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Women’s World


: Air. and Airs. K. CL Runcimau (Tokomaru) have taken a, cot'age AVainui beach.

- Aliss TJnmeke (Stratford) is ...staying with Mrs, Stoddart, Te Puia.

' Aliss -ft. NicbolVsy .Auckland who has been visiting her sister as' I.okoniafvf Bar, lias ’returned Home.

Aliss P. AleCulloch has. returned .to Tokomaru Bay from Auckland for gome weeks to visit-her parents, Air. and Airs. AV. McCulloch. . Y.

!. Aliss A. Reeves (Tolaga Bay), was the ghost of Airs E-. R. Ludbrook, Ruatoria, for the races.

ALss Alona Blair was the guest of Mrs. G. E: Cottorill, - “Alakarika, Tokomaru, for the Waiapu races.

a : : f AL-s. IT. Buchanan and Alisses A. Barker and E. Afurphv were the guests of Airs. C. K. Williams,. “Alatahiia,.” Tokomaru, for the races.

! Aliss Sheila ‘-MacGregor, Gisborne, who has been the. finest of Miss Cara Johnston, Hobson Street, has lelt 1 1 Feathers ton'.

: Aliss P. Barker and her brother, Afr D. Barker, who were the guests qf Mrs. G. E.- Cotterill, Tokomaru, for the races, returned- to town on Thursday. 7 ; .- •-

Airs. C. V, Chamberlain (Wairoa) v/lio has been staying with Mrs. N. H Bull, Hinaki‘Street, is at present the .guest of Mrs. G. lv. B. Barber, \Vaimafa Valley.

Airs. Smaller Weston,, who has been staying with her sister, Airs. E.'R. Ludbrook, Bun torn, came to town on Thursday, and is returning to Wellington to-day, accompanied by her niece, Aliss. Jean Ludbrook.

1 At Hie conclusion of the very successful production of the ‘Unfair Sex.” at Tolaga Bay on Wednesday night, the performers-were the guests of Alesdames ,T. Reeves, Matneson. G K lving,-G. Reeves Weeks, at' a very delightful supper party at Reynolds hall, soft shades of gold being .chosen for the. decoration oi the tables.

There was a good attendance at the monthly meeting of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, held on Tuesday. At the conclusion ot business two papers were read, tho president: Mrs. E. G. A. Reynolds, choosing for her 'subject,. ‘‘Women in Industry.” Airs. \V. E. Gofie coninbating ‘"‘Thoughts on Modern Drinking by” tho Rev., ,J. Smith, ALA. An .interesting diseussiun followed wlneh brought forth a number of tresh facts. The serving of nfrernoon tea concluded a very pleasant and profitable afternoon.

Lord and Lady Baden Poweill both observed their birthdays lasi Sunday. " The coincidence of Hu birthdays -was' mentioned at the eivif reception tendered in their honor at Auckland on tho • previous 'J' rula-y, and the Mayor, Mr. ; G. Baiklon, ofered them cordial, birthday grect,nrs oil behalf of the people ot Auckland. “j, married Lady Baden Rowell because she was a woman ot taste,”' said tli 0 ' Chief Scout, amid laughter and applause, in rhanking r he Alavor for his birthday felicitations. ‘‘*As soon as she found out when my birthday was, she elected to ’be born on the same day (iniigh--er). and that, I hold, is a mark ol nine affection. You may be. interested to know that we were hoai born- on George Washington’s bmblov That is wbv. like him, we cannot tell a lie without being ft nml out.” The sally was- greeted with '-enewpd laughter and applause.

BENEFIT ENTER TAIN A f ENT?. Quite a number of benefit enterjiunment.s have been arranged recently for the relief of distress m Hawke’s Bay. . . Ar The dance organised bv Aliases -'tand J. AYicksteed. J. Ludbrook, J• ivirkbam and . Air. W. Simmonds, 7eld in the Ruatoria Hall on >\ ednesdav night, and most generously subsidised by Air. R. H. AYicksteed a huge success, both socially and :financially. . . ..•: . - - - A delightful decorative scheme was effectively carried out with streamers of every hue, and delicate greenery. Particularly gay and inspiriting music was supplied by a Alaori orchestra, who gave their services tree of charge, and much enjoyed extras were contributed by Mrs. C. K. A\u‘jams' and Aliss Hobbs. A buffet supper>of home-made delicacies was served. -.' -A few of the manv present lncnided: AJr. and Airs. R. H. AYicksteed, Mr. and Airs. C. K. AYilliams, Air. and Airs. O. T. AYilliams, Air and Mrs. E. R. Ludbrook, Air. and Airs. G. E. Cotterill, Air. and Airs. H- EWilliams’; Airs. H. Buchanan: Misses f: and J. Ludbrook, AL and J. AA iekdeed, J. Kirkliani, v AI. Sherratt, AL Blair, A. Barker, E. Gnddum, A.. Reeves, S. Cctterill, P. Barker, J. Plummer, J. Morris, ,T. Dunlop,. R. Williams, A. Hobbs; Messrs. A. Williams, E. Stock,. IF. Ludbrook, Scfnnell, AI. Young,. D. Barker, A\ . Barton, D. Brain, Jones (2), AY. Simmonds, . B. Young, B. Fenwick, A. Gctterill, B. Biddles and D. Kirkham. The earthquake- relief fund will henefit eonsidorablv as a result of the efforts, of the Alaori and nakoha residents of the Afamituke district, who organised a most successful dance m the Alanutuke - Memorial Hall on Thursday night. . > • • - There was a very Rferge attendance, fully 140 couples, and a bint of autumn. in the air was an added stimulus to dancing. .. Ar 0 Both the music,, supplied by Mrs. Menzies’ orchestra, and Hie floor were excellent,Messrs. H'. -Maynard and T 7 Ivane. capably-carrying .out the duties of M’.s.O. . • A - e A. liappy festive atmosphere was given bv the effeetivo decorations ot multi-colored , streamers and feathery greenery. . The same, decorative schowne was carried out in. the room, the tables being adorned with pastel shaded asters. >• ■ Mrs. Preston, assisted by a committee of ladies,.was in charge of.the qupper arrangements, winch, m organisation and menr. were all-iliac could he-desired. _ • . _ . \Tbe chnirmnn, the Rev. TurerPnba, and the secretary', .Mr. F. R v PiercV, on behalf of the commUtee. wish to thank tlie following. Airs. W. (Lark, (Opou). Messrs. Forshaw Bros., Gis- ■ bornei Fruit Exchange, Alessrs Stjiblirngs (Pat.iitft.hi)' J. .Hebenton and A. Barbour,' who bv 'personal assistance and ..- generous- donations contributed, to the success of: the function. •

; ’ v . ;.., ' -’TENNIS. T" V> An innovation : -in the forni Ot singles: tonrboy Was arranged by tho lady members, of the. Gisborne Cliio on Wodnesdayf afternoon. . ' 7 The' we/itber was ideal, for strenuous play and all the games, vverp keenly contested, -Miss ...Shirley.'Ormpnd being the . successful compeLtori Amongst t.hos 0 present were: Alesdajnes B. U. Burke, L. T\ Barnard, G. H. Seddon.7 Butters. R. L. AlhSon • Misses Ormond (2); J. Blair, At. Puflett. E. Hogarty, YV. BarnsGraham, M. Bull and V. Barnard , AUsses At. Macaulay and P. D) Costa weTa the winners 1 of the usual

weekly tournament, organised by the lady members of tbe Wbatanpoko .club on .Wednesday. . , . Afternoon toa was served in the, jiavilion, gftlliardias and antirrbinivims being used with artistic effect in the decoration of the table. The players included: Alesdames G W. Willock. H. G. AYellborne, i.. G. Barton, Freeman,- Car•ruthers • Missesv'P. de Lautour. AI. Maoaulnv, J. Marshall, AI. AlcGvegor, H. Black, P. Burke, P. Beynolds, S.- Barton, R. GederwalL. D. Adams, S. AYilliams, B. Leslie, I. De Costa and A. Leslie.

THE UNFAIR SEX. Great interest is being shown nr ‘'The Unfai.r Sex/’ a farcinl comedy in three acts, which is being presented at the Opera House next AVednesday ,Thursday apd Fridav under the auspices of the- Rotary Club, in aid of the earthquake relief fund. Miss AI. Gallichan, who has boon connected with the Independent Theatre, Sydney., for the last three- years, is to take the lend./ In the part of Diana, her wide experience enables lior to create tlie atmosphere of tho misunderstood wife. The part of Afrs. de Lisse is taken by Aliss E. Millar, who has proved her worth in so many local productions. As the flippant, daughter of Airs, do Lisse, Airs. AV. A. Bowie will bo seen in one of her host roles, 'lhe play might easily have been written for her, and she plays it with abandon and naturalness. “Pinker,” the film-struck housemaid, is carried out with her usual ability by Miss Cora Oman, who has some very clever work with Sir Harry Hesketh when he asks her to bolster up a little joke, and she misunderstands his meaning. The public of Gisborne will bo waiting anxiously to see the first appearance of Mr. Allan Muir and Air Wilfrid IColin, and they will not be disapnointed as both take entirely different and difficult parts wiili the finilfil of professionals. A BON A r OYAGE PARTY.

A very delightful bridge tea was given by Afrs. P. R. Aluir, at her homo in Stafford Street, on Thursday afternoon, as a farewell to Dr. Theodora EastcrfiAd, who is leaving shortly for England. The drawingroom looked cool and attractive • with its charming decorations, delicate white pansies and richly tinted zinnias offering alluring contrast. Ten was set in the diveneroom. pa si cl v shaded asters beaut i Tying (he table.

The host ess chose an elegant frock of-white flat erepe, designed with a pouched bodice and a flared skirt, faggot ted to a hip’yoke. Tlie guest of honor was extremely smart in a frock of Canton ever > i:i a lovely'shade-of blue, made with a bolero 'effect nnd flared skirt closely moulded at the hips, and a Inti of black felt.

Amongst those- alio were afforded an opportunity of saving good-h -e to the departing guest under sur-li oleasnnf circnmst ances were Alesdnmos A. 1.. Singer. S. D, Nathan, AT. P. AfcSwoeney. R. G. Crawford, fl. Angell. D. L. Aluir. T.. T. Burnnvd, Hamilton Irvine. L. Miles. H. O. Clirisn, M. .). White-. E. Adair; Misses R. Barry, TT. Nolan. D. Ragnail. M. Boos and Dr. Alorfon.

AIANGAPAPA TENNTS CLUB DANCE Thursday night saw the . Orange Hall the centre Af another gathering of the players and friends of tlie Mangapapa Tennis Club. Originally arranged for the previous week hutthrough force of circumstances postponedT the dance lost nothing through that postponement as there have been fewer gayer evenings during tho dancing season.

"Willing bayds had been at- work on the interior and, as a result, the decorations brought forth appreciative murmurs from the arriving guests who. front an earlv hour, thronged the dancing’ floor. Bunting veiled the walls and draped the windows while from the rafters fell multicolored streamers arranged in a triple, canopy over the heads of tho couples below. These couples were reflected on tlie surface of the highly-polished floor which was more than usually fitted for dancing upon. Decorations, ''ompany and floor however, might nil bei good and the dance still fail a success. The reason would be an orchestra. unsuited to the other necessities of the dance. On this occasion there was no discrepancy between anything and although the orchestra was playing “Cheer Un” the company were not in need .of any such reminder. By the laughter it would appear that the dancers had forgotten all exeent the music and the delight of dancing on a perfect floor. Supper was handed round by tlie club members who all united in making a. short and merry task of the highly important work. . During tlie supper interval. Aliss I;. Davies relieved Air E. Sharpies at the piano and, assisted by Air K. Rosie with the saxophone, very ably played supper extras. As the night was warm the majority of tho fair sex oam-e in tennis frocks -which were to be’seen in many da in tv styles.

Amongst those noticed on the floor were: Airs A. Anecll. ALsses AI. Burrows, B. Tier. R. Anecll. R. Lyons, R. Jamieson, AL Preston, L. Davies, G. Wyatt R-. Day, L. Lyons, I. Somerville. P. ITarknes=, D. Nieol, R. Ballard. AI. Nicol; E. Patterson. 0/ Tzod NY and- V. Ait-Icon (Auckland), L. Kirlce M. Torrid; Messrs. J. Nisbett I. Crawslmw, E. Dudley A. and L. Ancoll, C. Perstpn, E. Phillips, D. Shaw, G. Ingram, T. Haisman, D. Smith T). AVallacc, A. Brownlie, D. Sheridan. D. AA r allace, D. Slieridan, E. Browne, K. Rosie, C. Prentice, and A. Tome. '

DANCE AT TOKOMARU BAY. (Special To The Times). A gay find animated scone was presented in ,f 'e Pnka Hall, on Tbre-s----*Jnv, when Afrs. Stoddart, and the Waiapu Hospital ..staff held a very successful dance in aid of -the Nurses’ Wardrobe Relief . Fund. There was a large crowd in attendance and the amount realised was over .€2O. Paliau’s jazz orchestra rendered delightful music and the gay crowd tripped the light fantastic, until long after midnight. MahV dainty frocks \Vere worn and the merry dancers presented a happy scene.. A delicious supper was served in the balk Mr. ■T. J. Roberts was a most capable MiG. ... . - 7 iY Hopie of those, present, included Mesdames E'ver's-,. black -georgette; Grant, embossed velvet, J. navy satin erepe de chine; Walker, flame silk: -To YVa i, floral ninon; j.-angdon. sea green taife.tni; C. Show, floral chiffon nnd gc-orgetto; ,T. Johnson,’ einnainon Tlnce.;, IT, Johnson, black georgette and laee; Rnnsley. son., black georgette; Hoald, black and lace ■ O. Afatbieson, flpyftl ninon; ’ Nugent, black georgette. : Lumsflen,) black h>me arid tulle • O. W Williams, lemon floral goorgette; W. Pprter, flora l ninon; St-od-dart, floral ninon and contoe to match ; Alatheson, floral nmoii; Burrieft blaei;; georgette and bridge coat; Hoore, black georgette. . , Misses D. Pepper, eornl pmlc geor» •Mte and tulle • M. EVHs, floral rrmon; P, McCulloch, red satin and dia-

niante trimmings; AL Gibson, beige georgette and coatee; 1.. Xicholls, pink c-repe de clime and pink bridge coat; Jl;«-v i\\ alker. powder blue neorgette :/P. A\ alker. green georgette and gold lace; A!. A\ alker, floral union; B. A\ alker. shell pink crepe de chine and georgette; I. Connie lior:ii ninun ; hi. Dates, salmon pmk trilled crepe de chine; McKay, shell pmk georgette and lace, 1). C onoie, nine green floral satm and georgette: B. orant, floral taffeta and apricot trimniings; 1.. Kerris, .shell jmiK georgette and pink lace; K. Thane, floral silk: M. Aligns, black t allot a ; Ham. hlacif lace: .V Mulligan, pmk rafleta ; H. Rawlings, coral pmk embossed velvet ; l niaeke (Straitord), Nile green brocaded -satin: Small, ametlivst georgette and velvet; R. porter, 'palest pink georgette and sequins; X. Smith, powder blue georgette; C. Oates, leaf green crepe de chine; B. Dalv. lethon crepe de chine: Id. Broad, black tulle and lace; M. Corbett, white crepe de clime; K. AleCullock. white crepe de. clime and georgette; X. Hollever. floral silk- R. Savage, jade green brocaded silk; R. White, lemon taffeta; Tv. Wilson, primrose georgette; D. Hall, patterned silk. Messrs .). .1. Roberts. D. Lumsden. G * Rivers, J. Nugent. C. Fanner. E. Rouse, C. Wallis, R. Te Wai> H. Sheriff. C. Fitzpatrjck, R. F. Nalder, C. Shaw, K. Hale, E. Holmes. M Mannio’-i. R. Robertson. S. Emerson. G. Tankard, A'. Tankard. A. E. Bell. Heald, V. Fox, AY. Rovter, R. Gilmonr, S. Burdctt, AA . Alebracken. J. Burdett. S. Conole, 0. Matheson, G. McCulloch, Rossitev. Holali, A. Johtfkon, C. Reedy. 0. AV. Williams, Newton, H. Tucker, S. AlcWilliam, Stoddart. Hoard. Ransley.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11452, 28 February 1931, Page 3

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Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11452, 28 February 1931, Page 3

Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11452, 28 February 1931, Page 3