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EX GAGEMF.XTG Tho engagernent. is announced of Mavis Grace, second daughter of .Mr and .Mrs. G. Holmes, Gisborne, to Charles Alexander, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson, Mosgiel, Otago.

The engagement is announced of Miss Margaret Rita, twin daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Colley of Gisborne. to Mr Fred Alexander Whyte, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Walter Where, of Tiniroto.

bUC IA.I, ,iM) PERSONAL. .Mr. and Airs. S. F. Clare left on 'tlhursdav on a short visit to Tarawa.

Mr. E. R. .Murphy (Tokomaru Bay) is spending a few days in town. •■: : j : Mrs. I?. dcLautour (Auckland) was a visitor to Gisborne this wpek.

Airs. («. I. Parker is the guest of ATTs. Eric Loisel, Tolaga May.

Airs. C. K. Williams (Tokomaru) is visiting her mother, Mrs. J B. Alorris, Tolaga Bay.

Mrs J. 31. Kirk, who is at present in Rotorua, is expected in Gisborne on AVedriesday.

Miss AE Moore (Nelson) who has been visiting friends in Poverty Bay left on AVeclnesday for AVairoa.

Afr .and Afrs. AV. Clark (Opou) accompanied by their small son John, return on Thursday from a holiday visit to Croat Britain and America.

Miss L. Robertson who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. \V. Hay, Christchurch, is at. present the guest of her brother. Hr. AV. Robertson, Wellington.

Aliss P. Humphreys, who lias been visiting her mother, Afrs. G. AV. Humphreys, “Strathallan,” has returned to her duties at the Ivaritane hospital Dunedin.

A Paris cable message states that Mdllo. .Suzanne Lenglen’s father lias taken charge of her affairs. He-has written to a French sporting paper stating that Suzanne will not enter a public court again. If ever she plays, it will Vie privately.—A.P.A.

At the Y.W.C.A. annual fair to ho hold this coming Friday, the following ladies will have charge of the sta.l:—Work and toys, Afesdames \V. Barker, L. Clayton, Richards; produce, Mrs. C. G. Holdsworth, Airs. J. S. Fauids; seedlings and plants, .Aliss I. Adair, and Mrs. Mcivce; cakes, Afrs. Riach; afternoon tea, Afrs. AVitty; sweets, F. C. SClub; novelties, Aliss B. Stewart, and Aliss R. Ancum. Evening programme Airs. Clare and members of tho Business Women’s Club.


Tho Misses Barker entertained a largo number of friends at a very charmingly arranged “At Home,” at “Acton” on Wednesday afternoon, in honor of Alls. Geollrey AlcLean of Auckland The weather was so delightful that the function took tlife form of a garden party and tho guests wandered at will round the very beautiful garden which, in the brilliant sunshine looked most enchanting. Hedges of roses and very lovely shrubs formed a back ground for the Hugo flower-beds ablaze with gay blooms, while bods of gorgeous roses gave a vivid splash of color to the wide stretch of lawn. The wonderful old trees were a joy to see and through the vistas which they opened up glimpses of the Bay and surrounding country were very much admired.

Indoors the rooms were adorned with a wealth of lovely flowers. In the lounge tall ctvstal vases of callopsis and a# great howl of crimson poppies were artistically arranged, the drawingroom being charmingly decorated with roses and howls of watsoma. Tea was served in the d rungroom, crystal vases of. cerise geraniums round a centre piece of geraniums and delicate greenery adding color and charm to the table. Aliss B. Barker was wearing a graceful frock of wine, colored crepe de chine ornamented with scalloped bounces and a wide lint to match caught on one. side with a wine colored liowor. , Aliss E. Barker wore an elegant frock of fuchsia shaded crepp satin fashioned with a bodice handed with the reverse of the material and a skirt in apron effect with an uneven hem line, a diamante buckle at the waist adding an effective finish. Her wide navy blue bangkok hat was wreathed ‘with tiny silver leaves. Miss L. Barker chose a marocain jumper suit in a lovely' shade of blue embroidered in contrasting shades, and a straw hat to tone trimmed with large velvet bowers shading from blue to orchid mauve. Miss. AI. Barker was wearing a smartly tailored jumper suit of palest pink crene de chine with a pleated skirt and a visca hat in a darker shade trimmed with roses and velvet to tone. •-.Afrs. AlcLean wore a becoming gown of silver grey crepe de chine with draperies of cerise, grey and black patterned georgette, and a small grev straw hat. Some of the guests invited were: Mesdames V. Barker. AV. R. Barker, F. B. Barker, R. Barker, P. Barker, F. Humpmreys, V. Savage, R. J. Reynolds, 11. Paeke, R. U. Burke, Gore (Hawke’s Bay), Cnrlvle AVilson, S. F. Clare, A. Sevmour, H. AI. "Williams, L. Cotterill, G. Carter, J. Betlerby, C. AAhlliams, J. Alonckton, Carlton AVilliams, R. K. Murphy, AV. D. Lysnar, A. R. Hine, T. Loisel, J. Jamieson, E. E. Brown, P. Eoxley, H. AI. Porter. G. Stock, J. AA T ‘. Nolan. F. AV. Nolan. G. AI. Williamson. C. Gray, 0. Ormerod, H. AV. AVilliams. G. AI. Dodgshnn, C. 11. Cato, G. I. Parker, J. Blair, A. AV. Alurrav, S. Nathan. AV. A. Bowie, A. L. Singer, R. AI. Gunn, A. JL. AValhs, C. Alargolioutli, Hoooer, F. Loisel, J. AV. AVilliams, It. Slierialt, IT. E. Dodd, J. C. Field, ,L. Piidd, AAE G. MacLaurin, T. JoxBlake. F. T.. Morgan. Bradley Smith, C. Williamson CIV Araroa), BarnsGraham, E. G. Matthews. H. Kenway. C. G. Holdsworth, B. J. Ho’dsworth, A anew Brown, AV. Graham, A. G. Humphreys, J. C. N. Thomas, G AA r . AA'ilock, Donner. C. 1). Bennett, Palgrave, AV. B. ' AVilieek, W- R- B. AA’illock; Aliases AI., a r,d C. Barker. A. Gray, AI. BarU H, Nolan. A- Barker. E. Williamson. G. . Pyke F. Black, Willis.**■ E - £ ra ,' S) „ brook. E. AViUia'ms i Tucker (3), P. and C. deLautour, W. MacLaurin R. Alurrav, J. Graham. L. and M. Rees. Alorris-Evton (F.nelnnd), B. Brad lev. Z. and U. Williams, N. Cotter’ll. AV. Lysnar. N. Hooper and R. Alatthews.

tnVTTATTON CAR DS, Dance Cards. ■Rail Programmes. Concert Tickets. Wedding Invitations, Memorial Cards, etc TTn-to-date stocks of latest designs.—GifdiorQS TjlP p < 5 Prints ing W<jrlsf

BUSINESS AYOAIEN’s CU B. Airs. L. T. Barnard, president of the Business Women's Club, entertained a laugo number of the members in a delightful manner at her home in Hassell Street on 1 aesday evening.

The drawingroom was fragrant frith, large howis or roses and watsonins, while hydrangeas were used with artistic effect in the lounge, the decorations in the study being earned 011 Lin golden tones. Supper was served in rbe diningroom sweet peas adding colorful charm io the table.

Community singing was very much enjoyed, while Aliss AleCarthy gave great pleasure by singing in Her usual charming manner. Two original competitions, caused much fun and amusement the prizes being won by Mrs. Clare and Aliss Chapman. .Mrs. Burnard received her guests wearing u smart frock of black georgette trimmed with pastel shaded flora! crepe de chine.

A BIRTHDAY PARTY. A very delightful children’s party was given by Airs. Claud Williams at '•Coventry’ ’on Tuesday afternoon to celebrate the birthday of her small daughter, Patricia. All sorts of jolly games were arranged in the lovely garden and the charming scene was watched bv a number of parents who enjoyed the iitn quite as much as the tiny folk.

'Hie drawingroom was most artistically decorated with tlame colored antirrhinums and blue delphiniums. Tea was served in the diningroom, the table being ornamented with silver vases of crimson carnations and white sweet peas, while enchanting tuvors and many colored balloons were arranged with delightful effect round the pink and white birthday cake, which was adorned with seven '.ewpies Airs. Williams received her guests wearing a smartly tailored jumper suit of white jersey silk with touches of blue, and a delphinium blue straw lint.. Her tinv daughter looked very ,weet in a pretty little frock of powder blue crepe de chine shirred' at the neck and waist. Among the guests wore: Mesdnmes Carlton AVilliams, G. \V. Kells, Lawson Field, N. IT. Bull, .Misses Jackson (Auckland). AI. Armstrong and J. Faulkner; Juliet and Virginia AVilliams. Moyra and Judy Kells. Susanne Field. Fraye Ormerod, Sehvyn and Dick Murphy "ind David Bull

BRIDGE. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs Vincent Barker entertained a number of friends in a very charming manner at “Elversstone ” hour tables oY budge were arranged in tho drawingroom, and here Ihe greater number of guests assembled while others spent a very happy time playing tennis. Great howls of pastel shaded roses were used with artistic effect in the drawingroom, and lounge, and in the morningroom where tea was served a crystal bowl of gorgeous roses added Iragrance to the table. Mrs. Barker, who in her part of fiostess was charmingly assisted by her daughter, was wearing an elegant frock of blue and white patterned crepe de chine designed with a tunic bodie with white sleeves and a pleated skirt. Aliss At. Barker was extremely smart in white crepe do chine and a hat to match.

Aliss J. Barker wore an attractive white crepe de chine jumper suit arid a white hat. Aliss C. Barker also chose white her smartly tailored jumper suit being fashioned with a pleated skirt. Some of the guests included : Mesrlanies G. AV. AAillock. R. Barker, w. Williams. W. G. AlacLaurin, S. F. Clare, S. Nathan. ,1. Blair, L. Singer, R. AI. Gunn. AV. A. Bowie, H.’ G. Rice, C, H. Cato, L. 1 . Burnard. E. E. Brown. Alisses E. r.ud L. Barker. AI. arid E. Hegnrty, AI. Barker, N. AlacLaurin, P. Barker and A. Barker.



Rosas, roses everywhere, bordering several walks, mounting rustic, arches, and offsetting the. vivid green of tall trees and closely clipped lawns, charmed the eyes of about forty' ladies who attended one of the most sociable and enjoyable garden parties held for some time within the environs of Gisborne. The scone of the function was at the residence of Mrs Robt. Hepburn, of Alanutuke. and tlie lady has every reason to he justly proud of her wonderful exquisite roses wtWch appear to embrace every color and hue and size and shape. The hostess and her daughters, Mesdames Carnegie and Graham, cordially welcomed the guests ns they arrived by motor from town and tosurrounding flistricts. Airs Hepburn was attractively garbed in a gown of crepe de chine patterned with cerise spots on a. pale green foundation and modisilly fashioned. whilst her hat was of beige straw trimmed with cense velvet ribtin. 3 , , Airs Carnegie wore a most be-’pin-ing frock of figured crepe de chine, pattened in ruby, navy and beige, and a saliara crinoline straw hat. Mrs Graham chose a pretty frock of petunia pink crepe da chine daintily embroidered, and a-shady c:incline hat in a deeper shade. The guests included the members of the Gardening Circle of the Gisborne AVomen’s Club and a number of personal friends of the hostess, and they suent a happy hour strolling beneath the shade of the trees, viewing the begonias in the glasshouse, the ferns in a fascinating rusticated fernery (the lattijed side;? oj which are interwoven to the roof with the finest of asparagus fun), admiring the sweet pea ' ••closure, and the various rare .and ne.'uititui flowers cultivated to a nigh standard, blossoming in every jh-'UC, and extending well into the orchard The ladies grouped beneath the shade of a large spreading tioe t here a delicious afternoon repast was daintily served from a flower decked table.

Tn a brief speech, Airs. Tiffen voiced the pleasure derived by all present from the delightful afternoon spent in the lovely' garden and thanked the hostess for the opportunity afforded. Afrs T. A. Crawford also returned thanks. Airs Hepburn replied that sho was pleased to see so many present and she was glad everyone had enjoyed the outing. For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow” * was heartily rendered, Among those present were: Mrs H. R. Shanks, fawn Jersey silk frock, small summer felt hat to match. Airs T A. Crawford, black sounle satin coat, black crepe do chine frock, and hat en suite. Airs. Olias.' Rosie, camel-hair silk frock beautifully bordered and patterned with navy, camel-hair crinoline hat.

Mrs E. T. Dodd roll (senr.), dove grev crepe de chine and georgette frock trimmed trith grey fur, modish jcarf, and old-rose hat.

Afrs AV. J. Green, 1 lark corded silk coat, black and white crepe do chine frock, black and rose-dust hat. Airs Tiffen. oyster grey shantung frock embroidered in red and navy, navv hat. Airs Pierey, georgette, fashioned with shoulder cape lined with floral georgette, ivory laep-straw liar. Mrs T. 'B. Pearson, floral ninon frock in pastel shades, crush-rose •silk marocain coat, sandal-wood hat. Airs G. S. Vincent, crush-row crepe de r-hine frock, chic sarin hut to match trimmed with flowers.

Airs Sidebottom, floral georgette with black ground, black tulle hat relieved with pink flowers. Airs F. A. Shanks, light navy crepe de chine frock, crinoline hat u> match trimmed with flowers. Afrs AVoodward, black chenille coat, black crinoline hat. Alr.s AV. F ! . Odorwall. musk-russet knife-kilted repp frock, copper-beach hat

Afrs 1,. AVilliams, midnight-blue crepe de chine frock with facing .of fawn, semi-picture oyster crinoline hat.

A[r= J. Pine. Mark satin and copper georgette frock, hat to tone. Airs Phil. Barry, cornflower blue crepe de chine frock, shady white crinoline hat. Airs H. E. Hill black corded sill: -•coat, navy and pink erepe t de chine frock, black and pink hat. Airs T. A. Hogg, black corded hroclie .silk coat, black crepe de chine and lace, frock, black and gold hat.

Airs E. A. Collett, orchid silk lace frock and shady hat to match.

Airs blliver, ‘ pale green art silk frock patterned in royal blue, rust and salmon pink : maize straw hat.

Mrs C. H. Hill, pink-beige crepe do chine frock touched with jade and coral embroidery, ivory crinoline picture hat Alr.s AV. Af. Jenkins, navy and cherry figured ninon frock, navy hat. All's Buckley, black georgette and lace frock, cinnamon crinoline hat trimmed with velvet.

Mrs R, AL Smith, black crepe de chine frock with white vestelle, black hat trimmed with pastel velvet flowers

Afrs AV. J. Air-Gibbon, pretty crepe de chine frock in Ascot tans, flowei trimmed hat to tone. Mrs Bueklnnd, black silk-marocain coat, black crepe de chine frock figured with bine, black hat. Afrs AV. A. Jennings, saxe blue chenille frock with wood-rose lacings, navy tulle and silk hat. Airs F. R. Hill, Mack brocade coat, black crepe do chine frock patterned in henna and green, Mack crinoline hat. Airs AfeKcague, black silk and lace coat, black crepe, do chine frock offset with embroidered plastrons, foxglove and green hat. Miss Rosie, navy blue marocain frock; navy hat trimmed with os-

preys. Matron Clark, blade, oyster and cherry figured georgette frock, hat to tone.

Aliss Irene Clark, jade green silk marocain coat, georgette frock banded in pastel shades, jade crochet hat

Miss Alice Grassland, sedgo green crepe tie chine frock, wliita fur wrap, black hat trimmed with ospreys. Aliss Tiffen, pale blue French voile frock, hand-embroidered in pink, blue and browiy; foxglove and Inigo hat.

Sister Knight, pale blue .figured voile frock faced with saxe; beige hat.

VALEDICTORY GARDEN PARTY. TO MRS. TL, A. BARKSDALE. Tho delightful weather prevailing during tho past few days has been most opportune for several outdoor functions which have taken place in lovely gardens on the outskirts of Gisborne. One of tho most enjoyable was. held on Wednesday, in the grounds surrounding the residence of Air and Airs 0. G. Bloom, when a number of friepds combined, and under the supervision of Mesdames C. G. Bloore, Alex. Carson and L. Cooke, tendered a valedictory party to Airs R. A. Barnsdale.

The grounds, which are essentially suitable for a gathering of the kind, were a picture, with garden plots ablaze with flowers of every hue. surrounded by smooth green lawns, and hacked by beautiful New Zealand bush, treps. Tea tallies and cosy chairsvdoHed here and there added to the'pietumsque setting, and the function was attended In- thirty-five friends of the guest of honor. The guests were welcomed ly Airs Bloore, assisted by Alesdames C'nrson and Cooke.

Airs Bloore was gracefully gowned in musk-russet crepe de chine with vestette of French-nudc silk, fashioned with a broad girdle clipped in front with a mother-of-pearl buckle: and hat' tn tone.

Alr.s Carson was becomingly attired ill figured crepe fie. chine with cherry-red predominating, and trimmed with cherry velvet, whilst a wide-brimmed cherry hat completed the ensemble. Mrs Cooke was smartly gowned in midnight blue georgette trimmed with fringe-, over a foundation of pale, coral, with hat en suite .

The guest of honor wore a. charm,ing robe of Sahara crepe de chine, a navy corded silk coat trimmed with honey-colored fur. offset, .by a ruby *posy; and navy silk hat trimmed with Sahara and ruhv.

Indoors the lounge and two sunporehes were artistically enhanced with bronze lilies and Iceland poppies supported in brasS jardinieres and placed to advantage on palm stands, whilst palms were also utilised with excellent effect. Tn the drawingroom, Iceland poppies in pretty shades toning from buttercup to tangerine, were arranged in silver . and crystal vases, and added charming notes of color, Delicious afternoon-tea. was daintily dispensed outdoors amidst a pleasant round of conversation, and during the afternoon''Alesdames J. Adair, L. Barriball and J. AY. Holmes rendered vocal selections with skill and charm,.whilst Airs Pvatt ably accompanied the singers. Toward the close, ATrs Barnsdale returned thanks ' for the delightful party tendered and voiced regret at leaving Gisborne after so brief a ror sidence here. The function terminated with a hearty rendering of “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.”

Those attending included : —• Airs Butters, smartly attired in a model gown of navy georgette, with wide-brimmed straw hat to match, and zinc-toned shoes and hose. Alr.s Chas. Rosie, a charming frock of navy and pink-beige crepe de chine, and hat of pink beige crinoline. straw.

Afrs J, Adair, a smart navy French model frock, and hat to tone.

Arr» H. Kendon, midnight blue crepe de chine frock attractively designed, and hat en suite. Airs F. Lawton, a pretty indigo "own relieved with beige, and straw hat to match. » Mrs Ormiston, black coat trimmed with grey marabout, black hat. Airs R. Robertson, black crepe de chine robe, and black tulle hat. Dr. Isabel AA'ise. ivory and red figured crepe de cliino frock, and ivory hat.

Airs, A. Collins, navy and gold French model gown, and smart- navy hat with dropping brim. Airs Geoff. Jeune, pretty pasteltoned floral silk frock, sem-picture hat to tone.

Airs Heath Johnston, green spotted ninon, and chic hat to tone. Mrs J. A. Alackav, midnight blue tailored coat, and smart hat cn suite.

Airs H. Jones, sandal-wood crepe do chine gown, and straw hat to tone,

Mrs G. H. Seddon, ’brown and green silk jumper suit, and hat of brown straw.

.Mr- A. i:. Ryati. ilmal art H'li; frock. Hlael: fui’-t)-mni”.l coat. ami blue hat.

Air.- ('. V. Havre. )<1 nr- 'ill: am! lace tre/k. worn with modish scat.

and hat to match. Mi-' .T, \A\ Hr.hne = . cyclamen crepe tie chine frock, and small tape! straw lint.

Airs J. C'tomho. black frock, worn under a biscuit- coat; !ia; to match.

Airs T. A. Coleman, navy crepe do chine frock and navy hat. All s 1.. Jla rriball. blue silk jumper suit, sandal-wood hat offset with a pink rose. Airs Parker. pretty white frock, and black hat. Airs Bray, black frock trimmed with beige guipure lace. Mafic silk hat.

Airs H. A. Jensen, jade art Hlk frock, and clro hat to tone. Dr. Xina Howard, smartly trimmed white silk coat with military collar. hat en suite. Aliss Marjorie Bloore. jade spun silk frock cut in jumper style.. white summer felt hat. Sister Higginson. champagne reversible satin robe, sent: picture ha* to match.

Aliss Alaekcnzie, navy and caramel floral crone- do chine frock, wide brimmed ltavv hat.

Aliss Lylie Coleman. French nude georgette froek. hat io match. Alis? Harris, crush-rose chenille lumper suit, crush-rose straw hat.

FORTHCOAfTNG CONCERT AT TOLAGA BAA'. A coueeft party that promises a ".alaxy of mirth and music will visit Tolaga Bay on Thursday, dfltli Nov., when some of the winners who helped to make the recent Gisborne Competition Festival so great a .success will demonstrate their talent at Reynolds’ Hall. Tlie programme will be of a nature to please the most fastidious audience for “The Demonstators’’ are prize-winning artistes of n high standard of excellence. Air. Lighten, a talented professional violinist, will perform, whilst others contributing will lie -ses Lillian Brown and Isohel Sharpies (clover dancers), Misses Clare and Lotto • well known singers >. and Misses ]j. and Peggy Lange, and Alaster David Lee (elocutionists, etc.), and .Muriel Mortimer. Air R. Houlalian. a capital banjo player who has charmed many audiences, will, among others equally engaging, contribute well selected items. The Gaiety The-

atre at AVairoa was packed to capacity when the above concert party visited that (.own recently, and ins',stent demands for encores spoke •< ohiinos lor the pleasure derived bv

■nitrons. Twentv-tive artists will ncrI nil. and variety will be the keynote (A the entertainment to ho given, tlioreforo a capacity house is confidentlv anticipated.

WLXTKIi NIGHTFALL. I lie abed too ill to stir, let 1 watch the daylight pass i lie green line deepens on the dewy grass ; More sombre grows a tall and stately hr.

A cabbage tree—all quiver gone— Stands like a sentinel beside the hedge; the sun slips o’er the mountain's edge; Above them, clouds, like scarlet, velvet, tom.

Gold specks of light, pierce through the tree. The vivid gleams break sonihreness ."hen dies, the distant ranges wear thou* palest dress, And (lay is fading from the world, and me.

Somewhere, an I nsoon Designer's lingers keep The soft, black beauty that we call the night. And gently veils the landscape out of sight ; Tit n star- light up night's windows, and day s asleep.

The time of winter will come, too, ter von. H>r me. for mine—the Inst ebb tide; Lite wor-d behind; anti dark seas wide ; Star-Must, unseen ; but not alone', if true.

AIKS. DOLGLAS BLAIR, ■‘Tulliallan,” Kaiti.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10752, 24 November 1928, Page 3

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WOMAN’S WORLD WORLD Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10752, 24 November 1928, Page 3

WOMAN’S WORLD WORLD Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10752, 24 November 1928, Page 3