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ENG LAND’S SENSATIONAL COLLAPSE. FIRST INNINGS TOTALS 230. VINCENT IN GOOD FORM WITH BALL. iU.P.A. by Elec Tel. Copyright} CAPETOWN, Feb. 24. AYlien the test match was resumed the weather was line and a diagonal breeze assisted the Airmail swing bowlers, Bell and Cochran. England’s opening pair batted steadily and looked unlikely to bo separated before luncli. hut within five minutes thereot Hammond tell to a inagnilivent catch, and AVyalL iolloweil him to the pavilion __without any addition to the total ol 50. Hendreii played cautiously till the middle of the afternoon, when there was a sensational collapse, Ilendveii, Lev-land. Turnbull, and Chapman going in quick succession, six wickets being down for ]2G. Karri moil d made a stubborn stand for .50 minutes, reaching double Figures, and then, with Tate hit out, the partnership adding 50 in 45 minutes. Tate hit live fours.

ENGLAND. First Innings.— Wvall, e Cameron, b Bel) ... 21 Hammond, c Mitchell. b Vincent 29 lfeylaiml, lb\v. b 801 l Hendreii, e McAlilhiu, b Vincent 30 Turnbull, b AleAlilbui ... _ 0 Fan iitioiul. e Taylor. 1> \ ineeni- •() (’bapnian. c .MeAldhin. \ incciit I Tate, h A’incent •’ 1 Voce, b AleAfillan 0 White, e and b Vincent U* Peebles, not out - Extras ... U2 Total ... .'■ ... -••-•- -o0 Rowling: Pell, two for (>l*: C’oeliran, none for -17 : A ineejii, six lor 51 ; AlcAlillau. two for 57. SOUTH. AFRICA. —First Innings—- • Senile, c and b White ... o 7 Mitchell, b Hammond ••• ... 73 Christy, b Peebles Tavlor. e and l> Peebl«;s ... 1G A'iljoen, e Hammond b Tate ... 1G ('aiiii'rou, l> \ oee ... 4 Dalton, e I’arriinond b Hammond 31 Ab'Alillan not. out 20 V invent, e Chapman b Peebles G Hell, b Yui'c 0 Cochran, b I’eeblcs ... 4 ’ Total ... ... 252 Second J linings.— Senile, not out 0 ALitclieil, not out: ~ Extra t Total for no wickets 3 ’WEST INDIES BEAT N.S.W (C p A by F.lec. Tel. Copy rig Im (Received Feb. 25. 11 p.m.) SYDNEY. I*eb. 25. West Indies defeated New South Wales by 8G runs. The weather was excellent and the wicket worn. Brailman. Kippa.v and McCabe batted steadily and brought the New South Wales score within measurable distance of that, of West Indies. It was an exciting finish, but only C'iulvers-, of the tailenders. was able to hold the fort at, a critical stage. Hearty applause greeted tin* West Indies wen when they were caving the field:


—First Innings.— Reach, h I beak ”3 Martin, b AlcQuirk Headley, run out JO ■(/rani, e Davidson, b Hunt ... 36 Sea lev. h McCabe 38 Constantine, b AlcCabo ‘H A'ight, run out 4 Barrow, e Kippax, h Cliilvers ... 29 Scott, e Hunt, b Chilvers H Francis, st Davidson > 6 Griliilhs, not out 1 Extras II Total 389 Bowling analysis: Theak, one for 93; AlcQuirk. one for 44: Hunt, one for 38; Cliilvers, three for 30; Alceabe, two for G2; Bennett, none for 15. —Second Innings— Roach, lbw, h Tlieak ... ... 9 Headley, lbw, b Hunt ... ... 2 Grant, e Davidson h Hunt ... ... 0 Sealey. b AloGuirk 1 92 Martin, lbw. b Cliilvers ... ... 56 Constantine, run out ... ... 93 Wight, e Ivippax b Chilvertl ... 22 Barrow, run out ••• 43 Scott, not out ... ... 67 Francis, st Davidson b Chilvers (J Extras ... 17 Total lor 9 wickets (declared) 403 Bowling analysis: Cliilvers three, for 53; Tlieak one fur 23; McGuirk one for 72; Hunt two for 99; McCabe, none for 78; Bennett nonq lor 20; Kippax. none for 31. NEW SOUTH WALES —First Innings.— Davidson, b Constantine. ... 10 AVendel Bill, run out ... ... ... 41 Bradman, b Constantine, ... Kippax, lbw b Griffiths ... ... 32 McCabe-, b Constantine ... ... 26 Bennett, b Griffiths ... ... ... Jl Singleton, not out ... ... ... 32 Hunt, b.Constantino ... ... ... 2 Tlieak, h Cpustantine ... '.•• /* Chilvers, e Headley,, li•" ... 6 AlcQuirk, b Constantine , ... ... 15 Extras ..., ... ,10 Total / ... 190 Bowling analysis; six' for .45 ; Griffiths, two for .86 ;.l Scott, one for 7-1; Francis, none loi* -25. ' /-Second liinings.^— AVendel Bill.’lbw, b Francis. ... If Singleton, lbw-,. IrCopstantino ... 26 Pradimui, llvw, b Griffiths , ... 73 Ivippax, c Sealev, b Griffith ... 141 McCabe, e Francis, b Afartin ... 100 Bennett, c, Barrow, b Scott ... 16 Hunt, e Sealev; b Scott ... ... 6 Davidson, b Francis ... 32 Chilvers"(in) ... ; ... 43 Tlieak. 1) Francis ... ... ... 2 AlcGuirk. b' Fraheis ... "2 Extras • 1 ' 11 Total - .7 ' .... ... ...'. 466 Bowling :‘Fraec’s, took four for 76: • Scott, two for ,107 ; Griffith, two for 115; (Goji'.'tanl hie,, one for 89/. Afartin, one for (18;, Sealey,-none'-fof 47.

JN.Z. TEAM TO MAKE TOUR. WILL LEAVE DOMINION ON MARCH 28. (Press Association J CHRISTCHURCH, Feb. 25. The New Zealand cricket team to tour England will definitely sail from Wellington on Saturday, March 28. ’ The chairman of New Zealand Cricket Ltd. (Mr. A. T. Donnelly) said at a meeting of the company tonight, that GOll shares; sufficient to ensure the team’s departure had now been subscribed.

At a meeting of the management committee held subsequently, it was stated that the manager, captain and vice-cap tain would he announced within it few days. Shares had been subscribed as follows: Auckland 1422, Hawke’s Bay 100, Waiapu 5, Taranaki 10, Wellington 52G, Canterbury 3310, Timnru 50, Otago 30, the New Zealand Cricket Council including £l5O from the Marylebonc Cricket Club 35, and Dr. It. J, Pope (Sydney) 100. Mr. Donnelly said the directors Imped to get subscript’ons for more shares to make the total 8000. It was hoped the art union results would be satisfactory and would protect the shareholders of the company. An invitation was received from Wellington for the loam to play a Wellington team on March 2G. two days before the departure of the steamer, and it was decided to leave the tiucslt'on of playing the match to lhr> chairman for consultation with Wellington.

TFPAROA V. MATA. (Special To The Times). \ match between Tupuroa and Mata was played at Tuparou during tlie week-end. Tuparou won on tlm first innings. )\ lien time was called. Tuparou bad still one wicket to fall. A strong wind helped the bowlers considerably at one end.

MATA.—First 1 linings

R. Cooper, b; E. Akers 0. Mill, c D. Kuwhia. b TTuti

senr. O. Spence, e and b B. Akers ... 22 Copus. e Hati. Senr.. bP. Akers 0 Sleedman, eP. llati-. b li. Aki"'S 4 K Suoncc. e R. Tumilierc. b B. Akers 0 McDonald, b B. Tnlieke 1 P. Fair lie. not out G T. Du din. b R. llati ... 12 E. TTurvev. b P. Hati 0 E. Green, e R. llati. b llati. Senr 13 Byes I Total Cl Bowling: 15. Aker-. . overs. 1 maiden. 12 runs. 1 wickets: V. Akers, I. 1. 18. 1 : P. Hati. 7. 1. 12. 2: B. Tnlieke. 3. 2. 1. 1; !>. Grace. 2,0, 13, 0; Hati, Senr.. 1.5, 0. 9. 2. Second Innings.—G. Mi!!, b R. Hati 30 G. Siicnce. e Hati. Senr., b B. Akers ... 20 F. Green, b IV Al-ers ••• VI K. Suencc. <• IT. Akers, b Hati. Senr. V' Steedman. b 15. Akers 1 F. Harvey, c H. Akers, b B. Akers ■} f'ojats. b II Akers 1< T. Du din. b B. Akers 0 R. Cooper, li 1). Grace 14 McDonald, hot out ...’ -A '••• 0 R. Fairlie. <• Jl.l A leers, b Q.nice„ 0 Extras: byes G, wides 1 ... 7 Total ... I'” Bowling: R Hati. <>, 2. K>. 1 : I'’ Akers, G. 0. 27. 0: B. Tnlieke. G, 0. "7 (>; 15. Akers. 8. I. 12. G; I). Grace. 4.5. 1. 28. 2; Hati, Senr., 1, 1,0, 1. TUPAROA.— First Innings: 15. Akers, c Harvey, b G. Mill 2 rr. Akers, b G. Mill •;• V2 R Tn»»ulicro, Li Harvey, Ij 0.. Mill R. Hati. e Copus, bK. Spepee ... 9 B. Tnlieke, c Duffin. bG. Mill ... 12 I). Grace, b K. Spence 2 I;. Ilali. run out 10 It. lvawliiu, not- out ... 8 K. Akers, c Green, b K. Spence 20 Hati. Senr., o rind bK. Spence 0 R. Wliaipooti, b G. Mill 2 Byes 8, leg 'byes 1 9

Total >36 Bowling: Tv. Spemw. 12. 4. 22, 4; G. Mill, 11.2, 1, 55, 5.

—Second Innings.— B. Akers, b K. Spence 18 R. Tamihere. b G. Mill 1 R. lf.iiti, c and b Iv. Speneo "... 8 H. Akers, r Copa°. b CL Alill 0 F. Akers, b Iv. Snence ... 1 B. Tulieke, c Cooper, b Cl. Alill 8 D. Grace, b G. Alill ... 2 L Hati, not out 1 T?. Kawiiia. b Iv. Spence 6 Hati. Sear., c Copas, b lv. Spence 2 P. Whaipooti, not out 1 Byes 1, no balls 8 ... 4

Total , for 9 wielcets ... 46 Bowling: K. Spence. 10. 3, 28, 5, 8 no balls; G. Alill, 10, 2, 13, 4.

NOTES AND NEWS. “Wisden’s” live cricketers of the year are J). G. Bradman, C. V. Griminett", I. A. IL.-Peebles, B. H. Lyons, and M. .1. Turnbull. Many followers of the game in New Zealand will bo surprised at the. inclusion of Turnbull in" the list. .- The editor of Wisdeii’s,” Air. C. Stewart Caine, expresses the opinion that the English committees played, into the 'hands.'of, the Australians by allowing— if net absolutely, urging—groundsmen’s treatment to produco wickets .which placed bowlers at a distinct disadvantage. He hopes that when tliei Australians eoino again, the gviu>j>reparation 'of > pitches will be "abolisliod. 'and a. return made to ' conditions .which allow an even fight between -and batsmen. “By then tbo question of. a h’gger wicket will 110 doubt have' li.eeu settled.” .he says. “Our men- eousenuenilv ..will .nut be called upon tq bowl at a smaller wicket than in other matches; T trust, that Wn have seen the last, of playing, matches to a finish, .however . long they may take. In, normal circumstances four days are sufficient. , . ...

.“I’d like, to visit ‘New-.' Zealand w-.itb a team.” suid/Dpn BnuhiuiU fq a . repi'eseiitativu *of; the Sydney ./‘Re/ ferye.-’ If the beard• sends one mikt season mid ‘l’.m ' invited, "J'll* do iny' level best to become die of the jiartv. - You know, ‘such, matters, rest with the board and Hie New Zealand Council.” . 'l. '

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11450, 26 February 1931, Page 6

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FIFTH TEST Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11450, 26 February 1931, Page 6

FIFTH TEST Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11450, 26 February 1931, Page 6