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Tdciii weather conditions favored t\\ v amuiiil hack *meetirus ot* the AA'fiinim Racing Club field at the Matiti racecourse, near Ttuatoria, yesterdav. but there was oulv a inotl'erate attendance of the public and the totalisator handled only £3-118 as compared with £7170 last ye«u, a. decrease of £3752. The net proceeds are to he donated to the earthquake relief funds. Sera tell in os were numerous durum the day and, despite the fact that manv of the horses made two_ imnearanees there we--..' oulv two fields in Avliich ii second’ dividend u*i\s OJiitl. In one. rare there were mdv three stsvters. Not withstanding the small Pol,ls most laves produced ver" close finishes. retleH iim frrefit credit on the lruidieapper, Air A. Tnckwell. Air ,1 Fivers s r '"’ e every satisfaction as ji id it, i .mill Mr \. G. Turnbull tl.esn;i(,'lied the fields evenly with a •minimum of delay. Mr AY. H 0. Johnston. the secretary, and I lie eoniiiut.|rip, -uere assiduous in attending to th-‘ of natrons. The 10s totalisator was used and annearei 1 to he Generally popular, desnile the fall in e: off in in vestments which of course. could only lit: ex-,-.-cted in view of di., small holds and tho present financial depression. The chief race of the day. the Mai arm Staked, pent to tip. consistent. Apiuppi Sun, who thus reyister,i,l i,it- fourth s>'ceess’ve nietorv. Star ~f (‘;,.1,t annexed fli,. Te Thip Alemorial this lieie- the K'lv’s first mreess. while Alas! or Dnuion scared a oonular win in the Counties Haiididan. Results were as follows :

AIATDF.X SCURRY. of_sssovs., second horse to receive 71, and third o.i so vs from stake. Five furlongs. I—/Mr ir. C. BignoUM b d STITCH l.iv 'Thruadnecdlc-Ic I’uia, 2vrs, 8 0 -T’. Atkins) 1 2 Mr C. Carriiurton s l.ilk 1 SI All OF GOLD, 3vrs. 8.0 (J. AY ulsli) 2 3—Mr \Y. AlcClutchie's cli it BABY PRINCE. syrs, 8.0 (C. Stratton) ’

Also started: >1 Town Prince 8.0. (.J. Clements), G Prince Henry 8.0 M. Mackay), 5 Alii Taka 8,0 (C. Davis). Cyncona, Bivkley. II oval June, Bouffon, Purseful. Honowai, and the Flying gtart-Gazeley mare unnamed were scratched for the opening event the Maiden Scurry leaving a field of six. Stitch and Star of Gold completely monopolised the betting, the former being the actual iavorite. When the field was despatched. Stitch moved a wav very smartly and led bv a length from Star of Gold, with Baby Prince and Town Prince next in order. Along the back and round the northern bend, the two leaders drew lengths clear of the field. Stitch entering the straight a length clear ot Star of Gold. Finishing full of running. Stitch scored the easiest of wins bv 1A lengths from Star of Gold, who heat Baby Prince by half a. length, with Town Prince a head away fourth. Time, 1.2.

FLYING HANDICAP, of Oosovs.. second horse to receive 15 and third horse osovs. from stake. Six furlongs. 2 Messrs L Brown and M. Hennessey’s b g SIMEON, by Gazeley-Theorcin, aged, 7.12, (0. Stratton) ... 1 3 Airs C. Haldane’s ch. m CHARMiALINE. svrs. B.G (P. Atkins) 2 4Mr It. 13. FooteV h n KTM.BO, Grys, 7.4 car. 7.0 (G. Gomm) 3

Also started: 1 -Jazz King 8.13 (J •Walsh).

The scratching pen was also freely used in the second race, the Flying Handicap, Toboggan. Talioma 'Autumn Sun. Manifesto, Coonardoo and Little Wonder being withdrawn, leaving a field of four. Jazz King was made a warm favorite, being entrusted with nearly 80 more tickets than Simeon who was slightly better .backed than Charmaline. AVlien the tapes rose, Simeon was first to show out from 'Charmalino and Kimho, Jazz King being slow away. Cliarrnaliue moved up along the hack and led round to the- bend, hut Simeon, lying handy all the time, again went to the front and led into the straight from Charmaline and Kimho. with Jazz King well hack. Simeon finished well to win by tlircequarters of a length from ('harnialine, who heat Kimho by half a. head’. Jazz King was pulled up. Time, 1.11 4-5.

MATITI HANDICAP, of GOsovs., second horse to receive 7.1 and third 2)sovs. from stake. Seven furlongs. 8— Air M. H. Brady’s b g MOURI RANGI, by Cynic-Ohinepaka. 5 yrs, 8.8 (J. AValsli) . ... ... 1 2—Air H. K. Swan’s Ii m FALL 0‘ THE YEAR, Gyrs, 8.2 (C. • Stratton) ... 2 •i—Air G. A. Graham’s eh. g AIANII'ESTO, 4yrs. 9)0 (A, G. Murray) 3

A lso started: I Cuonardoo B.G (P Atkins), 5 Prince Henry 7.7 car 7,2 (G. Gomm).

The withdrawals of Psycho, ITimax, Erin’s Boy and Cyncona left a field of live to face the barrier for the Matiti Handicap. Coonardoo and Fall o’ the Year were evenly backed, the former carrying slightly greater support than the Inure, Mouri Rangi was supported to the extent of 174 tickets and Manifesto carried aljout 40 fewer. Manifesto was first tq sliowout from an even start, though Prince Henry was slow to move. Mouri Rangi and Fall o’ the Year were next in order, but there was little between the four leaders. Round the bend the. field hunched closer still arid Coonardoo moved into the lead, showing the way into the straight to Mouri Rangi and Manifesto. with Fall o’, th 0 Year also putting in a claim. In a good finish, Mouri Rangi forced ahead in the last few strides to win by a short half length from Fall o’ the Year, who was a neck in front of Manifesto, with Coonardoo half a length away fourth. Time, 1.27 4-5.

WAIAPU STAKES, of 120sovs., second horse 15 and third : Ssovs. from stake. One and a-quarter miles. 2 Mr AV. AVilson’s eh g AUTUMN SUN, by Autumn-Sabin.e, 4yrs. 8.10 (C. Davis) ... ... 1 3Mr H. Moore’s ch g TAMA AVAIATA, aged, 7.13 car.. 8.0 (J. Walsh) ......... 2 4 Mrs C. Haldane’s eh m CHAItMALINB, syrs, 8.2 (P. Atkins) 3

Also started: 1 Talioma 9.5 (A. G. Murray). , . Little Wonder and Erin’s Boy were scratched for the chief event of the day-'fthe Waianu Stakes, and in the, of four Tahoma was made a warm favorite, carrying; over 100

moi'e tickets than Autumn Sun and Tania AVaiata, who were evenly hacked. From a good start, Clianualme went lo the front and led past the stand by half a length from Autumn Sun, with Tania AVaiata and Talioma at length intervals further hack. Char uni line led around into the hack, hut was then displaced by Autumn Sun and Talioma aiso made a forward move. Autumn ,Sun led Talioma round the northern betid and was the; first into the straight, hut Tama AA’aiata then put in a good finishing run to head the leader momentarily in the straight. Autumn Sun responded gamely and went on to win hv a neck from Tama A\ aiala, who heat Charmaline by 11,l 1 , lengths, with Talioina well hack in fourth place. Time 2.10 1-5.

TE PTJNI MEMORIAL SWEEP - STAKE, of 2sovs. each, with 30 so vs. added, second'horse to receive 10 and third osovs. from stake. SLv furlongs. 3—Mr G. Carrington's blk f STAR OF GOLD, by Hunting Somz-Etoilo d’Or, 3yrs, 8.3 (J. Walsh) ... ... ' 1 2—Air A. S. Hewsou's h g ABPEVDALE, Cvrs, 8.12 (C. Davis) ... ... ... ... 2 I—Air A. G. Turiihull’s ch 1 CLIMATIC, 4yrs, 8.9 (C. Stratton) 3 Only starters.

Scvateliings were numerous in the Te Puni Alemorial and only three faced the barrier, Master Damon, .Sublimate, Honowai, Baby Prince, Tv ran Boy, Royal 'Tune and All Home being withdrawn. Climate was made a solid favorite, with Abboydalo also in demand and Star 'of Gold the outsider. The field wont away together well, but Climatic soon hit the front and led along the hack by half a length from Star of Gold with Ahheydale' a length away in third place. Climatic held her lead into the straight hut was then challenged strongly by both the other runners. Star of Gold on the rails finished nicely and scored by a. neck from Ahheydale who heat Climatic by half a length, ft was one- of the best finishes of the meeting. Time 1,15 1-5.

TUPAROA HACK WELTER. of 05 sovs., second horse to receive 10 and third horse 5 sovs. from stake. Keren furlongs. 1 — ATr. IV. AYilson’s 1; g-PRIMAX hv Lord Quex—Slrnto Shrine, 5 rears 9.8 (C. Davis) 1 3--Alessrs. J. Brown and Ah Hennessey’s b g SIMEON, aged, 10.4 (in'e. olbs. re-handicap), (C. Stratton) 2 2 Mr. H. K. Swan’s b in FALL THE YEAR, aged, 9.7 (J. Nixon) 8

Also started: 3 Alii Taka (J, Alaska v) .

Another field of four contested the Tuparoa Hack AVelter, • Cluirmaliue. Tama AVaiata. Psycho and Erin s Boy being withdrawn. P/imax was made favorite, hut there was also solid hacking lor Fall o’ the A ear and Simeon. Alt' Taka went away nicely when the barrier rose and set a hot pace, hut Primax ranged up on the outside, these two leading by a length from the other pair along the back and int-o the northern bend. Primax led into the straight with the other three runners close up. .Alii Taka soon fell hack beaten, but Simeon came with a sol d finishing run, just failing by half a neck to reach Primax. Fall o’ the Year, who appeared rather unlucky at the-straight entrance, was almost on terms with the leaders 15 yards away from the post hut failed to finish on, being third half a length behind Simcg’i. Alii Taka was six dr seven lengths back at the finish. Tl'mc 1.27 2-5.

COUNTIES HANDICAP, of 80 sovs., second horse to receive 10 sovs., and third horse 5 sovs. irom the stake. One mile and a distance. 1— Mr. J. McNeil’s ch g AIASTER DAAION, by Polydamon-Hine-manawaroa, aged, 9.5 (J. Nixon) 1 2 Air. L. C. Fletcher’s eh g CYNCONA, Gyrs., 8.0 car. 3.3* (C. Davis) 2 7—Air. J. M. Reedy’s ch g TOAVN PRINCE, oyi-.s, 8.3 (J. Clements) 3

Also -started: 3 Birkley 8.9 (C. Stratton), 4 Royal Tune. 8.0 (P. Atkins). G Baljv Prince 8.0 (G. Gomm), 5 Aik Home *B.O (J. AYalsh), 8 Tyron Boy 8.0 (A. G.Murray).

The Counties Handicap produced the best field of the day. the eight acceptors, fading the barrier. Master Damon was installed as favorite, hut there was also solid support for Oyncomi and Birkley, with Royal,.Tune the only other in demand. Muster Damon began very smartly and l.ed round into the back stretch where the field closed up, Birkley and RoyalTune filling second and third places. Royal Tune ranged un.along the -favorite as the northern bend was reached, hut Master Damon led into the straight. Cyncona then came away with a solid finishing ’effort and joined the leader, these two going right avvuv from the - field, Royal Tune's condition giving out completely. In another thrilling finish, Master Damon held on to win by a head from Cyncona, with Town Prion© a length away third and Tyron Boy (the absolute outsider) another head hack fourth. Time T. 53 2-5.

FAREWELL HANDICAP, of 70. sovs.. second horse to receive 10 sovs. and' third horse 5 sovs, from the .stake. Six furlongs. ■ 1 — Mr.. G. A. Graham’s eh g MANIFESTO, by lackliam Sarah Grand, 4yrs., 8.5 (A. G.' Murray) . 1 2 Mr. AV. H. Brady’s "b g' MOGRU RANGI. syr.s, 8,5 Mine. Jibs, 're-handicap) (J. 'AYalsh) • % 3 Mr. J: J. Rogers’ hi lei? . g I COONARDOO, aged, 7.11 : (P. Atkins) ... .3.

Also started: 4 Kimbo Gyrs. 7.1. (G. Gomni). , , The Farewell Hhdicap;- 'though haviup only four starters; was the best betting 'race of the day.' Tahoma, Jazz King, Simeon, Climatic, Fall o’ the. Year and Bouffon were the' withdrawals. Manifesto was installed an odds on favorite, with Mouru Rargi and Cdonardoo also in demand aiid Kimbo comparatively: neglected. When !hob arr.ier lifted, Kimbo was slow 'to move and • lost' several, lengths,. .Manifesto - immediately ;g<;iug to -the front - and rapidly increasing .his .lead --along.; the - baek. - ,Goouardoo and'Mogru Rangi were-next in order at this stage, hu.t .dosed - oil--. the leader in the - northern - bend.- 'Manifesto. was first into the straight and went on to-win by Two -lengths- from Mourn Rangi; with Ooonardoo half a length bacla- third and the uu-> luck'y' -Kimbo fl. head away •• fourth. Time 1.14. . • \ . ' ■ I



(Press Association.) WOODVILLE, Feb. 20

The weather was fine for the second day of the Woodville races, hut the at tendance was smaller. The totalisator put through £7752,. compared with £1.5,325 on the same day last rear.

Novice Plate .six furlongs (all 8.5) —2 Valueless (,Rce.d) 1; 1 Flute 2 ; 5 King Hal 3. Also started: 8 Guy Witch, 4 Zcphyrus,* -I Swiftray, 9 Rangimahoe, 7 Thrasher, 3 Joie de Val. Joie de Val was left at tli'o post;. Swiftray was fourth. Time, 1.1(5 2-5. Hopelands Mighwcight; Handicap, one mile and a distance.—-1 Warlilla, 9.13 (Dulieu) \; v 5 Tunbridge 10.11, 2; 7 Hynigreat, 9.0 3. Also started: 4 Lucretja, G Atareria, 2 Cook, 3 Kopje. Woii by a length and two lengths. Time, 1.55 2-5. Autumn Handicap, one mile and a distance.—l Chopin. 7.5 (Voitre) 1; 3 Statuary. 7.5 2; 0 Aloutoa Treasury 3 Also started: 1 Count Palatine, 5 Pnkitere, 2 Roval Parade, 7 Billion. AA’on hv a head, and two and r half lengths. Royal Parade was fourth. Time, 1.14 i-5. Debutan t Stakes Handicap, five furlongs.--1 Esteem. 9.1 (Gray) 1; 2 Riclibnrough, 8.11 2: 4 Psychologist, 7.5 3. Also started: G Kuiri, 3 Flower. i 5 Grando, 7 Topfiier, 8 Red Rufus. Time, 1.1 1-5. Telegraph Handicap six furlongs—--1 Arrow Lad, 8 13 (Gray) 1; 3 It dgmount, 8.1 2; 2 Royal Finance 7.11 3. Alm> star U-d: 4 Arikinui. 5 Alan'L-. 7 Dobbin, G Limosiii. Time 1.18 7-5. Atnngapapa Handicap, five furlongs —3 Huskier, 8.2 (Morris) 1: 1 Golden Shadow, B.S 2: 4 Little Thrush 7.9 3. Also started: 5 Navulio, (> Night Speaker. 2 Royal Bengali, 8 leiran. 7 Roval Oretise. Mon bv a head. Time. 1.1 2-5. • Victoria Hack Cun Handicap, seven furlongs.—s Air Laddie, 7.7 (Broughton) 1; II Arajean, 7.11 2: i, 8-3 3. Also started: 4 Pewa. 2 Malmra. 7 Plavground. 8 Appledore, 9 Alcr.rv Cry, 3 Salt Pot, G Queen’s Salute. 13 Laconic, 10 Derniode. 11 Desert Lad. 12 Leyland. M'ou I v a neck and a length. Time. 1.28. "

Alaliaralora 11 iii>«l ic•: 1 11. 'seven luriongs.— 1- Habit 9.13 (Grav) 1; 3 Roy Mur. 7.11 2: 2 Fit/. Quex.' 8.2 3. Also started: 5 Queen’s Choice, 4 Briar Root, 6 Dobbin. 7 Rich Harvest. Won hv a length and half a length. lime, 1.28 2-5.'

DAN KEY HIKE 11A NDICA PS. (Press Association PALMERSTON N.. Ech. 26. The following handicaps have been dec'ared for the Dannevirke races. High AYc'ght Handicap, one mile and a quarter.—Alt. Shannon 11.9, Full Mark 11 .S. Alountaiu Heath 10.13. Air Laddie 10.9. Lucretia 9.9, Blacksmith 9.3, Mon Roi, Spearopa, Hatterus 9.0

Cup .one mile and a quarter. —Star Stranger 9.9. Alv Own 8.3. The Hawk 7.13. Shrewd. Alt. Shannon 7.8, Pailco 7.7. Duellona. Sakitere 7.3, Fitz Oil ex 7.2. Rory Afor. Billion. Queen’s Choice, Hawksliaw, Spearl'orm, Dainty AY ays. Tunbridge, Bramhletorn. Jnvson 7.0. •Tahuraite Handicap, six furlongs. —Sim ha 9.0. Gold Shadow 8.6, False Scent. Baskier ■'B.s','' ’Queen's" Salute--8.4. Grev Mist 7.9. Blacksmith 7.5. A'alucless. Levland. Hystride 7.3. Flute. White Doe / .2. Night Speaker. 7.1, Roval Bengal, Togan, Rangnnoiioe 7.0. . Itakaratai Nursery Handicap five furlongs.—Esteem ' 9.2, Innuendo. Roy, Hunting Chief, Line 7.7. Lotus Lily 7.5. Cautious 7.4, Psychologist, Flower, Sabatini, Red Rufus, Invite 7.0. Oringi Handicap, seven furlongs.— Maliora" 9.0, Lady Rene 8.9, JennyDiver 8.8. A emit 8.5, Desert, Leyland 7.2, King Hal, Lady Ronald, Spearopa. Thrasher, Grey AY itch < .0. President’s Handicap, six furlongs. Hunting Dav 9.0, Slaghunter, Merry Mint 8.6. Freehold, Kaliilcatoa 8.0. Blue Paper 7.11. Cuticle, Bortrav 7.8 Arajean 7.2. Dobbin. Taranto, Briar Root. Gold Shadow 7.0. Makirihiri Handicap, lowest weight 7.9.—Portray 10.9, Pewa 9.13. AVarfille 9.1. Ex Douu 8.11, Bramhletorn 8 8 ' Jnvson 8.0. Laconic 8.5, Lucretin 8.3', Cook 7.11, Fallow, Survey, Peep Jadarino 7.9.

.RANGITIKEI RE-HANDICAPS. The following re-lunidieaps have been declared *for the Rangitikei Rangitikei Cup. —-Chopin 7.11, Alt. Shannon 7.8. Carnarvon Hack Handicap.—Ma» ho'r a 8.7. Gaswyn, A’alucless 7.2. Pukenui Haelk Handicap. —Alount Shannon 9.0, AVarfill© 8.3.

AUSTRALIAN NOTES. ST. LEGER ACCEPTORS. (U.P-A. by Elec. Tel. Copyright) (Received Feb. 26, 7 p.m.) MELBOURNE. Feb. 26. The final acceptors for the St Legcr Stakes’ are: Veilmond. Balloon King, Eastern Gem. Carry On, Tantrum. J.-J. Liston now owns Lineage. First Arrow has drawn the extreme outside position for the start in the Newmarket Handicap.

(U.P.A b.v Elec. Tel.' Copyright) (Received' Feb. 26f 11' • . =■ MELBOURNE, Feb. 26. There is ■ Something • aniiss with Stowe which -has been. scratched for all Flemingtoii engagements.' • Especial protection 'is' being ; {sven to Phar Lap-and Merab-to frustrate possible intereference. Ashley Reed- has been- engaged to ride Indiina in the cup. - • : ■ R. Lewis -rides Wise I'orce m- the Newmarket.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11451, 27 February 1931, Page 6

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TURF Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11451, 27 February 1931, Page 6

TURF Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11451, 27 February 1931, Page 6