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DAVIS CEB. AUSTRALIA AN ENTRANT. (U.P.A by Elec. Tel. Copyright) " AIELROURNE, .Tan, 26. The Lawn Tennis Association has decided to issue a challenge in the American zone for the Davis Cup this year. The council will not decide whether to send a team until after, the Australian championships have been played at Adelaide, in February. NEW ZEALAND TITLES. TOURNEY AT AUCKLAND. NO SURPRISES YET. AIISS HUAfPHREYS STTLL TN SINGLES. (Press Association) AUCKLAND, Jan. 26Tlie New Zealand fawn Tennis championships were continued to-day. Good progress was made in all sections. The weather was beautifully fine again and there was a large attendance. Tlie oresenoe of the Now South Wales ladies lent additional interest to the events in their sections. There wore no surprises in the second round of the men’s singles, although in one or two instances prominent players were fully extended. This was notable the ease in the match between Stedman. the New Zealand champion, and Smith, the Rotorua champion. This match went the full five sets and it was on’v in the last two that Stedman showed his sunerioriiy.

Patterson, a seeded plover from Cnnte’Tiurv, was also extended to five sets in his first round match with •Tones a Afaori exponent. Patterson was suffering from foot trouble and tins banmored bis movements somewhat. He was dt pea ted hv Court, tlie North Is’a'.id r-bamroon. m the uaeoml round. Rarnelt. \A dsoti, France Bros.. Part lent. L'U’renson. .Sturt and A ""as all seeded t'bivers, were .siieees‘iii! in their matches in tlm second round. Aiiss t lev 1. U'-'iiae-eress of the New Couth AVa’es Indies’ t f " | m t'btved fer tlie first tie”' in \iif.!-'jind and med-c- ---■> fi-r.-d j>, (li r . ladies’ singles, defeat'u"' Afiss Miller All the other 111 e"I""“ of tbs. vsitin,r ("run "ere s>ie""“«ful in (be lirf round, a'bile in..tbo. second rn'”id. "'fre 7l,,lf.swortli acceittited for All's. Nanier. Additional r"su'ts were:— AIEV> BTNGI FB. First Round.

B(edin.oo ( Auckland) Imat Pmith (R-tor-a'i d—3. 3-6. 46. 6—7. 6—l: C'dffitl) ( Auckland) lift 7>rrbo'tsnn ( Aranawnf II) 6—3 6—2 6—l; Barrv'tt (Gmterlnirv) b.-at Martin / V uckland) 6 —3 6—l. 6—3; Wilson (AVo'lin'itco) beat Partridge ( \iiol;laml) 6—7 o—3 7—9 6—4; Robinson (Auckland) beat Tny’or i Vnck|and)' 6—l. 6—o. o—2: L|:i Franco (Wellington) heat A. Tv. Turner (Atieklati'l) 6—3. 5—7, 6—l, 6—3; land) (> —7 6—7. 6—7: Page (AVaiWright "(Thames) bent- TB-own (Auckraraoa) bent, W. .Tolins (TYTianga'-ei) 6—2 6 —o. 6—2: D, G. France (WolHtwton) beat Bowen (AValrarapa), 6—o. o—l. 6 —2: Rtiiri (.\tickland) beat C'lrter (North Auckland) o—7. 6—o. 6 —3: 7,amb (Auek’and) Kent I'ickmere (AATiatigarei) 6 —l 3—6. 6—3. 3 —6, G—l ; Russell (Welling-ton)-heat Lanqie (Wanganui) 6—l, 3—6, 6—l. 6—2; Paterson lieat .Tones, 7—9, 6—l, 6—2. 2—6. 10—8. Second Round.

Laurenson lieot liees 6 —2. I—6.1 —6. 6—o, 6—2; Aligns boot Davys, o—2, ti—2 o—2;0 —2; Hartlcet beat Charters, (> —4. 4—6. 6—4, 6—4. Court beat Patterson, 7—5, 6—3. 6-2.


Miss Jlartigan (N.S.W.) heat Miss Taylor (Auckland) G—l, C —3; Miss Marjorie Alacfarlane (Auckland) beat Miss Potter (Auckland) by default; Mrs. France (Wellington) beat Miss Griffiths (Auckland) 6 —o. 6 —l; Miss Valkenburg (XS.W.) beat Aliss Kamsay (Auckland) 0—!, 6 —l ; Mrs Dykes (Auckland) beat Afiss liooton (Auckland) 6—o, 6—l ; -Miss Newton (Auckland) boat Miss Marion Mnclarlane (Auckland) 6—4, 6—3; Mrs. Melody beat -Miss lleverley C— —J, 3 —6. 7—5. Miss M. Humphreys (Poverty May) beat Alias Fades, 2—6. B —6, 6 —3; Miss Hall beat Airs. Thomson, <i—3, o—2;0 —2; Afiss Knight lieat Miss Howell. 6—3. 6—3; Alias Llovd beat .Miss Miller, 7—6, 6—2. Second Pound. Mrs. Alolosworth beat Afrs. Napier C, —l, 6—4. AIKN’S DOUBLES. First Round. Tapper an<l Thomson won from Glanville and Patterson by default. Haver and Wright wen over Sturt and Rhodes-AVillinms by default ; Griffiths and Harrison won over I)avys and Dickie by default; Aligns and Barnett bent Wilson and J. S. Wilson, 7 —5, 6—O, 6 —3 ;A. C. Johns and Howlands beat Ohlson and Carter. 6—3, 6 —], 6 —3; Macpherson and Bdiadiok beat AfcKeown and Potter 6 26. 6—2, 3—6, 6—4; Pr.bertsnn and Deaker l>eat Spencer and McCrvstnl, 6—o, 6—l. 6—o; Court and Lam pc beat Alelody and Alartin, 7 6—4, o—2; France and France beat Jones and Lees. 6—l, 5—7, 6—3, 3—6, 6—o. Second Round. Wilson and Stedman l>ent Turner and Turner, 6 —2. 6—l, 6—3; Charters and Robinson beat Pick me re and Wallace 6—2, 6—], 6—l. LADIES' DOUBLES. First Round. Misses Afncfarhine won over Misses Stedman and Savin by default; Misses Lloyd and ILirtigan loot Misses Aliller and Beverley. 0—!, o—l0 —1 ; Afrs. Melody and -Miss Nicholls beat the Alisses Rnmiger, C —o, 6 —l ; Misses Valkenburg and Hail boat Mrs. Robson and Miss Griffiths, 6—l. 6 —l : .Mrs. Dykes and Ali ss Knight ben t A! issos Humphreys and Howell, G—l. o—2; Airs. France and Afiss Howe beat Afrs. Napier and Afiss Ramsay, 6—2, 6—l ; Alesdames Alolesworth and Thomson beat Aliases Roljertsr.n and Taylor, 6—3. 6—3; Mrs. Shroff and Afiss White la w beat, Mrs Wren and Afiss Russeil, 4—6, 10—8. 7—5.

COAfBINED DOUBLES. First Round. .Miss Nicholls and A. L. France beat .Mrs. Napier and McArthur, <3 —2, G—2; Airs, llobson and Ohlson beat Aliss Humphreys and Davys, 7 —6. 6—3; AFiss llartigan and Stedman beat Miss Ramsay and Robertson, 6—2, 7 —5: Airs. Molesworth and Griffiths beat .Miss Alarum Alaclarlaue and Partridge, 6—3, 7—5; Miss Howell and Court beat Afiss Lloyd and Harrison, 4—6, 6—3, 6—3; Afiss .Miller and Wright bent Mrs. Melody and .Melody, 6—4. 3 —6, 6—4. BOYS' SINGLES. First Round. Bedford (Wellington) beat Western (Auckland) 6—2, 6—o; Chalmers (Auckland) beat Todd (Auckland) f*—l, 6 —o; Dickie (Taranaki) bent Vickerman (Auckland) 6 —3, 6 —2 ; Cox (Waikato) beat Cameron (Auckland) 5 —6, 6 —2, 6 —l,

INTERMEDIATE BOYS’ SINGLES. First Round. Page (Wairarapa) boat Gray (Auckland) 6 —o. 0—1: Steven (Auckland) tieat Kirk brick' (Auckland). 6—l, 6—l : "Wilson (Auckland) beat (Tow (Waikatoi 0-1. 6—4. j GIRLS' SINGLES. First Round. D. Burns (Wellington) boat P. Savin (Auckland) C —6. o—2: A. Keen (Wellington) heat Buddie (Auckland) o—l. 0—1: D. Dickey (Canterbury) beat M• Ilndces (Auckland) 6—o.' 6—l. Miss Hodccs. aged )il years, a daurthtet of rlie former champion, Mrs. 0 Trudges. is the . voungest competitor in the tournament. POVERTY BAYn REP "MISS HEMPIIBEYS’ PROGRESS. WINS FIRST SINGLES BEATEN IN OTHER EVENTSPoverty Bar's on'v roice.sont.ntivo at the N"w Zealand tennis tournament ’s Miss AT'irv Humphreys, of •be Gjsbrvroe ("bib wlm coil tile bidies’ sin ides cb-mpi lislno brilliantly at the acroeia(ion tournament hold lie"" at CUiris+’iias. Mi'-s TTnmnbrevs was c»eeessfnl in 111" fi'st ron»ni of the ladies’ shinies roster') ay. 'tp r eating M iss Eeelcs. 2— o fi—r,. (i—g I’aciierel •’■'la Mbs Unwell m (be '■lilies’ doubles. however Miss ITumribrevs was beaten be the verv s'-nnt combination i pre'-able wie"""s ef tile even I ' ' r rs. Ihbes (N.'i'. champion) and Aliss B Knight. (i~l. 6—2. Tu the combined doubles. A 1 •■■ s Humphrey- was ivi ptne-eU with Daws They met AG’S. Rob-on and Oldson "ii 1 aftc- a keen fight, were beaten 7- -6. 6—.‘L

"ITCKWELL SII1E1.I). RICK’S RAY TAKES TROPHY. DR. McKAY BEATS CIIENI.EY. iQ.-.e'.:- 1 •>... Times',. TUo,.; n „ v. C'l T0b"",n,.., Pav Rm’,l-----s) f-..- file Tn-'l-d! Chi 1 l ~1 Te'-e Fa ■■ it Me-'"- .)... T’‘'-Vs Ray I «o ] Jhr> t; 11 iG* 1 1 i s nl.'lv- . i for n-idf'r the Day's Cun vn'es. there hemp no Rdv i i|;i . T'i" events a”" three men's singles and •two men’s doubles.

Road’s were as fo’h ws Tliek's Bay names ho : 'w mentioned first A)""’ dilirrlpc- G Cil-'s’e" l"sf In Or. Ah-lvav. C- G 6-6. —7- L. To- ; hem Coo i - . r, ■ c. < i-< inteii br-a* (~ Cooper. f) —;> d .fi. "'ten's It.m'de-: Cluslrv and T""'hi"i beat Or, Af'-Kav and Good, .‘l—6. 111—6 6- ■' ■ Cheslev and mam. •on beat Or. McKav and Cooper, II T r,-:’,.

The ent-landino aan( the. d.iv "•ns nudoiditedlv Mint between pr. Mi'K v (Tn];oinarn Bay) and C. Che.;- !<’•' ill el; ■ Hay), the third and final '•'* heinr nit In r )dayei’s „p y 0 ", aJI. In the first ■"(. Ches’o.v ouiellv "uined a lead Ilf .|—loyn. hut after that McKay steadied up, gaining the next three games. Ifoweyer, Clk's!"v was very aggressive, and took 1 !e fil'd set G—G after some very hard and lone j-allies, with both men we 1 1 warmed up. The second set saw McKay forcing the nace, and his powerful backhand sfrekes a"d nlnoing often had Che 'ey ofT his balance. The set ended in favor of Or. McKay O—,G, with Cheslev on Hie defensive. In the third isct, which was a real marathon for deuces. Hie driving and placing of both men was perfect, Cheslev showing a very powerful forehand drive. A peculiar feature of this set was that each man lost his .service up till o all. when this proved the undoing cf Cheslev. who lost his service, making McKay o—6; McKay then took tile next game for the set 7—s, and match s C nre of —6, G—G. 7—5.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11548, 27 January 1932, Page 6

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TENNIS Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11548, 27 January 1932, Page 6

TENNIS Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11548, 27 January 1932, Page 6