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Women’s World

" SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. j| r ,. \\. Scaminril,' of .Manga tuna, Tola "a Ilav, is at present in K' l '- tre-vnr Hospital, wheT" Hie i; progressing favorably after a prions operai .on. * * * Miss M. Lroadharst, who has born the guest of .Mis. J. Pyke. .M««Utulco. returned to town' yesterday. , . •*’ * * ■ Miss L Riga is visiting Mrs. A.. White. Ngatapa. 5K ■» » AFtv' E. Steel;, East Const, wa, a v hifi>P to Gisborne this' week. Mr. and Mrs. *. \\* l.oi-el, Tal-‘ nga i’.iv, were visitors to 'own Hus wrok. Mr. and Mrs. \. 0. 'Lancaster returned yesterday from a visit to Palmerston North ■* * * Miss K. Davies is visiting relatives in Te Ante, Hawke’s May. *** 1 u Misv M Jivsnar is. .Maying witn, Mrs. I- .TexMllalfo. 'Mnnoiipoike. .ML, Joyce Morris 'iVaga Bay;' has keen the gfle,t of Ml.*. I . " • Nolan. Russell , street. Mi's Joan* Evans 'Hawke’s Ilav) is staying with Mrs. AY. R. B. W lock. Hem road. •Mr. and Mrs: G. Barton. MMawhero, have taken u cottage at '> n 1 - imi Meat'll. * ■* * » Mrs. J. W. AVi! lift in .s and Alisses,' S. and J. Williams are visiting Messrs. M. and P. Williams, Wniroa. ■ 40- "ff j/ Mr. Ilium: St radian ( 1 ■ |> ; ,v) is the guest M r » am * \ J Slock, Domett street. * * * Mrs. T. llrown (Auckland) is. staying with her sister, .Mrs. I*. t>. Linker. “Te Mapara ’’ * # •* Mis, Mary 11 umplireys is attending the. New Zealand lawn tennis championship in Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. W. I’Lher '<‘ll on. Monday on a -visit to Christchurch. v- * » . Mrs L Balfour, .wllo ihas hee.n the guest of Mrs. J. (’riiiiswu k, Hick's May, rel nrned to Gishorne <n Saturday. ... # =jfc * \|is, IC. Rigg. "ho has boon visiting tier niece, Mrs. W. Nod. I'. ll ■ licrbcrt street, reiiuiifd In Hawke* Ray mi Monday.. * * * Mis, Elsie, Thomas leave's next 111 a Visit In Sidney, where -lie will he the gue,t .of Airs. A. (’■ ; Davidson. *. # * Mi-s M. Brewer, who has been the guest of Mrs. 11. P. Hamilton, Stout street, returned .to AV.iverley yesterday. Airs. J. Barns-Giahain and Misses [C. and J. Barns-Graliam (Saol'andl are the guests of. Airs. Gordon Reeves, Tolagu May. * * ■* Mr. and Airs. ,T. Cranswiek, who have beep the. guests, of Airs. \\ . Oakfleu. Stout- street, fc r ■a - few ([ays, rohirn i-o Hick’s Ik'y 10-doy. Airs. W. G. Shorratt,. who was a visitor to .Wniroa for the show and races, returned to Gishorne on Saturday. * * * All's. R. IT. Murke and Alisses MShorratt and P. Burke intend motor. iv)g tc> T'olagji. Tiny Tor the annual tennis tourney.

* * * Mis. H. Buchanan (Tnihnpe), who has lieen. viiiting her mother. Mrs. W f; Kherrntt, left, vestmlav for Hawke's Bay. * a? The Hov. A. F. Hall. Hie newlyappointed vicar nf Holy Itiriity Church, arrived in Gisborne yesterday and will bo fcl'.owed later in the week by Mrs. Hall and family. * * Miss I). Cave, who has been vis* itiurr relatives and friends , in, PfvortvT Bay. leaves to-day , for ’Wellington, * whence she sails by the llangitnne on her return to England. * * * Mrs G, Stock, who is the guest ot her son. Mr. E. Stock, Fast- Coast, paid a brief visit to town this week. * * * Mr. end Mrs. Brndio (Hick's Bay) who have been the Mrs. W. J. Elliott, Palmerston road, are at present staving with Mrs. \\. Clark, “Opou.” * * * Misses P. Price and X. Blundcn (North Ca.nto'rlui'ry) Jeave to-mor-row for the Coast, where they will be the guests of Mrs. .1. 15. Morris for the Tolaga Bav tennis tourney. * *' * Misses M’. Blair, E. ITegnrty, V. Reyno'ds and E. Barker leave tomorrow to attend tlie Tolaga Bay tennis tourney’; they will be the quests ef Airs. .T. Reeves. * * * A ■ varied programme of elocutionary, vocal, instrumental and dance items will he submitted at the concert to be held in the Parish Ha l te-night, in aid of the Curate's Car Fund. Xo detail has been overlooked in the preparations for the occasion by the organisers, Mrs. K. 'Dowell and the Rev. F. I. Parsons, and patrons are assured of an evening of delightful entertainment. A silver coin collection ♦will lie taken at the door. * * * Mr and Mrs W. A. Smith arc at present holidaying with relatives in Central Otago. \\ riting to a local friend, the latter says: “There is no drought here, it is just wonderful to see the greenness and feed. After seeing the dryness of Poverty Bay, Hawke’s Bay, and Canterbury, to come upon the verdure of Otago is indeed a treat, and feast for the eyes. There is only a road between here and the railway station, and trainload after trninload of sheep and wool create a constant procession.” (n referring to the prioolossness of wireless to the outback dweller. Mrs Smith said that through iliac .agency she had heard of the downfall of much-wanted rain in Poverty Bay. and said how eagerly the folk awaited the two wireless news StVsions' daily. Newspapers, too, arc the daily mead, for at - p*m. the mail arrives, and at 3 the household adjourns to the lawn where afternoon tea is served and the company browses over the newspapers which have come to hand from all parts, Gisborne .included. Mr and Mrs Smith, who are at present . guests of. Mr and Mrs J. ,T. Dundass, of Moa Creek, will bo visiting Alexandra and Clyde, the great fruit-growing places, during their stay. The Gisborneites have been persuaded to lengthen their holiday .in the South Island, and will return borne in March.

TENNIS On Saturday afternoon Alisses K. Matthews and J. and N. < Margoliouth were hostesses at. toe " h--taupoko courts, where, in spite <” a lie intense heal, many excellent Hatties. were thoroughly enjoyed. ' Tbo eharming'y-ar ranged table m the club-house was adorned with riehly-huod 'blue hydrangea. Alii on g the players were: Alesdaines: G. W. - AYil’oek, O'Neill. T 5. C. Jeffreys, FTteornan; Alisses < • J til swell, P. deLautonr, M. Alurray, N. Atargoliomh, E. Matthews, Roddick. O. Christopher, A!. Barnard. C.' Biackhurn, J. -Tones. I. and 1 . Hunt, R. C-'derwall. Nailer. P. De (osta, E. Winter. J. Graham and E. Packe. The: attendance ai the Gishorne Club on Saturday afternoon was much smaller Hum usual: refres/nng tea wa, -served :n 'tie paviJio", the ho-tes-es being Air-. G. Clifton and Aliss E. CrawHiaw. Sdme of the players included: Me-daines. W. Nei.k D. Clinsp, J. Cra n*wi-k (ILc-k’s Uav): A I i ~ - 1 - Seymour, P. Hoi)k'iii*on. AI. Blair, K." Hegarty. R. AVaueliop, M. Mull, M. Brewer (Wavcrley) and AI. Ifami’.tc. u. A TENNIS PARTY On Saturday Mrs. E. W. Nolan entertained the. friends o) her c.laughHT, Mis, Pamela Price, at a very jolly all-day tennis party at her P>ct iircbque home, in Rue,e.l -tre-et. The weather wa.x intensely hot, hut the lovely garden, with i>- many shady trees, ’ looked c-00l and invitng, and excellent tenni.s was enjoye t r by lioth players and spectators. The c:lin nniiigly-arranged luncheon table, in tlie diningroi m was _decorated with Ini liaiitly-iiuted zinnia*, anil alternoou tea was .served in 'hi 1 llower-fi’ded drawingroom. At tlie end of the day .Misses I. Reynolds and S. Barton wewe declared the winners cj 'he tourney, and each was rewarded with a deIbditful gift; second place was annexed bv Mi -e* J- Morris (Tolnga Uav} and Af. I'jiulk n»i--Tlio hostess was Hearing a .smartly t aih.rod fioek of beij.a• Alac-e es]ie|d silk, and a straw hat to matidi. Mi-., Price was at i r.ietive ill ■> tailored frock of white -ilk pif|fi+'*. "•re. mi liiitton* and a lea! her bell. h> m itch adding an effective tmteti nf colour. . Miss N. Bllinden, of North Canttrtmrv, who is at pic soul her guest clio-e.'a .simpiy-eiit I'l'cml; <.f white crene lie chine, mid Aliss J .Morris iTolagn May), .-i not her turn : e gue.,t, nits • aNo becomingly t rocked in .white. . .. Other guests included: Alisse.s E. Williams, E. Alurphy, E. and H. Marker, P. Burke, V. Barker, S. Ramsay (Dunedin), S. Williams and I*. Faulkner. GIRL GURE NOTES. Alisses AV. T.ysnar cDivisional Captain), J. Woodbury and M. Franklin, who attended ihe Bay of Plenty and Rotorua Divisional Girl Guido camp, returned to Gishorne on Saturday. A picturesque snot at Te Ngae, on the shores of- Lake ■ RoLirun, two mdcs on the Rotorua side of T'ikiTore, was chosen for ttm site of ttm camp, and a diversified programme of guide work wa, carried out. Miss ■ r.ysnnr acted as commanclnnt; Sister Woodbury was in attendance as nurse, and Aliss Franklin was in charge of the bathing. Oil Saturday, Aliss Franklin, who i; a recognised swam from To Ngae to Alokoia Island, a distance cf five miles, and, after a short rest, successfully accomplished the return journey." About forty Girl Guides, in etiarge of Alisc W. Lysuar (Divisional Captain) went into camp cm Air. T. A. Field’s property at AA'ningako on Momlnv, and a happy week i* antieipated-

A CRICKET MATCH. SONS BEAT MOTHERS. “’l'm linn.” the home of Mr. end Mrs. 11. B. Williams, was the scene of a very jol'y cricket match, sons v. mothers, yesterday. The organisers were two small boys, Jack .Williams •Mid Allan Muir, and their effort* met with complete success. The weather was particularly kind old the tennis courts made nil ideal Held. Much enthusiasm was displayed by both sides. Hie youngei generation emerging the winners by n margin of three runs. Mr. Williams carried out the duties of umpire. A buffet- on the, verandah, where tea, ices and cool drinks were obtainable, was verv largely patronised. At the conclusion cf play the guests adjourned to the beach and enjoyed a bathe before reluctantly taking their departure. The winning team included: .Tack and Bill Williams, Allan Muir, Brian Mac,Sweeney, ...Brian Muir, David Chrisp,- John Clarke, Peter McLean, Harold Losnor, Rodney Murphy. David Bull and Harris. TO VISIT X.Z. .FAMOUS ENGLISH ACTRESS. (U.P.A. by Elec. Tel. Copyright) - LONDON. Jan. “A Dame Sybil Thorndike, tile actress, atul her husband, Mr. Lewis Casson, are leaving in March mid proceeding to Egypt, Palestine, Australia, New Zealand, the Argentine, and Canada. A WORKGJRL SAINT. Archbishop McDonald, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of St. Andrew's and Edinburgh, visited Rome recently to advance the moienieiit for the canonisation of Margaret Sinclair, a factory girl cf Edinburgh, who died of tuberculosis in ID’Jo. Evidence has been taken on oath from several persons concerning her saintliness and of cures and other mysterious (fleet- which are said to have resulted from her powers cf intercession, invoked through prayer. The documents were forwarded to the Vatican for examination some time ago.

Margaret Sinclair was at one time engaged to a young soldier. - Stic broke off the engagement, and alter her death Hie young man came forward to testify to her saintlines*. The tippeal for her canonisation is in the hands of a committee of S.-m----tisli Roman Catholics, who have charge of relics of Hie dead girl. Her life lias been translated into various languages, and her grave is in the Mount Vernon cemetery in Edinburgh, where ir attracts many visitors.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11548, 27 January 1932, Page 3

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Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11548, 27 January 1932, Page 3

Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11548, 27 January 1932, Page 3