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-; .; ,- ■ (Press . Association;)' AUCKLAND, Jan. 1. The third day of the Auckland Racing Club’s summer, meeting was .held to-day. .The weather was hot and humid;. There was slight l rain eai-ly iji the day. The-tote handled £70,930 ‘for the day as against £74,182 10s the same day last year. The figures for three days of the meeting were £226,534 10s as against £267,674 10s last year. EUerslie Handicap of 400 sovs (ono mile). —4 M. Wells’ Loving Cup 7.6 (G. Connor.),'!: 3. Stonehenge 7.8 (E. J. Bentley), 2; 6 Brampton 7.8 (A. G. Parsons), 3. Also ran: 2 Arrowmine, 1 Clapton, .5 Fust Lap, .9 Allay, 8 Trusted, 11/Bizarro, 10 King Swift, 7 Smithfield. Won hy half a length and a neck. Time 1.40. Midsummer Handicap of 400 sovs: (six furlongs).—3 Dr. M. G. Louisson’s. Royal Baby 8.2 (T. Webster), 1; 9 Princess Bede 8.3 (G. Humphries),' 2; 2 Chief Jewel 9.0 (R. S. *' Bagby), 3. Also ran: 1 Aspian,’ 4 Chief Cook, 2 Columbia (bracketed with Chief Jewel), 6 Lady Vane, 7 High Comedy, 5 .Oratorian, IT Amber Link, 8 Drama, 10 Speedmint. Won by a length and half a length. Time. 1.14 .2-5. New Year Hurdle Race, of 500 sovs. (2 miles). —2 E. W. Cdllins’ Mister Gamp 11.13, (R. Miles), 1; 1 Luminary 11.0 (J. Mcßae), 2; 4 Star Comet 11.0 (W. Rennie) 3. Also ran: 3 Manganui, 6 St. Warrigal, 8 Mashoor/' 7 Respirator, 9 Dark Prince, 5 Kairuri. Won hy one length and “twelve lengths. Kairuri fell. Time 3.42 2-5.

Auckland Racing Club Handicap of 1500 soys (11- miles) : 1 — Dr. M. G. Louissoh’s .Gay Crest 8.0 (T. Webster) ... 1 2J. Williamson’s ' Corinax 8.1 ■ (R.. W. MeTavisF) 2 7 —-J. S. McLeod’s My Own 7.6 (H. N. Wiggins)' ... ........ 3 Also ran: 5 Concentrate, 6 Star Stranger, 3 In The Shade, 9 .Motere, 4 Goshawk, 8 Count Palatine,. 11 Standfast, 10. Spengmiss. Won by two lengths and two and a- half lerigths/Time 2.32 4-5. Gieat Northern Derby, of 2500 . sovs. .for three-year-olds , (T! miles) : 2M. H. Timo’s Karapoti 8.10 (A; Tinker) 1 I—A. B : . Williams’ Cylinder 8.10 (H. Gray), ... 2 3 J. IC. McKenzie’s Gustavo 8.10 (W. ‘ Pascoe) 3 Also ran: 7 Appledore, 5 Cliryso8 Rosshire, 4 Sargon, 6 Simba —all 8.10. Won by two and a-half lengths and three and a-half lengths. Time 2.32 3-s—Equal-to record. County Handicap of 400 sovs. (seven furlongs).—ll O. M. Emanu<4’s Tetr archaic 8-10 (T. Green), 1; 8 Loving Cup 7.12 ( including Mbs. re-handicap) (G. Connor), 2; 9 Rcfflight 7.6 (H. N. Wiggins), 3. Also ran: 2 Havaspot, 4 Big Bertha, 10 Awamutu, 7 Per'ennis, 16 Catl Idem, 3 Pakitere, 14 Tea Money, /; Brilliant Lady,' 12-Rose, Lupin 17 Alauriaena, 21 Creinas King, 13 Gay Idea-; 19; Ho.wick,. 15 Money Mmt, 5 Operatic—all .7.0, 6 Leasehold 7.13, 20 Rekaraurau 7.2, 18 Thunderstorm 7.5. Won by a neck and a neck. Time 1.26 3-5.

Newmarket Handicap, of 750 sovs. (Six furlongs) : I—W.1 —W. G'. Emeny’s Lady Quex _ 9.4 (H. Gray) ... ••• ••• 1 q—Mrs. L. Sleightholmes Bayacre 7.13 (H. N Wiggins) 2 S—W. Kemp’s Gold Money 8.8 (R. Green) ... Also ran- 4 Paganelli, 6 Chromadyne 3 Great Star, 9 mite .Wings, 1 Autopay, 10 Awaken, 11 Sir Kay, 5 Courtesy. Won by a, neck and a length. Time 1.12 2-5. _ Glasgow Handicap, of 500 sovs.. (seven furlongs) .—3 J.. N Hcslop • Tenakoe (11. N. Wiggins) 1 Refresher' 3-0 2, 10 Sir Mond 7.0 (R, Mcßae), 3. Also -ran - '2 Maori Boy, 4 Val,. 9 Hirii Pitch. 5-Royal Tea, 6 Cyntlna, 7: Envoy,- S. Llanoro. Von bv a length ‘/arid a neck. Time I—o a course,record.


(Special to tlie Times.) 1 AUGKLANjD Jan. 1. The’ summer meeting of the Auckland Racing Club wa s advanced anotlier, stage to-day m fine., though dull weathei’. Tliere was a large attendance, and the course was very fast course records being put up by. Ladv Quex and .Tenakoe, while Karapotiri time in the Great Northern Derby equalled the previous best- for .race, that of Desert Gold m 1910. , The proceedings. opened with ~ the EUerslie : Handicap, , for which all started. .Cloptori (£1954), ■ was favorite', with Arrowzone <£1014). v and Stonehenge .<£697') next best backcfL. Trustee got away badly. Lovmg Cup led out from Arrowzqrie, Clopton. Stone non go and Smithfield. Along tho hack the' order was Lovmg Cup,; Ai•rowzone, Cloptori, Smithfield. Stonehenge, Brampton, Alloy, Bizarro, and Trastee;'' 'Crossing the top. Loving Cup arid Arrowzone .were .together in, front, followed' h'y "Smithfield, Stonehenge, Alloy, and Brampton.,.Loving .Cup showed the way-rnto tfto straight, tp Arfowzone, iStonehengo and Clop-, ton and stalling off Stoitenenge won bv half a length, with.., Brampton a nock a Way. Then 1 came Arrowzone.' Bizart'o, Clopton, Smithfield. First Lap, ' ahcf King Sivift. , ... Limeen was the only scratching for; the Midsufnm'er; Handicap. The public Went'for Aspian. .(£1025)j .and. .. the bracket Chief Jewel and Columbia (£1351),; arid' "Royal Baby (£B73'), while Princess B.edp. only•/jarned. £3QS. Columbia, Cnief Drama, . and Gav'Court'were the quickest to begin . arid Crossing the top Gay Court hah charge nroiri ! Coluiriba, Qrtjtorxau> Chief/Jewel, ’ .Princess High Comedy, Lady Vaiie.arid.Aspiari. Royal Baby Jed' into, Hiestraight # from; ' Oraleriari / High '. Comedy,, ; princess Bede/and CKief/ileiycl,(arid, went on. win *by a. lengfcii a-balf .’ froiii;. Priricess Bede). Who heat .Chief Jewel, by ‘half a lerigth./Then' cairi'e Oratoi“ian Chief. Cook,. Aspiap, High Cm-, edy, Speedmint, .Ambey Link,, Lady Vane, arid lOolumba. . Drama riris pull•ed up in the (straight .‘rind it was. fqurid that'rihq ria,d cut a.;liga,ment .of het/near (foreleg,'rind, is not /Hhely. .tp, race agaih. , /jri; jClaremore. Absent "u 4 ,^ako ; K in S. were' the.. defeetioriri • from'' the ' New .Year/Hurdle Race, leaving a. field of ' ten.. v Lrimiriary; (£1162),. Mister Gririip : ;(£98l) r/arid; ,Marigarm’ . (£712), >Were. the*iriost" in demand.''KairuriUp'st Jhj^. rideil at'the first fence., Lpminaty was soon in charge,:arid showed;the: way ■ past: .tne . garii.' Maihopr, Dark .Rririco,/ Mister Gamp,' St-.'lVan-iga!/ Star Comet;/arid, Alastcr LuGoing glong : the brick-thg. S older was'Ltiniiriary, terlEfariip/^aij^i/p^d^ike^

Star Comet. ' Mister ran up second to . Luminary crossing the top and 'the. pair were together turning fn,v home, attended "by, Star Comet, Respirator, and Dark Prince. Once over' 1 the' last, hurdle. Mister Gamp drew away to win by a length from Luminary, who beat Stair Comet by twelve lengths'. Mashoor was fourth, followed by Dark Prince, Master Lu, Respirator, St. Warrigal and Man-' gani. , • Jaloux wa» the only withdrawal front the A.R.C. Handicap' arid Gay Crest (£1785), Corinax <£1749). and In the Shade (£1279) were the prin-cipal-fancies whomtne field-passed the stands: Gay Crest and Corinax were together in front, followed 'by Goshawk. My Own, Star'Stranger, Coneentrate, Th the Shade, Standfast, aiid Spearmiss. Along the hack, Standfast and Gay Crest "'ere together, followed by Corinax, My Own, In’ tho Shade, Goshawk. Nassock, Star Stranger, Count. Palatine. Motere, Spearmiss, and Trishna; # Tlicfl'o was not much change crossing the top, where Goshawk appeared to get a, Icn’oclc. ‘ Gay tO'est and;. Standfast wetrd first to straighten up for the judge, followed by Corinax, Count Palatine, ' and In the Shade.; Gay Crest went on to. win easily by two lengths from Corinax, who beat My Own by two and a-half lengths. Then followed .Count Palatine, Goshawk, Star Stranger. Motere,' Concentrate, Spriarriiiss. Standfast, In'tho Shade, Nassock an. 3 Trishna.. Karanganai, Manawhenua, Pnira,too, Mi'ssHastings, and Praise were not saddled up for the Great North, ern Derbv. Cylinder (£2654), was the favorite, with" Karapoti (£2369) arid Gustavo (£ll6hV next fancied. Passing the stands. Karapoti was in front, folio-wed by Simba, Gustavo, Chrysology, Appledore, Cylinder, Rosshire arid Sargon. CfiXYSOlogy temporarily bad charge as they entered the back stretch from Karapoti, Cylinder and GuStavo but before tho sox furlongs-post was reached Kara. poti was again pilot and showed the way across tne top to-. Cylinder, phrysoiogVi Rosshire, Gustavo, Simba, Appledore. The'order mto the straight was Karapoti. Cylinder, Chrysology; Gustavo arid Sargon! Cylinder':'challenged in the run home, but bad no chance of boating Krira•poti, who won by two lengths and ahalf, with Gustavo tnree lengths further hack- Sargon. Appledore, Chrysoloby, R.osshite.and Simba were next The”time, 2.32 3-5, equals Desert Gold’s (record for the race. Twenty-one went to the post lor the County Handicap, for which Per. enriis (£1494). Havaspot (£1424), and Pakitere (£862), were most'. sought after; wnile Tetrarchate carried only £391, and Loving Crip £412. Rekajraurau was left- and took no part m the /race. When they settled down, Brilliant Lady had charge from Mon* ey Mint, Tetraehate, Gay Idea, Carl Idem, Awamutu. and Loving Cup Passing the four furlong post, Tetraqhate was in command, from Awamutu, Loving Cup, Brilliant Lady. Raff light and Money Mint. Tetrachat© was tne. first. to turn fo.r home froin Loving Cup, Awamutu, .Brilliant Ladv, Rafflight, and Maunana., Tetraehate arid Loving Cup bad a good battle down- the straight, Tetra. chafe getting the verdict by a neck from Loving Cup,, who was a similar distance in front of Rafflight. Mapriaena- was fourt-n and then came Gay Idea, Money/Mint, Havaspot, Awamutu, Pakitere, ad Peferinis.. Leitrim' was the only' one that failed to 'parade for the' NewmarketHaridieap the chief sprint event of the day. Lady Quex, after her successes in the .south, was made favorite, and carried £2146, with Bay acre (£1816), and Great Star (£1142) next in order of selection. Lady Quex, wno was in the inside position, arid Chromadyrio were quickest to begin but, across the top, Bay Acre ran up to them. He and-Chr6madyno carried -on the iriinning across, the top from Lady Quex. Great Star,' Courtesy, Sir Kay and Autonny. Cliromadyne and Bayacre were the 'first to the' straignt, being followed,;,riv Lady Quex, Great Star and Gold Money. Lady Quex won by a neck from Bayaojre, who heat Gold Money by n- length, Great. Star Courtesy, White Wipgs and Sir Kay were next. . , All started for the Glasgow Handicap. Refresher (£2890), Maori Boy (£1648)', arid Tenakoe (£1053) were m'ost in demand, Tenakoe and Envoy got..tho wqfrst of the start and along tho back Refresner' had charge from Prince Val, Cynthia' N.,' Sir Mond ,and Tenakoe, ‘ who made rip his ground fast. Across -the top Prince Va! was in front, Followed by Cynthia N., Tenakoe, Refresher. Sin* Mond arid Maori Bov- Refresher .was fust into the straight from. Prince Va], CVntnia N., Tenakoe, Llanoro, Sir Mond and Mao-ri Boy. In,, the run . home, Tenakoe got up to win by half a length from Refresher, who beat • Sir Mond by a, nock. Then followed High Pitch; Maori Boy, .Cynthia N., and Llanoro. ' " . • .


(Press Association.) AUCKLAND. Jan. 1

Sylvia Handicap (six,,. furlongs). Baroscope 9.0, Royal Aftist 8.10, Princess Bede 8.8, Pcrsham 8.6, Limoori 8.1, Cape Gold 7.9, ; Speed Last, Fedora- '7.1. /Speedmint, Exaggeration 7 ; .0." ’■/ i ,k/...,

Auckland Hufclljes (two. mUes) — C!areriiore : ll,l3, Luminary 11.6, Star Gomet 11.1. Master Lu 10.1,. St. Ames 9.12, Mushoor 9.6, Absent 9.2, Dark Prince 9.1, Day Lass, Kairuri, Wako King 9.0. ; . , . ' ! Clifford Plate (II miles) —Concentrate, ,Nightrnrirch, Pegaway, Toxeuriia?9.3,' Hunting Cry.' 9.0, lady Prim 7.13, ; . ■ ; ; ; v /•/'.; , Grey Handicap (one niile)Catoma Tobacco Land B.l2,''Haviland, Gold, Day .'8.6, . Steady Fire, Loving Cup, Ajppledore.B,4, Carl'ldem, Arrowzone 8.0/ Stonehenge. Lucky Alice 7.13, Rafflight 7-9; 'Gold Lily, 'Chief Joy 7.7/Rose, Lupin, M(atirjaena, Patutalii 7.4. Alloy Gay; : Idea, ■ Money Mint, Tarcha 7.0. Bowen Handicap (six furlongs).— Gold Money 8.11,' ' Arrow Lad 8.8, Leitrim 8.7, Hunting Day 8.5, Great iStar 8.3, IVliite Wings ,8.2, Autopay 8.0, Prince!:Val 7.7,. Teritq;rd6ri.‘.7.ll, A,wamutu, HavaspptV.O. //; . .. (Goodwood.Haiidibrip; (one, ,riffle).— Goshawk 9:3, ’Eaglet 8.12, Vertigern 8.9, Grand Tea 813, Sir’; Russell 8.1, TenakoeY.l3, Ti TfeeY.ii Lqye 'Song 7;7, Royal, Tea, Vab'oe / 7-5, " Flying Y.T/'Braiisori, Llari. ore 7.0. . . T , Grandstand Handicap (!-} miles).— Hnnt'i iig. 'Ci ; y/9.'4; Siiyei’lnme Si 9. J 'Cor* iriax’B.6, Pagariolji 8,3/(GosEawk7.l3/ :Eagev,(Rose 7'S, 'Royal’ Doulton ‘7:7, : Count .Pribritine 7,4,, Great Star 7,3. Griy‘Cockade' 7:2, .Iriloux/tLridy Pam. .7;1,v Lucy Rose/ Spearmi&s Y.O.

, * • • ' -.--. a tu-V . » , Royal Stakes {two and. three-year-olds; special weights;, six furlongs). :—Karapoti 9.10, Awaken, 'Praise, Royal'Rliiler 9.0; Courtesy - 8.11, Ilkley 8.4, Movie -Star 8.2, Ammon Ra, Hunt tho’'Slipper, -La Poupfeo 7.13, A-spian Barascopo, Chief Cqok 7.6, Limeen, Princess -Bed© 7.,3'.0rat0r, Gay Court 6.13.'

HAWKE’S BAY BACKS. LORBIA.BE WINS RR ESI DENT’S HANDICAP. ' ; (Press Association.) HASTINGS, 4 , .Tan. 1. The Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club’s summer meetings opened' in glorious weather. The going was liard, but fast. The attendance was good. The returns on the ten shilling machine totalled £12,848 10s, as against £21,011 on the £1 machine on the first day hist year, a decrease of £8162 10s. ' * . Otatara Highweight Handicap of lOOsovs, one mile and a quarter. — 1 Mr H. C. Noble's Tunbridge, 10.2 S. Anderson) 1,2 Discourse, 9.13 (K. Robinson) 2, 4 Whakaari 9.0 (Stratton) 3. Also started: t 5 Call Again, 6 Pale Star, 3 Barracouta. Won by half a head and three lengths. Time, 2.9 4-o. , „ .. 1 Maliora Maiden Handicap, of 100 sovs., five and a half furlongs); all B'st.—B C. Haldane’s Queen’s Salute, (J. Walsh) 1; 3 Elute (F. Atkins) 2; 7 .Night Speaker (C. Stratton) 3- Al"so started : 1' Shinanikidhi '4* Jazz King 9 Penology, 5 Lady Makere, 2 Mon 'Boi. 6 Dozie. Won by a neck and two lengths. Time, 1.8'3-5. . Hastings Handicap, ISOfcovs, six and a half furlongs.—l C. Haldane’s Queen’s Choice, 8.1 (J. Walsh) .1; 2 Psycho. 7.9. i '(N.. Davis) 2; 3 Briar Root, 7.9 (S. Anderson) 3. Also started: 4 The Hawk. Won by a head and a length and a half. Time, 1.21 3-5. Juvenile Handicap, of 130 sovs, five furlongs. —1 Mrs. M. A. Ferry’s Gold Pit,' 8.5 (J. Carlton) 1; 6 Lily, 8.2 (H. McGrath). 2; 5 Anemometer, 7.11 (C. Stratton) 3, .Also started: 1 Poi Girl, 3 Black Songster, 2. Leila, 4 .lean Ladosio. Necks between placed horses. Time, 1.3 2-5.. President’s'Handicap, of 160 sovs, one mile and U quarter.— -2 Mrs T. F. Quinlivan’s.Lordlike. 7.5 (M. Gilmore) I;.:' 4 Te Awha- 7.2 (P. Atkins) 2: 1 Bold Front, 8.8 (N. Davis) :3. Also started: 3' Mbuntain Heath,, o Haiti. Won by three quarters of a length and a clear length... Time, 2.7 4-5. ; Waipatu Handicap, of . 120 sovs, one. mile. —n Laconic, 9.4 (L. Berry) 1- 1 Bramblethorn 9.0 ( 3. Anderson) 2; 6 Keen, 8.9 (C. Bartlett) 3 Also started: 3 Pewa, 4 Nealap, 2 Outfit. Won. by a long neck atd three lengths. Time, 1.40 3-p. . Havelock ‘ Flying Handicap, of 120 sovs., six furlongs.—l ,Mr. ■H. L. Barker’s Rrtval Songster. 1; 5 Cnarmallno, 7.12.' (W.‘ Horn) 2; 2 Cati Pat 81 (S Anderson) 3. Also started: . 3 Sylvan Dell, 4 San Qiiox, 6 Moufurangi 7, ' Cloyne. • Won by three-quarters .of a length, and , two lengths. Time, 1.14 1-5. Stewards’ Handicap; of 150 soys., six furlongs.—2 J. A. MncFarlane’s Cuticle, 9.4 (IT. Dunn) 1:1 Head Serang, 9.6 (W. Horn) 2: 3 Taranto, 8.3 (M. Gilmore# 3. Also started: 4; Bernera. Won by two lengths and Rernera. Won bv two .lengths and half" a. length. Time, 1-.15.


(Press AssociationJ

, ' NAPIER, Jan. 1. Aotea Highweight Handicap, of 100 sovs. <9 furlongs).—'Zippor 10.8, Discourse 10.5, Outfit, Arch Area 9-3, "Whakaari 9.2, Pale Star, Black Acre 2-0. ' .; •• Electric Handicap, of lOOsovs. (six—Flute -9.0, Lady Maker© 8.7, Night Speaker 8.6, Shenanikida, Jazz King, Star of Gold. Mori Roi, Sum Up, Joe Dozie 8.0. . January Haridieap, of 140/Sovs. ,(6J furlongs)/—■Knhikritoa,, Cuticl'6 9.8, Acmil, Talioma 7.9,‘ Psychol 7.5, Briar Root 7.0; Nursery Handicap, of 130sovs. (five furlongs).—Gold Pit 8.13, 'Lotus Lily 8.5, Poi Girl 7.13, Black Songster 7-11, Anemometer. Ecila. 7.10, Jean Ladosio 7.7. ' > ' Now Year Handicap, of 160sovs. (nine furlongs).'—Bold. Front, The Hawk' 8:71 Queen’s Choice 8.3, Reliance, Mountain Heath, Lordliko 8.0, Kaiti, To Awlia 7.8. ' Omahu Handicap of 120.sevs. (one mile).’—i Laconic :9-13, Pewa 9.8, Rrambletom 9.3, Carmaline .9.0, Nea Lap 8.9, Laly Spy' 8.8, Keen .8.7, Mairu Rangi 8.4., ’'; '' Matapiro Flying Handicap, of 120 sovs. (six. furlorig.T,—Royal Songster 9.7, Acmil 8-11, Manifesto 8.3, Ganpat .8.0, Sari Quex 7.10. Cloyne 7.5,Kifnho 7.0. " ' ' Final Handicap, of • 150sov.s. (six fprlongS):—Cuticle 9.9, Head Serang 8.12, Royal Songster 8.1, ; Berriefa 7 5. Manifesto, Sylvan Del 17.0.



(Press Association.l

STRATFORD, .Tan. 1. The first day of the Stratford Racing CluVs meeting was. held'to-day in fine weather, with a large attendance. Tho track iyas in good order. The tptalisator handled £l9/970 10s compared with £26,820 for last year’s .first day. There was a splendid) race for the cup. Melissa showed out first, followed by Marjoram, Monsogne and the Swell. Tho lead was then taken by Marjoram, with Melissa, Monsogne and Seatown following/AYith" six- furlongs to go Melissa still led with High Friln. utin fifth.- A-furlong- further qu Rigb Fafutin was fourth arid The Swell sixth. Over (lie last hit, ..the two latter came away 'to get/ tho 'first arid second places. , iV . Trial Stakes (six furlongs)—l Arvada 8.0, 1; 6 Goldzone 8.0, 2; Orhy’s Choice 8.0 3. Also ran, Miss Chatter, Little Doubt, Captain Dan, Moatoa, Gasform, Oricpai, ; Stimulant and Vl Semirafriis. I/on by three lengths ' and a liead. Time 1 15 2-5, '/;/ Tariki 'Hack (71 furlongs)—3 Calamine 8.13 1; 2 Bambridge 7.12, 2; Monadoff 8.4, g. Also ran Joyspear 9.0, Latakia B.Bj Singer 8.1, Creririfttown 7.13, Corwen 7i7»f; r T a hhne 7.6. Heads separated the,, placed horse's. Time 1 36 2-5. ‘ * ’ ' ' ' Stratford Cup—l High Ealutin 7.8 1* 4. Marjoram 7!9, 2; 5 The "Swell 1 8.2 3.' Seatown B;l3; : ;Melissa 7.11, Yoma 7.3/ Kawhalcinri 7.0/ 'Monsogne 7.0, Won by a length and half a length T.ime'2 9 4-5 ' / , : Olffira Hurdles.—s Evening Rorp ;9.5., 1 j ,;!,.Roblin Market 10.0,' 2;;"Razor 9.0 ; 3:' Also'• Tan ’ Moerangi 7.13,, Wyeford'•9.ll, 'fell.' Won' by . three' lerigthsiahd'.Tdnri.; -Time 2 47 4-5. ■ //;/ f . • . . / 4,. Silyer

'^...0r.-v-Coot,/5 .Coon. .Song,.'7/:Crasb',.|B -Mallietra; Won hy ' two lerigtlis' Arid n a, head." . ; , ’ /' ’ Juvenile Handicap.—l Eastortimo 7.11, 1; 2 Tradesman 9,1, 2; G Illuminate 7.5, .3; 'Also/ ran, Davistock 7.3, Gaysogne 7.0, ■ 7.0, ’ Silent Miss 7.0, and half a'length. Time 13 2-5.

Douglas Handicap (six, furlongs)— I irist ’An Itlea c 7.9; 'l; 2 Gold’Dawn 7.4, 2; 3: Cliiof Link 7.0, 3. Also ran, Ridgemount 8.1?, B.onogne ■ 7.3/ ?W'on by a neck arid a' 'Time' 1 14 3-5. Midhirst High Weight (8J .furlongs) —4 Tqntcall 8.0, 1; 2 .Manly-,8.7;'(2; 1 Piako/9.2, 3. Also ran) Orazono 8.6, Bello Star 8.0, Gasnapper 8.0. Won by a length‘and half a length. Time 1 49 1-5. Railway Hack (six furlongs)—3 Callapat 8.8, i’; 10 Potoleer’7.4i,'2; 5 Kentish Lad 7.9, 3. Also ran, Silver Rule 9.3, King Acre 8.7, Grand-Spirit 8.1,. Biflex 7.0, Kissless 7.7, Garrick Tangiroa 7.0, Anbridge 7.3, Miss Shelf 7.3. Won by half a length each way. Time Tl 5 1-5. ' ' "/ •'


(Press Association.!

NFAV PLYMOUTH, Jan. 1. Cardiff Maiden (six furlongs).—Gold Zone 8.13, OrhV’s Choice 8.10, Toha- ■ hue 8,8, Double Red, Little Doubt • 8-7,' Gorrich ' 5.5, Rjc]darid. -Green Patch, Traced, Coal’'Bag, • Krakuhu. Oapta'in Dan, Emerald Abbey 8,3. ! Electric' Jiivenil© Handicap (5 furlongs)—Chief Link' 9.7, Isa Sill. Armada. 7.9, Illuminate 7.5, Gibraltar 7.3, Forceful, Gaysogne, Raparna Attutive,' Proud Mridr, Hinepimi, S.ibert Alis.s 7.0. Mnlorie Memorial (nine fiulongs)— High Falntin,B.G, The Swell 8.5, Marjoram. 'B.l, Paiko- 7.9, Just an Idea 7.7, Calamine, .Toyspear, The Warden Monsogno 7.0. Stratlnnoor Handicap (five nirlongsii.—Calapat' '9.5,' Tradesman 9.2, Silver Rule 9.1, Orapai 8.12, Gowanlea 8.1, Chief Savage 7.10, Armada 7.9, Illuminate 7)5. Gold ' Zone 7.4, Ibis, Momoatoa' 7.2, Stimulant, An. bridge 7.0. _ „ Maknri Hack Handicap Hurdles (I.V miles).—Goblin ing. Hero 10.4, Tenacm. 9.12. Moerangi 9.11. Denier 9,2> Razor ,9.1, Fc'g Black,! Vaucluse, Onepai 9.0 Toko Highweight .Handicap (8.) furlongs).—Manlv 8.11 Tqntcall - 8.10, Tcnacro. 8-5, Kawh{\kifia 8.4, Bello Star. The Warden, Latakia, .Cronria-. tori’ll,. Banbridge, Gasnapper 8.0Coiirity Hack' Handicap (six. furlongs).—King, Aqre 8:6, Monaloff, Gbwanlea 8.0, 'Biflox. • Kentish Lady ■7.10,/ Potoleer--.7.8/ Kissless, Singer 7.5, Corweri 7.3, Miss Shelf 7.2, Tangiroa 7:-0. . ' . , ‘ Handicap (six furloigs).--Pidgemcunt; Melissa 5.6, .lust :n Idea’ s s,’Gold Daiim 7.8, Green Linnet. '.e Atiawa ,7.4, llcnogno 7.?, Tradesman, Callapat 7.0. .



(Press Aseociationo

MARTON, Jan. 1. The Mayton summer meeting was opened .to-day in glorious weather with, a large attendance (and tho track in good order: Small fields were the order of the day. The totalisntor handled £16,029 10s, corripared. with' £27,995 for the first day last year. ' . After trie first race, an inquiry was held 'into alleged interference by Tar Baby with Valueless, but the judicial committee decided that any interference was purely accidental and. did riot affect the result: Trial Plate 100 sovs. (6 furlongs).. . 1 Tar’:Baby 8.7, I;'3 Salt Pot 8.7, 2: TO j Valueless 8.7, 3. Also ran: 4 Solange; 2 Wallamh, 2 Belia, _ 8 Tronbadmir, 11 Air Wings, 6 Elizabeth’, 10 Valueless, 9 Jackose; 12 Black Plane, 5 Catherine of Aragon. Won by half a length and one length. Time 1.15 1-5. Hack Hurdles of 140 sovs. O! miles). —3 Grieress 9.2. 1; 5 Callamart 9.0, 2 ;"’4 Te Whanga 9.0. 3: Also ran: 1 Royal Damon, 2 Brilliant Light. Won by a -length and a tieelc- Time 2.44 3-5.

; Juvenile Handicap of. 130 • soys. (five furlongs).—2 Traybond 7.13, 1; 1 Sporting' Chance 8.5, .2; 2 Seneschal 7.9, 3, Also rah: 3 Open Cheque, 6 Impetuous,"4 View Halloa. Won by two length and half a length. Time 1.1 . Marion Cup of 400 sovs. (Id miles). —4 Otairi 7.10, 1; 5 Mount Shannon 7.0, 2; 1 Merry Damon 9.2, 3. Also ran: 3 First Acre, 2 Desert Song, 7 Balloon, 6 Rory Mor. Won by a neck and a length. Time 2.‘7. Dash Hack Handicap of 130. sovs. (G furlongs).—6 Spearful 7.0, 1; 7 Ruling Chief 7.12, 2;' i Leisure 7.8, 3. Also ran: 3 Pomp, 4 Adelphi, 5 Painkiller, 2 Hinewai; 10 Tea Queen, 9 Accq*,' 8 Pass Oh. Won by a neck and a neck. Time 1.14 3-5. ' Railway Handicap of 200 sovs. (6 1 furlongs).—4 Arisiis .8.3, 1; 3 Lord Th'omond 8.1, 2; 5 Dobbin 8.1, 3. Also ran: 1 Freehold, "6 Sight Draft, 2, Honiton. Won by a neck hnd a neck. Time 1.14 3-5. ‘ .

New Year Hack of. 130, sovs. (mile and 137 yards).—6 Auctioneer 8.6, 1; 8. Some Acre 7.12, 2; 2 Grand •Jury 8.3, 3. Also ran:. 5 Spearform 8.12, 11 Merry Melody 8.9, 4 Arrowhead 8.6, 1 Nightmare, 12 Robbie’s Mistake, 3 Kilorell, 10 Pedestal, 9 Auckland Gas, 7 Bon, Acre. Won by a head and a, length.:- Time 1.48 ,3-5. Stewards Handicap of, 160 sovs. (7 furlongs) .—2 * Lord Thomond 8.6, 1; 1 'Rational 11., 2; 4. Limosin 8.2, 3. Also ran : 3 Iveddar ,8.8. Won by a length and half a length. Time 1.28 4-5. . . ■


, i (Tress AssociationJ // , MARTON, Jan. 1. Junction riate Handicapi of five furlongs—Open' Cheque 1 8.7,' Tray Bond .8.6, Sporting Chance 8.5, Royal Routine 8.2, Hinewai "7.10,"All Humbug, Impetuous, Gaswyn, Fantastic 7.0. Second Hach Hurdles (about 1J mile) ■ —Gueress 9.13, Brilliant Light 9.10, Call.amart 9.5, Hewlianga 9;4, Braggart, Jack Plane, Acred! ty 9.0,( . ; Aldworth Stake?, (i/milo and 137yds) First Acre 8.13, Otairi 8.6, Desert Song 7.8, Moiint Shannon 7.7, Volimond 7.1, • Auctioneer, Rory'Mor, Balloon, 7.0, . Electric Hack Handicap (7 furlongs) ,—Adeiphi 8.11/ Spearforip, Spearful 8.2, Some Acre 7.10/ Desert Lad, Tar Baby 7.8 • Seriechal 714, Kiriana, Artforce 7.3; Win /Acre 7.2. Bon ’Acre/ Gyari Chaco/ Patoaroa, Black Plane, Catherine of Aragon 7.0/ / Telegraph Handicap (6 furlongs)— Freehold, Lord, Thomond, 8.12, Limited 8.11/ Dobbin 8.3, Volimond 8.1, Sight Draft, Limosin 7.12, P.omp 7.10, Honi,tori/7.7; Rairikiller 7/0.,, , , Ladies Bracelet (1 mile and 137yds) -r-Au’ctioneof. 11.11,, Royal Damon 11.10, Shining Armour 11.6, Acco 11.3, Acredity 10.10, Pedestal, Aucjcliind Gas 10.9, Transact/Elizabeth 10.7.// ;

Turakina Handicap (7 furlongs)— Habit 9.12, Desert Song 9.11, Limited 8.11, Wanderlust 8.0. • . ; :; / Farewell Hack Handicap (five furlongs)—Tray,..Bond,: Rulirig Chief 8.10, Royal .Rputiiie, 8.7,/•". painkiller 8.),; ■ Leisure, • Tar., Baby t 7.11, Tea./Queen/7..10/’ Rule Britannia 7.8, Qumpla/; Pass ■ Oyi,- . Jadari’rio.,, Scales, Valueless 7.3./ ' w;.


CUP. TO boyal tarade,

(Press • Association.), ' MASTERTON; January 1:; ■ The Wa ifarripa) racbs ( : w6r©’ lield in. ideal - weatlibni’ The/ track wris ’ in good order and . th o afitoridaneo/was average. The' tdiri handlod £22,198 10s ogainst' £29^,994.,. : L%4' a f ri,4 Bad^ : Bledisloe ' ririro Ipresbnt.^ . lElectrie Handicap of. 2so. :V SQVfI... (o furlongs).—6 3. Also ■; \■ " •** ; ' ' V • - ' '

.v Featherston-Haek Handicap, .of 200 pova (sdVeti furlongs-2 Ball Dress B.G, •1; 6Courtlike; «.3, 2-3 Fitzquex 7.13, 3, Also ..started: 7. Luerotia, 4 Ptojfictioni'9 King 1 Botlien, 5 Zephyrus, 8 Lady Ronald. Won by, a length and a head. Time 1.27. • ' , ' .

' Hurseryt Handicap, of 250 sovs. (5 furlongs)!—l Golden Wings 8.9, 1; St. -Roger 7.7, 2; 6 Acis 7.5, 3. Also: started: .4 Distortion and Saturation, (bracketed), 7 Sailing, 5 Porloclc, 3 ‘Acorn, ‘ 8 Flower. .Won by a length and ' two, lengths. Time 60 2-5’ sebs.' • •

; Wairarapa Cup of 700 sovs. (one mile and a quarter).—B Royal Parade 7.10, 1; 5 Shrewd 7.8, 2;‘ 6 Stanchion 7.2, .3.. Also started: 1 Historic 10.4, 4 White Fang 8.2, 2 Don Joso B.l', 3 Arrow Lad 8.10, 9 Staghnnter 7.11, 7 Admiral Drake 7.7, 11 Dnellona 7.2, lO.Clnny 7.0 12 Dainty Ways 7.1. Won by two lengths and-a.'length.-/Time 2.6 3-5. Champion Hack Handicap of 300 sovs' (one mile).; —2 Hawkshaw’7.l3, 1;' 1 Straight Course 8.11, 2; 3 Tripping 7.12, .3. Also istrtrted: 4 Adventus • and Jayson (bracketed), 5 Courtlike,‘6 Johncbn, 7" Emotion, 8 Fallow. Won by three lengths and four. Time 1.39 4-5. , Wardcll. Handicap of 300 sovs. (seven furlongs).—7 Maui 7.12, 1; 2 Noteworthy 7,11, 2; 6 Raineses 7.13, 3. Also started: 1 Arikini, 8 Tourist. 4 Ravine, 5 Make Up, 10 Royal Game, 3 Chopin, 9 Dolomite. Won by a length, and a-lialf and a neck. Time 1.26 4-5.

Wharokaka: Handicap, of 200 sovs. (six furlongs).—s Lady Reno 8.11, 1: 2 Baskior 7.13, 2; 1 Pixie. Gold 8.7. 3. Also started: 3 Portray, 6 Grey Mist, 12 Dermond, 10 Dancing Star, 4 Sharp Thorn, 9 Mythology', 7 Yalrewa, 13 Attar, U Silver Fern, 14 Glider, 8 Glonace. Won by two •lengths and half a length. Tirno 1.13 2-5. Novice Stakes of 150 sov.s (7 furlongs).—B Rotation. 8.7, 1; 4 Gold Sand 8.7, 2; 7 Little Thrush 8.7, 3. Also started: 5 Intruder 8.7, 9 Bright Star. 3 Knlmulc, 6 Half Acre. 1 Joie Do Val, 'll Taura Lad. 2 Cessation. 10 Grey Witch, 14 Blue Heaven, 13 Doe, 12 Midnight Echo. Won by two lengths and half a length. Time 1.29. SECOND DAY’S ACCEPTANCES.

fPress * Association.)

MASTERTON, January 1. Russell Handicap, of 200 sovs. (6 furlongs)—Arikinui 9.0,. First Money 8,11, Mandy, 8.9, Portray 8.2, Hunting Call. 8.1, Crash 7.0. Tawaha Handicap of 150 sovs. (/ furlongs) .—Dainty Ways 8.9', Arikira 8.8, Fitzqucx, Ephialtes 7.13, Johneen 7.10, Grev Mist, Gold Sand 7.9, King Bronty 7.8, Mythology', Intruder, Peep, Grey Witch 7.7. Juvenile Handicap of 200 sovs.. (5 furlongs).—Golden Wings 9.8, Richborough 8.13, St. Roger, Type 8.0, Acis 7.10, Distortion 7.5, Sailing 7.3, Flower. Saturation 7.0. President’s Handicap of 400 sovs. (9 furlongs atid 80 yards).—Arrow Lad 8.11, Wliite Fang 8.9,. Staghunter 7.10.' Billion, Stanchion 7-8, Hawkshaw 7.6) . Dolomite, Duellona 7.0. . Moroa Handicap of 175 sovs. (one mile).—Ball Dress 8.10, \Cluny 8.5, Tripping 7.10, Courtlike 7.8, Beverage 7.5, Knlmuk, Emotion, . Cessation, Zephyrus, Fallow 7.0. Waihcnga Handicap of 200 sovs. (7 furlongs).—Maui 8.9, Talisker 8.8, Arikinui ' 8.4, Raineses 8.1, Straight Course 7.11, Chopin, Make Up, Royal Game 7.7. Grevtown Handicap of. 175 sovs. (6 furlongs).—Lady Rene 9.4, .Rothen 7.13, Waterspear, Crash, Rotation 7.11, Gold Sand 7.5, Dancing Star, Mythology 7.2, Dermod 7.1, Millestra, Tapestry, Lady Ronald 7.0. Pirinoa Stakes of 150 sovs. _(6 furlongs.' all 9.0).—r-Attar, Baskier, Bright Sky, Eminent, Feast, Glenace, Gory Witch, Half_ Acre. Hystride, .Toie De Val, Little Thrush, Midnight, Echo, Taura Lad, Tripos.



fD.P.A. by Elec. Tel. Copyright) SYDNEY. .Tan. 1.

The New Year’s Day meeting of the Tattersall’s Club races was held at Randwick. The attendance is officially estimated at 25,000 compared with 40,000 at the same meeting last year. A number of bookmakers refused to pay the Government annual tax of £7O, pending the likelihood of the ten per cent, winnings bets tax being modified or repealed. Over fifty bookmakers’ stands were unoccupied. A plain clothes constable seized a telegram at the course telegraph office alleging that the sender was communicating a bet as to a starting prico to a bookmaker in tbe city,. thereby endeavouring to defeat the winnings bets tax. The incident caused a commotion. The principal results are:— New Year’s Gift.—Sir Chrystopher 9.0, (Murno ,1; Compodonico 5.7 (McLaclilan) 2; Panola 9.12, (Pike) 3. Four, teen started. Won by Tialf a length, and thre'equarters' of a length. Time 1.251. ~Tattersalls Cup—Jevpore • B.S (Cook) 1; Spearman 8.2 (Johnston) 2; yolease 7.9, (Repnolds) 3. Eleven started, J-evporo led all the way, with Pavilion. Exact, Star d'Or, Spearman, Dalston, its nearest attendants. Yoleuse and Spearman tried to overtake Jeypore in the straight, but the latter finished too strongly and won by half a length, with four lengths, between second and third. Star d’Or was fourth, then Dalstop and Pavilion well back, limo 2.315.



(U P A by Elec. Tel. Copyright)' 1 SYDNEY. Doc. 31.

The jockey, Carter,, who was injured in the hurdle race ,on Saturday, 'left hospital on Monday against the doctor’s.orders.) Yesterday X-ray photographs showed that bis spine was fractured in three places. _ ' . The . doctors declare thathad lie collapsed . while, walking round it would, have:.boon ..the ,end.. .

- : V;R:C.


(U P.A; by Elec.. Tel. Copyright) MELBOURNE, Jan. 1. The Victorian: Racing Club’s meeting was held in ideal weather. New Year Hurdles:— Horoscope 12.7 (Inkson) 1; Cobranveir 10.7 (Butler)": 2; Naura 9.7, Seven-started including Plunderer, which tell and was- destroyed. Won by two lengths. Time 3.391./ -Standish Handicap.—Umbertana 7.11 (Duncan) 1; Binna 7.7. (Phillips) 2; Balmatic 8.5, (IVinlcs) 3. Eighteen started. Won hyf half fa length' and a neck. Time ’1:-■ 12ijt i •. ; * Bagot Handicap.— Cimbrian 9.2, (Phillips) 1;. - Pinnacle 8.8 ’ (Lewis) 2; Impeto 6.12 (Lott) 3: Ten started. Won 'by a length and a half a neck. Time, ,2Mh :■ ■

,;' PERTH CUP ; ' C | (U.P.A. by Elec. Tel. Copyright) (Received'.-Jan.- I, 1 . 5 p.m.) I PERTH, Jan. 1. At the Australian.; Turf Club meeting there was a • large attendance. ; Perth Cup: The. Dimmer. 8,0 (Cooper), l^Scvbu^B,ri ; .21 Knight Commander ■ S.-1‘ (Brady) \S.• 'Thirteen Started. The Dimmer took charge 3|Ifurlongs from homo and won easily, by four lengths; a and Kniglit 'Commafidor, f Time 3.293.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11403, 2 January 1931, Page 7

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TURF Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11403, 2 January 1931, Page 7

TURF Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11403, 2 January 1931, Page 7