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Local and General.

At last week's meeting of the Hawke's 1 Bay Education Board it was decided on the motion of Mr I’. G. Grant to ask < the Department to provide motor cars ; for the use of inspectors. 1 In reply to a deputation at Welling:- j ton representing the Wa.roa Borough and County, which suggested that one c of the Government Departments might f lend a portion of the money for hydro- J electric works, the Minister said that ? there were only two sources open—the 1 Public Trust and Government Life De- * partments. He promised to inquire into - the prospect of finding the money.—P.A. 1 a At the Magistrate’s Court yesterday s Pine Karakia Kare, alias Bobert George g Wilson, was charged before Mr J. S. 3 Barton, S.M., with haying forged the q jiame of W. H. Jackson to a cheque 3 for £lO drawn on the New Zealand Loan v and Mercantile Agency Company, and f attempting to one Eric Frowde to { act on it as if it were genuine. On the application of Detective McLeod s the case was remanded until the 26th „ instant. . - t

[! onto Kamfeuju €fowiljsftiar soikftm* bg-. „ tuviatn 'ih.uiwtni! i'd'klugr by' jj rtV !}OHit ,v tj U.R«- prikif .&!J‘ ijfity ll 'iSfs> ilVUlfett", A>»Vrii itlbf pwuluutiaiwg tftHUpitfmifflW will* lb*;i> speaiwl 1 j)!‘ 'fA- dbrtW.Vfcl! 'bf iUfSb Dray;- bi* ftliutiiU'i:;:**'' nnwifts:* at: awM-eut itadky cmifdHipyir 1 fliidiu by rib* H'awkari lbb.y ;l>(b<-uria>!'epviniiumti & ft'iff 4di*sfW)l , t M‘ She|i pliy <vd jv.nriidvvniihes aud iv»* i Mftiiooil c.niid’reiv. i: .V ai! Fbv;ia<t;).;it(U' wi' r'a- e.-ivly It Bmvjis- nii yesi'evibiy desii'pyaA nIW - annu--s ! lilts 1 ftrjw IChiipwav The !’>n.iP.;v>- oan>- |! sisriaqr ;'r jJ/MThUI* Op structiv:’- 1 lliuby (puuparaihyfdy' ISfli*' j; fltfirivtiftt' 1 nswvd' ss&uwiii?,. papers,^aud ; ptiO p to»BSi- inU- hiHUvauiper a : i*r iV/tlhutw-iti..-- |( IH'ttss J&mnv !i iiftMiday iviVsCk, ?p>\in- \v <ki-- /ty>S; tj«Bj srrncic ;u slf’p siypoh* af Tavliape-, f rttixtet a P’ress .i.-sooiatio!!! messayit; &’c,m I 'Haihape. pmw*>iV4yM*:v wftr.'v cfey-tr giuisasi rilh-ir sea;-:.. Abi dausaart ."la. done <; IjityoaJ a bnr-:t pipe r,n -are. eny ac.. The I urafe'iMiaa'i'ia;::*; 1 '!- aavrti but- r;,!**-.; of the ji carrilvycer wars wriiip avaif anil ' Aisai«o, * A fl% papa rneit j»Bvfy*d .« the ■ stapi of tilhr Teenad narriag-A Op# pit;*--sr-rrrs'j;- f hat oaly She, Spemt - s f fill l, . traiV carried tlVra, t&w.g’.’c.j: AEr,E.ou«-ji inlLc.m-f r,n rh .'-e h of tlift effing fraternity rvho- ftv j’riide ca tEe- footpatba in prefitrAHca i; tfi» rijiui twr fti&vvvme off end agrrasat j! the by-law a !*.ik Aiiowa a: distract; y I apwrautii tsesui dirriny np.e. pear few ; rinittA.. the maariituves; has by r..-. men T..-+ -1; been: rmiofoyf. TLa- higbr-y fasv irii.wvi 1 EocaEy for an of V.;« Jfcsd Eas j been £b 'vh.e-ntaa rite Hatricvirm per.air,; j A Ai!i. This laform-ttioa may he i.o- ---■ teeestlriZ at 'he .-.araa rmte ha-v> a liconisoliVr effect or: ritose who.. a.> a r»- :! rai: o: 'theft urorrrxdox methods, of i; cycling, riav- ',eer. ca.:e<-. op<,r. to- cor.— - tribute to the coceciidatad raver, '.e r. t: su.m.- laaginx frost .£» to- £>.. a I The deferdart. in a by-law ca.-e -: heard at the L-;xrx r>s i cently. prcceafed to tail if;.- vvorsh.g s ! all about it. “Ton eee, Sir- it vas thi-. T | way." re explained, "I got o 5 sir - j bicycle, went* in and bo-igh* ;i P^P- r * ■ the reading or wh-icri so m ter fitted roe , ; that I quite forgot that I had no I gat f j, on mv bicycle—tine tact neve? e-ntered ' f et head until the policeman a'tpped r i me.” The Magistrate told the derend- - ' arn he was verv -erry for him btr r ! could see nc- alternative to order::;? f i him to contribute a_ few e ! wards ..; good cause, adding riat ;; :f.iO- ! verteuce were accepted <- an. exen-e r. a these cases the by-law might a-; we.. . i be wiped off the books. 3 Men engaged laying the new water a -r.pvly pipes in Rotorua street- rer~s*<i i to resume work yesterday mom. r.g. _ They receive I2s a day. They cent =■?.•! s that they are entitled to a bonus o: x--1 Su in addition, as paid to ether- for doing similar work. _ They state thit the bonus was conceded, out not pari. 5 Mr Hill, resident the mer. • to resume work while he telegrapned J to the Tourist Department, which 5 employs them. The men. who- number - about forty, declined. It is uncierstccd s that Mr Hill has telegraphed to the i Department. Last evening the Tourt-t t ’ Department offered the men an aedf- ! ! ttonal shilling a day retrospective to a March S. making the daily wage Vi-. 1 and putting the men on an etjttaiitr with Public Works employees. Negotiations are continuing to ascertain ; whether the men will accept the proposals.—Press Assn. • | Last Wednesday evening the ever--1 t burning question cf an outer larhgy;,3 j discussed" with a vehemence exceeding ' j in its intensity all previous perorations ‘* on the subject. The scene of this par- • ■ ticular di.scu.ssiau was cn_ board _ the I f Tuatea. which left tie Fait* berth at s i about 11 p.m. to tena-r the Arahura > | going south. The Tuatea duly fcMlled - ; hef'-mrislon. but not b-tore renewin'.* _ S acquaintance with the bottom cf tn - i river for a period cf at-vut_ three-quarr-rs L i cf an hour, during which many scath- , ; ing remarks were made anetit the ; i disabilities of the Gtsb-rne rtre. some 1 7 of the passengers wanted to know what • the Harbor Board was doing, and the : j Mayor fMr G. Wildish; who was r : \ board the tender, came in for a lot of ■ l good-natured banter from his fellc-w- ---; * passengers. ■'Call it a Harbor Board.” [ l said one man. "why. with the except: *.a -* of one member It's a collection to * amateur engineer.-.' 7 . i A letter was received by the Ctnxens ■ I Defence Committee yesterday, c-onc-ern- * Ing the question of the employment^*-f ! a returned s-oldier on the railways, me "; letter pointed cut that the __ mat. was ) . temporarily employed as a laborer at ' i Gisborne, but when an opporrun’ty ocJ curred cf retaining hi- services in_a 5 regular capacity he failed to pass _th; • medical examination. ' He had • j. w--..j; heart and could n*.t be emp.ty- :. -d ct leeway dut'es. and there had . been nt alternative but to dispense with . his services. Mr G. B. Oman said he ; thought the’ mar. was being made a : victim of red tape. Mr G. Barton said , ■ that as the Government expected ! - private employer? to re-employ partially : tccapacitated s'ldiers. they should be ; j prepared to follow oat the same pr>j ciple. On ;h» motion of Mr Oman. :t was decided that the Committee should ; ; protest to the Prime Minister in regard to the treatment of the returned soldier in question, and. that some light emnlc-y- ---, merit be found for him. ,* _ Several __ further cases involving ore-acne- of the by-laws were dealt with by Mr J. S. Barton. S.M.. at the Magistrate’s Court yesterday morning. Henry Hajgtess. JTaoel and Jehu Henry_ Hill were each Sued £S with costs 7s, for riding a bicycle at night without a light. In the case cf Andrew Learney, charged with a similar offence. Sub-Inspector Cassells painted out mat detendant was a widower with ’ *? T!r children, and in view of his nr.auc:al position generally the police- did tq-t wish to press for a heavy nne. The Magistrate took these facts into consideration and inflicted a "fine of £1 .with costs 7s. William Stanley Hd- . ward, a youth of IS. was also charged i with riding a bicycle at night without I ? “S«i. Detendant. who stated that ) oe was employed at the post office, said - as a rule he ceased work before ; dark._ out on. tne evening in question he ; nati tx?en inadvertently delayed at his work and it was then too late to procure a lamp. The Magistrate in- ■; b>rn*sd Ldwards that if he could prodnee a Utter irom the veri«*r*ng his statements he'would pho-bably . be able to accept defendant's "exnlana- - V on ' Pv u - m § which decision would \>e : deterred. PhiLp Charhvood. who nlead-,f-d S'lilty to a charge of riding a hie vole ;on the footpath, was fined' £3 with costs iS. ’ • i J^ on . r , m!s g r tbe special opportunitv ; S d !? r€ ' d Messrs C. Rosie and Co.'s i : inter bale to secure attractive cash j discounts off every article in stock : In many cases sweeping reductions are oemg g:ven—tor instance, von can* save | trom £2 to £2 70s off due of this 1 semon s stylish costumes. No matter i v ’' h ; ir - vo « buy. it will mean a direct j saving to you during sale rime.* [ deader. Typiste. ft s,owe sbset. Wilnams and Snerrati’s Building ,'um ; Stairs.. Typewriting of everv aescriiv. ‘ f.’qii undertaken. Orders bv mail relemve prompt and personal' attention. f-Iy confidential. Classes dailv in i- ypewriring. Shorthand and "Rook-keep-uig. \ a can cits for two pupils.* Do you own a Warehouse, and a - vuu °;U\Set your wants Ai y £ FT phtvd « s « general H l M r ° u Jy people in each district are fortunate enough to be in this position, and if you do not happen to be one ot these lucky ones, it behoves you to look around and find-out nhat is the next best tiling for von to do. M e want to tell you right hero and now, that you Gisborne people ¥ v ,t,, a n U yow midst which . hould -'atisfj you m every particular. LJ .\°. ck f«\l ot bargains from floor to ceiling riie People’s Emporium" caters for your every want. No matter whether you require one or one dozen articles von will findsthis store, with its huge sroc.v. at your disposal, and yon u ill find the prices right. For years past we have striven to keen necessities within the reach of all. We are frequently asked how we manage to sell at such low prices, and we are always ready with the same answer, importing direct and buying in large quantities places us in the position of being able to supply mauv lines at warehouse prices. Our customers'have for years past benefited by this policr to their own benefit, and the continued patronage of the people-of Gisborne still enables us to carry on our progressive policy to the mutual benefit of the public and ourselves.**

. It is understood that the'Anti-Shout-mg law will be dealt with in legislation to be brought down this session. The question of the /increase of old age pensions will be- dealt with in legislation to be introduced this session. It is intended to amend the Housing Act this session when a proposal to increase the amount allowed to municipal councils under this heading will be considered. By 579 votes to 9G the Manawatu County ratepayers sanctioned a loan of £30,000 for extensions and improvements to the tramway system, and for the purchase of road-making machinery. The liner Mahana, which arrived at Wellington yesterday from London, brings 50 immigrants for Gisborne. They are to leave Wellington this morning, and the majority will probably arrive by the Arahura on Friday. The G.P.O. (Parcels Branch) at Liverpool proposes “That this conference is agreed that the time has now arrived when profiteers shall be publicly hanged and urges the Labour M.’s.P. to frame a Bill to this effect.” Yesterday morning an elderly man named 'Robert Williams, who had been employed as a roadman on the MotuOpotiki road, was admitted to the Cook Hospital. It appears that while on the road a slip occurred, some boulders causing injuries to Mr Williams"’ foot. He was attended by District Nurse McDonald, of Matawai, who sent him to the hospital. A London cable message states that Mr .Rhodes Dishes, a fellow of the Loyal Geographical Society, appealed to a thousand Britishers who were willing to work two hours daily, dress, in light clothing and eat plainly, to accompany him to Samoa and the Marquesas Islands to live the simple life.. Six hundred have already applied.—United Service. No definite date has yet been fixed for the presentation of a"testimonial to Sir James and Lady Carroll, owing to the uncertainty of the date of the presence in Gisborne of the Hon. IV'. D. S. MacDonald, who is to make the presentation on behalf of the residents of Gisborne and district. It is understood that when Mr MacDonald arrives he will be accompanied by a party of Parliamentary friends of Sir James Carroll. During the hearing of a ease at the Magistrates Court yesterday in which a man was charged with committing a breach of the peace. His Worship asked the defendant, if he had not always found the police fair and reasonable in the execution of their duty. ‘‘Yes, your Worship,” was the man's reply. “And vet these are the men yon wish to fight/"’ said the Magistrate. “'lf yon , yourself had only been-half as reason- | able as the police you might not have j found yourself here this' morn'.ng.” The offer of Yale University to give or lend the Dominion a large series of j valuable, astronomical instruments for the carrying on of solar physics and j high-class astronomical work in general. ! provided that a good house is built for them and the upkeep and general establishment provided, was discussed bv the Otago Institute. Professor Benson said there was probably no place in the world more suitable from everv point of view for such work than Central Otago. A committee was appointed to endeavor to fecure acceptance of the offer. Messrs P. G. Grant and J. Hi. Bull, members of the Hawke’s Bay Education Board, who are severing their connection with the Board were recently farewelled by their fellow members. The chairman (Mr G. F. Loach) referred in eulogistic terms to the maimer in which both members had given their best services. Expressions of appreciation were made by other speakers as to the estimable qualities of the retiring members. The latter suitably responded. A motion of appreciation of the services of Messrs Grant and Bull and regret at" their departure, was passed unanimously.

Vu unusual epidemic -is reported to have struck Gisborne. As a rule lengthy spells of hiccoughing are . facetiously associated with excessive drinking. The local victims of the complaint are. however. all true sons of Temperance. One is an ex-legal luminary, another a leading light ill banking circles, and so on. It is understood that the banking ‘ magnate” was afflicted for four days, but the ex-dispenser of justice has not vet completely recovered, although he lias been a victim for almost a week. ihe complaint is said to hare- completely baffled some members of the medical fraternity. Hears were entertained in Wellington .for a period yesterday afternoon that Khe users of gas in .•Wellington would •M,,, seriously inconvenienced, and at one sVa <r e- it appeared probable that the supply would be cut off altogether tonight! One of the gangs ot stokers., employed at Miramar, owing to some filleted grievance, knocked oil work vitn little warning and came into town to consult the secretary of the union. He advised the men to-return to work, an cl thev did so after being absent for about four hours. During this interval the <-as pressure fell considerably, but it began to improve immediately work was resumed. —P.A. Admiral Sir Doveton Sturdee was presented by the Corporation of Lloyd s with a massive silver-gilt vase to commemorate his victory off the I all.,. <•[ have a great regard for my opponent Admiral Von Spee, said bir Doveton. "He was a German, he was an enemy, but he was a gentlenian and he spoke very nicely after the affair ot Coronel about our admiral and the British Navy. I think we ought to remember that, because we do not always think the Germans truthful. He gave me and our squadron a chance by coming to call the day after I arrived. He came at a very convenient fioui, because I had just about .finished dressing, and was able to give orders to raise steam at full speed and go clown and have a very good breakfast (Laughter.) The whole of Aon Spee s fleet, was sunk. It was decided at a recent meeting of the Orpheus Society to hold the annual concert on August 26 m. the Opel a House. The assisting soloists will be Mrs B. J Wildish, of Gisborne, and Mr Hubert Carter, of Auckland, who is a tenor of the liighest ability. Ihe programme will include the bong of Ji < " falgar.” a composition by Gerard J'. Cobbe. which occupied “most of the first portion of the programme. Ihe concert will be conducted by Air G. Crawshaw, who has consented to take. the position as conductor,' vacated, owing to pressure of business, by Mr M. L. Foster, who for many years has been a leading spirit in the society. Mr Crawshaw has bad a large experience in musical matters, having been associated with many societies of a similar nature in the South Island, and he has paid particular attention to the details of vocal music. No time is being lost in pushing on with the construction of the WairoaWnikokopu railway. There are at present 140 men employed, with moie to go on shortly. As most or all of these men, are working two horses with a scoop, it will be -seen that a great deal of stuff as being moved. Ihe Public Works Department is contemplating the erection of a small .wharf near the Whikokopu shed, at. which a 1 flu* material for the railway orti be landed practically on the job, the idea bein" to get the railway through to Waikokopu as soon as possible, as n luetl £ d ; n the'hiSest terms of the men Xthe job whom be describes as being amongst the best he has ever had.

Don’t hesitate n S°alaS if t y oS C nose and throat infectious influenza germa. There are three °l™S” Furniture. The first is to some other person’s; the second sto 1 ‘raise’ ’ the price; the come right along, to Loach & Fraser Gladstone Road, Artistic Furniture. Phone Hob. Winter nights have no terrors with a "UNIQUE” HOT WATER BOTTLE m the ifcd. Heavily vulcanised seams, nateM stopper cannot burst or leak. everywhere and branded neck of bottle.* Because your alarm clocks or watphes stop its not to say they are worm out. Have them repaired and overhauled y Grieve Jewellers’ expert workmen.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5537, 20 July 1920, Page 4

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Local and General. Gisborne Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5537, 20 July 1920, Page 4

Local and General. Gisborne Times, Volume LIII, Issue 5537, 20 July 1920, Page 4