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STIRRING INCIDENTS OF THE EARLY DAYS. ! BRITISH AUTHORITY DEFIED. { NATIVES ADOPT PRODUCE CON- | TROD SYSTEM. j SETTLERS FEAR EXPULSION, j ‘ln Uio Maori kingdom ns in all . other Native districts in N .Z. the ! supreme authority, legislative ana » judicial, resides in the village ; r.manga. AV hen making laws, the j l iinangas have no idea of any h- i inits to the province of Government. "'he r regulations extend to , the minutest details of private life, j 'I ; I( .y make laws about behavior on , Sunday; laws against falsehood, ! whether slanderous or not; laws to fix the nr ice o igs, ram and pot- 1 atoes; laws to ».< the payments lor vviiieu people Shall carry the mails.

In short, the runanga is a generous tyranny and would he insupportable if it only possessed the power to carry its decrees into execution. . . But any Nat vo who feels strong enough to redress wrongs received from oakchas. without troubling the r-miigpi will lulo himself "to a /unse or a cow and obtain satVaetioif. Any such action will too be approved ai d susstained by the runanga if the original claim to compensation in considered just. . . . 'Whilst, u rurianga may nut have rower to enforce a sentence, it lias the power to banish a man from society until lie voluntar ly submits. . . . Luring the time that I w' s ste.t ill the Waikato, the Maori king \v vi visited by leading chio s f’’"iu l.naimlci, Wanganui. Havko’s Lav, East Cape. Tmivimgn aid even front the N'i':i’»:h:is in the : rr North.'’ E. n-rst M.A., la The Maori King, 1809.” For much of the inrormation that follows concerning the (fleets of tlio runanga rule estubi.slied '■>' the llao-

HIRIN'! TE KANI, Who succeeded To Kani a Takirau.

ris in tho 50’s in defiance of British authority in this ptau.Ou u; New Zealand, as well as in most other portions of the North Island, wo were indebted to the proprietors of the “Hawke’s Bay Herald,” aho very kindly placed their carp files at our disposal. That journal, for instance, in Anri I 1858, published the following letter from the Resident Magistrate at Gisborne to tiie Lioten.iu.- ■•..


Resident Magistrate's Court, Turancn, Aoril 8. ’SB. “Yesterday Wntane Motu, H;ra K : ns.n. and Pan a. alt of Tarn _Horu tTarnhoru). in ennsopoenee of Kahutia bein'?- dissatisfied with the decision of the amount in the ease Mnnahi v Newnhmn. deliberately entered Newnham’s h use and remeved from it. all bis plothimr and bedd'm?: a new double barrelled cun UTis taken and several other articles: indeed, the" completely str:p----1 pod the bouse. _ . 7 “X pause of the d>«snt,isfnct!on referred to was that I insisted on

deducting from the amount recovered loom Newnham ny .uanalu lor Kahutia the price oi a sledge wh:cn the latter some time s.nee had most unjurly taken from Newnliam. You are aware that, m .th s district, from the want of sufficient power, the only means which I can employ to obtain even restitution of these goods, are derived from moral influences.

“in circumstances, f request your co-operation in manifesting to ail the Natives belonging to Taruhcru that in the opinion of right-thinking people, such conduct es that deseri red and over which they must collectively be cons.dcred morally responsible renders them flic object of contempt and aversion and that until goods so unjustly taken are returned they rail look for no friendship cr assistance irolii the Europeans.

“It is very desirable that the manifestation of this ieciing should be universal and continued while the goods arc returned and I suggest that, in the meantime, the offenders should he spoken of as ■ ngati mum vvaliinc—a term oi contempt amongst themselves and one which they partly observe as at the time tne goods were taken Newnliam.’s wife was in the house ; and against her s lino violence was used. 1 “I shall b: glad if you will exercise your influence with those EuroI p(*;ins and Natives vv r tli whom you arc connected in order,that a genj er.’.l feeling of disapproval may bn ! manifested. •It is abs-ihiie.y necessiir.• these acts should he treated very gravely or the cff-ct on the minds of the Natives may lead to ■ disusin' ms cm se' : f HER BERT S, tv AN DELL. In June 1853 were received in Hawke’s B.T.y accounts that were not favourable concerning Poverty Bay. Tins Natives wore not untieing well wit’.i the Ear. prims, but, a the coutr.irv, some were still iL-jUsed to ro-si.-.t B/tish authority.

A private letter stal'd: "1 11 -re is a inovemo! l among the Natives here the wruii.. \v:i; . 1 hey object to the prayns . fie..'.l lor the Queen. Tliey have, in several . instances, taken the lex into their own hands in defuinei ol the Resident' Magistrate. “You w 11 perceive tint we have retrograded to the old times when wo had to apply to the one tribe to obtain protection against - the ethers. HOLD-LT OF PRODUCE. • ' On June 29 ISSS it was found necessary to petiition the Governor in respect of tiie Native movement m Poverty Bay. “As yet, on account I presumeof no mail having urived, we are, wrote a e irrespondent, “ignorant < f its late, although privately we learn that the Governor has said that wo must ninnage the best way we can, despite the fact that wo have no adequate means of enforcing the law. So I suppose we must wait a little longer under the idea that there is a good tmio coming. “We are still under tape.—the decision of the Runanga slid being in force. The Natives demand 12;nor bushel for wheat, in consequence of which the Nat vos here are poorly clad. Most ol them, indent are heartily sick of this stupid movement--a movement tor which they will feel me ill-effects for some time. There will not this season he one-tenth ef the land that there was brought under cultivation. “You arc doubtless aware of th« Native clmi-cter. uirfe a "‘follow my leader’’ impulse in almost everything they do. Fnr and near in this locality they hnvo been carrying on a war of extermination against the wild pigeons by way of preparation for a grand feast to come off in Sept, next and at which l liolicve two matters regarding the' terms on which we shall be allowed to trade ai - e to be finally settled. “One blessing is that the Natives are quiet just now. Mould they only rein "in in such a state of c'nne. as regards the pakobas they might for

what we care continue that tapu till the end of time. ’

“I am of opinion that .much oi this trouble has arisen from advice given me .Natives tic-re in 1851 by the Rev. Grace “to bold back their produce, t>y which they would raise prices in Auckland." They, in a measure acted upon this advice. Geld was discovered in California and subsequently in Australia. ..prices in can sequence ruled high and the Natives supposed that .Mr. Grace’s advice led to this state of things.

• ’There being no cargo there is of course no inducement for vessels to e.-.ii. The Ann and Queen from Napier and the Emerald Isle from Wellington on their way to Auckland have been only once during tae month. The Ann took a cargo oi wheat and oil, the latter amounting to 2! tons of sperm and the produce oi a whale stranded near Nick’s Head. The wheat had been purchased prior to the Runanga.' Further evidence of tfte contempt

in which British law was held in Poverty Bay is supplied by a correspondent under date October 20, 1858— I’CMVEIRLESSNESS OF BRITISH LAW. “We have,’’ be says, “been rather excited in Gisborne lately by the following occurrence. Some timo ago a European here was convicted of giving spirits to Natives and sentenced to a fine of £lO. This was not paid and some cattle were distrained said to belong to the defendant (they ultimately proved to be the property of another person and were restored) on which the Natives, accompanied by defendant's wife, demanded restitution. This being refused they proceeded to the government property, Itr down tin: lance, and drove a.wuv samr 13 bead of rattle, belonging, it seems, to oar Resident Ai.igiS'tr.itj and others. I hoc the matter rests-—a pretty state of tilings, you will say, lor a so-called •_ -L1:.,-i to. :n,y. * Tne la at is there tuts i>"en such a temporising policy adopted in all matters appertaining to the Nat ves tii© government is (hero at least) treated lv thorn with the utmost c,litenet. It is in -act a farce—a piece of must unmitigated humbug to place a p-r id magistrate anywhere without power to enforce his decisions. Ho can mulct the unfortunate European .who has committed some tr It ng fault that never would have been in tlced. bad there not been a court to apply to, but ho is fairly bullied and laughed at by the Natives if lie endeavours to coerce them. They use language most insulting to him when on the Bench ancl at other times both in and out of Ceurt. “Another instance of the powerlessness of tlie law. A stole here was broken open on June 21 last and property taken away amounting to more than £SO. ’Hie perpetrate rs were known, and the case put into the Magistrate’s hands, ancl a dceis'on given to_ amerce the parties concerned in £1<:0 which, ol course, has never been paid. I have no hesitation in saying we manage the Natives better when left to ourselves. The Court has. now shared the fate of all scarecrows by being openly laughed at and defied by aTI parties.

“Why place a paid magistrate at the expense of the Colony of at least £SCO a year in such r. distinct a d strict where he and his office are already scorned by the Natives. He is in a* fair way to being equally scurried by tho settlers. There have been numerous eases of crime, >neloding one ease of abduction. The latter actually took place in the m the very face of the magistrate whither a woman (a native) had gone to be married, and to whom tho female clung in her terror vainly imploring that protection he could not offer, ine scene that, followed was magnificent. Our Resident Magistrate (notwithstanding the assistance of las clerk) the would-be bride and the bride-groom abductor and one or two others railing on the floor together.” On Oct. 20 1853. the Poverty Bay correspondent of the “11.8. Herald,, wrote:

“ Our runanga is still in full swing. The members have now for

the last few days been in luil committee, taking cattle and other tmngs from those parties who have sold in defiance of their fiats. They now say they will prevent the sale of everything, including timber, ; firewood", etc., unless we come to j terms. At present we don’t know : what turn things will take. All ■ sorts of reports are rife even to the j closing the river here against ves- J sols and not allow us to take away ; produce now on hand. Is it not j cruel that the settlers in a British j colony and supposed to be living j under British rule should be sub- j jetted to such laws and annoyance j without our government taking (as j far as we are aware) the slightest ! notice..

Tills was followed on Dec. 3, 1858, .• by the following report:— |

“I hear that the committee of tne runanga have agreed to allow the sale of wheat provided it never rules at a lower rate hero than os cash, but as they say we have been mailing a profitable ‘spec’ by .sending timber to the Napier market, tliev have stopped that branch of our* trade by stopping the sale of all timber, firewood, etc. either for sale or for home consumption. A\ ith their usual liberality they will allow us to make use of the standing timber though the trees have been purchased and marked but still unused to the amount of perhaps £IOOO. So much for the honour of the Natives by many so loudly proclaimed. "The idea or turning the whole of the Europeans olf their properties ancl expelling them from the district lias again been mooted. This state ol things is calmly viewed By our paternal government without even raising its voice oil our hehad. (Ye are told the poor fellows (the Natives) aVe in a transition stage. This has been the cry far and wide for the last 18 years i e hack to 1810. How much longer it will take to transform the Native grub into a civilised butter-ily remains to be seen.

“In the interim, we pay our snare of the exnense ol bc'iig governed without receiving the slightest advantage. In fact as a member said in the House they, have no sympathy with the 'tobacco and blanket man ’ If so thev can have none for themselves as the Govcrufent gave two or three cases of tobacco for the Treaty of Waitangi and paid the Natives here and at other places in blankets and other trade to obtain their signatures to that Treaty.”

GRAVE CHARGE AGAINST M AGISTK A lE. In 1859, it was reported, under data Feb. 12, that, “The runanga law is still going on and the settlers are not allowed to remove even wheat grown before it same into existence. The effect of the runanga will probably be felt- up to the Fast Cape. They (the Maoris) will not til sow any grain to be moved till (they sav) the prob'hition on trade is removed, and which is not to Like place till the traders succumb to their terms. But, subsequently, a section of the settlers came to the conclusion that a

better state of affairs would never be reached until a charge was brought about in connection with the Resident Magistrate. And they were by no means hall-hearted in their condemnation of the then occupant of the office. For example, the late Cant. J. W. Harr's, on April 19, ’SO, published his views as fellows:

“A young protege of the Government was sent here direct from England. He could not be supposed to know enough about the Colonies or of the usages therein which are in many instances at variance with those cf the Motheiland. On receiving his appointment. he prohably supposed that became tho uroat man of the district and that the settlers would look at him with an awe inspired bv his situation and never attempt to cavil at his proceedings.”'

Mr. Wm. Scott Greene, it seems, was chairman of a public meeting of protest against the magistrate., when numerous complaints were voiced:

“The Natives,” it was reported, “don’t apprehend the nature of an. , oath and the responsibility there- 1 unto attaching. The testimony or j the Natives should be received j with caution and no ceil elusions j drawn therefrom unless such testi- i nicnv tend to corroborate or cinq- j dnts facts already given evi- j donee, sworn to and of whicn ; there could be no doubt. A mak- j clous charge has been laid against ; Capt. Read. Om* clerk or niter- j pro ter lias considered it his uutv j to can-.' to the magistrate anything he Gears. Tt.we.s n ease oi k» lan v but it v.ns d:sm ssou. Cap- j tain Read attended a whole dav at j Court to answer any charge t i might be laid against him. He, was told there was none. j i same evening lie went to Napier. , when it was immediately rcporte-il ! I,’v M,-. Thorne, the magistrate’s hroi'ii'r-in-biw. that be I’uul boltpo. j O-i liis return an' l t'b“ case belli" I dismissed Capt. Read complained j to the magistrate lint tlfe mag s- j trace simnly sa’d that ho h- . brought the trouble on himself by going away.”


On June •!, 1859, n petition by W S Greene, James Dunlop. George Goldsmith, Geo Poulgroin. Robert Newnham. G. E. Read. John Tnrr. 7>Minil-l Horsier. J. Herv«y. Joseph Cross, Thos Uren junr., Wm. Tnrr. .Tunics Maekny. Wm. Brown, J. \\ ■ Harris. James Wilson. J., Wm Howard. R. H. Uren, Thus. Halbert Titos. Uren sen-r., R“ht. Read John Edwards, was published in the “JIB. Herald.” It said:—

“That the gentleman bolding the office of ResicTenl Magistrate here | appears to consider himself mote in the light of a Public Prosecutor than an impartial administrator ot the law of the Colony, and that lie tends to imnrove his activities ns a magistrate bv procuring as many cases as possible to bo brought before bis Court. “That the Resident Magist’ate ha« on more than one occasion used threats towards some of your petitioners by threatening, to torn them off the land on which thev are living. . , “That, the clerk or interpreter j of+on uses lending questions, in his examination, thereby obtaining »••- swots not always cons 1 stout w tli the truth. On more than one occoxkm be ha-' threatened to throw . disemht on Native evidence wlmn.| m’ven in favor of Europeans by j tolPim i hem (out of Court) thee i were eude."voving to screen the I'/;r n-iec s. H « general conduct is ' o V ..oe' , ie" l v m ; scbiev''”s and >rri“'- | t;.,„ ;n ,p b" birth a"' l edupntiri; eeaviv all Ids sympathies on the cMe of his Nati-" countrvmen and little if nnv with the EuroVf*n n population, he is unfit to J fulfil Ids present office in a purely Native district.

GOVERN do OL7 A SURLY ‘ reception.

T1,.-. "SiMifbern Cross,” under date Jan. 23, 1860, says:— “The reception o f His Excellence ihe Governor hv the Natives ot Povertv Bay was inst what might hav" been expeoted from the reception given to the T and Commissioner as lately described by us. “At the school those who were under pupilage were of course polito e-miigh. hut the mmn bodv ot t;,.-. Natives showed themselves curb’ a"' l disaffected t.n t l '" last degree. Thev freelv ask in the district what business the Governor has there brimrng the Queen s flag amongst them. “The runanga partakes somewhat of the character of a judicial''and of an ecclesiastical court as well as that of a council. “Its power and influence extends over ncarlv the whole of the Noi tli Island and had its origin like the King Movement in the Waikato. The runanga is the most powerful of the supports of the King movement.

“It appears to exercise undisputed jurisdiction oyer all the Native lands and while it meddles with everything it will not allow its decisions to be re-considered ot delaved. linds which have been purchased from the Native ovners and paid for have been said by this Council to be restored to Native possession by the re-payment oi the purchase money whilst unpur-

chaietl lands we are told have been made over by the proprietors to the Maori King for the avowed purpose of preventing them from beinrr purchased by the Crown. The "unanga works under the guise of religion and for the Natives’ good alone."’


In some notes from Turanrra (Gisborne) to the "Hawke’s Bay Herald" under date August 5. 1862, :i is stated :

“We are quiet in this district. Still the Natives are. I believe, watching for events. They are decidedly averse to film settlers gettin rr any further footing in Turantra.? Tliev profess to be Oueen s men; but all their sympathies arc with the Waikntos. I should not be surprised to see the King flns hoisted at any moment. We cannot disguise the fact that we are living under the rule of the runauga with which the laws of England have as much connection as with the laws of Timbuetco.

‘‘The Natives’ foot is virtually placed in the neck of the settlers and we appear to have no other course but to worship the _ imago set tip by tlie authors in this miscalled British colony of New Zealand.

“Efforts are be’ng made hero to induce the Ministry to allow the sale of powder, shot and caps under certain restrictions, the idea being the unfairness of debarring the Natives from the the Use n* these articles for sporting purposes and the bagging of a tow nabob ks to 'he included of fours? in the list of game. Will thro Govern-in-nit he mad enough to grant this?”

'Bins the Wc'rna '-oy: ••v'irh'i’* » f the “Hawke's Bav Herald" on 13. 1960: “I cuvet s>n reel n. obtain in:'' any reliable in’Vuwothni conccrr.iin’ the least at Turnnga (Gisborne). Tliore appears to h-vo been a very large conconr-c of Natives; i’ie Maoris sav 2006 were there. The gathering seems in have 'con o' a nolit'cal nature, many subjects being discussed. Amongst others Hanaro te Apntere made a strong appeal in favor of the Maori king hut was not listened to: on the contrary, the desire was expressed that lie should refrain from speaking on ilie subject. According to rumor there were consumed or given away—

1400 bags of flour S3O bags of sugar besides other articles of food in much profusion.” HFCH-HANDED ACTION OF COAST NATIVES. The following alarm 1 "" statement was banded to 'the “Hawke’s Bay

Herald” by the master of the Tawera on May 30, 1803: “The schooner Tan-era, anchored off Kawakawn on the 12th inst. It was blowing bard from the south and we could not communicate with tho shore. “Next day a boat came out and we asked if we could get any water from the river. Being told that we could we sent a boat ashore with two casks to be filled. “After thev had been filled, and the boat had left, the Natives came to me and demanded one shilling per cask, threatening that if I didn’t pay to take a boat as payment when she next came ashore. This demand I paid. “On the 14th they went to the store of Messrs. Peachey and Collier and said that, if the magistrate. Mr. Baker, should come round that side of the Cape they would make him nay £1(X): i. lie • should come by the inland route, the sum would be £2OO. “They were determined, they said, to* drive him away, as he was trying to buv over all the Natives to* his side. Their next talk was that l should make it known to

the masters of all vessels that i Uiey v.anted wno.i o‘ water an" - where eff the coast they should pay for the same or else they would take a boat for payment. “They next informed Messrs. Peachey Cohior that they should pay for the grass and water which their horses and cons had used, also for the water drunk by their ducks and fowls. This being refused, thev intimated their intention of there and then takiiiu away four horses the property of the firm and two belonging to Mr. Parsons left there to bo shipped bv the ‘Sea TV'ecze" and of com ng hack for ’he cows and poultry. “The Native 1 ' will not allow Hue Europeans to dig an inch ox ground anywhere.”

A DOLEFUL S'iOuY. A d'de'- l re-on-t of hie trrata’-uv at a’ held “t lo H'*’"*- M PU. was tobl hr llcna’-e Pa-woi ■ Te tYr’-n \r : ,ori o' Male 1 ! 7. 1970 Tie sc vs that he became itit-x'eared and on attemiding to vide away from the settlement he foil from his ;r«c: which galloped away, leaving him stretched senseless on _ the beach . Some person, seeing him m taut

state, coolly drew off his trousers and appropriated them to himself. As he lay in this pitiable cond.tion, a woman named ldavata Harete, pitying Ids condition, came up and colored h.m with a valuable Native mat. Seme time later, she poured water over him. which restored him to consciousness. He then went into the presence of the Natives, who wore, holding a runanga in the vdlagc, to the number of some 300, and begged lor a pair of trousers but they only laughed at his misfortune and Raftered him to depart in his nakedness.

A "ood trad in Captain Head’s character, stated Captain Ferns, shortlr before his death, that,' if he had wanted to buy it) the whole township he could luxvc done so, but instead of that be contented himself with a ie>v sections, and advised and assisted lus triends to go in for others, flic best of the town sections ran to ab ut £3O at the auction, that being the price paid for the section where the Argvll Hotel now stands.. A feature of the town in those days was the eld Courthouse (now known ns Mr. Dahymplc’s store), which was erected shortly before the massacre, am. during the troublous times was loopholed' and protected by a chevnux do l'rise. For a number of years tnis building served as the rendezvous ot the small community on all public occasions. Church services were held there regularly. As the result oi considerable agitation, the Government erected they bridge across the Wnipaoa P.ivor at Mata where, nnnvi. as the Big Bridge, which gave connection with the Patutahi confiscated lands. These were thrown open for selection, and their settlement marked another distinct step in the progress of the place. 1. is interesting to note that the land brought up tc £23 an acre.


SUBDIVISION OF KAITI AND V, ir.xl ABPQKO. THE FIRST TRAMWAY. GIiMOND tjcARRi >0 ItA'N. The settlement oi t:;? .uomunri D.oe.t was a su*o t..r.according; to til.* late cui-i. "r err as, wr.tiiiL, in the eiir.stCiHuTh l ie's ta the nineties, an,i, then. i:i b'iS. 1 iv 1991. the 'A hatan; ok.) and Ivani Blocks wero tmo*iii ..pen. it is only right to here mention that it was nii’gfiy owing to the exertions of Mr. \\ . b. lines, assisted by Mr. Eatvard Hams, that tne )*.aiii Ibock was thrown open, and to -dr. luits that A hutaupoko came into the mtu’itet. llefovo the lalt.v laud was offered a bridge_was ci-' i.'-i i:v tile Nov Zealand Land Sotth.Riant Canipany across the Tarniiereu, and tliis, which is now all too small tor the requirements of the friiill.:, was characterised as Rees’ i-oliv, it being considered altogether ahead of the times. \Yhataupoko and Kaiti. however, made rapid strides, and have become populous suburbs. With its suburbs Gisborne’s population is now over 5000—a fact not generally known, as the “Year Book’’ shows the papulation of Gisborne te* h* only 271 iO, which are the figures lor the restricted borough limits. A few years after the Tarulieru Bridge was ‘built, the local bodies spanned the Turanganui with the present Kaiti Bridge, which was designed by Mr. Reynolds. Metal had previously been brought into Gisborne by a tram line on Kaiti. the trucks being swung

across the river on wire ropes hung from stout posts on each bank, near where Capt. P,oad’s old store stands at the junction of the rivers. Another tramway that was brought into existence—and really the first railway that the d'strict had—was from the Ormond Quarry to Gisborne, constructed for the purpose of metalling county and borough roads. This did good service, and it was most unfortunate that it was allowed lie torn up and that the rails were afterwards sold. Next in order of progress umy he mentioned the harbor works, wir'ch commenced in _ 1884. Tli? conditions of the port in the pre-bivnk water days have already been referred to in this article. For the result of the expenditure that Ik s taken place we may refer to the regular and comfortable tender service that is now performed by the •TViiihi” and Messrs. Kennedy and Evans' fleet of lighters, and to the fact that a steamer of the size ot the

“Balmain,” with 400 tons of coal on board, was recently able to berth and discharge at the wharf. IT oez;ag works wore established by Mess's. Nelson Bros, in 1889, ai.J m 1897 ill'.’ Gisborne Freezing Company took over the Harbor Board buildings, and converted them into r.p-to-i.atc refrigerating works.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 10473, 31 December 1927, Page 7 (Supplement)

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MAORI RULE ON EAST COAST Gisborne Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 10473, 31 December 1927, Page 7 (Supplement)

MAORI RULE ON EAST COAST Gisborne Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 10473, 31 December 1927, Page 7 (Supplement)