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Local and General

An advertisement appearing elsewhere in this issue draws attention to the Rugby Art Union, which is for £4OOO ni piKC-money, and the proceeds from which are for the purpose of raising funds for the purchase and equipment of football grounds in Taranaki for the Taranaki Bugby Union.

Appearing before Messrs I. Mirfield and J. 11. Ormond J’sjP., in the Police Court yesterday, George Campbell was charged with being found drunk at Matawhero on the previous day and with using indecent language in a public place. On the application of ’Detective Mc-Leod a remand to ‘Friday next was granted.

Tile New Plymoutb-Onehunga ferry service has been discontinued, after being ho years in operation, by the Northern S.S. Coy. When the Ngapuhi sailed on her last- trip last night a large crowd at the wharf gave the steamer a rousing farewell. An indication of the trend o.f modern transport is in the fact New is now without a regular passenger service lor the first time since 4 be founding of the [ rovinee —P. A.

There is certain to be a jlarge crowd at the Botanical Gardens on Sunday afternoon to enjoy the initial programme by the City Band under its new conductor, Mr. A. Wood, late of Balelutha. The (following items will be played: March, •‘Prairie Flower” (Hume); Hymn. “Nearer Al\- God to Thee”; Selection. “Pirates of Penzance (Sullivan)'; Waltz, “Gipsy’s Life” ; F’ tasia, “Minstrel Melodies” (A. Bourne); Overture, “Poet and .Peasant” (S.uppe) ; Hymn, “Randon” ; March, “Conquerors” : God Save the King. A collection in aid of the hand funds will be taken up.

The desecration of the cenotaph at Hamilton on Anzac Day by certain, irresponsible persons was strongly commented upon at a meeting of the Hamilton Beautifying Society this week. The president (Mr W.’TI. Paul) said that one woman had been seen filling her perambulator with flowers to take home. Objection was also taken to the manner in which people sometimes accompanied by dogs. scrambled all over the base of the cenotaph. Special.

A Press Association message published yesterday stated that Dr. Stalv at the meeting of the Howard Penal Reform Teague, had said that a jockey, who had been driving a motor car while drank, and had killed an old woman, had been fined €IOO, but that the fine had been paid bv a racing club. The secretary of'the New Zealand Racing conference Mr. H. B. Sellers, states that onlv one such case had occurred in New Zealand, that of AA . S. Brmbv. Mr. Sellers states that lie had had inquiries made and it was not a fact that Bagby’s fine was paid bv a racing club. The fine bad been paid by Bagbv turn self.—P.A.

Euless something entirely urtfor-see-n occurs, the butter output of the Kia-Ora Co-operative Dairy Coy s factory for the present season will establish a record. Already the total is within about lo tons ot lastseason’s record output- and. according to the estimate of the secretary, Mr J H Sunderland, there should j H . ’a- further 100 ton s manufactured before the season ends. There has been a remarkable increase- m tire factory’s output since the 1. Ll--o season’ when the total was <*o tons, then a record. The following two seasons saw the output slightly lower but a great advance was made in 1927-28, when the manufacture totalled 970 tons. Four figures wore reached last season for the first time, the output being lOio tons, while the close of the present season should see a. new record of at least i 100 tons established. Last month, the factory made 224.3441 bs of butter, an increase of nearly -1 P Ol on April of last year whon the total was 181,1911b5.

Meeting vestoreay. tlu* High School Board was presided over InMr. L. T. Barnard. The following were also present: Messrs. T. Todd, J. Kinder IT. IC. Bright. D 0 Tiohertsoif, G. Crawslinw. F. V . Aolan, ].- j{ Baker, and the Rector, .Mi. [L p' Foote. Reporting for the month of April. Mr Foote stated that the roll number wap 44J. 1 ne attendance worked out at t)-> per cent. despite /the liact there had been a great deal of sickness and many accidents, eight or nine of these being due to Rugby. Lt-Lol. R F Gamhrill had visited the school, taking- with him the H.B. Regimental memorial colors and delivered an address which was listened to with the greatest interest. The visiting committee, Messrs eolan Todd and Robertson, recommended that 10' tons of soil be obtained for top-dressing parts ol the new liockcv ground at the back of the schools. Arrangements bad been made with the Cook County Council The new fence along Gladstone and Stanley roads was well under construction and promised to lie very satisfactory. Top-dressing of the tennis courts had also been commenced.

School holidays are always an anxions time for parents, lor the children naturally, are out of doors Irom morning till night. But sunny days often end in chilly afternoons and therein lies tiie danger from coughs, colds, and chest complaints, with feverish attacks of influenza. L a child appears dull and listless, or rather flushed, or is attacked by hoarseness or sore throat, take no risks and administer a dose of Brainwell’s One Nought One. 'llns famous elixir is four times as strong as any • other remedy, and is made up every week from fresh drugs, which by reason of their freshness, must retain their original strength. One Nought One had a, big sale on the 'Coast last season, but the demand in that district this year has already exceeded all expectations. Tt is now stocked bv the loading stores on the Coast, and can be procured from “tbe following: Hick’s Bnv. R. Robb; To Arnvon. Te Araroa Trading Go.: Ruatoria, H. F. Shivtli: Wniniro Bnv, Waipiro Bnv Trading Co.; Tikitiki.. A. L, Kirk: Tokonnmi Bay, Oates Bros.: Tolngn Rnv. J. Thornton. In Gisborne One Nought One is on sale at B ram well V Pharmacy, corner of Gladstone Road and Derby Street. V

The Makura left Sydney for Auckland at 4 p.m. yesterday and av hoar later the Maungenm lett tor Wellington.—A.P.A

Shooting licenses issued m borne to date this season total o\o 180 while a number more issued in country district*

Palmerston North district’s Obstetrical Appeal Fund closer yestei - day at £570. which is £7O above the district’s quota.—P.A-

A man aged 23 .years. Alfred Edward Buckingham, /of Jo was admitted to Cook Hospital yt*terclay afternoon with an injured hand

The Lamouy goat Taffy t]l ° roj'imental mascot of the 1 .. 4 Welch Fusiliers, greeted the bride and bridegroom after the wedding j Captain .J . N. Darnel, oi the Ist Jm ttalion Royal Welch Fusiliers, to Miss Rheiiali Nicholas, daughter ot Admiral and Mrs. Nicholas, ol Averstoke, at Aiverstoke Church, Comport, recently.

A Londoner has amused nimself by testing the truth of the old sa ; > 1 that no one can cross London miagwithout seeing a white horse. Alorn,n,r and evening daily I have crossed t. 1,0 bridge,” he says “and, surely enough, each time I have seen at least one white horse— except, to lamest, when 1 have forgotten to notice.” The saying originated hetoie transport became mechanised, bm it ih curious that its application slam I vet survive. Much of the Lorn, on Bridge traffic is still horsedrawn.

In presenting his annual report to the meeting of householders at the Lvall Bav School, tfie headmaster i.Mr. I). A. Banner) remarked that the present-dav aim of education was io develop the individualism ot each chial as much as possible. Ihe old idea was to train children in classes and regard them as classes to be turned out as a standard type, but now tiie teachers sought the co-oper-ation of the parents m endeavoring to understand as fully ns possible each child with a view to training it accordingly.

“Mnr.v women.” said Dr. Elizabeth Sloan Chesser, addressing the British Social Hygiene Council, "maria- the men they choose and spend the rest of their lives trying to turn thorn into the men they want them to he. J should like to see marriages taking place earlier in life, in the carly twenties. “Boys should uot be brought up to regard themselves as superior to girls. Biologically woman is the superior creature. In my opinion the young people ol to-day arc infinitely superior to those of mv day.”

“If you knew what straits I was in vou would have let me have the money, but 1 admire you tor your pluck. I wish there were more girls in England like you. Rome day 1 hope we shall meet again . . An, unstamped and unsigned letter, containing these sentences lias been received by Miss Ethel Alatraves, the assistant at a dairy shop in Norfolk Road. Bayswater. who bravely resisted a man who demanded money and fired a revolver with blank cartridges. Rhe has handed it to thepolice.

A wife anpl.ving for a maintenance order at Hastings (Eng.) declared:

dv husband has just got the miser complex and will not give me any money.” She said lie had a fruiterer’s business, but “simply sat with folded anus and let the whole tiling go west—end.” “I’m rolling in luxury." ironically replied the man. *'and if you make an order I'll have to cut off my cigars. But I'll leave it to your superior .judgment and knowledge of economics.” The Bench ordered the man to pav his wife 10s a week.

At Rt. Columha’s Clrurch of Scotland, l'ont Street. Chelsea, S.AY., Dr. A. Fleming read the following contents of an anonymous post-card which lie said he had received at the church : —The writer—of vilest sinners—needs and requests that in your prayers to God you and yours will consider his loved ones and’himself in the great calamity and misery which overcast their lives. Unless God Himself intervenes there is no hope. The cause of the trouble is the writer, and all he asks is that it may pass from over his loved ones.

A final reminder is given in another column to intending purchasers of the sale of loOff acres of hill country that i s to be offered to-day by Alessrs. Williams and Kettle, at their store in Customhouse St.' The property is offered on account of the trustees in the estate of the late A. McLean, and consists of very good laud. The fences and buildings are in ver v good order and the opportunity is a. good one for those who desire a property of this description. The situation is a good one. a metal road running right past the property, and one tan motor to town in an hour. The sale will take place at 11 o’clock. Any intending purchasers desiring further information as to terms, etc., are advised to get into touch wifh the auctioneers before the sale.

The committee of tl\e St. Andrew’s Mon’s Society has finalised the syllabus for the ensuing sea.son which commences on Monday next, ft is as follows:—May sth.'. Opening Social, organiser Air. S. 11. Phillips ; A fay 26th, Debate. “That Talkies are detrimental to our National Life.” organiser. Air. P. B u shite] 1; June 16th, Newspaper Evening, organiser, Air. AY. T. Trane; July 7th, Debate with Patutahi Debating Society; July 21st. Lecture bv AH. G. Dart-on entitled “Nature Study”: August 4th, Beginner’s Debate. “That Alonov is one of the Greatest Blessings in Life”, organiser Mr G. B. Brown; August 25th; Ladies’ Night, organiser, Mr L. Tliamson ; September loth. Debate, “That Men’s dress needs reform, and, like womens, should be subject- to frequent changes of fashion.” organiser. Mr. J. Morton; October 6th, Six Lecturefctes by members, organiser, Air. L. Nieholls; October 20th Banquet. i

Tbe new shinmenf-s .-just- arrived at Ma-thewson’s Ltd. of original model evening frocks and evening wraps provide a splendid opportunity to secure a frock just as the dancing season is about to commence. These now arrivals present something delightfully fresh and smartly fashionable. They are new in every detail. Inspect, thorn enrlv .nl Mnvhowson’s Ltd., where qualify costs no more.* * :

“Hello, Bill, yon are looking very fit; last time I saw you, you were a wreck!” “Vos, I was. [ felt liel]>loss and hopeless,' but I met a friend who had a •similar exerienee; and she recommended Mann’s Special Neuritis Pills. After the .first box I felt < a new man; the pains eased up and gradually disappeared. The stiffness and old-age feeling cleared up, too. 1 feel young and full of pep; .in fact never felt better in my life. I now recommend them to ail sufferers. They are only -2/6 a Pox and always obtainable from Mann, Chemist, Gisborne.*,’* ' .

* Biding liis bicycle without a light along Bead’s Quay cost Alfred Seagar Buckland a fine of os when ho fnneared before Messrs I. Mirfield and -J- H.. Ormond, J s.P., m fho Police Court yesterday.

The valuable toberoa beds on the Ninety Milo Beach were almost ruined about 13 years ago, and it was five or six years before they recovered The’ same thing has again woriaken the beds during the past Jeck The shellfish have come to the surface, opened and died in vast numbers. It would appear that m the absence of westerly or. smith, eastern - winds marine organisms on which 'the toheroas feed are not blown ashore and they stan e , 0 death. The Krutaia Chamber r,l Commerce has reported t he matter to the Minister of Marino with a request that an officer of the I* lsberics Department be sent to investigate and report on the matter Not only is this a great loss to the canning industry, but aho ld the Maori-, who are deprived o; a valuable sourerof food.

Before the historic landing at Angae General Rif lan Hamilton j s . suetl The following social Jorce or- •• ••Bciore us lies an adventure unprecedented in modern war. Together with our comrades oi the Fleet we are about to force a. landing upon an open beach in face oi positions which have been vaunted by our encinies as impregnable. The landing will be made good, by the help < tl God and tfm Navy ; the po-umns vhj be stormed, and the war brought stfcp nearer to a glorious clo-e. i‘member! said Lord Kitchener v.h'-n bidding adieu to your commander. ‘Remember! Once you set foot upon the Gallipoii Peninsula you must light the thing through to a .firn-h.' The whole world will be watching our progress. Let us prove ourseives worthy of the .great teat of arm- entrusted to us.”

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXX, Issue 11196, 3 May 1930, Page 4

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Local and General Gisborne Times, Volume LXX, Issue 11196, 3 May 1930, Page 4

Local and General Gisborne Times, Volume LXX, Issue 11196, 3 May 1930, Page 4