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(From tho “Weekly Press/’ 1903.) Pride of Place in the procession on Coronation." Day was given, and rightly sc, to the pioneer settlers, to those u'' : have bonier tne heat and harden or the day of Gisbovr-.c’s infancy ; who stood,* as it were, at the cradle of this town, aided in its birth and development, and have followed with personal interest and pride ovary stage of its varying fortune. Jfc is correct to begin at the beginning, and those who wore at tho beginning. of Gisborne's progress, who deserved the fullest recognition on the day when we assembled to celebrate so important a phase of development as the opening of our railway. It is for that reason that wo Lave thought it appropriate to put on record on this occasion the story of the fundation and the growth oi Gisborne, as told by one of the earliest settlers, and we are greatly indebted to Captain C. W. Ferris for having submitted himself to he interviewed arid suffered the storehouse of lids memory to he ransacked for incidents of the early days that we are pure will ho interesting to many of our readers.


Captain Ferris came to Gisborne thirty-seven years ago, arriving in •July, 1805, in H.M.S. Brisk, as a member of the Hawke’s Pay Defence Force. That force, it should be explained, was formed some two years previously in consequence of threatened Maori troubles, most of the

members enlisting at Dunedin. Volb'ner’s murder at Opotiki was the first act of insurrection which set the East Coast, ablaze, and the spread of the revolutionary Hauhau movement to iVaiapu had necessitated a - force, comprising the Hawke’s Bay volunteers, mentioned, being sent to Waiapu, where hard fighting took place. The movement developing in Poverty Bay district, at the urgent request of the few settlers there, troops were hastened to Gisborne, or, rather, to the site of Gisborne that was to he. The officers were Major Fraser, attached to the Military Settiers, senior officer, in command; Captain Bn S-erre and Lieutenant St. George, of the Defence Force; Lieut. Biggs, Lieutenant Wilson (military settlers), Captain Westrup, and Lieut. Boss (Forest Bangers). There was nothing notable in the passage of the Brisk from Napier to Gisborne. Ghc came up at night and anchored ill the bnv in the morning, ns the steamers do now. But it is interesting to hear from Captain Ferris Ins first impressions of tho place. . NOT VF..BY 'INVITING 1 .

; ‘lt had not a very inviting ap-px-ara-ncc. There was no town ncstliarf in a forest .of trees, as is now to ‘bo seen. All that one saw was a long stretch of scrub-covered flat, with clumps of bush inland at Pipiwhakn and Makauri. Where Gisborne now stands was covered with high manuka and thorny scrub. There was slight hush c«i Kaiti Hill, and the hills of Whntaupoko and those K'Urrounding the hay were all thickly clad with hush. The low hills of Kaiti; where Hr. }X. Cooper’s property now is. liekl hush in patches. Haiti flat was a regular swamp, containing flare and manuka. It was unite impassable; in lact,-for many . years after the time I am speaking of travellers to the Wainui had to skirt the base of the hit! by a narrow track, the flat baiim one huge bog and quite impassably.” Tlio force, c.oinpri>iii£ about ICO men, landed in the warship’s boats at what is known as tlu> Beat Harbor, on the Knit! beach. Let those people who are inclined to rail at the improvements of the Gisborne Harbor Board note the conditions that prevailed in ISOS, At the mouth of the heavy break, and at low-water you could" ride from one side of the river to the other. The natives used it as r. regular crossing-place.


Fronting the piece where the troops landed in the warsh’p’s boats v as what is Archdeacon (now B shop) Williams’ ri gc-rhic-shapsd dwelling, situated in a pretty nook just, above tlie Boat Harbor. The next ieature of interest as (he force-marched to their camping place was Captain Read’s house and receiving store at the site of the present Kaiti wharf. Attached to the building was a jetty, where the trading vessels of those davs, the “Triwera" (Captain Kennedy), the “Donald McLean,” and ethers used to berth. The building was a low-set place, rough and strongly built, with no pretensions to architectural heautv. Like its owner, it was there strictly for business, end a great business was done in —-r— I—— -Mil •maM* BW" **

those premises in the early days. The r.ext- thing to strike the new-comer’s attention was th.* line Maori pah on the rise overlooking the river, where iVtwiri’s dresent meeting-house now stands.- 'There was also the large Maori church, rcceptly pulled down, v. lnch.' during the tiouf.lesoine t.mes, •a as converted'll. . ’ a hospital. The Hoops walked hr a narrow trac-v through fern and .stunted scrub to the site of tlmir redoubt, where -Messrs. Pettie’s - l Harding’s res'dences noil- stand. -- Loowng-frora there across the river, the only building

visible was the old store at the Point, at the junction of the Taruheru and Wnimata rivers, recently removed. It was a much larger building then, and was another emporium of Captain Read's extensive trade. Surrounding this was a belt of aceacia trees, and somewhere in the vicinity lived an old man named Steve Wharton, employed by Captain Read. There was a large native pah on the Gisborne side of the river located between the flagstaff and Turanganui Hotel. The troops were greeted as they arrived by the natives shouting, “iiaeremai! Haormini!” and dancing in their usual eastern, and Captain Ferris was struck by their fine physique. and thought “what a fine lot of fellows'we have to meet.” On the Kaiti side the natives had a _ few small clearings, where they cultivated kumerns and other fruit products. There were about Turanganui, as at the Big River (Turanga), however, no extensive cultivations.


On tile other side of the Bay there had been for many years extensive wheat fields, and vessels used to corno to Gisborne laded with inward cargo, after the discharge of which they would cross the Bay and load up there with cargoes of grain. Captain Harris, father of the late Mr. E. F. Harris, was one of tho first traders. The picture of Gisborne as it then was—though it did not then bear that name, being called simply by tho native designation, Turanganui—would not be complete without a snapshot of Captain Bead, its leaning personality. Ho was a stout old fellow, almost as broad as lie was long, and had a very bluff, commanding manner. He was undoubtedly master of the place, and exercised very great control over the natives, who appeared to he afraid of him. Ho had had large transactions with them, and had bought up or leased much of their land. He took a fatherly interest in. the troops, which had come at his request, and furnished them with supplies. The country settlers of those days were few in number. At Makaraka, wore the U’Ren family, the Dunlop family, and Mr Espio; Mr. Wyllic lived at Tukoko, beyond Busbmere; Captain Harris at To Arai, and Messrs. Tarr and Goldsmith in the vicinity of JSushiiiore. These people wore mostly traders with the natives, ami their businesses were generally - run in connection with that of Captain Bead.

STARTLING- WAR DANCE. 'One of the oldest pioneers, Air. William Smith, came here as early as 1881 to look round the district, and again in 1863, and was so satisfied with its future that in 1864 he came to settle permanently. At that time Mr. Parker, father of the manager of the Bank of New South Wales, had tho Whataupoko run, and Air. Smith was given in charge of tho place, and had sheep running on it on terms. Mr. Curtis also had sheep running on Torero. Some others of the oldest settlers wore Messrs. .John Harvey (id Captain Bead’s employ), Mackav (father of Ra Maekay). Halbert (father of Wi PereJ Air. Ts Halbert, and Airs. Wyliie, whose children are so well-known in this place), J. Maynard, who arrived in February. 1860. Jack Tyc, W. >S. Green, and Jim Smith.

The troops were employed until November getting their redoubt m * .

order, Affairs in the district grew from bad to worse. The loyal natives had come flocking down from the Coast, Henare Potae and his people, and Ropata and his people. Upon tlieir arrival, Captain Ferris states, ho saw the. finest war dance lie has ever seen ; 700 dusky warriors stripped to the buff almost made the ground shake with their dancing. Tlieir leader, Henare Potae, showed the finest physique of any man lie had seen.

It may be interesting now to describe the appearance of the country inland. It was entirely Without roads. Looking from the redoubt inland one could see only stunted growth. At Rcscland there was a clump of trees where the U Rons lived; beyond that were the fine forests, which existed at Alakauri, pipiwhnka and Murewai. These contained magnificent timber, and if thcy_ were in existence to-day would provide occupation for your railway for years to come. Its route has been laid through the site of the old Alakauri forest. The Pipi.whaka hush was o: such largo extent and density that even the natives were known to have lest tlieir way in it. The track from Gisborne led along tile Taruheru r.vcr bank to Makaraka, and thence it wound circuitously in and out through bush,, cab'a-r tree and hax to the Clearing of Hijfca (Waerenga-a-hika). The read to. Murnvai lay along the beach;- and at the Big River travellers were ferried across in Maori canccs.

fruitless negotiations

As matters more unsett’od. Air. Donald AlcLenn. Superintendent of Hawke’s Bnv and Government agent, came up from Napier and h nl d long parleys'vrith the natives. T';c recalcitrant t übes were boated in tlieir fortified prill at Wacrenga-a-hika. and the negotiations were conducted through the friendly natives, but -though they F of! rVo- n rr>Mniglit they were wßh-nt result. . 'Jpc Te Pei Marrero 1 ’ Teliervu's. Japniiqism had, obtained such, a hold cf the people that thev' would .not' disperse. Captain Read was a prominent feature in the negotiations, and - used much bluster and boune, but his

niiina had departed so far as the Hauhaus were oncerned. At last Air. McLean’s patience was exhausted. His ultimata iiad been ignored, and he accepted Captain Read’s advice to “Go straight at ’em.” All advance on Waerenga-a-hika was ordered. About November 12th, 1865, the troops crossed the Turanganui River below where the bridge now stands. Tt was a semewhat difficult crossing, the horsrs having to he swum, hut there were plenty of canoes for transport of men and baggage. The soldiers, after Fioir long period of cooping up in the redoubt, were glad to be on the all were anxious for the fray. The force, including friendly natives, was some _ 7(H) strong, and it straggled a considerable distaree over the narrow bush track, wh.g'6 harcllv admitted of two' abreast. AT the settlers had meanlime cme into G’shonie. and when tho force cr< t to Go'dsmiths. at Tonnga. it was found to be deserted, and the sold'ers- commandeered all the i on’ll rv n”d other edibles they could lav t' e'" hands ( 11. When within about 70-1 VM-/I1 o'- W'>creng"-a-!iikn the Forest Rangers (int.-mt 'A were sent o" vi advance in sVirmish’ng order. The trciris cud 1 see I lie natives ni (be roof of the rcs : dbnee of CYslv--. Wil’i-n's father of the present Bislion) s f rionii»2 it of its lead for the niamifa' tore of bulb'ts. Thev had a s’edco wi l b wb’e-h they were carting the sivdl from the hcu-c to the pah, distant about “CO . yards ewav. T’ie-e was a large ore-hard about the mission estate end ajv-tbor at what was .subsequently called Cahill’s. where the graveyard -now stands.


The Forest Rangers opened fire on the natives, and struck cne of the oxen drawing the sledge. Some TOO cr 500 natives, when the troops were half a mile away, assembled cuts/de the pa with tlieir flags Ruki and Ruru, consisting of large sheets of white cnli o, bearing red crosses, red stars and lh-ons. and commenced to dance their Hauliau war dance and shouted defiance, and presently fired guns at the approaching troops. Tb~ armament consisted of a few old flint-

lock muskets obtained from the whalers at the p ice of a musket fer a'ton of wheat, and double and single barrelled guns. The ammunition was primitive. Being shorty of lead, they iind placed pebbles in the moulds in which bullets were cast, and these caused the missiles to make a most peculiar whizzing noise like the sound cf a rocket as they came rushing through tlie n ; r. The troops got full warning of the approach of every missile, and as the native fire was very wild, it caused more merriment than concern. The force got up to tlie Bishop's house, and deployed round into the .shelter of some native trees at the hack. Positions were taken up opposite the pah, and trenches Grown up. The enemy’s citadel was of quite ''crinif.lab'e appearance, being surrounded bv -double palisading 10 to 12 feet high, with an earthen parapet inside, and homh-proct shelters. The Hauhaus had apparently long been anticipating the coming o* the troop;, and were thoroughly prepared. Tho enemy opened a brisk fire hut, as already stated, they failed to ;:bi'ot with iiiiv rrec's'on. The British ovs hotly returned the fire, and during the four days that thev con-tin-'ous’v re-upied the trenches a brisk f nsi!ad-v-was maintained. It was thought that i f n gnu could be got no a breach might be made ’•» the lxnl’snding, but though one was rhtnin-'d—a-'d its transport over that nine "riles of U'sh track involved no! effort—it was not. a success. Cantain Porter (now Colonel), who had h-cn in the Artillery in Victoria. was in ’ charge of it. hut it proved an luis'ritnhlo weapon, and at tlm fi"st. shot tnrtied°cver and put itself out of notion. ,

AN UNHAPPY MISTAKE. A flank Ivor movement, was tried. A pnrtv of Forest Rangers and Mi ,: - tarv Settlers under Lieut. Ross were sent t"wards the western corner ot the pnh, with inftrneti'ihs to sap up and tr- to get in. The-force,num-bered 27 men and amongst them vre-o Messrs. W. Smith. Kermthorne. and U’Ren. TTn^ortunat" 1 '- for Hour enterprise. H.T’hui reinforcements arriving --from Pn+utalii-. and- being mistaken for friendlies owing to

wearing the white sash which the loyal natives wore, got into their rear and attacked them. Seven men, including Sergeant Donovan and Private Swords, were killed and six wounded. Lieut. Ross was shot through the mouth and ear. A body of troops was sent- round to assist them. Except lor this the British casualties were slight. There were several slight injuries from spent bullets, Captain Ferris himself being Hit. A bullet wont through the officers’ quarters in the Bishop's house and shot Dr. Ormond fa brother of the Hon. J. D. Ormond) in the leg. On Sunday. November the 17th, at about church time, a party of between 250 and 300 Alaoris carrying their white flags emerged from the pah in a dense mob. At first it was thought that, tired of the siege, they had come out to surrender, and

“c-ease fire” was sounded. They came forward in a body, ten abreast and from ten to twenty deep, first at a walk, and then at a run, Ropata, knowing Afaori methods better than the Europeans, was the first to divine the move, and' before the enemy had traversed a quarter of the distance from the pah to the British lines, opened fire on them. The pnkeha troops followed suit, and Trie rush which had by this time commenced was repulsed, some 80 of the unfortunate fellows being killed. It was afterwards explained that the Hauhau gods had told them that the time was propitious for a charge, and in their fanaticism they believed that the British bullets would not harm them. On the following day there was a truce for the burial of the dead. The fighting continued, and two days afterwards the pah capitulated. The natives saw the hopelessness of their position, for tho British had sapped round and cut off their communication with the river, whence they got water. Upon surrendering. thev came out and laid down their arms. .They were given in charge of the friendly natives, and the whole force withdrew from AVae-renga-a-hika to Turanganui. The Arnoris occupied the river flat on the Kaiti side, which was larger than it is now, this being covered with tents. After a few weeks the prisoners were deported. Amongst them was Te Tvooti. arrested 011 a charge of spving and treachery, hut whose guilt, Captain Ferris says, was never proved, Captain Ferris has heard lately from some of. the old settlers that To Koo-t-i’s arrest was made at the instigation of one or two settlers at the Big River, who had a grievance against To Kooti. he being a notorious horse thief and generally a wild reckless fellow. The r-risonor was Lent in the guardrorm. He accepted his incarceration quietly and made no fuss at his arrest, nor was it susnected that he would be tho loader of the daring expedition which subsequently took place. Captain Funds’ fo"-o remained at Gisborne until June. 1866, vdien they proceeded to Napier for discharge, their time being up in July.


The success of the s vge of Wae-renga-a-hika, followed ss it was by the deportation of the disaffected natives, was believed to have brought about the -end cf Maori troubles in this part of the colony, and the district, which had for some time been under a cloud in consequence of the disturbances, was now, through these disturbances, brought into prominence, and commenced to attract the attention of settlors from other parts, stcries of its fertility having gone abroad. Immediately the fighting was over, a gradual influx of settlers commenced. I,and was easy of obtninment. The Government, to recoup themselves for the- expenses they had been put to, confiscated the land of the natives who had been in rebellion. The whole of Patutnhi and large portions of ALitnwhero and Alakauri were seized by the Crown, and were awarded, seme of-them under a system of joint, tenancy, to the natives who had been friendly. This was a wise discretion on the part of the Government, for by .making, them joint tenants the native rights in tho property expired as the owners died, merging in the survivors, whereas, had the tendnney been in common, the land would not have so readily and speedily passed out of native title. The natives subsoqnoiitVy endeavored to bring in tribal interests in the settlement of Alakauri. and Judge Rogan spent some months, almost years, in overcoming the determined opposition of the natives. When finally, through Captain Read foregoing a portion of his claims, n settlement was come to. Judge Rogan gave expression to his relief by exclaiming in Afaori: “The big whale is cut up at last.” The original native titles were thus extinguished. Captain Read, of course, seized tho opportunity to acquire land, and obtained possession of a large portion cf tho Matnwhero blocks and part of the Alakauri. That portion of Bushmere where Mr._Ewen Cameron lives he named Alencilesham Estate, and disposed of it. Adjoining Bushmere was a block of 400 acres, of Pouparae. which was reserved as n school endowment. The confiscated area included a largo portion of the mest valuable land in the district—land for which recently as high as-£3O a a aero has been paid. Captain Rend, to give him his due, contrived to get good settlors into the district, and lie showed a readiness to assist any who he considered would make successful colonists SPYING OUT THE LAND. Amongst the earliest settlers to take up land in the district was Lieut. Wilson, who afterwards sold to Messrs. Johnson Bros, and Westrup, who in 1866, or early in 1567. took up the Mnraetalia and Arai runs, a large stretch of valuable lands. The partnershin .was continued for some years, and then Captain Westrup retired. Subsequently the late Air. Wcodbine-Johnson took the Maraetaha property, part of which in October, 1900, realised an average of £‘2o an acre, and Mr Randall Johnson retained the Arai estate. Air. Parker, father of Air. Frederick Parker, at present manager of the Bank of Now South Wales, in 1564 took up the Whataupoko estate, extending from Gisborne to beyond Gray’s Hill. AH. R. R. Curtis obtained the estate afterwards, and it then wont into the hands of Messrs. Barker and Macdonald. They afterwards sold that portion known as Waiohikn to Air. Charles Grnv. Messrs. .1. B. Povrter and Charles Evans took up the Ngaknron propertv, part of which is now in the hands of Air. A. B. Newman. Air. Pnvnter subsequently acquired tile Bushmere property, which he afterwards sold when leaving the district. Mr. Evans for many years held the management of Air. Randall Johnson’s Me Arai estate. Messrs Dcdd and Peppard (afterwards killed in the massacre) selected the Repongaere property, where Air. W. K. Chambers now. lives, and a portion o c it. the Lavenham estate, was purchased by Air. G. R. Johnson. This latter was recently, subdivided and sold at ait average of about £23 an acre. _ j Captain Read commenced at this : time to' run sheep on T !, e Willows and Ala taw’hero properties, about ■ 1000 acres of which ho lmld. This. 1 the Matawhoro No. 1 Blo n k. li“ sold , to Air. Do Moidrey. a Frenchman, i who was killed one Christmas morn- | ing whilst jumping his horse over a j fence. Subsequently the land “came j into the hands of Air. A. C. Arthur,} at one time member for the district, j now of London. - . > .Mr. Oeor’i'a S'-ctt-, another old set-i tier.. selected Ms land near Knitera- j tahi. wlioro he -founded the w<dl- j known Willows.* estate: and Mr. 1 Kempthqrnc became a neighbor of his jand took up a portion of the Puke- ! nap a Block, whi-ch -he-has successful- j Jy farmed ever since.

Captain Road built a large house near where the old church at Matawhero now stands, and this was occupied by the Bloomfield family. Major Riggs, tiic Resident Magistrate. also took up his residence in this locality, building a house a little to the (‘ast of the Rural Oak Hotel. where the clump of silver pop] va now stands. Captain Wilson also erected a house at Matawhero. which so'en bec-iyue a little township, be'ere Gisborne had taken shape. Messrs. Cadle and Blair opened a store, and Messrs. Padbv.rv and AYa'sh a butchery. Mr. A. F. Ilardv kept a store at To Ann. Mr. J. A I--Ct! 1 - lough, who married Miss Tnrr, live i near where the salcyards now stand.


It was not long, however, before Gisborne commenced to be established. Although the bulk - of the site of the town was. in Government hnnu.s and unopened, a small area, known as Gisborne 373. was in the possession of Captain Read, who bad seme sort of a right over it. It extended from the Turangnnui Bridge to the Bank of New Zealand, where grew a belt of acacias, amongst which the old skipper had his dairy located. As is often the case in new countries, a hotel is the forerunner of settlement., and so in this case Gisborn” t- t " i- '

with a public-house, Captain l!o-’d erecting a two-storev building on the site of the present Albion HWcd. A post-ofliee followed, consisting of a sledge house, situated >n ’’.-bat would now be the middle of Gladstone Road, opposite tlm betel. Mr. Steadv was the first postmaster. Mr Blair commonc o d a hit 1 ” store in the direction .of the wharf. Business was still conducted in :> Dee and easy man ■’ vr. There being no bank, it was difficult to get change. The principal currency consisted of che-

ques issued by Captain Read on the Rank of New Zealand, Napier. These were drawn in most eases for £l. and hundreds of them were afloat, being passed from band to hand as £1 notes would be to-day. Captain Ferris recollects on one occasion, when clerk and native interpreter for Captain Read, that the old gentleman, not being on tile best of terms with some of the natives, an old Maori came into the store at the junction of the two rivers and said derisively, “] have burned some of your cheques.” The old mail seized a liunting-erop which be invariably carried, and, alfecting an air of vehemence. at bis pretended loss said to the native, ‘‘You scoundrel ; if you do that again T will kill von.” As a matter of fact., the natives during the troubles burnt a great deni of Captain Read's paper, believing thov were doing him an injury, and not realising-that the less was their own. As a sign of the nvcgv’ss the district was making, Mr. V\ inter (now Major Winter) came into the district in 1806 with ether surveyors, and went as far as Waiapu, where lie surveyed most of the lands which are now carrying great numbers ot sheep. Survey work in those days, and in such a hroken-ccuntrv. must have been no light task, and it is a fact known to Ma jor A\ inter’s friends that lie was away in the bush living on pumpkins and potatoes for as long as si'- months, whilst the Government owed liiuT a round sum amounting to nearly four figures.

Another of our prom nent settlors who had made the district his home? prior to this was Car-tain Tucker, who came here about ISC6 and t 'ok the management- of Mr. George Sisson Cooper’s property, and afteirvarc’s manag’d for Capt. fiend when he took it over. Contain Tucker h->d charge of the militia raised in Gishorne at the time of the massne'/e. fie subsequently acquired hirer interests at Mnkauri. and the railway runs for .some distance through Ids property. Besides G'a se'i.h'r’apt licit was frning on in Poverty Bay. it extended along the Coast in the shape o? traders, " who took up positions in the various bays and opened up business with the natives.


So settlement commenced, and everything was prospering in the now district until the news of Te Kooti's escape and return from the Chnihams came like a thunderbolt. No force had been retained here, all the troops having been drawn to the West Coast during the Titokowaru trouble, and the small settlement was prac-ticallv defenceless. But there were a few stout arms and brave hearts ready at a moment’s notice to go into action. Tt was in Julv, 186?, that Te Kooti and his force landed from the “Rifleman” at Wharecngaonga. Major Biggs, the Magistrate, sent a message bv some friendlies, ordering them to stop, and from one of those who came' hack Captain Fe-ris learned. that it. was the intention of Te Kcot: to have gone straight t■> the King Country, taking the whole o ! his men with him. and thus to clear out of the district and leave it unmolested. "\Vi Pere and Iliakn Maktnvhai endeavored to get Te Foot! not to come to Gisborne, hut there were some other natives living here, not so loyal, who wanted him to come straight to Gi’-borne at once and to fight. He replied that it was his intention to <ra to the Waikato, and the general impression of the natives, gleaned by Captain Ferris from the prisoners subsequently under his charge at Wellington, was that if no attempt had h°en made to stop Te Kooti lie would have gone away.

Major Biggs and the authorities here did all thev could to get the escapees to lay down their arms and surrender, and on their failing to do this a mixed force of settlers of the district, includin' l ; some of the old soldiers who had made their homes here, was organised. Captain Westrup and -Lieutenant Wilson were in c-harge. The. force proceeded as far as Marnetalia, where it was found that nothing con'd by don" in th->t. direction, as Te Kooti had already left. A start, was then made Up the Te Ami Valiev with the obiect of in-tercepting-him. The partv got toPaparatu (now known ns Pnpntii). a part of Mr. John Clark’s run, and came to a pi-we which was jxiinfea out bv the friendly natives as the most likely spot for striking- Tc. Koo’ti’s trail.


The little force consisted of some sixty Europeans and one or two m.tives, none too well armed. They had only three clays’ rations with them when they started. It was a taring venture, as the subsequent happenings preved. Alter two cr three days' halt at this spat, when their ty tvi- ohs were absoiatcLv run out. To Ko- ti’s advance guard appeared. Captain Wostrup, with part of the party, toe:: up one position, and Lieutenant Wilson another. Te Kcof : . however, managed- to verb round the rear of Westrr.n and cut the pnkc-ha force in half. A« the natives aprpcachec! through the r.crub they could he he’ird eaH‘»»g out in one another. “K< Unv!>i a m-amt “Rush them 1 i'-,h them;” Wiien they line! get to the rear of i f. the in-terc-cnting force they commenced t<‘ fire into them, and one poor fellciw known as Billv the Gtiso. and i’"”ghvhitiri. a native clem of prominence, were killed. The following r-.-re wounded: T.nkv. Hilton. Ferris. Piibrow. Charles Evans. R. Goldsmith. and two others wlicse names are forgotten. Captain AA'estrup. see rig his force was in a fix, gave the erdor to charge, and the men made a rush tin- the hill, with the result that the- Hauhaus retreated, but in tbo direction of the pakehn camn, which tlicv seized and looted. Jn this rush Captain Ferris was wounded in the cheek, and Mr. Charles Evr.r.-. was shot through the shoulder. Whilst the fight wiis ; n n’-ogress, packhorses find arrived from Gisborne with stores for the camp, and it was gal! and wormwood fo- the little r i»vce refuging on the hilltop to see I'oati no,] Pis l-’en demolishing the “tucker” they tliemseb-es were so much ; n need of. drinking their rum, stealing their horses, saddles

and bridles, a.nil all tboii ammunition. This they did in the mod cheeky manner. Ann.ngst the rebels Wits n. bugler, who, as they .bre ached tlie spirits, sounded merrily the grog and the officers’ ns ess calls. It was ’"mpossiblc to resist, for, says Captain Ferris, the whole of our ammunition was exhausted; and whilst our guns thov were very inferior guns at that—wore useless. Te Kurd's limp wore armed with the host EnfioU rifles, which they had purloined from the Chnthams.


The litllj party were on tlie li’ll until dn-k. and it was only when night fell that they could attempt to escape. They were fortunate in having a.s a guide Honare Kakammga. who knew the country well. He led them through the bush by a circuitous route down to the? Arai River, wlii'b they reached about midnight. There they found 200 or 300 natives supposed to have been friendly, and who were expected to have gone to their assistance, but. did not do so. The men were dead-leat after their long day's fast and heavy fighting. Wilson's party turned np next morning, and, in fact, the whole fore" got through the ino’dent verv well indeed. Considering how .thov were outnumbered, and the superior weapons of tlie enemy, it was a. v— der that anv of them escaped. If Te ICooti had been more aggressive lie could have inflicted more damage. As it was, he said he shnnl’- w.sri to get away, and not to fight.

Colonel (now Sir George) Whitmore came to the district a short w ”' a forwards anrt raised a fo"co to follow Te Kooti. The expedition proceeded up the Buakituri River to T--Papune, and there, through nor knowing the country or for seme other reason, valuable lives were lost. Captains Carr and Criming 1-«>’’• 1 ing killed. Whitmore ha • to retreat end Te Kooti was let go. It was surmised lie had gone straight on through the T.'rovera country, lw subsequently it was found that he went to a place called Puketapu, up t!ie Rnakituri, and built a pah filer'’.

Matters settled down in Poverty Bay for the space of about two months, and then disquieting rumors began to he afloat to the effect that Te Kooti had r>:pross"d his intention to return to Poverty Bay. A number of natives from this district, the names of some of whom CupTain Ferris knows. were travelling to and fro via the ’ntutahi Valley, and were supposed to lie inducing the runaways to return to the district. Major Biggs,* who was of a very sanguine temperrment, and had very little faith in the courage of the Maoris, discredited the rumors, and declared that there was no fear o c Te Kooti’s return, Even to the dav of the mi'-sac-re he he’d that opinion, and the afternoon before Captain Ferris heard him asseverate in Captain P,can’s store, “Not a hit of it! They

won't come here.” Nevertheless, lie had been persuaded a few weeks previous] v ti, send out scouts t;> give the signal of anv invasion. T„ Kooti, however, managed to elude the vigilance of the c e scouts, and descended upon Poverty Bay without warning, like a thief in the night, on the night of Frida v. November 9th. 1808.


■'.On the Snfnr’ , a.v morning, at about ion- o’clock.” snvs Captain Fern's. was aroused by a great c’cmnicti l ’ a norgst the natives, being on bntll s’dos o" tlie river. I went out to see what was the matter, and was informed that To Kooti had come cLwn. and that everybody in-

land was killed. A few hours after-

wards three ladies of the Bioomfleld family arrived, Having come in by the lienc'i road, They were shoeless aud katless, and scantily clctheu, having iisri Ir.iin tlie.y borne in the middle of the r.igi-: : t with just what they could manage to pick up. A naUvo girl I i-"'’i'd! v to them bad given them warning just in ' the nick of tme '1 lie jiyar I idi?s, who were greatly distressed, did in>t know vai,,. had happened., They I new scivmtiiiii': serious had lia.pp nod, but d'd not cream of the extant of tlie disaster llint. bad fallen <n tlieir .home. and the distri. c.” Captain Ferris the -1 'iarlod to organise tlie defence of GYborre. There were sum - ' whaleboats in the river, and lie failed tor mm l-> man thiem. and to nss : sf to remove the provisions fr in R-'n-d’s st.»>*<> m tb-, G’shorn** sick to fim redoubt n" Haiti. Everyl,odv worked with a will, and a large supply H' fl-mr. tea, sugar, etc., was remove:!, and all the people were tak-

on over cn to the Kaiti side for safety. A sentry v. as on duty at the redoubt scanning the country for the approach of the enemy, and as illustrating the tension that existed, it may he mentioned that cn one occasion when, through a white gull being mistaken for the white flag of the Hauhaus, the alarm was raised, everyone rushed hc'ter skelter, pellmell, for flie redoubt. Little did the inhabitants of Gisborne know how serious had been the calamity. They were hoping that the country settlors would have escaped, hut hour after hour and day after day went by without tidings of thorn, except for the few who managed to elude the Maoris and struggle into town. Amongst these escapees were

the U'Ren family, who came down the river by boat. Mr. Charles Evans. and others, who. skirting the bills on the AA’bataupoko side, got safelv into Gisborne. The Murewni settlers went overland to Alahia. Mr AYyllie. against whom Te Kooti had a grudge, fortunately received timely warning and escaped to the Big River. Lieutenant Gascoyne'*' and other scouts came in via Murewai, without coming in contact with the

memv, and knowing little of what had happened. A dnv or two elapsed l-<’fnre > was known in Gisborne that Major Biggs had been killed.

On the day of the massacre the townspeople could so? th” fires burn--I,' in ci'iintr-, at the b'-niol* of ’- ’’ulow’nata people who bad ■■•■ con killed. Th e fine residence of the I'.’oomfields wys reserved to the last 7- v the despoilers, and made a great blase.

A party went out from the redoubt four or five days afterwards, and brought in Mrs. AA’ilson and her little hov. The poor lady was terribly injured, and did not recover from her wounds. The parly that went from Gisborne found a most heart-breaking state of ihiYws on reaching Matawhero. Tlie hollies of settlers, brutally murdered, were discovered, and were given docent burial. Amongst those mho bad fallen victims wore Major Biggs, his who and child. Lieutenant AA’ilson and children, Messrs. Cadle. Padbui v. AA alsli and wife. McCullough and wife, and n number of friendly natives, altogether about thirty people, to whoso memory a monument iv>w stands in Gisborne*Cemetery. Te Kooti and his murderous hand, after their terrible deeds of butchery, retreated un the Patutaln Valley, but suhsonuently sent out one or two parties, me of "diicli killed the son of Mr AA’yl'io in Pipiwlmka Bush, and also Mr. Ferguson, a brother of Afr. John Ferguson.

The Government steamer “Luna” arrived at Gisborne the day after tbo massacre, and news was sent by her to the Government of the occurrence, whilst tlie “Tawera,” which was in tbo offing, took a. number of the people away to Napier. In the course of a few v,’cocks troops were sent to the assistance of the district, constabularv and natives being Ended from Napier, and Ropata and bis leva! natives air’ving front the Coast. Colonel AVhitnioro was placed in command of a force of 700 to 800 strong, which went out fronj Gisborne ill.pursuit of the rebels. Tlie expedition pror-cdod m’ llio Patutalii A’alley, and bad ‘lie first cngagem'nt at Ma-1-aretn. At the first onset the natives from Hawke’s P.wv failed to make ao *inp-ession on To Knot’, ntiil 't was net until t'>e Ngntinnron came int” notion that, the enemy rcti'”’?-'l in Ngatan”, win*b was a particularly s f| - v a!i Tim story of the siege of Ngrtava is wcl’ kn: wn : hew that, a'ter mnv days’ resistance, the n’ace was overcome by Rvpitivs strai.,’>v. T be irallant I'aliv cygri itmn. dor. v‘ih a fo’cc of forty ,-if.JcnJ}’ men., cl'mb ’d, the 'lilt's ai d got into the firco-d Tue-of trenches. driving out the Hauhaus. who escaped by vines down a cliff on the opposite tide. The enemy then seatteiod and made for

1 the rough region cf Maungapoliatu, That was the end ot Maori troubles of a severer kind in Poverty Bay. Settlement continued to progress apace. And here Captain Ferris makes a break in his narrative, for, after Ngatapn, lie went away to the West Coast with a party of 200 Ngntiporous to asset in the operations against Titikownru The district, as it was opened up. became famed for its grass seed, with the handsome returns from wirif’ii and profits from sheep the farmers were able to make comfortable livings, so that, despite the roughness of life in a new district, they are able to look back on those times as the good old days.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 10473, 31 December 1927, Page 2 (Supplement)

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IN THE EARLY ’7o’s. Gisborne Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 10473, 31 December 1927, Page 2 (Supplement)

IN THE EARLY ’7o’s. Gisborne Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 10473, 31 December 1927, Page 2 (Supplement)