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, :i: N.Z., CHAMPIONSHIPS. . COURTS GREASY AVITH RAIN. WEALTH OF FINE PLAY. (Press Association.) ! . ; AUCKLAND, Dec. 29. ’’S’ After two days last through rain, which was heaviest late on Friday afternoon and early; ija the evening the New Zealand tennis championships were resumed shortly after 10.33 on Saturday morning in op->. pressive heat and under cloudy skies. The courts, although well treated wth-heavy rollers and saxvdusted on the i i presented a; ; greasy sur-. face. Many players, wore shoe nets and some had spiked footgear.. Such conditions favored,; adepts at. playing for the' side [lines and at drop shots, at the pet. Anything so placed, as to call for a quick change qf position, was . very difficult to cover. ThelqOnditions underfoot improved as the day. wore!, on and the menace, of thundersHqwers failed to .materialised- There was a wealth of fine tennis, particularly among the lady contestants.

The contestants in. the ladies’ singles now number eight.' Aliss'.Marjorie MacFarlane is the sole remaining Auckland representative. Canterbury lost Miss AA r ake, who was defeated in a splendidly contested match by, Miss Myers. Miss Speirs, Canterbury,. • .and the title holder, made many errors in her first set against Mrs. Shroff and ‘.exiled down in the second iml g >ve an a) (-active exi ibit.ion at rhnvihg, ifie mimler of cican placemens to her credit I< mg most impressive. She justly d< served the applause .which ..greeted in*victory. It took 45 games to decide the issue in the doubles between Lampe (Wanganui) and Rhodes AVilliarhs (Wellington), and Chalmers and Robinson (Auckland). AVilliams. throughout displayed extremely fine'' stroke production. . , The .play of the 30 year old midget, Douglas Howe, of. Wellington, in the match in the boys’ singles against Fisher, Auckland, excited the interest and admiration of more than half the morning crowd.. The determination of the 1 tiny ■ AVellingtonian, little higher than the net, and weifiling a l3oz. racquet with both hands delighted .the spectators'. A member of a family of tennis enthusiasts,- he has handled the racquet since he xvas 5 years old. Sparkling tennis was produced in the defeat bv Miss McFarlane of Miss Howe (Wellington) The Aucklander throughout hit cleanly and with power her high speed hack-hand plaeings being consistently brilliant. Griffiths’' knowledge qf the game and his, wonderful fighting qualities were shown in his match with Mn.lfroy. In the third set, Griffiths commenced a lobbing campaign and so accurately werethese shots placed, -and so quick was he to follow lip any advantage,- that it resolved itself into- one of the-best and most closely fought matches up to the present. in the match between Miss Myers, Wanganui, and Miss Wake, Christchurch, the former gained a well deserved and notable triumph. The Miss Nicholls—Miss Andrew match was ,a well played contest, in which there was any'amount of hard hitting.

MEN’S SINGLES. —Second Round.— P. Te H. Jones (Xlaori) beat R. J. Carter (Auckland) 6—o, 6—o 6—o. N. G. Sturt (Auckland) beat M. M. Morrison (Auckland) 6 —2, 7—5 6—2. J,. N. Lowry (Hawke’s Ray) beat IC. Hayr (Auckland) 6—2, B—6, o—3. W. 11. Entwistle (Auckland) beat W. J. Melody (Wellington) 6—l. 'L —6, 6—2, 6—3. A. L. France (Wellington) beat C. E. AV. Macintosh (Auckland) 6—3. 6—2, 6—3. J. A. F. Watson (Otago) beat H. V. Howe 6—o. 6—l. 6—i. J. L. Gregory (Auckland) won from E. W. Wright (Thames Valley) by default. J. T. Laurenson (Waikato) beat L. T. Pickmere (Whangarei) 6—2. o—o, 6—o. M. 'L. Lampe (Wanganui) beat R. E. Taylor (Auckland) 6—l. 6—o b —l. Martin (Auckland) beat V. R. Johns (Auckland) 6—4. Johns retired owing to a sprained ankle. A. C. Stpdman (Auckland) beat A. K. Turner (Auckland) 6—2. 6—3. t>—4 C. F.. Malfroy. (Wellington) - beat E. AV Griffiths (Auckland) ' 6—4. 6—l, 3—6 6- — 3-

LADIES’ SINGLES. —Second Round.--Miss Alarjorie MacFarlane (Auckland) boat Miss D. Loire (Wellington) 6—6, 6—4. Miss Al. Speirs (Canterbury) beat Mrs. Al. Shroff (Auckland) 6—2, 6—l Miss F. M. Nicholls (AVellington.) beat Aliss Al. Andrew (Canterbury) e—a, 6—2. Miss M. Gibson (South Canterbury) 6—l, 6—o. ' i Aliss Al. Myers (AVanganui) beat Miss Al. Wake (Canterbury) .7- o. g 4 Mrs R. P. Adams (AVel)mgton) beat Miss 0. J. iaylar (Auclh.nd) 1 6—4. Airs AV. J. Melody '.AVellington) beat Aliss A. t Liten (Auckland) K—2, 6—3. . • Miss Al. Tramv (AVellington,i beat Mr» D.'AL ;Rol>son (Auckhandv 6—fi M—b.

MEN’S DOUnf.ES —First Round.— W G AVatkins and F- W. Lucas (Auckland) beat S. O. Thorne (AA hi.nFarei) and R. AlcL F ev.cms (W c l)iigionx G- -3. 6—3. 6-4-V It. Turner and E- H. Turner iAuckland) xvon from A. AV. Smithpon (Canlerburx 1 ) t-nd R- A. bundle (Wellington) by default. _ E L Bartlett (Auckland) and J. T. Laureson (Waikato) beat AA. J. Melody and C. E. Partridge (AAelhngton 6 E. McKeoxvp (Auckland) beat H. V- Howe _ and R,. F. Adams (" elhngton) 7 5. !> M’ iT Lampe (Wanganui) and T. f^ eS H„M™rii W c' l C g Vh > a4r‘ (Auckland) 6-A, 6—3, 6—B, i— o. —Second Round. —

A. D. France (Wellington) and C. Angas (Canterbury) beat AV. G- AAatkms and F. Ay. Lucas (Auckland) GTsturT^Auckland) and C. E. Malfroy (Wellington) beat S. and AV. a. Horne (Auckland) 6 2, jv D A—3 . j -C. Charters (Ayhangarei) _ and A C. Stedman (Axickland) beat F. n Chisholm (Auckland) and J. A. ir' Watson (Otago) 6—4, 6—2. .5—7, Te H. Jones and J. W. Jones (Maori) won from A. S. G r ay and E. VV Wright (Thames Valley) by dcK. and E. H. ‘Turner (Aiick- . r A\ beat V. R’. Johns and A. E. »-«, 7-6, : K I,\ Bartleet ;| n‘l ’l l Laurenson (Waikatrf). beat E. AV. Griffiths and C. (Auckland) 6—3. 6—4. 3-0, 7—61> F. GlanVille (Canterbury) and J N. Loxvrv (Hawke’s Bay) beat AV. BlaFoy.and W. H. Simons (Auck-land)'-6-7-1,, 6-J). • , ' ; ' --Third Round.— < Sturt and Malfroy beat Jones and Jones 6—o, 6—3.

LADIES’ DOUBLES,. , . First;, Round.—'• Mrs. A. Arneil (Whangarei) and Miss J. E. Ramsay (Auckland) beat Mrs. M. Potter and K. Knott (Auckland) 2 —6, 6—l, C—l. Misses M. Andrews (South Canterbury) and M. Gibson (South Canterbury) boat Mrs. P. Te H. Jones-and Miss P. Rusliutnl (Maori) 6—2, 6—2. Mrs. AV. J. Melody (Wellington) and Miss M. Myers (Wanganui) beat, Misses A. I. Little and J. J. 'Taylor (Auckland).6 —0, 6—2. ■ ’ Mrs. R. P. Adams and Miss M. Tracy (Wellington) beat Misses 1. D, Newton (Maori) and R. Taylor-. (Auckland) 6—l, 6—2. • ' —Seqond Round.—.

Misses Marjorie and Mar’on "MacFarlahe (Wellington) beat Scott’AVatson and .Shroff (Auckland) 6.—3, 6. , , j COMBINED DOUBLES. ! Miss M. Speirs and C. Angas (Canterbury) beat Mrs. A- Arneil and L. TV Pickmere. "(Whangarei) ... 6 —l, 7 ■' -.V,... : ; y-\ ■ '. • ;; ; Miss J. E. Ramsay and AI. Morrison (Auckland) beat Miss Al. Gibson (South Canterbury) and T. Rhodes Williams (Wellington) 6—2, 6—4. W •’ BOYS- J PNIOR SINGLES.

—First Round.'—' : E.P„ Drew (Otago) beat T.. H. Wilson (Auckland) 6—l, 6—o. W. .Fisher (Auckland) beat D. Howe (Wellington) 5—6, 6 —2, 7—5. H. A. Barnett (Canterbury) beat R. S, Milne (Auckland) 6—l, 6—3. . B. G. Thomson (Auckland)' beat A. 1): Long (Wellington) 64-1,- 6—J. W. G. Robertson (South Canterbury) lie at R. R. Lees (Auckland) o—4, 6—5. • j S. R. Walton (Auckland) beat F. B. Court (North Otago). 6-—4, 5—6, /5. • ■ ■ :• - J. S. Wilson' (Auckland) beat) J> tt. G. Cooke (Auckland) 6—3, 6—5. E. A. Roussel! (AVellingtoii) beat D. E. Scott (Auckland) 6—o, 6—3. At. Farkins (Wellington) beat A. L. Morpeth (Auckland), 6—l, 64-L : W:* H. AicDonald (Auckland); beat A. G. Clow (Waikato) 6—4, 5—6, 6—4.- '■ .»• •' •It. Newman (Nelson) beat W. B. Sutherland (Auckland) 4—o, 6—l. 6—3 "" ! 'V ,• “(T —Second Round.— S. R. AValton (Auckland) heat N. Fisher (Auckland) 6—o, 6—5. V, \ GIRLS’ JUNIOR : SINGLES. ?? ? .j* ! —First Round.— Miss B. Stedman (Auckland) beat Miss M. Ryan (Auckland) 6—l. 6—l. Miss P. Conway (Auckland) beat Miss G. Blackman (Auckland) 6—o. h—o. Aliss AL Hooton (Auckland) heat Miss B. Buddie (Auckland) 6-t4. ,6 — b. .. Miss I. Nixon (Auckland) beat Miss G. Gardner (Auckland) 6—3. 4—6, 6—4. —Second Round.— Miss M. Hall (Auckland) beat Miss L. Adams (Auckland) 6—3. Miss Al. Elliot (South Canterbury) beat Aliss Al. Colson (Auckland! 6—2, 6—l. I Miss Al. Howe (AVellington) heat Miss J. Chalmers (Auckland) 6—2, 4—6, 6—l. , .





Splendid progress was made in the second annual championship and handicap tournament of the Poverty Bay and East Coast Lawn Tennis Association, which xvas continued at the Gisborne Club’s courts, Kaiti, on Saturday. Weather conditions xvere excellent, though the competitors, at tunes, found the heat rather trying. All evens have noxv been reduced to the closing stages and finality has been reachea in three of them. In the men’s championship singles, P. Watson and G. 11. Seddon meet in the final to-day, the former defeating the Coast man, Dr. Mackay, after a splendid game in the semifinal round. In the ladies’ singles championship, Mrs Beattie has reachthe final and plays the winner of the Airs. Allison —Aliss Bull tie. Airs. Beattie, who is an ex-Christ-church player, created some surprise by her rerqarkahly easy win over Miss P. Hopkinson. Aliss H'bpkinson was never in the picture. Airs: Beattie’s strong driving and all-round certainty taking her out the xvinner bv 6—3, 6—o. D. Cranswick and G. H. Seddon have reached the final of the men.’s championship doubles, while the M.i6ses Coop, after a hard fight in the semi-final against the Timaru pair, the Alisses Coxvie, have attained the final of the ladies’ jloubles. The combined championship has now been reduced to the semi-, final stages. ‘ The handicap events are all well advanced, xvhilo, ini one section, the men's the final has been played. Y. Hutchinson tree. 15) had an unexpected win over ?. H. Francis (rec. 25), who xvas treated rattier generously by the handicappers, winning the final by the narrowest id margins 5x—49. 'The championship events fpr players under 18 years of age proved hiehly interesting, and some promising talent, xvas revealed. In the hoys’ event,'R,. Bignell. defeated L. Evans in the final by 6 —3, 6—l. Tills match, hoxvever, xvas much closer than appears from the scores. In the girls' event, exceptional promise was shoxvn by the two finalists, Misses Al. O’Halloran and S. Ormond. These txx-o had the distinction of playing one of the longest sets in the tournament, 24 games being required before the first set was decided. Aliss O’Halloran ran right axvay at the starts leading 4—l, then o—2, but Aliss Ormond came with a rattle and' xx’on . four games on end to lead 6—5. Thereafter the games alternated until the set went to Aliss O’Halloran 13—11. In the second set, Miss O’Halloran gave a better display against her tiring opponent and xvon 6—2. Both players' drove well both back and forehand, though the xxlnner’s backhand xvas- . often rather too high-and “lobby,” oxving to her standing too far from the ball as she hit it. Miss O’Halloran should stand closer to the service line xvhen she delivers a service—she loses a full yard by her present stance. Miss Ormond has a perfect forehand playing it like a book, and only needs more experience for -t r o become far more effective.? Neither girl came up to the net much—both should cultivate that part of their play. The honorary secretary, Mr. G‘. Mirfield, assisted ,by the tournament committee, again performed yeoman service and carried out all arrangements admirably. It xvas regrettable that more players did not offer their services as umpires—it was very noticeable that it xvas the same half-dozen or so xvlio officiated al;nost throughout. To them much of the success of the tournament must go. • Foot-faults xvere rather too frequent during the matches and some of the umpires failed To penalise the offenders. , The; main infringement did not lie m stepping over the hne, but rather in tlie action of the players as they xvent to deliver the service. It nuist be remembered that, in delivery the service, a player must not take a step,, hop, jump or perform any similar movement. Swinging the bapk foot past the

front one before," the ’ racquet torches the ball constitutes a; foot-fault and soe of the leading players apparently do not know it. 1 The. tournament will be continued at 9 a.m. simp to-day, and will concludq tins afternoon when the trophies xx’ill.he presented by: Mr., E. M. Hutchinson, a vice-president of the ASsociiitmi’. . ; Saturday’s results were as folloxvs.: CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS : —Men’s' • ; Second round: P. Wataon d. R. Brown'6—l, 6—k; E. K. Cameron <l. D. Cransxvick 6—2, Dr. Mackay. d. S. Hodges '6—2, 6-fL; R. Conhqp""d,*' PC Francis 6—2; A. Shbrlahd d. A. Lancaster 6—l, G—3'; G. Seddon d. D. Hosier 6_4, 6—l; W. Blathwayt'd. 0. Du l 6—2 6—l; D. Coombe d. A. Stock 6-6,” 6—2. ■ V;":".: ' . I Third, round : Watson ,d. Cameron C—.r G_4.; Dr. Mackay d. Connop 6—2, 6—l; Seddon d. Shorland 6—4 6—2; • Blatliwayt w.o. Coombe: ; Semi-finals: Seddon di Blathxvayt (I—2, 7—5; P. Watson d. Dr. Mackay, 5—7, . 4—6, 6-L2. , —Ladies’ Singles— / ; Second Round: Miss J.. Hopkinson d. Miss E. Kenny B—6, 6— -d, &—1: Miss P: Hopkinson d. Miss E. I>enton ft —2, 6—3; Missi ~4* i. Miss Noan .6—o, 6—2; .Mrs. Chrisp d. Miss. E. Hegarty 6—4, 6—21; Mrs Allison d. Miss M. Hegarty 6—3, 6—4) • ' , Third round Miss J. - Hopkinson d.. Aliss Ml Coop 6—4, 4—6, B—r? 5 Mrs Beattie d. Miss P. Hopkinson 6—3" 6—:oMrs ', Allison / d. -Miss Kemp ,6—l. 6—2.:; Miss M. Bull d Mrs D. -El. Chrisp 6-r4. 3—3. 4 Semi-fmal: Mrs Beattie d, Aliss;J. Hopkinson 6—4), 6—3. .—Men’s Doubles — , ... Second round: ’Blathxvayt and •Allison d. Crimmin and Gurran B—6, 6—2; , Seddon and Cameron d. Coqmbe aiid -Bright 6—o, 4—6, 6—l • • Wilson and Barnby b Tureia and Connop 6—2, 6—4; Cranswick and Sharp u. Beattie and Bull 6—3, G—2.-- ‘ Third round;, Mackay. • and ■ Shorlaiid d: Mirfield and (AVhite A -6—3, 6—2; Watson xvayt and Allison 6—2, 6—4; _ Cameron. and-Seddon d. Barnby. and AVil6—4, 6 —3; Cranswick and Sharp d. AfcNeil and Hodges 6—3, 6-2. . . ' •' . .? . ... i.Semi-final: 'Cameron and Secldop d. Cransxvick and Sharp 6 —3, 5—7, o—3. i-; - —Ladies’ Doubles—-

First round: Mis-sss. Cowie' w.o, Alisses Kenny and 'Laidlaw; Misses Burnard and Godfrey d. Misses S. Ormond and E.‘ .'Hegarty, 6—4, 6—2; Misses Coop d.‘. Misses Peddlo and Benson, 6—3, 6—o; ■ Misses Hopkinson d. Aliss Denton and Mbs McLauchlan 5—7,; dames Beattie arid .Allisbn d. Alpsdames A r oss and Lambert 6-4-1, 6—3. ". Second round: Mesdames Beattie and Allison <3. Alisses ‘ Nolan and O’Halloran 6—2, 6—4/;' Alices Cowie d; Alisses Af.' Aluir and H, Hegnrty' 6—l;' ■ 6—3 Misses Coop d. Misses (Kemp and-Bull' 6—2, 6—2 • Semi-final: Alisfie=i Coop d. Misses Coxvie 5 —7, 6—3, 6 —4. —Combined Doubles.—-

. First Round —Dr. Alackay and Miss Al Muir d. Connop and Miss O’Halloran 6—3, 6—l; Walsh and, Aliss AVh'eelcr d. Aloore and Mrs Jones 6—2, 6—l; Bull and Miss Kemp d. AVilson and Aliss Rhodes 4—6, B—6, 6—2; Stock and Miss’ Ormond d. McNeil and Aliss Patterson B—6; 6—4,; Allison and Mr* Allison d. Voss and Mrs Voss 6—3, 6—l. , , Second round: Dr. Alackay and Miss Aluir d. Lambert and Airs Lambert 6—2 j 6 —l ;Y. Hutchinson and Aliss Godfrey d. AA’alsh and Miss AVheeler 6—3, 6—4; Canieron and Miss Kenny d. Bull and Aliss Kemp 6—2, 6—l; Chrisp and Mrs Chrisp d« Stock and Aliss Ormond 6 —3, 6—l; Beattie and Mrs Beattie w.o. , Margoliouth and \Aliss Bull; Lancaster and Miss E. Hegarty xx r .o. Tureia and Mass AVatson and Miss P. Hopkinson d. Allison and Mrs. Allison 4—6, 6—l, 6—2; Blatliwayt and Alisis Hegarty d. liarnliv and Mrs. AlcLaughlan B—6, o—4. ‘ Third round: Hutchinson and Miss Godfrey w.o. Dr. .Alackav and Miss Aluir; Chrisp and Airs Chnsu d. Cameron and Mrs Kenny 6—l. 10—8. Watson and Aliss P. Ilopkinson d Blatliwayt and Aliss Hegarty 6 -3, s—j, 6—4; Beattie and Airs. Beattie d. Lancaster and Aliss E. Hegarty 6—l-, 4—6, 6—2. —Boy’s Singles— First round-: h. Ex’ans RcJ mond H—^-.6—-3;. 9—7. . * Scmir-final:. L, ..Evans. w.. 0. _D. Coombe; R. Bignell d. Al. Bright 6—3, 6—l. - Final :R. Bignell d. L. Evans 6-1, 6—l. —Girls’ Singles— First round: Aliss L Coop xv.o. Miss G. Wyatt; Afiss J. Aluir w.o. Mi as L. Lyons. Semi-finals: Aliss M. O’Halloran d. Aliss Coop 6—o, .6—l; Aliss Ormond d. Miss Aluir 6 —o, 6—2 V Final: Aliss . Al. OHlalloran d Mis* S. Ormond 13—11, 6—2.

HANDICAP EVENTS —Afen’s Singles— Third round: G Gurran (rec. 10) d. J. Curtei» (ree 25) 50—46; R. Bignell (rec. 25) d. A. Wilson' rec.. 10) '50—28; P. Francis w.o, H. McNeil; J. Crimmin w.o. P. Tureia; A. Stocfk xv.o. D, Coombe.; J. Sythes (rec. .20) d.: R. Brown (rec.. 20) 504(j; C. Bull xv.o. S. Hodges Fourth round: Bignell d. Gurran 53_^51) ; Francis (rec. 25) d. J. Crimmin (fee. 10) 50—44; Sythes d.: A. Stock (rec. 15).. 50—27.; Y. Hutchinson (rec. 15) d. C. Bull (rec. 15) 50 —45. • . , Semi-finals: Francis d. Bignell .50—43; Hutchinson d. Sythes 50— 43.4 . Final: Y. Hutohinsoix (rec. 35) d. P. H. Francis (rec, 25) 51—49. . —Ladies’ Singles— Second, round :. Aliss Al. Coop (scr) d. Aliiss S. Ormond (rcc. 5) Vlo 31; Miss J. Hopkinson (rec. 5) xl. Aliss Normaix (rec. 20) 40 —36; Aliss 1. Coop (rec. 5) d. Airs Lambert (rec. 10) 40—29); Miss’Lyons xv.o. .Aliss Laidlaw ;. Aliss E. Rhodes (rec. 20) d. Alisa M. Bull ' (oxve 10) 50—42; Mrs Sxvainson 1 . (rec. 15) d. Miss o’H.alloran (rec. .-10) 40-7-37-J Miss E. Hegarty (rec. 5) d. Miss Benson (rec. 5). Third round: Aliss T. Coop w.o. Mias Lyons; Aliss ,E,\ Hegarty d. Airs Swainson 40—36. Men’s Doubles—

Third round: Shorland and Dr. Mackay xv.o. Smith (and Bright'; Blatliwayt and Allison (rec.: 5) a. Coombe and J. Bright (rec. 15). Semi-final: A;' Wilson and _F. G. Barnby xv.o. L. Bright and G-. lo—Ladies’ Doubles—- : Third round: Airs j ones and Miss Norman w.o. Aliases .Wyatt and Patterson • Airs Swainson ;and Miss Rhodes- (rec. 20) d. Afisses Coxvie (scr.) 40—34; Alesdames Voss anil Lamboft (rec. 5) d. Misses Ormond and Hegarty (scr.) 40—:29. —Combined Dioubles— Third round :■ Ca.meron and Alisa Kennv (oxvo 5) d. Walsh and Miss Wheeler (rec. 5) ..55—49; Lancaster and Miss E. Hegarty (rec. 5) d. Woodrow and Miss Peddle (rec. 10) 50—38; Allison and Airs Allison (scr) d. Connop and Aliss O’Halloran (sJcr) 50—40; Voss and Airs Voss (rec, 10) d. Hosier and Aliss Nolan (rec. IQ), 50-430. .Semi-final: Voss .Mrs Voss d. Allison 1 and Mrs Allison 50—-98,

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10782, 31 December 1928, Page 3

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TENNIS CROWNS Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10782, 31 December 1928, Page 3

TENNIS CROWNS Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10782, 31 December 1928, Page 3