmas Wave, Erin’s Chance, Prank Mao, Jolly Drive, Alircnie Chimes, .Ozaniun, ’.Peter Mitchell, Rollicking Wave, SCamist, limit; All Sunshine, Ohcchahco, Chiming Ron, Rindniin. Aten-rico .Roc, 12,vds; Dusky, Erin’s Star, Jay.oloek, Alan o’ Franz, 24yds; Sure, 66.vds. Charlton Hack Handicap, of 100 so vs. Seven furlongs.—-Worship, Blazon 9.0, Amclila 8.10, Shock 8.2. Consono 8.0, Yen'ite 7.9, Thornton 7.8, Some Acre. Brou-ghshane, Roland 7,7. PILLOW EIGHT'S UNUSEAR HABIT. NOTED VET. TO TAKE CHARGE OF CASE. (CEP.A h.v Elec. Tel. Copyright) Rec. Oct. 1 "■!. Oct 8 NEW YORK, Oct. 18. A Lexington, Kentucky, message states that Dr. Eraser A. Smith, a volerlnarian, announced to-day that he will leave on Friday for California to attend to Pillow Fight and diagnose a case which baffles Californian veterinaries.

The horse has developed a habit o 1 “running-out” and pulling-away from tho inside rail of the track, which is uncommon among thoroughbreds, and usually caused by pain in the .feet or legs. - 1

LEXINGTON YET.’S' VTSTT TO TAX FOB AX. PILLOW EIGHT At AY BE “FIRED” (U.P.A. by Elec. Tel. Copyright) SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 18. Officials at the Tnu.fnran Mack, where Pillow Eight is .stabled, express the belief iliai Dr. Fraser Smith the Lexington veterinarian,- is bong brought. i 0 Tanforan for ihe purpose of •‘firing" the gelding, Turf-vn.en in ttiis .section agree tha-t Pillow Fight has not shown Ids True worth, MELBOURNE NOTES. V.Z ACCEPTORS FOR C.\F'l ’ FTFf.D TO-MORROW. (U.P.A. by Flee. Tel. copyright) (Roc. On. 19, 9.20 p.mA MELBOURNE, Oct. 19. Mr. Action Adams has arrived in Melbourne.

White Nose is suffering from strainer! ligaments in the near foreleg, and is returning to Adelaide, The Oranboumo Cup resulted:—Raniadii. 1. Silver Ladv 2. Green Island 3. Won hv a bend. Time 1.471. New Zealand acceptors for Ca.nlfiel,'| nn Saturday are as follows Cavalcade in the Owvn Nurserv; Oueen Helen in ihe- Fillies Nursery. Closing time in the first division of the Windsor Hand icon and Movie Star and Ruin nut- in the second division of flic Windsor Handicap.

CONTINUED RAIN AT LAUREL WINOOKA’S RACE FOR TO-DAY POSTPONED EQUIPOISE’S OWNER MAY tLAVE REPRESENTATIVE (U.P.A. h.v Elec, Tel. Copyright) (Received Oct. 19, 5.5 p.m.) NEW YORK. Oct, 19. A message from Laurel states that continued rain to-day resulted in the decision to postpone the race till October 25, particularly at Afr Poison's desire, ro give more time for, training. Winooka covered five furlongs in I.o2scc. over a deep holding track. Ho worked with Trevalhon. The latter broke two lengths in front of Winooka. Turning into iho stretch AVinooka, hard held by Britt, was right on the heels of Trevallion. Under a strong pull Wmooka easily passed his workmate- and pulled up in excellent condition. The cut AVinooka suffered during his work hero’on Saturday has healed. Laurel officials have received word that Air AVhitney may send his horse Halcyon her.e for the- race, thus apparently getting a line on AVinooka through Halcyon. The probable- entrants against Winooka, besides Halcyon, will be Pair by Pair, Okapi, Character, Goldstep. Kerry Patch, and Curagao In view of Naylor’s expressed dislike for a big field- it is suggested that a. commitee of three disinterested horsemen bo named to choose from the list of candidates the three best opponents, STTRT, NEGOTIATING EQTJIP'OISE-AVTNOOK A MATCH (U.P.A. by Elec, Tel. Copyrighh (Received Oct. 19, 7.10 p.m.) NEW YORK, Oct. IS. Negotiations for the EquipoiseAVinooka race are at a. standstill, but rumor said that Air Naylor is- ready to concede Mr, Whifno.y the terms of matching at the mile distance at which the two 'horses hold records in their respective countries. Equipoise set a world mark of 1.34 2-5 for the distance under a high weight last year.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 12080, 20 October 1933, Page 6

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TURF Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 12080, 20 October 1933, Page 6

TURF Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 12080, 20 October 1933, Page 6