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Women’s World

; SOCIAL AND • PERSONAL. 'Mrs. G. "I. Parker ■is ,'a Gisborne visitor -to Wellington. .-. ; ■ ,■•-'-.■ <£ # f . Miss-Ivy Hunt is the guest -of- Mrs.--1L D- DyniOeU, To, Kaniku., Miss Joan/., Craw lord lias returned l'rimi a visit to Auckland., <-■{ v ; •>, igj. * * .jjj. ’}.<]■* ;! *; ' Mrs. It. S, Oaultdn-Vas a Maim- visitor", to Gisborne this week. | • \ , * ■ * , 'S ? isl : or ■ Parloet returned'-yesterday from U visit to AYairba. V jfe Mr: and Mrs. P. H. Harper ai;o visitin' >• relatives in Fair lie. * * ■ *= . Mrs. J. It. Murphy (Mohaku) ' has, returned front a visit to Wellington. Miss S. Eavoii (Auckland) is staying with Mrs. A. It. Bine, Mangapapa. Mr and Mrs. Langhorno are thoguests of Mrs. Angus Fraser, Kanakunaia.

Mrs. A M. Thompson, of Wellington; is paying a round t-f visits to relatives in Poverty Bay. Eva Matthews has returned from a visit to Christchurch, where she was the guest of Mrs. Layton. ■ - * * * Mr. and Airs. C. , Langstajf. - who have been visiting Gisborne, left lor the South on Wednesday. ■> e Aliss AY. Barhs-Graham, who has been the guest of Airs J. Blair, Ranui Road, for a few dajs, leaies Hangaroa to-day. * -Tt * Miss G. AddisonMcConnell, who has been the guest of Mrs. 11,I 1 , v* Hunt, Clifford Street, has returned to Auckland. # • * , * . The Rev, R. Hodgson and; Airs. Hodgson, who have been camping at Hick's Bav returned to W acrcnga-u liika on ■ Air and ATts. G. AI. Reynolds and faniilv (Ormond) returned on Tuesday from a motor trip to Lake \\aikaremoana and Rotorua. # * * Airs. AI. P. ALcSwceney. and her small son, who have been the guests cf Air. H. B. Williams, at Lake Rotoiti, returned to Gisborne yesterday, ■ Airs. lan Murchison, who. with her tiro small sens, has been staying with her parents. Air. and Mrs. J. W. Nolan. “Otipi.” left on I hui'sday on her return to Lake Coleridge. * * * Dr. Kathleen Todd and AI ss Ai. Todd, who huvo been Hie guests ol their aunt, Mrs. H. Hcgurty Hams -Street, return today- to Auckland via Rotorua. # * * . - . Air. and Airs. A. C. Davidson ol Svdnev. arrived in Gisborne ycstoidav and"-will' he the guests of ADand Airs. J. C. X. Thomas, Owen Road, till Monday. * «= -ic Air. ami Air-. -1. C. X- Thomas aceoinpunied bv -ifisscs E. *tiid J. a.s and J. Evans (llawkc’s Bay) who have, been In lidaying at their shack •it Lake Rotoiti. returned to .Gisborne vesterday. The engagement 's' announced' j" the London “Times’.’ of Lionel, only son of the late Air. and Mrs. Ala.x-. well Balfour, and Alvrtle. daughter of Adiniral of tlie Fleet Earl Jellicoo, and Countess Jcllicoe. *. * * Air. and Airs. A. R. Campbell, who have been, the guests ot All’, and Airs. C. TT. "Btill.' Iraiuii Road, loti 'bv air on Wednesday for Palmerston North, ,en route to Wellington. Avhenee thev sailed yesterday on their return to Sydney. . # * * In celebration of" the twelfth birth day of-lier son.- Peter, Mrs. G. M. Reynolds .entertained a number .ol small bo vs at a vci'v jolU n'enie at (be Holc-iu-the-AViill on' Wednesday. The 'wealher inis del’.ghtful, brilliant sunshine tempered Avith-a tool breeze and the river offered all that could be desired in the wav of bathing. . ' $ * *■ 111 A-iow.'of tdt) generous ’support already accorded the- -Children's. Creche,, it is .with great reluctance that the Ala Iron is; making an ap : peal for gift's Of large jam jars. Contributtons of fruit • are. u°’v uumg by the many friends of tlie. Creche, • and to . provide for tlie ceniing winter, it is. necessary to take every advantage of the gifts. * * *

Somelliing quite now in the way ol women’s clubs lias struck Newcastle, England. It is called the “Crnus Club,” ’and is an attempt to achieve c(-onomy -without sacrificing social standards (Avrites a Londoner). Jhe idea is that women acting in concert can effect’economies in ways which would be .individoiis to them individually. For example, tho wives ot professional and ■ business men,- .Avho form the bulk of the membership, might hot in 'the ordinary Avay care to occupy any but the best seats in the theatre, but it is suggested that attending as an .organised' body they would-• not be-averse to occupying cheaper seats. Similarly, in restaurants they could sit down to more modest meals than they - would ’otherwise feel it incumbent upon them to order. Tlie movement, however, has met with some aclA'erse criticism. . “I think it is the height cf snobbishness,'” said a young business woman, when asked for her opinion. Theatre and restaurant managers in the city are interested rather thaip alarmed hv the moA r ement. ' They sav they have the feeling that they will benefit' . railier. thqn suffer .by organised entertaining; eating. ■

A PICNIC FOR.YOUNG PEOPLE.. . ■ v./ t . > 1 ‘ i On Tuesday; 'MrsN DJ- S. AVilliams, .president-off the '.Patutaji-i 'AVpmen’s Institute, gave 4 very UeligutipJi pT: • nib for the . juni.orrpembers of tlie institute and their friends, the. liupnv inspiration meeting Avitli unquali-. .fiefL,success; , -The guests asscinb'ejd .at ; . Gien* buni,”: the home of the hostess,; ior mibrhihk tea;; and were later-motored (a "'picturesque - spot on the .banks of tlie AVai.kohu stream, where, after batjiipg'ijn ;a wonderfully formed sAjimmihg/ jioolydunclieon was- ei)]oyed beneath, /the shady Trees " . / TTie affel'ilopfr was devoted to diabp iiicr ' iind'h (luriTii's, Alrs : ' Bui lockr AYe>,sterGh'iyi'ug very kiffdly lent Rer bduftV fo.itlthbv occasion . ?, '-‘”Aftor a Tffte liflteriibou -,tea>Tthe .‘'young 1 people re■luchpitly /departed wRE; nujnv . cx : •ni;e : s{ieijk- ofitlianks to M .Williatns for.:Tier,hhspifaljty. ' / - iAhiong ’ fpose"present'' were: /-? r. tifid -Mfs. .•n?l BuPeclj-AVebstev. Air. iiTad^Afrs.'.Ef. I^f.'AVTiitC): Alessfs; D.' <3.. .Williams, ißiirland.. Uasi and. the Rev ■ G. -:C; Siiß': Misses Tl;; Lyons;■ Ai. R-»bb. R. Atkins. AI, v T?rvsoii, Ecud B. Ballard > T. liiffes, AT. A ( kins. o.„ T>TausP;G. Fade ,Y. Renner. T. amj. TV - Warrmf.. K, 'Walker.’ P ' »'»'H fM: Coooer. i;T. 9aTt.. :T;. Bull. J.'-.V'anVry bell j Af., ißilliam; AT Ritchie >X. <■ A ; p )V’U'n ms. ; Af.v ain’t -r! 3re'ls-j AE. /and S~ Rvelmrdson isind J'. , White--.

CRECHE .CHILDREN ENTEK.As tho guests of the- Waterside AVorkers- at their annual picnic hefcl at -Kaiteratdliib;on' ; Wednesday, the , twenty.-.six, little - inmates ot the Children's Creche, accompanied by Mrs. Lvndpn,/' secretary, andv Alvss Gena Ounmiiug,, matron,- eujoyed- a delightful day’s outing. '•! - No. detail* Avas overlooked in the proparatipiis for the entortajiinient of : the ciiildretV j ; a carriage was placed Jit"tlieir disposal, and bif arrival their destination, luncheon avus .scfAcd at a long tablo laden with all the good tilings dear to childhood. ■' _ ■ . ; Throe special races were arranged for tho little guests: the. sucoesslul ( onipetitor in the girls’ race was jcun Connor. avlio aaos presented with a bagatelle game, her brother, James Connor, carrying off the hoys’ prize, a cricket hat. A liandsomc tfophy, a divan chair, nnide and presented to the Creche by Mr. Alurphy. was competed lor _by the. little girls, the winners being Hazel Hvde and Jean Cr nnor, ivho j dead-heated. TENNIS. Ideal Aveather prevailed for the weekly tennis tournament organised bv the lady members of the W’liataupeiko Club cn Wednesday afternoon. The entries AA-ore somewhat smaller than usual, nevertheless, all the games Aiere keenly contesled and thoroughly enjoyed. Afternoon tea was seiwetl in the pavilion during a pleasant interlude. The successful competitors were Misses N. plundeu (North Canterbury) and S. Barton, Airs. Freeman and Alias G. Smith , gaining second place. Other pliiA-ers included: AD'S. T,. G. Barton : Alisses P. and C. deLautour, AI. AtcGrcgor, G. Busavcll, I’. Price, B. Ivemp, AI. O’llalloran and D. Barton. PARTY FOR BRIDE-ELECT. A A-ery delightful kitchen tea was given by Mrs. Angus Fraser, at her home at Kanakanaia, on Wednesday afternoon, in honor of Aliss Amy Wilsou. next AAcek’s bride. The Aveather was particularly kind, and the guests spent a very happy time Avandpriug round (lie picturesque garden and Avatching the tennis from, tho shady verandah. •V clever competition, Avirieli tested the ingenuity of tlie competitors, was entered into Avilh much enthusiasm. Afiss Jean Telford and Aliss \uiy AYilson tied for first place, and Iho former, on Aviuning the draw, was presented with a charming gilt. The. drawingroom avus fragrant with roses, artistically arranged, and tea Avas served from a flower-decked table in the diniiigrcoin. After tea, tlie numerous parcels, containing a varied assortment, of kitchen utensils, were opened bv the bride-to-bp, aalio thanked her friends, verv prettilv for their uselul gilts. Tho hostess was Avearing a gracefllllv Hoiinccel frock of dark blue floral ninon. Aliss Eraser chose an attractive frock of eornffoAver blue georgette, designed with a coatee and a long flared skirt. Mrs. .■Langhorno av» s Crocked in a loA'dy shade of green with fawn trimmings The guest of honor wore a charming frock of floral pique voile, relievod Avith touches cf lemon, and a wide black straw hat. Some of the guests included : Afesdames J. C. Wilson, H. Telford. Ogilvie, J. G. Appleton. Ifruce, R .1). Dvmoclc. Fletcher, Barclay, Al'cDon aid. Anderson. R. Witters. O'Connell. Outsets, Hurry, AI. Doyle; Alisses 0. Wilson, Orr (3b It. J. and -I- Telford. Hurry. Hood. E. Doylo. P. and X.-Appleton, X. Bruce. 0. Dynicck and others. WEDDING BELLS. \VEBB—IIUSTLERT ‘ ' 1 A very'pretty-wedding avus solemnised on January 2 at St. John’s Church , Trcntliam. when Hazel Ruby, scccnd daughter of Air. and Mrs.' R. H. Webb, avus married to Olive, eldest son of Air. and Airs. J. Hustler. Aiatawai. The church decorated by the hockey girl friends' of the bride. The. bride, aa ho avus given .away by .her father, looked charming in a graceful frock of AAliito satin bcauie with, coalec of Avhitc silk lace and eustomary A’cil, orange blossoms and bou((uet. She Avas attended by her sister, Aliss G. AVchh. avlio Avore apricot satin, and Aliss AI. Purvis, friend of (lie bride, in green crepe satin. Air. R. Alactntyro avus best man, assisted by Air. I. AVebb as The Rev. Canon Gallrav. of Christchurch, olheiatcd at the ceremony. A reception avos lie,ld later in the Druids ITt|H. where justice .Avas done to the Avedding breakfast and the ysnal toasts were honored. Many congratulatory telegrams were received from absent relatives and friends., ’VARSITY ATHLETES ENTERTAINED. The Blue Room presented a gav and animated scene on Thursday, -night when the members of the Gisborne Amateur Athletic and Harrier Club entertained a team ot athletes from Canterbury University. The ballroom, Avith .its many casement AvindoAvs open to the breeze, looked cool and iiiA-itin.g. Shaded lights cast a soft gloAv on the sheen cf silk atul satin, -and the effective mural paintings formed a picturesque setting for the dancers. Mrs. Alenzies’ orchestra gave of its best, the musicians responding generously To repented demands , for encores, and delightful extras Avore contributed by Miss N. Alurphy and AD. Sheet. The supper - arrangements, avuicU .were in the capable hands of Mrs. Ai AT. Beale, who Avas assisted- by Miesdaiues; Chove.aux,, Kennode, Tier inkl other lady niembefs of .the club, wprp all that could lie . desDed,/both ini rrganisation and menu.' The tables- Aveve’ cliariniU'rly decorated with crystal Vases of daisies,dntermingle 1 Avith delicnto greenery, and ■ black and AVilite tjie club colors, cpinbined AyitJi / maroon, a iedipnltmenb to thot t »' -.' jti':extending a foroial wbleome -te tlyv visitors, Mr. dL F. Forster', pve- i pifle.nt of the local-»el.ub, made eulogistic. reference to- their sportsuiarisbip. ’ >■ ■; " ’ Aa r . D.- Bain, in tlie- course of Ins roplv. exiircAAecl, -.Ji's anprceiiition of Dio itißoting aiid l;bo hospitality. ot the Gisborne people. . -\ a , Duriinr the ca'P ii ill </. • Al v . •: Fn . ofoselited ille'fdllqw : n.r. • iropbies .Tore’a-ii C’e-.p. presented bv. All"-. G. S. Gaul ton; Alis.s /I. . CboA'cncy - . Bolton Cup. ' presented b.r Mrs. T?olton, Ormolu]. Aliss’ .J. «1(e--per Alai tiigAis■lahW Cun,' FdAfaiTuv"- : ■ pyinong those present,-, r Avere: : Air. and. 'Mrs: Ale Donald. IjlfV find Airs. AfarsliaH;:- T. : NiehqlJ- and Alg'e-\‘Atisrcs At. Nicb'njl.'? J..' Shot'ster ’AI. 'Bcle, E-. Sired, D..’ Gouldpriiitb. - B • tl'OT'n. M.-. Goldsmith, T.; E: and -Chovepinx-, ;Af. Rnkcr. rP; , and B-.■;Skeets, : Id’Banvick; S. '.Chap^

man, J. Robinson, S. Alarlln, AIBaylhs. J. Warren, M- Billiani,- EWilliauwou,. P. Harkess, ,B. Walkott, Young, A. Brian, -I. Vandy (Sydney), J. and *• M. Alar tin, O. Golding, AI. Lister, N. Alurphy, J. and E. Allen ;' Alessrs. -D. Bain, R. . Williams, ,J. S. Wilson', A.' T. ’ Anderson, D. F. Anderson, Al. Robinson, G. AlcG reg:or, N. AV. Mulvey, G. Mills, G. Tiffen, Gape, H. D. AVade, l>andy, A. Balij "Ardoftn;, AieAlalioii. Aneell, Merceij, Haismaii, . Oox, 8,. Ahlin, R. Jackson’ .Redmond, Gardner. Ivcss, AYkljace. .jiiidloy, Sheridan, -Jenkins, K. Algiel Lowndes, Fade, Rice, Skeet. Tunes, Lockett. White. AleLeod, IT. Tier,- O’Halloran, 'J'urbitt, Webb, llew.son,-Grant, Barry,': Sharp, Bright, Pocoi Jc. • ■ • • AN AFTERNOON TEA. • ; A .charmingly arranged tea party was given by Airs. C. H. Bull at-’bur pretty riverside homo on Tuesday alto rnoon, ‘ for her sister, A.lrs. A. It. Canipboll, of Sydney, who Inis * been her guest. _ : The drawingroom looked cool unu .inviting with its decorations cf pink and blue hydrangeas; rich shades of orange were chosen for the adornment of the diningroom,, galiiardias and coreopsis boing used with artistic effect.... . A very pleasant time was spent with tea and talk, the guest of honor, enjoying tho delightful opportunity a Horded of'. renewing old friendships. The tiosless was wearing a smart frock of blue and. green patterned flat erepo with collar and cuffs of green georgette. Airs. Campbell wore an elegant French frock, of black silk marocain ornamented with circular frills. MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL. OLYMPIC GAMES ATHLETE. The world's most beautiful Olympic ' Gaines athlete is a married woman, Airs. James AleLareu, wife of a Toronto, Canada, bank employee, (states the “San Francisco Chronicle”). As Aliss Ethel Catherwood, Saskatoon school girl, she set a world’s record for the Irgh jump at the last Olympic Games in 1928, and to top that off she was selected as (lie . most beautiful girl entrant. While ‘Aliss Catlicrwc od’ is in San Francisco training for the 1932 Olympiad a* Lbs Angeles, the news that she is actually Mrs. AlcLaren leaked out in Toronto. Her tiuhand could nob keep the secret any longer. He said that the marriage took place in November, J 929, and told the world that bis wife, who can jump higher Ilian anv ether girl, woman, matron, debutante, or dowager in the world, is in San Francisco, training -for the 1932 Games. “Which, of course, she will win—l mean the high jump” MeLuren said. BY THE’ WAYSIDE. (Alary Ramsay Ellen Blair.) Where scorching sun beat down upon the Hot foot-way; And winds from west blew hot air on the street, She tramped along with hands so full and weighted; Heart not too light; and aching, tired feet. Street after street where summer sums were burning, No trees across foqt-wav to give uut cooling shade, But. still, sometimes a .buyer; a kindly greeting; A proffered cup; a rest; —sometimes she stayed. When sea winds blew, the days were all one long delight; But when the fierce sun gave out Hlistoring and scorch, And hot winds made a wild and stubborn light, Sho reached a winding road that curved behind the hill Where homes had rose-pink iramblera on trellis, porch and sill.

But where the bank was sloping, sho sat upon tho grass; She cared not who might clianec to glance her way; And cared for nought who pass; The huge old gum gave out its friendly shade; The outlook broad and still.; below, the town of red and white. Behind—the burnt grass on a sloping hill.

But buyers had come, e’en in depression’s lime; And empty purses were owned b.v hearts with love— And she thought many things AVllile song-birds in the branches sang abovo. Tt always could ho worse—could not be walking; A. sneer or jeer might take the place of smilo, So go my friend and do your plan-ned-out journey, And greet the day, and forget each dreary mile. GIRL’S HEAD AS TEE. NURSES CAI/M AS GOLF BALL IS DRIVEN OFF. A girl’s forehead provided tlie too in a freak golf challenge match at the Thames Ditton and Esher Club, Surrey, bet)ween Mr. ‘G'corge Ashdown, a young professional, and. Air. 0. Alansell. One of tlie conditions avus that AD’ Ashdown should tee up at every l)°lo on a girl’s forehead, and so Aliss Ena ShaAV, a young North London nurse, agreed to be used as a “teeing ground.” At every hole Aliss Shaw, Avho had a tee-peg fastened to her I‘oreliead by an clastic band, reclined on the S round and did not appear to be in ie least nervous when Mr. Ashdown. played the stroke. The professional, who' conceded one stroke at each hole to Mr. fj an sell, hit some splendid, shots ■ front his- unusual tee and Avon .the mutch in'comfortable stylo by. seven up and five to play. . • V 1 ’

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11539, 16 January 1932, Page 3

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Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11539, 16 January 1932, Page 3

Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11539, 16 January 1932, Page 3